C The Angel (Closed with bhdire8)

"I wish to travel to the local diner," Connie said with an air of importance. "Let people see me as an expectant mother and know how proud I am to carry your child." She leaned up to kiss Samuel's cheek.

"And I am also a proud father who dotes on my wife and my child. I wish for the world to see how beautiful you are being proudly pregnant." He responded. "So... public transport or private transport?"

"I don't mind, normally, but let's go public. You can rub my soft, round belly all the way to the dinner," giggled Connie as they exited the house and passed the gate. "There's a bus stop a short walk away. It goes directly into town. Let's take that one."

"Ok. This would be my first experience with the bus. I would make sure your belly would never be deprived of my touch during the ride." Putting an arm around Connie's waist, he guided her through the gate and started walking towards the bus stop. 
Seeing some passers-by giving friendly smiles to them, he whispered in Connie's ear "I can see smiles on people as they pass through. We really should do this more. I quite like this type of attention." He kissed her cheek as he finished, helping her tug a loose lock behind her ears.

"I quite like the attention myself," Connie whispered, smiling and nodding to the others waiting at the bus stop. The way her dress hugged her body no one could have been under any doubt she was pregnant. Not having to hide her condition was a relief; getting good treatment for it was even better. "Oo, it's kicking! Come feel!"

Placing a hand immediately on it, Samuel's face lit up as he felt the movement. "Our child surely is active, already moving so much even in the womb. I can't for him or her to come out already, completing our family. Do you think he or she would like football?" Samuel already started projecting about the future, much like what all parents-to-be would do.

"I'm sure he or she will, if it takes anything after me," Connie laughed. "Ooo, it wants to say hello to Mommy and Daddy. We hear you, baby! We hear you loud and clear!" She loved it when the baby kicked in her belly. It was pleasant, and it reminded her of the fact she was pregnant. "Maybe you should rub it some more," she suggested with a wink.

Letting Connie leant into his arms, her head just reaching his chin, he rubbed slowly on the belly, drawing large circles on it. "Is it you wanted Daddy's touch here baby? You want to say hi to Daddy? Play with Daddy's hand?" He felt so grateful for being allowed this intimacy. "Thank you Connie baby, for going through all these, carrying the baby and letting me take care of you." 

Connie sighed and made a happy noise as she leaned into him and felt him rubbing her tummy. "Mmmmm," she intoned, a rumbling sound of joy and contentment that emanated from her very core. "The pleasure is all mine, Samuel darling. For you and our love, I would bear a thousand children... but not all at once," she amended with a giggle.

The sound from Connie was so sweet and endearing, Samuel felt like it resembled cats purring. He felt immensely proud of himself making Connie this satisfied and happy.
"And I would be happy to do that with you too, no matter how many times." He kissed her to seal that promise. 
The bus had come and interrupted their little interaction, and Samuel led them onto it, settling down on a twin seat.

Connie noted with satisfaction that they had received those seats from another couple who had noticed her pregnancy and given them up like good Samaritans. She sat at the window and rested her head on Samuel's shoulder, one arm around his back, the other moving their hands gently around the swell of her belly. She cooed and giggled at every flutter and movement inside her, revelling in the proof she was pregnant. Most earnestly she wished she was having a baby with her erstwhile lover, and was happy to carry on pretending she was.

Samuel started to seriously consider the possibility of conceiving more children with Connie/Conner after this baby. He would ask for the Lord's consent in this, remembering the siblings that the Son of God had on earth, thinking if that could be replicated here.
The bus soon arrived at their stop and Samuel guided carefully Connie in getting off. He supported her hand while clearing the way for her, a hand protectively shielding her way.

Connie folded her hands atop her belly as she was guided through the crowd. She was once again thankful for Samuel's presence, and held on tightly to him as they moved to the exit. Once they were off the bus she stretched and returned to his embrace. "The diner is this way, love," she smiled, pointing in the general direction of their destination.

"Alright then let's go." A hand around her waist, he once again acted as guide/protector. Once again, he could see a few friendly smiles. When they past through a pair of couple with the woman also pregnant with belly much bigger than Connie, he could hear her nudging her partner and said "how come you never take care of me like that. I am even more pregnant than her!"

Connie giggled when she overheard this. "I think someone's jealous of me, Samuel," she smiled. "That must mean you're doing a good job. Not all men take such good care of their wives and children. You're an angel - literally, in fact." As they walked on, they arrived at the diner Connie wanted to eat at.

Opening the door for Connie, Samuel gestured for Connie to walk past and said "well I am also glad I get to be your angel." Indicating to the waiter they needed a table for 2, he linked their hand together and followed him, giving a loving smile towards his girl.

Connie returned his smile, her love evident in her eyes. She followed him to their table and sat down.

"So, love, what do you want to eat while we're here?" she asked.

"Well my Queen you could order whatever you want. After all, you are eating for two now. You are the majority here in this group of three." Samuel smiled, placing his hand on the belly. He was delighted that the waiter gave them the sofa table so that they could sit side by side and have some privacy.

Connie giggled and placed her hand on his atop her belly, guiding him to the places where the baby kicked the most. "Can you feel it?" she asked.

When the waiter came back, she looked up at him with a smile. "I'll have the big breakfast deal with a side order of scrambled eggs and a glass of orange juice please," she said. "And you, hun?"

"I'll get the pancakes and orange juice please." He whispered beside Connie's ears "ans I hope I could replicate it and copy their secret recipe at home when we are making it together." 

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