Closed College lovers (closed with bhdire8)
Cody was in front of the college's gates, waiting for his boyfriend to arrive. While waiting, he looked around ans saw his reflection on the mirror near him. He was an average height 19 years old boy, with a fair skin, a strong jawline, blonde hair and green eyes. He used to have a tonned body, but that was many months ago, before his boyfriend had gotten him pregnant, with twins babies. Now, almost nine months later, Cody's belly was a huge orb. As the minutes passed, some friends of him arrived and would pat or rub his belly. He sighed, wondering where would his boyfriend be.
Tristan is the 19-year-old quarterback of the college.  He and Cody had been together for more than 2 years now.  He has raven hair and blue eyes, with tanned skin that hightlights his sharp features.  It's getting cold outside being December, everyone seemed to be eager getting back home that traffic is real bad.  Tristan had been struggling through the roads, knowing he had been late.  He can't help with the smile creeping up when he thought of his lovely Cody and their soon to be born children.  Though the children had been a surprise, he knew that he and Cody are made to be together since day one.  

He glanced at his watch as he turned to enter the parking lot, cursing silently when realising he had been 20 minutes late. Thinking his heavily pregnant boyfriend must have been waiting in this weather for so long made him feel guilty.  He immediately found Cody's form in front of the gate and quickly got out of the car to meet with him for the class.
(i was thinking that it was time of they going to college, but if you prefer, it can be the time of going to their houses and i will change this)

"Hello sweetie, how was your day?" Cody asked, kissing his boyfriend's mouth, even though it was a bit hard because of his own belly. He felt the babies kicking him and smiled "It seems that our little boys are very active today. That's good, they won't let me sleep on history class" he laughed and placed Tristan's hand on his belly, so his boyfriend could feel the kicks "They are kicking so much I think they want to be soccer players" he said. "Now, lets go, we are going to be late to the first class" he walked inside the school, holding Tristan hand, and went to the English class, one of his favorite classes, right after music class and theater classes
(Sure let them go to class together.... i have changed a bit. Sorry for misunderstanding!)

Cody's warm smile always manage to sooth Tristan of any worries, he is constantly thankful that his boyfriend is such a nice soul.  He raised their lingering hands and softly kissed his boyfriends hand as a return greeting and said "honey I'm so sorry for being late.  Traffic is just madness.  Here let me take your bag, you are burdened enough by our active little guys in there!" Tristan affectionately pat on Cody's belly, taking over the bag from his boyfriend's shoulder. "Come on we might have to walk a little bit faster, i know how much you enjoy this class and don't want to miss any minute of it."
(sure, no problem. Thank you a lot)

"it's okay, honey, i totally understand" Cody said and messed his boyfriend's raven hair. He smiled when his loved one took his bag "Thank you, darling, you are such a gentleman". He appreciated the small gestures of love that Tristan would do for him, that would always make him glad. In return, Cody tried to be the best boyfriend he could be. That's why, while they walked to the English class, he decided to tell Tristan the news "Honey... Today my contractions are getting closer. I think the babies might come until the end of this week" he said with a soft smile and watched his boyfriend's reaction.
Tristan froze at this statement and took a split second to process, then a huge grin uncontrollably spread on his face.  "Oh my god Cody is it true? That our 2 angels would arrive this soon? Gosh I am so excited!" He hugs his boyfriend tightly and exclaimed, feeling Cody smile into his arms.  It comes as a second thought that Cody is in more frequent contractions and immediately released him "are you feeling alright now then?  Are you in pain? Will you fbe able to go through class today? Or do we need to get to the nurse.... or the hospital now?"  He anxiously asked and suddenly became unsure of whether they should be stepping inside the classroom now.
Cody laughed, emotioned by his boyfriend's cute reaction "Of corse i'm serious you silly pie" he said, caressing his loved one's face. He also smiled as he saw how worried Tristan was with his health "No, i'm okay, sweetie, i'm not in pain right now. And i'm sure i'll be able to go to school eveyday until the day our little angels decide to come out" he said with a smile. However, little did they know that it was starting to snow really hard out there.
Hearing the reassurance of Cody doesn't really cleae all of Tristan's worry, but he had kept his anxiousness in hold not wanting to overreact.  "Just tell me whenever your feelings change....Alright let's go to class!" He took Cody's hand and led the way into the classroom like a knight clearing the road for his king, which to an extend isn't that far from the truth.

Class after class had past in relative peace, with Tristan occassionally shooting a careful eye towards his boyfriend, especially when Cody put his hand on his belly or so much as  frown, but it is always replied by a silent "i am fine" smile, sometimes together with an exasperated eyeroll. Quickly it is lunch time and they went out of the classroom, finally spotting the huge snow outside.
"Wow, that's a lot of snow out there" Cody said, admired "I just hope we won't be snowed in, that would be terrible" he said, laughing nervously. He rubbed his belly as he walked to the cafeteria to the refectory. There, he started to put food on his plate, followed by Tristan, and sat on their table, with his other friends. Soon he started to eat, enjoying the taste of the food.
In between food and the usual merry banter among the group of friends, Tristan found Cody eating more than before.  It is almost an everyday event for Cody to complain about the babies pushing into his stomach and making him retch, especially in the last couple of months, so it is a relief to see Cody finally bring able to eat more food to keep up with his strength. He thought this might be because of the babies moving lower, freeing up some space within.  He also noticed Cody trying to stretch his back several times, seemingly suffering from a soreness at the back muscles.

