C A Stranger Life (Closed w/ Alchemyst)

August bit his lip when Xander said he was going to go hang with his friends. He didn't have any problem with Xander's friends but Xander himself always seemed to be more rowdy and controlling after coming home from a day with them that it was just going to put August on edge all day. He just wanted one day of total peace and quiet. There were dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep and August was seriously starting to hate the way Xander left him high and dry with instructions to clean the house when he was so heavily pregnant with their children, especially when his partner could take a day off and at least help a bit. August groaned as he stood from his chair and made the rounds to clean up the dirty dishes. Afterwards, he looked to Kayla and Katheryn. "Would you two mind going to clean up your bathroom?" he asked kindly. "It may not be too messy but... If you can get it in tip top shape I'd appreciate it." He nodded to Katheryn. "I want to talk to you first Kat. Kayla, why don't you go ahead and get started? I'll come help in a bit after I finish up here."

Kayla obliged and headed upstairs. Katheryn was just about to follow until August had spoken. Groaning with reluctance, she got up and watched his every move as he made his way back towards her. "A-Am I in trouble?"

"No, no, you're not in trouble." He shook his head as he wiped down the kitchen table with a damp cloth. "I just wanted to know what was wrong." August looked over at her and frowned. "Why you asked if daddy was upset with me." He tossed the towel back into the sink and sighed. "You can talk to me Katheryn. I won't tell him, okay? It's just between us." August would usually bend down to her level but if he did he knew he wouldn't be able to get back up.

"Oh I didn't mean to...." her statement drifted off elsewhere as she paused, looking down with shame. As if asking such a question behind his back was a heinous crime. "I...It's just I'm so use to...Daddy getting mad at you I figured he was again and..It seemed like he was showing it differently..It kinda left me confused but really scare..Because you looked hurt. Like you weren't really enjoying it." she reluctantly looked up once she finished.

In his sleepy haze, August wasn't quite sure what she was talking about until it finally hit him. She'd been the one that had walked in on he and Xander the night before, not Kayla. He was really going to have to talk to Xander about where they chose to... get intimate. "Oh! Oh, no, Kat. We weren't angry at each other at all." Caving, August got down onto both knees before his daughter with effort. "That was something we should have done in private and I'm sorry you had to see that... It's not because he's mad, it's how he shows his love. And one day I'll explain it all to you and you'll understand." He smiled feebly and cupped her face with his hands. "Everything is a-ok, alright?" He tried to sound reassuring.

Katheryn had no choice but to take his word for it. Nodding simply, she sighed and bowed hr head. "Alright..I guess..." Before she got up to follow him upstairs, she added. "Also..If you didn't like how daddy was showing you love, it's okay to say so.." she said softly before walking past him.

August sighed heavily as he watched her go off. He wished he could explain to her just how things were but she was still too young and he didn't want her seeing how his and Xander's relationship was if he could avoid it. Pushing himself up to his feet, he slowly but surely made his way upstairs and began helping the girls clean. He didn't take too long to clean the bathroom and the rooms upstairs but before he knew it, August found himself downstairs and slouched against the couch tiredly, cleaning supplies tossed onto the coffee table in front of him as he eventually drifted off to sleep. He was so tired from the night before that it was easy to just sleep. The house was fairly clean but it was evident that he hadn't finished what he'd been doing earlier.

Xander returned merely hours later. Just as the sun was setting. His little gathering with his friends, turned to a beer or two and gambling. "Babe, I'm home!" he shouted from across the room, tossing his keys lazily to the side. "I was thinking maybe ordering something, not in the mood for leftove--" There was a sudden pause. His eyes averted to a spot in the living room. Slowly walking over, he smeared his finger across the shelf and examined his finger.
He hated dust.
And he hated imperfection. The smallest mistake was sure to tip him off.

