C Emotional Bonding(bhdire8)

Colin kept his head in place as cum flooded his mouth. He swallowed all that came and this lasted for several seconds. After a while Colin rose his head, his lips partly white. "I think your c-cum wins." He winked.

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"Hmm then you should let any go wasted." John swiped Colin's lips and pushed the bit of liquid into his mouth. His lips were swollen and red now. He lowered his head on his shoulder and both laid down on the bed. "Now sleep, didnt you say you are exhausted?"

Colin yawned a little. "Yeah I did," He answered "I guess you got me a little excited when you started playing with me." A few minutes later he fell asleep.

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John smiled and rubbed Colin's back luring him into a deep slumber. He could get used to such lovely person, at least he would be a great fuck buddy. He imagined wildly of life afterwards before drifting to sleep himself.

That night both men slept perfectly until nearly noon. Colin was the first to wake up, taking a moment to sit up and get his glasses.

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John was roused awake by the shuffling, but kept his eyes closed for awhile more. He snappef his eyes open when he heard rapid footstep to the toilet, followed by some dreadful retching.

Colin had the usual morning sickness that he's been getting since about last week. He returned to the bedroom when he was finished. "S-sorry, did I wake you?" He asked,

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"It's fine. Time to get up anyway. Is that the infamous morning sickness?" He rubbed his eyes and sat up. Extending an arm to let Colin sat down beside him, he wrapped him with his arms and slightly massaged his stomach with his warm hands. "My sister used to have a weak stomach and she always asked me to massage like this. Does rhis make you feel better?"

Colim cuddled up to John, clearly content. "Yes, that h-helps." He also rubbed his own belly now and then "It's only going to get h-harder though."

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"Yes I think so. I am glad you asked for my help though, you know? I wouldnt like it if after a few years you just pop up with a kid... well 4 kids in our case, and tell me I am a father." He ruffled his blond hair and said. "I think our schedule today is to help you move?"

"Oh, I almost f-forgot!" Colin had just remembered. "Do you want to go now, or should we wait a bit? I don't have a lot to bring."

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"We could go out for a brunch before going to your place. Sounds good? Er... are you up for eating now?" It came as an aftrrthought that Colin may not be ready for food yet.

Colin shook his head "Not right now." He said "I'll wait before eating. How about we just cuddle for a b-bit before we go?"

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"Ya sure. Whatever feels best for you." John started the rubbing again, gently massaging the stomach and let the heat of his palms went through to the cramping stomach. He somehow felt an urge to kiss Colin's forehead, something thay he usually did to his sister.

Colin laid sideways to John and kissed him back on the lips. He rather enjoyed all the attention and the rubbing certainly helped. This time he would try to resist any sexual urges, otherwise theynwould never leave the house.

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"So Colin, you live alone? Where's your family?" John asked, trying to get to know Colin a bit more. He was so pure yet already on his own.

Colin hesitated a little bit "I have an older brother in town, that's it." He answered. It seemed he didn't have a lot to say about the topic. In reality he mostly lived with his brother before he could start paying for an apartment.

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"Then.... you are not in a good relationship with him? Why have you moved out then?" John asked carefully, not sure if he would be probing on sensitive grounds here.

"Oh, I mean our relationship is fine," Colin explained "I just wasn't confident he would take the news very well. A man my age getting knocked up from a one night stand can get some poor comments, you know?"

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"Hmm yes I kind of understand by you will need to tell him sooner or later. You could bump into each other. And he would get to know his nephews or nieces, or both, eventually." John caressed Colin's raised belly.

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