Closed Oppressive Seas (Closed w/ Lovebite)
"Ah... I'm not sure." Fenris licked his lips and ripped his head, considering. "Do people really pay a lot of money for offspring?" he asked curiously, looking down towards Darren and placing his smaller hand over that of the dragon's. "So we could get rich off of me just having kids over and over and over again for families who would take them?" In theory it sounded a bit ridiculous but Fenris wouldn't lie when he said that money was great, and being raised from a poor family, the thought of just being paid to have children wasn't the worst thing in the world. If he was going to be raising Darren's and his already, why not make more income on the side? Fenris smiled a little and shifted on the bed, wincing as the eggs felt as if they were putting too much pressure on his hips. "If I'm just gonna be holed up with Henry raising these-" Fenris poked at the side of his belly lightly for emphasis. "-maybe it would be in our favor to look at, um... being a surrogate. Extra money, right?"
"Not sure...?"He teased and kissed over the others lower belly where it was the most pink, then tilted his head back to look up at him when he asked that. "Depends on the species."He replied, watching as his hand was placed on top and leant up to kiss his fingers softly,"Yes we could."He nodded, closing his eyes and leaning against his leg again for a moment before the human flinched, he lifted himself up on his arm,"Sorry. Are you okay?"He asked and rubbed his belly with his thumb,"About Henry...he'll be with you too when you guys are away from here, and I know that you have your...needs."He kissed his belly above the navel, then met his eyes again,"So you have my permission know-"He wiggled his eyebrows slightly and leant up to kiss his lips now, letting their noses touch slightly and nuzzle him,"That's what I was thinking in the first place."He replied and pulled away, sitting back on his elbow,"Glad to know that you'll be okay with it though."He smiled at him.
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"Oh yeah? What's the most rare?" Fenris snorted. "Obviously that's the one we have to go after." The human nodded, shrugging his shoulders slightly as he got comfortable once more. "You're alright, just an awkward position was all." Fenris continued to listen to Darren speak and his face flushed at the mention of having permission to fill his needs. "What, with Henry?" he nearly choked. "Or with the person you're giving us to? Henry's a good friend, I'm not sure I could... do that with him." Honestly, he could hold back his hormones if need be; it was simply easier to have them appeased than fight them. Fenris kissed Darren back, giving chase a bit afterwards and smiling stupidly at the final observation. "Oh? Well, I'm glad it's mutual." Fenris rests his free hand atop his abdomen, fingers drumming against his tight skin. "Although I don't really know much about the process of, um, surrogacy or just casual child bearing."
Darren thought about it as his head rested on his hand and he watched Fenris for a moment as their hands rested on his belly,"I think shifters are... Like changelings and species like that."He said and chuckled when the human said that, nodding and grinning slightly,"I like the way you think."He replied and looked up at him, running a hand through his hair and nodding,"Yeah, with Henry."He said, laughing softly when he choked at the mention,"What? Is the thought of it that bad? I thought you liked him."He stuck out his tongue slightly and leant his head back as he laid down against the others leg,"I know you aren't used to carrier rules, but carriers can't reproduce with each other, so why not get busy together then with my good friend?"He asked him, letting him have another kiss when he chased and rubbing his middle some more with a smirk,"Well that's technically what's happening now."He mentioned,"Unless you think that...we're something more than that."He leant up into him again.
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"It only makes sense to get the most out of it, right?" Fenris grinned cheekily. Maybe he was making this a bit out of his league but if he was going to have to carry around some shifters for however long, they might as well make the most out of it. "I do like him, as my friend. I don't think he's ever seen me as a... As someone to do that sort of thing with. I wouldn't want to push him into it either." Fenris raised a brow. "If I really need something I'm sure I'll be able to find a way to get myself off, or ask your friend." Fenris bit his lip nervously as he pulled away from the kiss, brows furrowed as he struggled for words. "I'm not just a casual carrier to you, am I?" He made a face and put his hands up sheepishly in an unsure manner. "I think we're more than casual at least." Darren wanted him to have his children. If that wasn't enoughof an  example for something beyond casual then Fenris didn't know what would be. 
