Closed The Angel (Closed with bhdire8)
"I think they're talking to their babies," Connie posited. "Either that or their babymamas haven't eaten a large meal recently." She giggled.
"Hmm alright. So baby, are you doing alright in Mama's tummy?" Samuel stroked the belly and said gently. "Papa can't wait for you to grow bigger and one day come out to meet you." He kissed the belly and smiled.
The baby seemed to hear and understand Samuel's voice, nudging against Connie's belly as if to respond. She cooed and pressed his head to her belly to kiss it again. "Come on, baby, show off for Daddy," she giggled.
The tiny pressure could be felt clearly. Samuel looked up and said excitedly "wow it was like really kissing the baby! Though I maybe kissing his butt really." He wrapped Connie in his arms and said "i have never felt as happy in my life."
Connie smiled and wrapped her arms around him in turn, leaning into his embrace happily. "Oh, Samuel, I'm just as happy as you are, if not moreso," she giggled. "I think of holding the baby in my arms, feeding it from my breasts. I think of how when it grows up it will call me Mama and you Papa. I would never have thought something so wonderful would happen to me, let alone with someone as wonderful as you."
"You brought light into my life, maybe moreso than what Lord God Father had done." Samuel said. "I would love to hold both you and the baby in the evening, watching him sleep serenely under our protection. This is family." Samuel didnt mention that in his imagined household, it would be filled with laughter of many children, his lover with a swollen belly would lean into his embrace and lovingly watch the children beside the fireplace. He would tell his love this when he had found a way to achieve that.
"Maybe we can negotiate a longer stay for you with the Heavenly Host, then," smiled Connie as they pulled apart. "I would love to raise a family with you, especially if it meant getting to be pregnant constantly."
Samuel was a bit shocked as Connie seem to be reading his mind, but he was happy they were thinking similarly. He smiled and said after a little pause "i am glad and grateful you are willing to do that with me. I .... I do have plans on negotiations. I wanted to fight for a future with you too." He kissed her on the lips showing his commitment, aa if to seal his promise.
Connie smiled into the kiss and twined her arms around his neck. After they parted, her hands settled on his shoulders. "It's a promise, then, okay?" she smiled. "We'll raise this child as best we can, and in the meantime we can see about opening those negotiations. I hope Heaven will be reasonable."
"Yes and I am confident we can figure something out." The smile they exchanged was a representation of their mutual love. "Now Connie dear, shall we return home? The Sun is getting high and it's really heating up around."
Connie kissed his cheek affectionately and rested her head on his shoulder. "By all means, Samuel darling. Perhaps you'd like to fly me home, or would you prefer to get a bus or taxi home this time?"
"Well if we opt for private transport we would have to get to a more secluded area, which could be tricky at this time of the hour. Taxi?" Samuel considered and thought maybe buses would be a little crowded now.
"A taxi it is, then." Connie stood with some difficulty and caught his hand in hers. "Come on, love, let's go find a taxi rank."
"You will need to lead the way love." Samuel let Connie take the lead, though he was still wary of any neighboring people. He wouldnt want Connie to bump into someone when she had turned her head to talk with him.
"Then I shall," smiled Connie as they walked along, looking for all the world like a happy expectant couple. A few polite nods and smiles were exchanged with other couples in the same state while they manoeuvred through the park. Connie found her pregnancy utterly delightful and it was nice to share understanding looks and smiles with women in the same boat.

Eventually they left the park and found a taxi rank a short walk away.
Samuel was happy to see Connie clearly relaxed and happy, they queued a little for the taxi but was invited to jump the queue by the young couple in front when they noticed Connie's bump and how she had been leaning onto Samuel, even though it wasnt entirely because of fatigue.
Connie smiled gratefully at them and led Samuel over to a taxi. She got into the car with him and gave the driver her address. As they set off on the long journey home, she took Samuel's hand and placed it on her belly, wrapping an arm around him and kissing him. "We're going to be so happy together, Samuel. I can't wait to raise our child with love and affection."
"Yes me too. Our family would be perfect." Samuel carressed the belly tenderly. He soon found Connie dozing off, he led her head on his shoulder and wrapped her up, letting her nap and exchanged a smile with the driver.

They eventually arrived and seeing how soundly asleep Connie was, he decided not to wake her and lifted her inside the house instead.
Connie slept on for a while until she woke up in her bed. She wasn't sure how long it had been since she fell asleep and looked around, not seeing her angel. "Samuel?" she called nervously.
"I'm here. So finished your nap? I have lunch ready, I presume something simple should do, since we got such a large breakfast." The angel appeared immdiately. He had been paying attention to the room even though physically he was in the kitchen.

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