C Supernova (Closed w/ Lovebite)

"A superhero?" Beck laughed a little. He certainly didn't feel like any superhero in the predicament he was in now. He felt like some low class dirt poor mother who could only give birth in the back of an alley because a hospital was too expensive. If anything, Nori was probably the real superhero here. She'd helped him, built the ship, and had gotten him out of that mess not too long ago. He was nothing compared to Nori. Even with Nori's help, Beck had a hard time getting down onto the ground but when he was he swore he'd never be getting up again until these things were out of him. What worried him the most was that he didn't know how many eggs there were. They could be here for awhile. He didn't feel the need to push although the pain was becoming steady. Beck turned onto his side and rested his head on his arms he'd crossed on he floor, his heavy belly heaving as he tried to calm his breathing. "You know, I wish we knew how many we're having."

"Yes. A superhero."Nori nodded, rubbing Beck's back and pressing her thumbs into the spots she knew caused him the most discomfort, wanting to relieve some of the pressure there. She waited with him, patiently and quietly as she kept massaging his back,"Let's guess then."She replied,"I think it'll be a nice distraction."She said playfully, though only trying not to stress as she moved her other hand to rub at his belly,"I'm thinking five."

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Beck moved one hand to rest over Nori's on his abdomen, his body tensing up as what he could only assume was a contraction happened once more. He arched his back a little and sighed. "Five?" Beck smiled. "Five is... It's a lot." He was quiet for a moment. "One is normal for our women back on Earth. Sometimes two, but one baby is average." He looked up at Nori. "How are we ever going to take care of five of them?" It wasn't like he had a job and Nori didn't have one either. "Let's try for three," he teased gently.

Nori tilted her head when he told her five was a lot, looking at him and looking interested when he said that humans usually had one child each time, maybe even two. She watched him and shrugged,"I don't think I understand your question.,She smiled softly in reply,"What's the difference between two children and five?"She asked, then thought about it when he said three, smiling and nodding,"How about four."She offered, running the fingers of her free hand through his hair and still rubbing at his belly and back.

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"What's the difference between two kids and five?" Beck smiled wryly. "Three more mouths to feed." Maybe on this planet it wasn't so unusual to have a large amount of children, but five kids? Back home, that was something a couple would aim for over the course of a few years, and that was if they even wanted to. Kids were expensive and Beck would be lying if he said he wasn't worried about that aspect when it came to these eggs. "Four, yeah, we'll see." Beck pressed his face into his arms as another contraction seized his body, longer this time. The beginnings of a subtle sheen of sweat was evident on his full belly. "Where are we even going to go after this..?" he asked as he picked up his head once the contraction had finished. "We can't just keep the eggs here so..." He frowned. "Where did Tioni go?"

"Guess you are right."Nori replied, grabbing for a strip of gauze to wipe at the beads of sweat that collected on his skin, she knew his body was working to get the eggs delivered. Though it sort of seemed that his mind was in a different place than his own body, only being brought back by contractions. Nodding at what he said, moving around to sit behind him and rub at his back carefully yet firmly,"We'll try to finally leave the planet."She told him, stroking his hair away from his face when he lifted his head,"He went somewhere safe. I don't know where, I just hope he didn't crash it. We'll find a way to contact him soon."She ran a hand over his belly,"How are you feeling?"

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"God, if he crashed that thing..." Beck trailed off and shook his head. That wasn't something he wanted to think about right now but it was no doubt an important thing to worry about. They'd spent so long working on that ship that if it were to just have gone up in flames then they'd really be screwed, not to mention all their supplies were on board. Finding out where he was and if the ship was alright would probably be a good thing though, done sooner than later. Beck let his eyes fall shut once more and he groaned, either hand moving to rub at the tender skin where his belly hung the lowest, heavy and red and full of eggs. "Like shit," he laughed. "I'm gonna have to push soon... aren't I?" Beck tried to sit up a little better but ended up collapsing back against Nori. His body was too tired and had finally reached its breaking point. "So much for nesting."

"He hasn't. Tioni is one of the best pliots I know...but I guess that's not saying much, since he's paid to test ships and not as a fighter."She shrugged, giggling softly and kissing at his head,"He'll find us. He will."She said, stroking his hair gently away from his face,"What do you want me to leave you and go find him right now?"She asked with a crooked smile, tilting her head and watching his hands rub at the stretched, reddened skin of his belly,"Hasn't that become a normal thing for you lately?"She joked in reply, moving her own hands to rub at his belly, pressing her fingers in carefully to feel at the eggs gently. "Yeah. Pretty soon."She nodded, pulling away and catching him when he collapsed again,"Careful, Beck."She said and held him against herself, pouting slightly at that and sighing,"I'm sorry about that. I wish you could have been in a comfortable place to do this.... Is this okay, at least?"