Darren nodded in agreement as he returned the smile slightly and sighed as he laid down with a small yawn,"Of course. I'm just saying is all."He replied simply and frowned slightly at the mention of getting his friend to get him off, not exactly sure he would like that,"Well, I offered Henry because I don't really like the thought of Erik touching you in that way. I agreed to have him treat you only as a carrier and nothing else. No breeding, only punishment if necessary."He looked confused when the other pulled away from the kiss, tilting his head and sighing as he added,"That's why I'm telling you to tone down your...just being you for the time being when you're staying at his home. He's doing us both a favor and I'd rather he like the both of you then hate you."He reached up with his hand after pulling it away from Fenris's hand to touch his cheek with his knuckle,"Of course I see us as something more. I'm only joking."He laughed softly, leaning up and kissing him again, wrapping his arms around him as he sat up and pulled him onto his lap gently,"You're my human and this is our offspring. It's sort of like a family, wouldn't you think?"
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"I know," Fenris smiled widely, "I was kidding. But you told him no breeding? Is he the kind of person to... do that, while you're away? Should I be cautious?" Fenris knew he'd be able to save his own hide if need be but the fact that Darren said he even had to explain a no breeding rule made Fenris wary. "I don't think he'll hate us. At least I hope he won't hate us." Fenris imagined he probably wouldn't be doing much in the next coming weeks save for getting ready for the birth. "Mhm, I see. Tease." Fenris returned the kiss more feverishly this time, settling comfortably against Darren and offering a sound that much resembled a contented purr. "It is, yes." He nodded slowly, reaching down to run a finger across the underside of his heavily swollen belly, shivering at the sensitivity. "So, when are we supposed to see this Erik? I'm gonna fall back asleep soon if I don't get up and moving."
Darren rolled his eyes as he saw Fenris smiling playfully at him, nodding when he asked that,"I did."He replied, then thought about the question before shaking his head,"No. He's a good man. Just has a bad temper."He replied, kissing over the humans chest then his neck as he settled in his lap,"Hopefully."He smiled and chuckled softly, nuzzling him some more,"Just stick with Henry and you'll be fine. There's safety in numbers. Especially with someone like you, I'd want to be on your side of a fight."He mentioned playfully himself, then kissed him back just as passionately with his eyes shut and hands wrapping around to cradle his low belly,"When we dock in a few hours."He replied,"You rest. I'll go gather Henry."He said, moving to place him on the bed beside him and pull up the covers over his legs.
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"A temper? I hope you told him to go easy on any punishments, if he should dish out any at all." Fenris snorted and crossed his arms over his chest. "I'll be screwed if I can't get away with the raging hormones excuse if I 'act out' or something." He made an exaggerated gesture of air quotes and relaxed back on the bed, humming softly when he was moved and the covers were drawn up. He pulled the blankets a bit further over top of him so that the soft material was resting against the swell of his middle, threatening to fall off at any moment. "I'm glad," he said teasingly, "I think I'm a pretty good fighter." Fenris eased back into the bed and turned over onto his side, either hand rubbing gentle circles into the stretched pink skin of his belly as he eventually drifted off to sleep. 

It was some hours later that Fenris awoke, and like always he was dreary and lethargic, but he knew once he got to moving it wouldn't be so bad. Begrudgingly, Fenris forced himself out of bed and made his way over to where his clothes were; they were all folded nearly in a small trunk and he rifled through a few of them before he pulled out something comfortable - a frilly looking red shirt that barely fit save for a sliver of skin from Fenris' belly at the bottom (it looked a bit too innocent to him, but apparently it was something many carriers wore) and some kind of pants that were easy and soft enough that they rode his hips, unable to stay up even when tied. He'd grown larger than what they were meant for but they were by far the most comfortable pants he had. He slipped into some everyday shoes and meandered outside, taking a coat with him and tugging it around his shoulders, knowing well that it wouldn't close in the front but wearing it because of its warmth. 

