O Experiments of Life (Open to all)

"I can do it, besides I'm not doing it alone." Renard said.

They eventually managed to get the mattress there. Sure they had a few hiccups along the way and Renard panted. A hand resting on his belly. It was hard work but he felt fine other than a bit tired. He looked to Richmond as they left the cell.

"Alright, so what is it you want to do to me?" Renard asked.

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Richmond thought for a second stroking his imaginary beard. "Hmm... Other than rubbing your huge tummy. What do you have in mind?" He asked Renard. He wouldn't do something that Rennie wouldn't like, other than teasing him. "Would you like to test something out? Has that come to mind once?" He was curious of how he would answer his question.

He laughs awkwardly but still a bit goofy. "I can't really come up with something."

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


"Well you could make me bigger, add more." Renard said. "Do you have anything to test out? I'm fine with being a guine pig."

Did they honestly have something new to work on? Kind of interesting.

"Okay how about this, you can make me bigger as well as test out whatever new thing you have.?"Renard offered.

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"Alright! More babies!" He said cheerfully imagining Rennie with even a bigger tummy.
"I do have something. A drink that will speed up the process of the baby's growth! But it has no flavors yet and it will taste like nasty medicine." He told him, trying to remember if he had other things he was working on.

"That's all! Now let's get you bigger!" He said excitedly as he led Rennie taking careful steps towards the injection lab room.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


While Naoto was beside Charlie he hugged him as if trying to protect him from any of the bad scientists. He lowered his guard as Richmond and Renard returned with a new bed amd helped Charlie onto it. He still seemed out of it.

Image is not mine.

"Alright, let's get started." Renard said as he followed along.

Many things taste like nasty medicine down here. Nothing was really good here. So when they were at the injection room, he took a seat and took a deep breathe. This was going to be a weird ride.

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Charlie woke up panting heavily as he looked around the room with wide eyes, then started to whimper as he tried to hug his own knees but then noticed his large belly, which made him gasp in shock in fear. His hand started to shake, tears beginning to stream down his face. "I-I don't want this!!" He stuttered as he burst into tears.

"All set!" Richmond said cheerfully ready to inject him, beginning to massage the stomach, making it less tense. "Tell me when to stop okay?" He said as he tried to find the right spot to inject which was a bit difficult, since he was already carrying so much.

Once he found the right spot, he stopped massaging as he smiled softly looking up at the other male.
"Alright Rennie! Now.. Take a deep breath and close your eyes.." He said softly, carefully inserting the needles, injecting more children into his womb.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


Renard laid there, waiting for the right moment. Which he allowed Richmond to know by merely saying 'okay'. Taking a deep breathe and closing his eyes, he could feel the needles go in and part of him wanted to cringe though he stayed still. When all the needles were injected, he opened his eyes.

"Alright, what about that stuff you wanted to test?" Renard asked.

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Naoto watched Charlie gave his little episode. Was this how he was acting moments ago? Well, at least he had someone to relate too, even though Naoto was far larger, bump wise. He got out of bed and waddled to the other boy. "Hey, it's okay..." He wiped some of the tears from his face "You can talk to me, they were injecting me for about a day and a half."

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"Yes yes what I wanted to test out! Where is it?" He began to look through his stuff until a tube with clear liquid in it. "I got it!" He said in victory, then walking back to his adorable younger colleague Rennie.

"A drink that will speed of the process and the growth of the pregnancy. Though It hasn't been tested yet.. Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked giving him the tube, while thoughts came streaming in his head. It hasn't been tested yet so It might do absolutely nothing, or work but go too fast which could make him months overdue and even make him so into labor, or go backwards slowing down the process.

Charlie slowly calmed down, wiping his tears away, looking at his new roommate with sad eyes. "W-Who are you..?" His voice croaked a bit, but you could hear him clearly.
"They've been injecting me, shocking me, drowning me f-for hours.. I lost count." He sniffled.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


Naoto got in the bed with him "My name is Naoto." He answered "And I have.....at least 30....the scientists lost count by then." He then hugged him as a way to help calm him down "There are a few nice scientists nearby though, so it's not as bad is it probably could have been."

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Grabbing his notebook, he jotted down the amount of needles used and already he felt sick. Oh boy....this was going to start quicker than last.

"I made a deal, I'm keeping it." Renard said. "Besides, might as well test it now while we can."

Taking a drink from the tube, he coughed. WEll that was really bad. Though there was a loud grumble from his belly and Renard set his hands on it, now he just felt sicker.

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Charlie relaxed into his hug, becoming less tense. "30..?" He mumbled in fear, thinking there's no way to escape this place. "W-Where are those nice scientists?" He questioned not really knowing what actually is going on anymore.

Richmond shot up, quickly heading to his side, ready to help if anything goes wrong. "R-Renard! Are you alright?" He asked fearing for the worst. He rubbed his stomach very carefully not feeling anything change yet until- (Cliffhanger? It's your choice how you want to end up ^^)

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


"I think...so..." Renard started though he went quiet as he felt his stomach surged forward in a big growth spurt!

A sound left Renard as he hadn't expected it to grow so fast though the mound kept pushing forward as it grew in size. The new babies had took and were trying to catch up to the older ones, however the formula was making the others grow to full term now. Feeling uncomfortable in the chair, Renard squirmed as his turtleneck rode up all the way, now revealing the large belly in all it's growing glory. Past quads and still going, it started to puff out to the sides as well. Several moans left Renard as he merely had his hands lightly on the enlarging mound of life.

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"Oh, doing some experiment with each other I think? I noticed they were also pregnant." Naoto explained "And yeah 30, if you think im enormous now, just see me in nine months..."The thought terrified him. He rubbed Charlie's belly as a way to calm him down more.

(I was thinking of starting a romantic interaction between Naoto and Charlie but I thought I'd ask before making a move.)

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(I don't mind! I think it's a good idea! ^^)

Charlie blushed a little as he started to touched his stomach, feeling a little awkward. Though he kind of liked the feeling. He allowed him to rub his tummy for a while as he started to pant a bit softly. "A-Ahh.." He felt a little hot inside and embarrassed because of the sound he made.

"Oh..... Shit." He was completely speechless at what was happening but soon snapped out of his, hearing Renard's moans of discomfort. He began to massage his back and shoulders to make him less tense and trying to take his mind of the swelling as it his bump kept expanding.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


Naoto affectionatley rubbed Charlie's lower belly. "It's okay!" He blushed "Feel free to rub mine if you want. He started to rub his roommate's bump with both hands, trying to please him and make sure he was comfortable. They would be here for a while, after all.

Image is not mine.

He nodded blushing, trying to hold in is pleasure, still embarrassed of what happened earlier. He placed his hands on Naoto's delicate stomach, carefully and gently rubbing his stomach back as he started to feel hot, feeling a bit strange again. It was embarrassing but also felt really good. "Uunngh.." A moan escaped mouth as he tried hold it in again, flushing dark red.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


Naoto loved Charlie's soft hands on his blimp of a belly. He blushed harder abd even moaned himself. "Mmmmh.." He lifted Charlie's short and rubbed his belly more, even giving it gentle kisses with his soft lips.

Image is not mine.

He flushed red, arching his back as he moaned loudly. "A-Ahhg! N-No.. There is- uuhhnhg! Mhhmf!" Charlie was overwhelmed with pleasure. He couldn't even hold it back anymore. He groaned a bit as he tried to reach out again to Naoto's large belly. He began to massage it gently with his hands, making circles and patterns.

(I think anibus went afk for a while o.o)

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


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