Maybe you shouldn't have said that to a witch...(open)

Erik bares down hard as he could, screaming from the pushing and pain, "Aahhhh!!! God....get the hell out!!!!!" Erik bares down again, continuing to do so as much as he could.

Jace placed one hand under the head of the baby "The heads halfway out! Keep going!" he said trying to encourage him "The baby has a full head of hair, the same colour as yours

Erik nodded baring down harder than before, the babies head stretching him farther than he thought was possible, "Ohhhh...god....get it out!!!!"

Dante wipes at Erik's forehead finally breaking out of his shock as he silently encourages him to keep pushing. he looks anywhere but at what is going on.

Jace held the head gently "The heads out! Just a few more pushes for the shoulders and the rest should slide out! You're doing great!" I encouraged

Erik nodded, knowing that the shoulders were next, "Nnnnghhh....aaahhhhh!!!!!" Erik began pushing hard as he could, feeling himself stretch but no signs of shoulders. Baring down again, Erik couldn't get the shoulders out, "Help me!!!!!"

Jace reached his fingers in stretching his anus further still and grabbed the child's shoulders "Okay when you push Ill pull. Push when your contraction comes"

Erik barely had time to nod, before the contraction hit as he squeezed Dante's hand, pushing hard as he could, "Aaahhhh!!!!"

Dante looks unsure of how to help with the shoulders but quietly speaks up. "try repositioning the child?" he suggests. he blushes as though he let go of a huge secret just then as though he knew how to do this.

Dante's hand turns a slightly different color at this point but he does not utter a word about pain at this moment looking paler than normal. hard to do as he is ussually in black clothes.

Jace pulled gently on the child releasing one shoulder "You should be able to push the other shoulder out by itself and a few more pushes and it will be done" he said, trying to sound confident

Erik looked back at Dante surprised yet glad to know that at least two of them knew what they were doing. Feeling one shoulder out, Erik gave a huge push feeling the shoulder come free finally. Knowing he wanted this done, Erik arched his back screaming and pushing, before gasping feeling the baby slide out of him.

Jace bundled the baby up in one of the towels still utterly shocked at the size of the child before giving it to him. Jace suddenly felt and uncomfortable sensation in his stomach and frowned rubbing at it

Erik took the baby in his hands, amazed he had pushed it out of him, before looking up to Jace, "Are you alright?" Erik prayed it wasn't close for Jace to give birth, knowing he wanted to be helping him. Looking down at the baby, Erik asked outloud, "Is that woman going to come get the babies? Are we just made to get pregnant over and over."

Dante gives jace a look as though to ask if he is ok. before he can answer the look though Dante is stumbling out of the room. the fact he is not striding says that he may pass out in a moment if he doesn't make it to his room. he slides down against a wall in the hall looking terrified and pale just outside the hall.

Jace nodded "Fine....just a little cramp, Im used to it now. I doubt the witch would take the babies but I thought she might let us free after we all give birth? What are you talking about more babies?" Jace frowned

Erik shook his head, "I hope so but I don't feel so sure." Erik wasn't sure why he said more babies however he could feel something wrong inside him, looking down at his stomach noticing a bump, "Please tell me that isn't what I think it is."

((Hey this is my last post tonight, got get some sleep, but I'll be on tomorrow night.))

Dante groans out in the hall loud enough to be heard through the whole house which is not a normal sound to be heard from him. he closes his eyes and passes out in the middle of the hall. hearing that they might go through this over and over again.

Erik looks out into the hall noticing Dante pass out, knowing this wasn't something any of them asked for.

Jace frowned and went and sat Dante up gently "I don't know if I can go through this again" He hissed softly as a short stab of pain ran along his stomach

(I have to go too. I have work now :) )

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08-09-2019, 04:48 PM

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