Desert Birth (closed RP with Shadow) FINISHED!

Joel smirked and moved an inch closer to the screen as the man squatted, groaning and trying to push out the egg. His two hands were wrapped tightly around the bar as he tried to push the egg down with the help of gravity. The egg started to come out pointy-end first, and Joel could see it sticking out halfway, sticky fluids all over the man's ass and the large egg.

Adam spreaded his legs far apart again squatting as far as he could, making sure to bare down as well with pushing. Knowing the egg was halfway out, Adam continued to push. Knowing if he didn't get this egg out soon, there would be more eggs pilling up again behind it. Clinching the bar hard, Adam moaned and panted pushing hard getting the egg almost out. Gasping, Adam was caught off guard as his fears came true, gush after gush of fluids came out from behind the egg.

"Nnnnnghhhh.....ooohhhh.....gawd....come out!!!!!" Adam bared down harder then he had pushing hard gasping as finally the egg slide out onto the bed. Panting to catch his breath, Adam didn't have long before the next egg was already at his opening.

A medium-sized egg dropped out of the man's hole and landed between his quivering legs, and multiple gushes of fluids came out right before the egg was birthed. Joel smiled wickedly, enjoying the way the man was laboring and trying to push out the eggs. He saw the man cry out when a strong contraction hit him, his stomach pushing downwards and further between his legs, and the man moved his legs further apart to make space for his heaving belly.

Feeling the tip of the next egg come out, Adam could feel it was a small egg as he bared down giving a good hard push feeling it slide out easily onto the bed. The next one came right away after it as another two small eggs came out of him one after another. Glad these few were small, Adam touched his stomach feeling some more in him, however he stomach wasn't as big as it was.

As the next gush of fluids came out, Adam prepared himself giving a huge push when he felt the tip of the egg coming out. Groaning Adam pushed then pushed again feeling it wasn't a small egg but was already almost out knowing it had to be a medium size one, "Nnnnnghhhh.....arrgghhhh...."

Joel saw three eggs coming out of the man and saw him re-positioning himself against the bar, shifting so that the eggs inside of him would have space to drop onto the bed. The man was constantly rubbing his heaving belly with one of his hands while the other gripped the pole, and occasionally, one hand would roam to between his legs to feel the egg crowning. Joel saw the tip of an egg crown and knew from the colour that it was a medium-sized one.

Adam gripped the bar as another contraction came as he bared down holding his legs far apart as they would go, wanting the egg out. Pushing hard Adam groaned feeling the medium size egg starting to slide out up until its half way point. As the contraction stopped, Adam panted however gasped in surprise as a gush of fluids came out from behind the egg. Knowing the egg was causing the others to pile up, Adam figured it was only one.

However he was caught off guard as he counted at least seven more gushes come out one after another, knowing that meant there was at least 8 eggs already behind the egg. Groaning with another contraction, Adam bared down hard screaming as he pushed, "Nnnnnghhhh.....arrrghhhh....oohoohhhh.!!!!!" Adam pushed and pushed until he gasped feeling the medium size egg come out.

Joel saw the medium-sized egg come out of the man's hole and the man's stomach seemed to have deflated since the first egg he had birthed. Was this nearing the end?

Adam noticed his stomach getting smaller hoping that he would be close to the end. Feeling a contraction hit him, Adam felt some eggs in his birth canal as he wanted this over quickly if it was near the end. Gripping the bars hard, Adam squatted again grunting as he pushed. Amazing Adam gasped and scream as he felt at least 4 small eggs come out of him onto the bed. Knowing there was some more, Adam pushed hard again as another 4 eggs came flying out quickly noticing they were tiny compared to the other ones. Wondering if there was more, Adam touched his sore stomach, feeling the bump of at least one more however knew this one was way bigger then the others.

Wondering when it would come, Adam felt a gush of fluids then the huge egg as it was in his birth canal ready to be birthed. Groaning and squatting, Adam pushed hard feeling the egg starting to crown, "Nnnnnghhh....aarrghhhhh.....aahhhhhh....!!!!!!"

Joel furrowed his eyebrows as he saw an egg with green specks start to crown. He had never seen this type of egg before. Was this a huge egg or a small egg? He saw the bulge the man was still wearing and it looked like the belly of a 8-month pregnant lady, and there was one light outline in his stomach. Oh, yes. This was the huge, human baby-sized egg.

Adam couldn't help but screamed when he pushed knowing already this was bigger then normal. Feeling the egg in his opening along with still in his birth canal, Adam could feel this was like a human size egg, praying he would get it out. The egg had slide out some with his pushing over and over, however he knew he had a while to go.

Gripping the bars hard as his knuckles turned white, Adam leaned back spreading his legs far and squatting while he pushed hard as he could, "Ahhhhhh......nnnnghhhhh.....gawd!!!!!!" Adam screamed feeling the egg slowly slide out as he could start to feel the widest spot starting to come however not enough to be halfway.

Feeling like it had been hours from having started to push this egg out, Adam screamed, " me...!!!!" Adam wanting the egg out kept hold of the bar before pushing against his stomach hoping to help the egg descend more out of him. Screaming from the pressure, Adam continued until he had to stop catching his breathe, feeling the widest part stretching him.

