Gestating Love

Ryne shook his head. "Can't convince me this time. No matter what you do." He said as the babies started kick.

Kayla smiled as the baby's kicked " I love them so much..." She whispered teary eyes

Ryne noticed her tearing up. "They love you too. They want to meet you and the y can't wait." He said pulling her hand to his belly.

( skip ahead a bit)
Kayla smiled an rubbed rynes belly deeply


Ryne was reaching the eight month of his pregnancy and he was huge. The triplets kicked constantly. The only thing that calmed them down was the touch of their mother.

Kayla was laying beside Ryne she felt the children kick and rubbed Rynes rounded stomach " calm down let daddy rest.." She whispered sweetly

Ryne smiled as the babies did what Kayla said. "I wish they could listen to me for once. They'll never listen by this rate." He whined and pouted.

Kayla kissed Rynes pouty lip " they'll listen to you...I'm sure they will.."

Ryne smiled as he returned the kiss. He rubbed his belly as he got on top of Kayla, smiling knowingly as he pressed his belly against her flat one.

Kayla smiled and nibbled at Rynes neck

Rune moaned. He rubbed his belly against her flat stomach, the babies kicking wildly.

Kayla rubbed the side of rynes belly and smiled as she felt the triplets kick against her Kayla still keeps nibbling on her finances neck

Ryne moaned some more, feeling completely aroused. The babies kicked wildly and that was turning him on.

" I love you so much ryne..." Kyle whispered feeling rynes arousal she started to rub him through his boxers

Ryne moaned heavily. The babies continued to kick and that turned him on even more. He cummed, lacking control of himself. Ryne was blushing heavily.

Kayla smiled and kissed rynes cheek " your cute when you blush..."

Ryne blushed harder. "It's not my fault. Your babies are making me do it." He said pouting.

" my babies you mean out babies right? Kayla asked and kissed ryne all over playgully

Ryne smiled as he rubbed his large belly. When Kayla started to kiss his belly, he started to moan heavily, his belly very sensitive.

Kayla kissed all over his stomach " Ryne I love you so much..."

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