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Beck was tempted to make a joke about how Tioni might have taken that ship for himself but he didn't want to jinx anything even if he knew Tioni wouldn't do that. Still, you couldn't help but wonder, right? He'd gotten out of there with the ship so easily that if he really wanted to take it then he could, especially with Beck in his state. He certainly wouldn't be giving chase or fighting anyone. "That'd be a bad idea," he snorted and shook his head. "Yeah, but this is the epitome of feeling like shit." The building wasn't really the nicest place around but in a situation like this Beck couldn't be picky. Those government aliens weren't after them and they'd found a relatively quiet place to do this even if it was a bit warm and dank and unsettling in here. "I'll make it work-" Beck was cut off by another contraction and this time he hissed loudly, back arching a bit and his mouth parted to give a strained "ahhh, fuck" at the pain. "Okay, okay... I-I'm gonna push-" The faster they got this over with, the better. It wasn't long before the next contraction came around, strong and agonizing as ever, but with it Beck beared down and pushed, moaning as he could feel the first egg make its way down the birth canal.

Nori wrapped her arms around his bloated form,"Come."She said gently as he hissed out with the pain, almost curious of what he would have said before the contraction cut him off,"Breathe, Beck. Breathe."She purred softly against his ear, wrapping her arms around his chest to hold him up, manuvering him into a squat,"Come on."She lead him,"You can do this."She held him, physically feeling the slow strain of his muscles as he beared down,"There you go."She murmured against his ear, kissing his cheek and jaw,"Keep going."She reached down to rub his belly and hold it up to help him as she waited for the first pop and splash of the egg when it squeezed out of the humans tight hole.

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Even with Nori's help, the strain from the weight in his front was too great to be comfortable in a squatting position, so Beck haphazardly dropped to his knees and splayed his hands out before him for support, trying to focus on his breathing alone as he instinctively spread his legs just a bit more apart to accommodate for the building pressure against his pelvis. Beck couldn't even reply to Nori's reassurances once the effort egg began to crown, and he cursed something under his breath as he continued to struggle to push the egg put; now that they were hardened, it made it that more difficult than if they were gel. It took some minutes before the egg made any progress but then, after an uncomfortable moment of pushing and pressure, the first egg came free, coming to a still on the ground under Beck. He used his arms to fully support his weight and dipped his head. "Ugh... one."

Nori let Beck slip from her grasp and onto his hands and knees, rubbing at his back and coming around to wrap her arms around his neck as she supported him. She stayed silent and focused while her fingers ran through his hair, supporting him against her chest and running her hands down. Rubbing his belly while it contracted, hanging low and resting between her legs as well,"There you go."She murmured against his ear, nuzzling him slightly and holding him as he beared down. Surprised when the first egg emerged, moving her foot away from the hot splash of fluids and tilting her head to look beneath him at where the bright orange egg laid now. "Look, look... Beck. You did so well, you can do it a few more times."She smiled softly and purred against his ear, rubbing his back again and kissing his head.

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Beck lifted his head go look towards the egg, his eyes roaming it curiously. It looked way too big to have been inside him along with however many others he had, but then again, maybe he didn't have that many more to go. And orange was such a random color, Beck would have laughed at it if he wasn't aching so badly. He rested most of his weight into his knees, grimacing at the pain on his hips. There was never s time where he'd be more grateful for a bed or something somewhat comfortable than now. "A few more times?" he said nearly out of breath from panting, his head now tipped to the side as he regained what composure he'd had before the birth. He used one hand to feel at his belly, groaning as it didn't feel any lighter or smaller than it had been. "I can't wait to not have this thing hanging from me and breaking my back," Beck joked tiredly, running a hand over his heavy abdomen.