Fenris waddled his way out onto the deck, either hand supporting the underside of his belly as he shuffled along. He could see land close by, so he made his way around in search of either Darren or Henry. 
Henry caught up with Fenris on the deck, their small amount of things sat beside barrels of spices and other goods the crew were to sell on the dock. He looked slightly distraught when he reached for the humans arm to turn him around and face him,"Why are we going? Did something happen?"He asked quickly, he always was one to assume the worst,"Does he not want either of us any more?"He looked red in the eyes from worry, he didn't think it was too much of a far fetched idea to gather,"He didn't tell me a lot."He looked to where his hand was grasping onto the other carrier and quickly let go with a quiet apology. Biting into his lower lip until he tasted blood and glancing around nervously as the shore approached, his heart was thudding. It was the same way he was when his first owner mentioned selling him and he was just as anxious as then, meeting Fenris's eyes again for any hopeful news.
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Fenris smiled in greeting to Henry when the other carrier came around but his expression quickly changed to one of confusion and worry as he listened to the elf speak. "What?" he asked hesitantly, shaking his head at the questions. "No, no, nothing like that." Fenris reached forward to take Henry's hand, lacing their fingers together gently and hoping that it might help calm him to some degree. "I guess Darren and the crew are going on some expedition but he doesn't want to risk taking us with them, so he's going to let us stay with a friend of his for awhile." Fenris squeezed Henry's hand a little. "Honestly I'm kind of happy. Being on this water all the time makes me so sick it'll be nice to be on solid land." The human tipped his head slightly, studying Henry closely. "Don't worry. He's not selling us."
Henry exhaled heavily as he then smiled as he squeezed Fenris's hand when their fingers intertwined, he nodded and leant in to hug the human,"Okay. That's good."He nodded and pulled away,"I was worried."He murmured, licking his lips and looking down at the other for a moment,"Yeah. I think a change will be nice too."He agreed, looking towards the land as they approached it and the crew moved around them to ready the anchors and ropes. "What about the eggs? You're almost due."He looked towards him again,"Isn't the captain worried he'll miss you laying? Aren't you worried?"
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"Trust me, if he were selling us off I would've come to you for an escape plan." Fenris joked lightly and nudged Henry with his shoulder. His gaze shifted towards the land and he narrowed his eyes as if studying the buildings and homes beyond. Hopefully this Erik had a decent place and not some run down old shack somewhere. Fenris bit the inside of his cheek and nodded, his other hand moving to tug the shirt he wore down, the stretchy material unable to accommodate all of his belly. "He's certain he'll miss it but he said he'd try to make it. I'm not so sure he'd come in the middle of an expedition though." Fenris sighed and shrugged. "I'll have to deal with it whether I'm worried or not."
Henry grinned softly at the small joke, placing a hand on the others shoulder and squeezing gently with a nod then looking off at the horizon as well. Going silent for a moment, then offering another smile,"Well, I'm sure he'll be missing you. Sometimes time alone is good."He said, biting his lip again slightly and dropping his hand,"The more couples stay apart the more they want to get back together."He winked playfully and patted his back before pulling away as he went towards the railing of the ship as they docked slowly. Looking over the faces of the crowd on the dock, crossing his arms and exhaling heavily,"Do you think he's somewhere there?"He asked him, glancing back at the human curiously.
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"I would hope so," Fenris smiled, and then blushing, "I guess we'll see how desperate the urges are when he returns then." The heavily pregnant human followed Henry to the railing, his eyes glazing over the crowds below who were mingling and doing business with each other. Fenris scratched at his head and sniffed. "I don't know... I don't really see anyone of interest so-" Fenris turned to Henry and have him an awkward smile as if to say they'd just have to wait and see how it all played out. He looked over the occupants of the ship, searching for Darren. "Where's Darren at..?" He rubbed at his back as he shuffled back towards the center of the ship a bit, sighing at the large weight in his front. "Ugh... damn." He cursed bitterly, the strain of the eggs forcing him to stop every few steps. 