August woke up once during the day to make lunch for the girls and then went back to slowly cleaning before he'd plopped into the couch once more and drifted off. He only woke again when Xander's voice could be heard from somewhere far off, but when August opened his eyes he was a bit startled to find Xander already there. There was still a heap of cleaning supplies on the coffee table that he'd yet to pick up. August rubbed at his eyes and stifled a yawn, sitting up a bit better on the couch. "Sorry, what was that?" he asked gently. "I can order something for us if you want..."

He stomped into the room, holding his dusty finger towards him. His breathing became more rapid and heavy, as rage was boiling inside of him beyond belief over something so petty. "What. Is. This?" he asked firmly. A frown smeared across his face.

August frowned as Xander approached him. He blinked a few times, still trying to get over sleep, and then bit his lip as he noticed the dust on Xander's finger. "I... Well, it's dust." He gestured quickly to the cleaning supplies on the table. "But I was cleaning! I just fell asleep, I guess..." He inched away a bit on the couch. "I was tired, I haven't slept at all."

"It's just dust." he scoffed, repeating his sentence in a mocking tone. "August you know fucking well how I feel about dust! It messes with my sinuses and eyes and the feeling and the sight of it is unpleasant! Yet what do you do? You think about yourself and decide to lounge around and not take care of the problem!! How hard is it, just to clean up? I ask you to just make sure the place is spick and span, is that too much to ask? huh?!" he was practically shouting at this point. And when it would escalate to shouting, it would always lead to something more.

"No, I wasn't! I promise!" August hoped the girls had their doors closed so they wouldn't be able to hear this but it was probably loud enough to be heard regardless of a closed door. "I just- this pregnancy is really hard and I-I just was tired-" His brows furrowed as he watched Xander warily. "I'll clean it up right now, it won't take but a minute."

"It'll take a minute yet you had all day to take care of it!" Just as he was picking up the cleaning appliances, he smacked it out of his hand, pushing him back onto the couch hard. "I'm sick and tired of your fucking excuses!" he shouted as he was practically in his face.

"It's not an excuse-" Sometkmes though August almost wished it was because he was starting to hate the restless nights he got and the lack of comfort Xander provided. It stressed him out too much and he was worried it would all Coke back to bite him in the ass. August winced as Xander basically yelled in his face, averting his gaze and trying his best not to let the tears flow. He didn't know what to say so instead he stayed quiet.

"I think..You want me to just lose my shit, August and I don't know why. I've been extremely patient with you but clearly you take my kindness as a joke." He hissed lowly, grabbing his arm as he pulled him up, his hand struck across his face.

August nearly lost his footing when he was pulled up by his arm from the couch and he barely managed to steady himself before the strike to his face followed. August's head spun and he whimpered quietly, the tears that had been brimming in his eyes now falling steadily down his cheeks. August tried to weakly pull his arm away from Xander. "I'll go clean," he insisted brokenly.

"And this time, it better be spick and span." he retorted firmly. Purposely knocking over a few books from the shelf, he walked away grumbling in frustration as he slammed the door shut.

August waited until Xander left before he steadied himself on his feet, either hand reaching up to tentatively feel where he'd been struck on his face. That might bruise... He hated bruises, people would always question him about it. He'd have to put an ice pack or something on it tonight, not until he finished cleaning though. It was difficult and long but eventually August managed to clean up the first floor of the house like he'd originally intended. He wasn't even sure he wanted to go upstairs to their bedroom where Xander was, so for the time being he busied himself with useless cleaning, continuing as such for some time followed by struggling as he made his way upstairs and into the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and began to strip, thinking a shower would do him good.

That night, Xander went to bed angry. However, he had a hard time falling asleep. Usually when these episodes happened, he would sleep downstairs on the couch, since--despite being a selfish nitwit, he had enough common sense to give August his space due to carrying twins. However, that didn't stop him from throwing little fits. Making a mess by throwing items out of anger, then leaving it in a wreck for his mate to clean the next day.

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