C Supernova (Closed w/ Lovebite)

"I don't know," he said and shook his head. Not all babies found their way out but he was pretty sure those stories were kept under wraps for a reason. He had no doubt he could get this egg out, but it was just being more stubborn than the first. He hoped the others weren't like this one but at this rate he wasn't so sure they were as small as the first either. "To stand?" he asked breathlessly. It wasn't a bad idea but he didn't know how long he'd be able to stay on his feet either. Beck nodded and moved his legs forward, holding the underside of his swollen middle with one hand as he tried to gather the energy to stand, the second egg still pushing slightly at his entrance.

"Well, eggs do."Nori told him simply, she refused to have him worrying in any way, it was bad for him and the eggs,"Now, yes. Let's get up."She told him, she wasn't going to let him procrastinate, they needed to get the eggs out of him. The sooner, the better. "Hold onto this."She lead his free hand towards a solid piece of furniture,"Just squat if that's easier."She offered as well, knowing that he was heavy and tired and the egg was just brimming to be laid. The female moved the already laid egg into the small circle of clothing she had made as a nest earlier.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Beck wasn't sure how long he'd be able to hold onto the furniture, but then again this standing position felt much more comfortable than having to struggle sitting half curled in on himself on the floor. "This is fine," Beck said gruffly. He didn't really want to pull himself up from a squat with how many more eggs he had to go, but this would work well. The only thing he needed was for the egg to come out. "Remind me to not do this again," he laughed breathlessly, but there wasn't much time for relief as Beck felt the urge to push again. He beared down, willing to get the next egg out despite its persistence to do otherwise; Beck's legs trembled as he continued to push, beads of sweat trailing down the sides of his heaving belly. He wasn't sure how much longer her pushed for but by some miracle the second oblong-ish egg came free and tumbled to the ground gently. Beck grit his teeth and groaned. "Ahh... I want that to be the last so badly."

Nori soon came back towards him after placing down the first egg, rubbing the humans back and sides slowly,"Some positions are just not good for this."She said gently and pressed her knuckles gently into his back to help the cramps coursing through him. The female chuckled and kissed along his back softly, wanting to let him know that she was with him and not going anywhere,"Tell me all about how it was to carry our eggs once you've laid them and we're far away from this place."She smiled softly in reply, wanting to help him stay upright but not wanting to change any of his dynamic as he balanced himself with the help of the metal shelf. The alien looked down to watch as the egg could almost be seen beneath his skin, a well sized bulge moving slowly downwards towards his anus. "There... You have it. Come on."She urged, quickly catching the large egg to keep it from rolling away,"Wonderful."She said softly and moved to place the egg with it's sibling,"I know you do. I'm sure you're almost done."She said,"The first few are always the hardest."She came back, not wanting to move him but wanting to do something to help him be at least a little more comfortable.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Beck ran his tongue over his teeth after the next egg had finally pushed itself out from his body. He sighed heavily, reaching down to tentatively feel at his abdomen which didn't feel as full as before, a relieving sign that he was slowly but surely getting this done and over with. "If we get far away from this place," Beck laughed sheepishly, taking a small break between the time he'd pushed the previous egg out and the budding contractions readying his body for the next. "It's a little disconcerting not knowing how many I've got to go," he said nearly breathlessly. He rested his forehead against the cool metal of the shelf, his body heaving as he tried to catch his breath. Suddenly he felt like this was worse than the normal pregnancies back on earth. Beck shut his eyes as he felt they plowing egg begin its descent; this one didn't feel as large as the last two which he was grateful for, and his body seemed to do all of the work, the egg coming out freely with only a few minor pushes.