Nori smiled some,"I know. It's strange."She agreed, after what he said of human ways of reproduction, Shangleshi's were unbelievably strange, though he had enough time to wrap his head around it. The female tilted her head, looking at him as he looked to be in a lot of pain, she wanted so badly to be able to go back home with him. She looked up and around themselves, it was dim and humid in the back room where they stayed, she frowned,"Are you sure you're okay here?"She asked, yes he had just laid his first egg but if he couldn't do this here then why not get him somewhere more comfortable so he wouldn't be so stressed out. She hoped she had did a good job in taking care of him while he gestated the eggs, she almost would miss this. "Yeah, just a few."She nodded, nuzzling the side of his head and holding his belly, smiling and kissing his head,"I know you can't."She replied and rubbed at his back,"Do you feel the next one?"

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"This is okay, yeah." Beck nodded. It wasn't the best place to be doing this but it beat being captured and potentially being forced to do this without Nori around. He'd take any musky building to lay these eggs if it meant he at least got to have Nori beside him. God only knows what they might have done with the eggs if the government here had actually managed to keep he and Nori subdued. "I think so... It might be a minute." He didn't feel the need to push just yet but it would come sure enough. Hopefully it came faster so he could get this done and over with. He looked up at Nori with a weak smile. "What's the date today..? This is like... their birthday." Which was weird to think about but it was true.

"Good."Nori sighed as she pressed her face to the side of his neck, holding Beck closely and stroking his face to wipe away the sweat of his brow,"Then just rest for now. Let me get up and check around."She told him, going to pull away carefully, gentle of him as she laid him down beside her and reached for the egg he had laid. Cupping it in her hands, it was large and well weighted, she could almost feel the movement inside,"Here, make sure to keep it warm."She told him, placing it down close beside him and folding her legs as she looked at him for a moment as he smiled,"Hm?"She tried smiling in return as she thought about it,"You really want to call today their birthday? Not the day they hatch?"She asked him and reached to rub his belly gently where it was the reddest, then down where the stretch marks were most concentrated,"It's..."She thought about the human's sense of time so he would know what she was saying,"September...fourth?"She wasn't sure of the year, he would know exactly, or they both would when they finally got off of the planet.

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Beck nudged the egg close to him when Nori placed it nearby, his eyes trailing over the thick shell of the ehh in wonder and awe, mostly at how he'd managed to even push such a thing out of him. It looked like it could crack at any moment yet it must've been somewhat malleable as it had made its way through the birth canal. Beck didn't think too much of it though and instead just made sure to try to keep the egg warm. "Well technically they were born today," Beck smiled feebly up at Nori and shrugged. "But either or works. I don't think it much matters to them." The birthday thought was just a way to get his mind off of what was happening at hand. Beck made a pained sound as the contractions went on; his body tensed up and he could feel his hips widening slightly to accommodate the next egg, clearly larger than the last. This one didn't take too long though, and Beck was kind of surprised at how fast it had moved into place. He pressed a hand flat against his belly and groaned. "Ahh... ahh, okay, this one-" He was forced to spread his legs somewhat. "This one's big- ow, ow, ow-"

Nori had stood up to her feet, moving further into the dark building where the light from the back door she had left open, she looped into the darkness. Arms crossed for a moment as she looked over the abandoned furniture of the old business, though soon noticing Beck's pained noises. Turning towards him again, coming back over quickly,"Come on. Get onto your knees again."She told him, hands going towards his waist to turn him over gently,"Keep breathing. It'll make it's way out somehow."She kissed his tight belly softly on the navel.

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The small motion of turning back over onto his knees had Beck pausing to recover, struggling to take easy breaths in with the weight still pressing against his insides. His gravid belly made contact with the ground under him, still slightly bulging from his sides as the eggs seemed to want to get out just as fast as Beck wanted them out. Beck kept his head hung and he focused on his breathing albeit that didn't help too much once the following egg began its descent. He could feel the way this one was larger than the first easy one, stretching him wide but seemingly stuck. His sweat slicked belly heaved as he tried to push the egg out and he groaned as it refused to budge. "Somehow? Nngh..." He leaned forward a little, abdomen pressed heavily to the floor. "Ungh, shit-" His moments break allowed the egg to slip back further into him and Beck moaned in frustration. "I can't get this one, Jesus-"

It was hard to find a suitable position with Beck not being able to rise up to his feet again, she held him so he wouldn't topple over,"You can do it."She murmured, when he seemingly had trouble focusing on his breathing, the eggs didn't need it but he sure did. She wouldn't know what to do if he passed out so far into labor as he was, he rubbed his back and ran her fingers through his hair,"Yes. Babies always find their way out of their parent, don't they?"She asked and held him as she held him then moved her hands to stroke his tight, heavy belly as he moaned,"No? Can you... What if I help you up?"She offered gently.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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