Closed Dragon's Clutch (Closed 018Luxio and Lovebite))
"Mary!"Parker called after his daughter as the little girl ran away from him in her pajamas,"Mary, daddy can't run after you."He huffed, running his fingers through his short dark hair and then rubbing the top of his distended middle,"Your baby brother makes it quite hard."He reached for her while pushing himself up to his feet, waddling after her with a small, tired smile, picking her up with a grunt and sitting her on his hip,"Markus?!"He glanced towards the door, but didn't hear a reply from his husband, he carried her back to her room to lay her down and kiss her head,"Stay here and try to sleep, okay?"He stroked her hair, then stood back up,"G'night."He cracked the door then headed towards and down the steps carefully,"Mark?!"He landed on the first floor, glancing around the house and huffing, grumbling in irritation as he waddled around the empty first floor. Then towards the back door, stepping out of it and looking towards the sky as his hands ran over his middle.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Aeron had been keeping an eye on the male for a few months now, watching as his abdomen grew larger and larger with the child he carried. Oh how he would love to have the human grow even bigger, rounder, with his own clutch. As the idea struck that seemed to be all it took. He made his move then, having no problem getting consent from the human. It wouldn't take long for his clutch to form, containing both live young and eggs. Probably around the same time that the humans child would be due. He would keep an eye on him until then, watching as he continued to grow larger.
Parker felt horrible, not only emotionally but physically, he never thought he would be the person to lead a double life, he loved his children and his husband. It was just that the guy from the sky was so... He didn't know. Maybe it was just something to get back at Markus for...but did he really deserve to be cheated on? He was carrying his children for christsake, the young man sat outside on a bench as their daughter played on the swing of the tree. Hands traveling the expanse of his belly, knowing that there was a child inside of him, maybe even two. He wondered how he and his husband would support this many kids, and how fertile he had become. His back ached and his belly was red and taut with the size he had grown to, he looked up at the cloudy sky then back at the house,"Mark?!"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Aeron watches from not too far away as Markus comes out to tend to his very pregnant husband. Letting his gaze land on the two males for a second he then let's his gaze travel to the little girl who was swinging happily, giggling as she did.
Parker smiled at Aeron when he came to him, reaching up to bring him closer for a kiss,"Are you done with lunch? I was thinking after, I'll take Mary to go swim in the lake with her friends."He said and bit his lip,"Since you'll be working and all. I get a bit stirr crazy being here all the damn time."He sighed, rubbing his belly again, it sometimes hurt to walk but at least they would be getting out of the house. The young man looked up at Mary as she kept playing, having a grand time by herself. He tried to imagine her siblings and how they would play together, grimacing slightly as he felt a tight twinge in his back. He almost lost track of time and how long he had been carrying their child, was that a labor pain or just another cramp of day to day life with how large he was.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Markus nods. "I think she would enjoy that, but I would hope you'd be back before nightfall." He lightly kisses Parker back before he goes to start on his days work. Around noon and after a quick lunch Parker and Mary headed off toward the lake where the child quickly became engrossed in many games with her friends
"Of course."He nodded in reply after what his husband had told him, smiling even more and kissing him again, letting him go now. Soon taking Mary out to the lake to meet her friends so they could play together, him sitting on the sideline beside a bolder to watch them safely. He pressed a hand into his back and grimaced slightly as he felt another pain, he looked slightly confused but understanding now. This was labor pains...he looked towards the lakeshore where the children were playing in the sand.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
He couldn't just up and leave the children there unattended but as the pains became closer together after nearly an hour he wasn't so sure that he could stay here either.
He huffed, managing to make it back onto his feet to pace the shore of the lake, watching the children and then watching the sky. Not wanting to draw his daughters play time short, but these pains were getting to actually hurt,"Mary?!"He called,"Mary, it's almost time to head home!"He told her, turning to waddle over to where the girls were now collecting different rocks from the shore. Grimacing as he collapsed into the sand with a low groan, rubbing his belly and closing his eyes slightly.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Aeron had once again been watching them, him slipping quietly from the trees before making his way over to Mary and the girls as they crowded around Parker. As Aeron approaches he ushers the girls out of the way before kneeling down beside Parker. "How far apart are they?"
Parker truthfully didn't know, brows furrowed as he thought about it for a moment,"Five... Ten minutes? I don't know."He replied, he knew that this was the man who he had intercourse with a few months ago, he was handsome, yes. Though he didn't exactly feel for him the same way he did Markus, the man before him really was just a mistake, but he was glad that he was here. "Get the get the girls home."He told him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Aeron looks around at Mary and the girls before nodding and helping Parker up slowly before looking at the girls. "Come on, let's get you girls home" He drapes Parkers arm over his shoulder before they start toward the village.
Parker stayed quiet, taking a hold of Mary's hand as she grabbed his and he closed his eyes slightly with a small smile, not wanting the children to worry. "Did you have a good time?"He asked her and she nodded slightly, looking to her friends then the stranger who was carrying her father,"What's your name?"She asked him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Aeron glances over at the child "Aeron." They slowly continue on down the path, the other girls following behind. As they would pass their homes they would wave goodbye before running inside.
Mary giggled some,"That's a funny name."She said and Parker shushed her as he waddled along side the other male who was holding him up carefully,"Mary, that's not nice."He said and she bit her lip with another small giggle, waving at her friends as they left and she pouted a bit,"Is the baby coming? That's why we have to go home so early?"She asked, he stroked her long dark hair and nodded,"Yes, your sibling wants to come soon. Daddy needs to be home when that happens."He said, grimacing slightly at another pain.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
They continue to make their way down the road, eventually making it to Parkers home. Mary ran ahead before calling for Markus only for him to be gone, still at work.
Parker took a slow seat when they made it back home, thanking the other man softly and holding his belly with a soft sound,"Mary, are you hungry?"He asked her and she ran back into the room, seemingly more worried about finding her other father than anything else. Even him, as he labored, though he knew that children were self centered so he didn't take it that personally.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Papa isn't here, he's supposed to be here" Aeron looks between Parker and Mary for a moment before kneeling down infront of the child before she could become any more frantic. "Your papa has plenty of time to get here, we have a pretty long wait ahead of us."
"He'll be here soon, sweetie. But, wouldn't you want to be the first person to hold your baby brother or sister?"He asked her with a small smile, he didn't want to worry her, it seemed he cared more for her than himself even. "Wanna sit with Daddy?"He asked her, sitting up slightly and grimacing as he panted softly through another contraction, gritting his teeth until his face was red.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Mary looks at them both for a moment before moving to hop up into Parkers lap as they began the waiting game, both for the labor to progress and to see if Markus would even show up.

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