Tristan pressed his warm palm onto Cody's back and started massaging gently, "Sweetie are you feeling ok?  Is your back bothering you... more so than before?"
(sorry for the late, i was a bit sick)

Cody smiled at his boyfriend "Be calm, honey, i'm feeling great. My back is not hurting at all. I wonder if...OUCH" he said as he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his belly. The contractions were getting closer and closer everytime, but he was being able to deal with them, even though he would sometimes moan and groan when the pain got too strong. He rubbed his belly as he waited for the contractions to stop, breathing slowly in and out
(Dont worry about it, are u getting better now?)

If it had only be anxiousness before, Tristan is definitely alarmed by this first clear sign of pain.  "Honey are you ok? What's wrong? Is it the babies bothering you? Oh gosh what should i do? What do you want me to do? "  He almost panicked and started babbling, creating a little fuss at their corner.  The other passing students started eyeing curiously at them.
(yes, getting a bit better)

"Keep calm, Tristan, just breathe in and out, together with me" Cody said as he place his boyfriend's hands on his belly, so he could feel the babies kicking "They are not coming yet, just relax and feel them." he smiled sweetly at his beloved one, but he knew the babies were getting close. As to distract Tristan, he said "Hey, honey, our next class is physical education, right?" he was about to stand up when, suddenly, he felt a stronger pressure on his birth canal, which made him yelp. And then, suddenly, he felt a gush of water running down his legs: His water had just broken
(Good to hear that.  Where do u want the birth to go on?)

Seeing the wet trail slowly appearing on the pants had officially driven Tristan to panic mode. "Omg is it your water just broke?! Are they coming now!?! What should we do? Oh my god i... i didnt expect them to come this fast! Ok... ok calm down lets get you to the hospital now!  Can you walk?"

Tristan got his hands up his hair trying not to hyperventilate, within a few deep breathes he managed to hold the panic down a little and come into his sense again.  He asked, albeit still a bit shaky, "Cody, love, now let's get to the car.  Can you stand up?" Putting an arm around Cody's waist, Tristan try to guide his boyfriend to slowly stand straight and help him out of the seat.  His other hand supported gently below his belly to relieve some pressure.  He is almost half carrying the smaller boy.  Under his palm he could feel the originally hard and constricting muscles gradually loosening up indicating this contraction is going away.
(Well, i would prefer it to happen on one of their houses or on the school, if that's okay by you)

Cody breathed in and out, now feeling nervous, because he had realized their babies were coming "Okay, my angel, keep calm, i'm going to be just fine, okay?" he said, trying to keep his loved one calm. "Honey, i think there is too much snow for you to drive me. I... I think that we might have to do it here, at school" he said that while caressing Tristan's hair.
(I prefer doing it at home really, is it ok?)

"At school…? Do we... does the clinic even got the right equipment to do that? Please baby, i want the best for you and our angels." I feeljng hjd boyfriend's effort at calming him, Tristan loosened a bit and is able to stay calmer. He smoothed the gold locks and placed a soft kiss on Cody's forehead.
(Sure, it's okay)

"I don't know, i'm not sure" Cody replied, noticing other students looking at them "I guess... The hospital is too far away from here, and it's snowing really hard ou there... But maybe we could have them in your house, it's quite near from here" he said, remembering that his own house was even closer, but his dad had kicked him out of the house when Cody told him he was pregnant "Yeah, i think it would be much better in your house."

(How Tristan's family reacted when he told them he was going to be a father?)
(Maybe Tristan would have rich but ignorant parents who didnt care about grandkids or not?)

"Well my home... my parents arent there, they are on business trips as usual. Are you sure you prefer my home?" Tristan still got his worries but he knew at this time Cody is the boss. " if you are really sure let's get out  ermm my home may or may not have some supplies available...." the last bit come out as a whisper as he is too embarrassed to admit he had done some research himself on childbirth prior to this.
Cody just smiled and hugged his boyfriend "Oh, that is so cute, Tristan, i love how you are such a great father even before our babies are born" he smiled. He really loved his boyfriend and was glad to know that they migh have some supplies on his house. He frowned when another contraction came "I think we should probably go now, the contractions are getting more intense"
Tristan blushed a bit knowing his boyfriend had realised his little secret, but his smile wiped all of his embarrassment away.  Knowing they need to act quick before the snow pile up even higher, he half carried Cody out of the door and rush to the car, frowning even more as he felt Cody's suppressed moan during the walk.  Could it be his contractions are already this close together in a matter of hours?

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