Darren finished up ordering his crew around as the ship docked and he saw the human waddling across the deck, he came towards him with a smile. "Doing alright?"He asked and held his shoulders before kissing his head softly, then pulling away to take his hand and head over to the railing again. Where Henry was standing still and almost leaning over it to watch the people wander by, smiling at the families and looking up slightly at the dragon and human,"Does he have a family?"He asked and Darren thinks about it with Fenris's hand in his, squeezing the human gently and bringing his hand up to kiss his fingers softly,"Think so."He nodded finally,"He has a handful of carriers under him."He mentioned,"That's why I say careful with how you two act around him."He mentioned again, he didn't want neither of them to get on his bad side,"He has a few children as well. So I'm sure they'll be much going on so you two won't get bored."
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Fenris' tired expression seemed to brighten a bit when he caught sight of Darren and when the dragon came over, he smiled comfortably and nodded, taking Darren's hand back and following behind him at his slow strained pace. Darren's gestures of intimacy never failed to make Fenris' face redden. "Oh, man, and here I was thinking we'd get some peace and quiet." Fenris leaned heavily against Darren, still holding his hand firmly. "So we're gonna be there with a bunch of other various carriers and kids?" Obviously nervous, Fenris glances between Henry and Darren before he speaks again, this time more mumbling than anything. "We really can't just stay on the ship with you..?" He presses himself easily against Darren's side, gently rubbing himself against him like some sort of happy cat. "This is a bad time for you to leave for an expedition," he pouted. 
Darren chuckled as he kissed the humans head again softly, rubbing his arm after letting go of his hand and exhaling with a nod,"Supposedly so. Though he has a nice sized house on a great spread of land so you two probably won't see anyone if you try hard enough."He pulled away, taking his hand again when the human began pressing himself into his side, shaking his head slightly. "I'm just looking out for you, alright? You know that."He pressed his nose into his hairline and closed his eyes for a moment as they stood at the railing while his other hand went towards his belly. "Don't name them something silly, please."He smiled softly, then pulled away from him carefully,"Go on with Henry. Follow me in a moment, I'm going to go find him first."He told him, turning to head towards the plank as the crew placed it down for traversing down to the dock. Almost instantly noticing his old friend Erik, the large ogre standing with his gang of mismatched carriers and halfling children, waving at the dragon when he came down off of the ship.
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Fenris made a sound of disappointment at the comment, frowning and looking up at Darren with his best set of puppy eyes he could muster. He knew it would all go for naught but hey, he could try couldn't he? Fenris covered his hand over Darren's briefly and grinned. "You know I won't. You better hurry that expedition up so you can come back quickly." Fenris bit his lip but nodded at the instruction, standing beside Henry instead and watching as Darren made his way down to the docks to find his friend. Fenris' eyes widened at the other carriers and children that were with the man and he fidgeted uncomfortably, glancing over at Henry. "You see how many carriers that guy has?" he whispers in a surprised tone. Fenris isn't sure how long he should wait, so when Erik looks to begin speaking to Darren, Fenris takes Henry's hand once more and begins down the ramp of the ship towards the small group. "This oughta be fun," he joked at Henry, trying to mask his nervousness albeit he was more than a little  hesitant. 
Henry stepped away from the railing when Fenris took his hand, smiling brightly and nodding,"Yeah. Lucky him."He replied, biting onto his lip and sighing as he looked at the family, it reminded him of his first family,"I wonder if I can hold the baby."He thought aloud and smiled at him again, squeezing his hand as they walked down to meet with the Captain and his friend.
Darren and Erik was laughing now as they separated from a hug, the dragon looking over the faces of the man's five carriers with a smile,"Such beautiful carriers you have."He mentioned and his friend nodded as he looked as well then towards his friends carriers.
"You too."He replied and the man rose a hand when the elf and the human approached,"Good evenin... Henry and... Fenris."He looked between the both of them,"Nice to meet you. I'm Erik."
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