Miseducation [Closed with cashewmenz NSFW]
It happens every semester, every year. A student or more would find themselves in a pinch. "Oh, I need just a little bit more to pledge. I can't fail. This is my goal. Can you please help?"

He had heard every trick of the book, but he was a man of science and a man of honor. He used to struggle too, so of course he remembered those who helped him in his college days. Dr. Elias Lallana, a middle aged bachelor from Britain now overseas in America, ran the Science Department at Westmore State University. He could count himself not lucky. He had almost went a semester without someone asking for a little help to pass. Well, that was about to change.

Name: Dr. Elias Lallana
Age: 35
Height: 6'3
Weight: 200 lbs
Brief description: Fair skinned. Well muscular with some body hair and thick stubble around his jaw to his chin, hair is dark brown slightly grating but flowing and a little curly. Usually wears glasses.

Name: Avery Smith
Age: 19 (Sophomore in college)
Height: 5'8
Weight: 165 lbs
Description: Light yellow/caramel skin complexion. Slight thick lips, short curly brown hair styled via a cut. Slight lean complexion.

He spent the entire class doing just as he was instructed, but that wasn't good enough. He failed midterms because of being held back by late night practices. Other classes, Avery did well in, but a bad grade was still a bad grade and he was determined to fix, especially when his initiation into a fraternity was lingering by this grade. When Dr. Elias announced class was dismissed, he left from his lab table, collecting his belongings as he waited for other students to pour out before approaching his professor in a slight worried state with "I really need your help."

Dr. Elias smiled.

(Feel free to wait around as well.)
Name: Max Herrod
Age: 20 (Sophomore)
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 140 lbs
Description: Tanned skin, normally thin. Dirty blonde hair cut short, with blue eyes.

Max had heard the horror stories about Dr. Elias' class. It was one of those weeder courses that they used to get everyone who wasn't serious about the major out of the way. He had been determined to do well, and not to keep himself from sinking under, and yet found himself at the bottom of the class after their second exam of the semester. He knew that if he didn't turn things around before the final, he'd fail for sure. His only option was to see if there was some way to get his grades up. Waiting one day after class, he saw that his classmate Avery had waited behind too.
"I'm not sure I can actually help you" Dr. Elias stated. "You sure you don't want to waste time playing at games and having parties?"

Of course he was teasing the male, but then he continued. "Look...you should have withdrawn when I told you to. Maybe, you can walk out the class with a D. Surely, that is enough, right?"

Avery sighed. "Look, I'm serious...if there's anything I can do to get a B or even a C, I'll work hard for it. I don't want to fail."

Dr. Elias rubbed the thick stubble on his chin, glancing back to see Max waiting.

"And do you feel the same way, Mr. Herrod?"
"Yes...of course, sir!" He said, eyes pleading. He wasn't normally the nervous type, though asking professors for mercy was always difficult for him. He knew he seemed weak, and didn't want to admit it in any fashion.

"If it means passing this class and staying in the major, I'm willing to put in the extra work," he reaffirmed, glancing cautiously towards Avery, who seemed to be struggling just as much as he was.
Well he did ask them. They seemed serious about pursuing this career under their major. He wouldn't deny them their dreams and goals despite him personally feeling they may be better off.

"Very well," he stated to them both. "I do in fact have something you both could do and I can set it for this weekend."

He left from behind his desk, walking towards the bulletin board outside his class. He returned with an elaborate poster approved by the school itself.

"Every year I host a research method at my mansion" he explained. "It allows students to break away from some of the stresses around college and actually work on a project or study of their choosing in how it can impact the world around us. This year however, nobody's signed up for it."

He looked at them both. "Would you both be willing to continue this research this weekend?"

Avery debated the thought heavily. He needed the improvement. The stories he was told, having a D hurt more than having a F.

"Yea," he said with a bit of determination. "Where do I sign up?"

Dr. Elias pulled out two sheets of paper, contracts really, that they had to sign off.

"Whenever you're both ready to read it over and sign."
Max glanced over the contract. As young as he was, he'd grown accustomed to barely reading these sorts of things. He was sure it was the usual, confusing legal mumbo jumbo about him being a legal adult and consenting to having his name used in reports and such. Without a second thought, he signed off and slid the paper back towards Dr. Elias.

"Thank you, Professor..." he said, grateful that he had the opportunity to improve his grade and pass the class. "Can you explain much else to us right now? What time should we arrive? Should we bring anything?"
Avery read everything. Nothing really stuck out for him to question anything. From what it appeared, any and everything belonged to Dr. Elias to present to the board. That was nothing out the ordinary and sides, Avery doubted he would do something groundbreaking that would make him reconsider the idea.

"If you must know" Dr. Elias explained. "Every year, as I explained, a group of students and I create a concept that may be bizarre, see if we can develop it through the scientific method and then test it out, but most concepts ended up proving to be a bust, but you're compensated with a good grade all the same. Transportation, with it being a school joint project, you'll be taking one of the school's shutter rides there, but the nature and everything else, it's like a spa. You won't need to bring anything but some clothes and the other essentials."

Avery contemplated thoroughly, but he had no reason to be suspicious. He signed the paper.

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