Joel couldn't help but smile wickedly as the egg stretched the laboring man wide, testing the elasticity of his puckered opening.

Adam panting to catch his breathe, reached a hand down to feel the egg noticing he wasn't even able to get his hand all the way around it as it was so huge. Knowing in a few more strong pushes, he should be able to have it out and this ordeal finally over with. Trying to pull on it, a scream left his throat, as it wouldn't budge, knowing he had to push.

Grabbing back onto the bar, Adam felt a strong contraction hit him as he bared down pushing hard as he could manage, "Nnnnnghhhhh.....ooohhhhh....gawd......" Adam screamed as the contraction ended as he could feel the egg sliding out past the widest part.

Unable to catch his breath for long, another contraction hit him as he felt his body along with him wanted this egg out now. Grabbing onto the bar harder, Adam couldn't help but scream while he continued to push and push, "Ahhhhhh......come out....!!!!!!!" Adam giving the strongest push so far, gasped as the egg finally slide free landing on the bed. Adam fell back onto the bed, glad it was over, looking at the huge egg he had just birthed as it was bigger then a baby would be. Exhausted Adam felt his eyes closing as he knew he could sleep for a few hours before the sun rose.

Joel watched, amazed, when the man delivered the baby-sized egg all on his own. He decided that he hadn't had enough fun yet. He grabbed a few of the poisonous berries and took his antidote, walking out of his room. He saw the man's deflating belly and he rubbed it softly, hearing the man groan. The man was lying down on the bed with his legs spread wide, the egg sitting in between them. His opening was sore and red from birthing so many eggs at one go, and Joel smirked when he thought of the man giving birth to yet another batch of eggs.

Joel tipped 40 or so berries into the man's mouth and made him swallow them before making him drink a huge dose of the antidote, then he allowed the man to sleep, relishing in how quickly the man's belly was swelling.

Adam waking some hours later felt refreshed as he felt his legs closed as he figured the man had took all the eggs off to bed to let him rest. However as his mind fully awoke, Adam rubbed his stomach, realizing in fear instead of being flat it was just as big as it was before. Gasping in horror, Adam looked over to spot the man at the door way as it seemed to be day time. Groaning, Adam couldn't believe it as a contraction came over him, as he felt the eggs moving around in his stomach.

Looking up at the man, Adam shook his head, "No...I was done. What have you done why? I can't do more, I can't..."

Joel ignored the man's question and rubbed the man's huge stomach, noticing that it was a little bigger than his previous belly. He felt light contractions hit the man and smiled. The eggs would be coming in about an hour or two.

"Do you want to take a shower?" Joel asked, wrinkling his nose at the foul odour of rotting blood and birth fluids when the man nodded frantically. "Come with me." Joel led him into the shower and locked the door. "Shout when you're done."

Adam could feel the eggs moving around inside him, however nodded when the guy had asked if he wanted a shower. Getting up he went to the shower, spending much time in it as it relaxed his body. Although he started to feel contractions, Adam knew it would still be an hour before the first egg would come.

Finally finishing up, Adam called to the man as he dried off and was taken back to the room, noticing the other man had cleaned up all the mess.

Joel heard the man call out and brought him to the bed again, realising that the man was stark naked as his other clothes were all soiled.

"Look here," Joel said, motioning to an old, rusty birthing bar he had found. "You're going to sit or squat or whatever here while you birth. It should make it easier. Lemme help you in."

Joel cuffed the man's wrists to the bar to prevent him from moving and nodded before retreating into his room to get a labor-inducing tea, forcing the foul liquid down the man's throat.

Adam after he was chained to the birthing bar, couldn't get away as the man left returning with this liquid that he forced down his throat. Wondering what it was, Adam soon found out as contraction's were coming quicker as the eggs were moving around, as a few were already getting ready to come. Gasping, Adam felt a few gushes of the sac's breaking. Not knowing how long it be, Adam decided to sit to rest his legs, and then squat when he needed to push.

Joel reclined in a chair, watching the man change his positions between squatting and sitting until several gushes of fluid came out of him and the man gasped, his wrists straining against the cuffs on the birthing bar.

Joel decided that he wouldn't help the man this time, feeling that because the man had already done this once, and all the eggs had turned out well, he would be able to do this again. The man was red-faced by the time he hit the 5-minute mark, but there were no signs of eggs coming out any time soon.

Joel decided to spice things up a little bit.

"Did you realize that your belly is bigger this time round?"

The man nodded and groaned, another contraction gripping him.

"Well, there are at least 50 eggs in there now, and they're bigger because the berries are grown and harvested by myself, and the eggs should all be much bigger than the last batch."

Adam had continued pushing however still hadn't felt the first egg come out. Hearing the man ask him a question, Adam nodded noticing his belly was bigger then last time. Then shock came over his face as the man stated the eggs would be larger then the last, as Adam knew even though he had 10 more then last time, they were still going take longer to get out.

Pushing hard, Adam finally felt the first egg starting to crown, "Ahhhh...nnnnghhhh!!!!!" Adam gripped the bar squatting down far as he could while pushing

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