"We will, Be-ck. We will."She assured him with her own small smile, reaching around him to press her fingers gently into his bloated mound,"After this one...maybe two."She said then ran her hands back around to rub at his back, applying a bit of pressure to relieve whatever cramps may be,"There you go."She murmured,"See."Her hands moved downwards to rub around the crowning egg before it popped out of him next with a release of fluids,"Don't worry about how big you are now. It's usually just waterweight."She said simply and went to place the third egg with it's siblings.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Do you guys have large families?" Beck asked offhandedly, lifting his head and staring at the wall as he tried to keep his focus on something other than the contractions that were still strong. If he could fall asleep right now, he probably would. "How many eggs are we guessing..? Six, five..? Your kind can have six children at once but that would normally take, uh..." Beck paused and grit his teeth as he felt the next egg descend, and he could feel it seemingly get stuck for a second before slowly continuing along its path again. "It would take six pregnancies with our kind." He smiled tiredly and ran a hand through his hair, his top half mostly resting on his forearms as he stood a bit straighter. "Water weight." Beck nodded. "Yeah..."

"No."She shook her head, looking up at him as he looked away from her and she resumed rubbing his back firmly,"We could guess the amount, but sometimes the eggs don't even hatch."She said like it wasn't that much of a deal, she was used to the thought,"The bigger, heavier ones usually contain offspring while the...smaller, lighter ones are...duds."She looked towards the three eggs he had laid already, then back at him as she ran her hand down to rub the space above his buttox where she could slightly see the bulge of the egg descending again. "I was the only one of three eggs to hatch... I think Tioni was born with three other siblings out of the original seven eggs."She shrugged slightly and cupped the tip of the egg as it made it's apperance slowly but surely, rubbing gently. Not telling him what to do since he's gone so far just listening to his own instincts. "Hopefully."She added after they had exchanged the waterweight idea between each other, holding his hip with one hand and helping him spread so the egg could emerge,"This one's big."She mentioned as she cupped it while it seemed to grow larger and larger.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Oh... Huh." He supposed that made sense even though it was a tad frustrating. If that was the case, he wished he would've only had to carry the eggs he knew were going to hath to term and not the smaller ones. That made him wonder just how many of the ones he was birthing would actually turn out to be babies. When Nori mentioned the next egg, Beck groaned and nodded. "Yeah, I can feel it-" It almost felt as large as the first egg he'd birthed, and he repositioned his body a little so that it might be easier for the egg to come out, although it didn't seem like much of anything helped. It was simply a matter of luck of his ability to push, the latter of which he was running out of quickly with each egg, him growing more tired every time. Beck struggled fruitlessly to push the next egg out, but with every break he took the thing would slide back inside of him slightly. "Nngh... this one-" He stopped mid-sentence as he felt what was hopefully the last egg descend right behind this larger one. Beck whimpered softly and shut his eyes as he tried to push the bigger egg out first with what energy he still had left. 

The alien sat back as Beck pushed again, she frowned slightly with her lips pressed into a thin line for a long moment as she watched him struggle. Then moved to stand up,"New position."She told him, reaching to take his arms and help him"I'm sure that'll help-"She began, though noticed how exhausted he was, he had already laid about three well sized eggs already and that was on top of the situation they had to deal with earlier. "Hold on." She told him, grabbing onto his arms and letting him lean back into her chest as she kneeled behind him," Just breathe for now. Don't push, it'll only make you more tired."She ran her hands down and supported his low sagging belly, rubbing it slowly with both hands.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Beck worked with Nori to get into the new position, his face tinted red and his hair plastered to his forehead as beads of sweat trailed down his temples and rolled over his cheeks. He knew this would be difficult but he didn't think it would be this difficult. Beck nodded and closed his eyes, sighing as he tried to catch his breath. "I'm really craving a cold shower and a sixteen hour nap right now," he groaned softly, turning slightly to press his face into Nori's shoulder. He could feel the eggs still trying to make their descent down, although not pushing wasn't stopping them so Beck supposed he could take a break for a moment. "I don't know if I'd wish this on my worst enemy," he laughed tiredly.

Nori wiped Beck's face free of sweat with the back of her hands, then ran her fingers through his hair to push it away from his face. She kissed over his face and closing her eyes as she held him against her chest, kneeling with him in her arms as he suffered through contractions. "I know."She nodded in agreement,"I want one too."She smiled softly and nuzzled him, purring quietly as her hands rubbed over his back and she felt the bulges of the two eggs. "I think this is it."She mentioned,"Only two more."She said, then went silent, listening to him as he said that and nodding in agreement, moving her hands to rub over his belly. "They saved your life at least...and now you're returning the favor."She smiled again.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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