Growing Expedition (Closed with Fang Hua)

Name: Sam Pregali
Age: 19
Height/Build: 5'9", lean
Hair/Eyes/Complexion: Brown hair, short and straight; blue eyes; fair, peach colored skin

Sam bravely took his helmet off and took in a big sniff of the alien air.  He sighed in relief since he didn't feel like choking due to a lack of oxygen, or an abundance of toxic gases, or both.  An earlier scan of the planet's atmosphere made by an exploration probe indicated that the planet's atmosphere has all the conditions for humans to safely breathe in it, but it was Sam's job to confirm the probe's findings.

He was part of an interstellar expedition team that was given the current task of exploring and gathering information about a newly discovered planet, that the higher-ups named Horizon, for the purpose of ensuring that the planet was a good candidate for potential human colonization.  Sam looked around and saw that he was in a habitat similar to a forest, since there were very tall plant-like organisms all over the place. 

He took a look back at his new partner, Shan Hua was new to the team, but she was supposed to know a lot about astrobiology, the study of alien life.  But he had the suspicion that the captain hired her for an entirely different reason.  See, Sam was astounded when he first saw her since she had an enormous pair of round breasts that easily reach down to her belly button.  They were so big that she needed to have her spacesuit custom-fitted for her chest's unbelievable dimensions.

Name: Shan Hua
Age: 18
Height/build: 5'7'', curvy with a little muscle
Hair/eyes/complexion: Black, long, but mostly in buns, brown eyes, baby smooth face and skin, tan

Shan got of the ship and took her helmet and sniffed the fresh air. She was chosen out of the blue to part of Sam's team. Shan will do whatever she can to help out Sam; even with her large breasts.

"What should we do first, Sam?" Shan asked.

"Well, we should try and study any life that lives in this area. I need you to stay close to me in case we run into any dangerous creatures." Sam said as he grabbed his stun gun and took it out of it's holster.

"Good idea, Sam. We don't know what's out there." Shan replied as she stayed close to Sam. As they were searching, Shan accidently pushed her breasts against Sam's back.

Sam's body immediately stiffened and his face turned red when he felt Fang's enormous breasts press against his back. He tried to ignore it and took a couple steps forward as he tried to focus on the task at hand.

Fang thought she heard a roar. "Sam. I think I heard something." Fang said as she pulled out her stun gun for protection.

"Stay alert, Fang." Sam told her. A minute later, he could hear rustling and he pointed his stun gun in the direction of the noise. Sure enough, a huge creature walks out of the tree line as it gazed right at the two explorers. The creature had six legs and looked reptilian in appearance, it had large, sharp teeth and claws, and spines covering its back. The creature roared as it looked ready to attack.

"I'll hold it off, Fang! You get back to the ship!" Sam shouted as he readied to fire his gun.

Fang nodded and headed back to the ship. Bout halfway there, she tripped on a plant. The alien plant stuck throns into her breasts and blasted spores on her face. Fang groaned and moaned as her body started changing. Her breasts got bigger and her crotch felt really tingly.

Sam tried to blast the creature with his stun gun, but it only flinched at the shot. Then, the creature suddenly knocked Sam onto his back and used four of its six legs to pin him. The creature opened its tooth filled maw as Sam feared that he is about to become dinner. The creature extended its sharp tongue and pierced Sam's stomach. Sam screamed in pain as the creature's tongue pierced him like a flaming syringe. The creature then retracted its tongue and got off of Sam.

Sam shut his eyes as he waited for the creature to end him, but a few seconds went by and nothing happened. Sam stood up and noticed that the creature had run off. Sam wasn't quite sure what to make of these events, but he simply decided to call it a lucky break as he walked towards Fang and the ship. On the way there, he put his hand on his stomach as it felt tingly and a bit bloated.

"We need to get outta her, Sam. Who knows what else will happen to us." Fang said as she got inside of the ship.

"Agreed." Sam said as they both got into the ship. Sam got into the pilot's seat since Fang Hua's enormous breasts mean that she's unable to fly. He started up the ship's engines and flew the ship as it left Horizon's atmosphere. As soon as they escaped the planet's gravity, they spotted a massive frigate-class ship where the rest of the expedition crew, including the captain, currently reside.

"Hey there, rookies! Back so soon?" Said a voice coming from the radio of Sam and Fang's small ship. Sam pressed a button and responded.

"We ran into a bit of a snag with the local fauna, we were lucky to get out alive." Sam replied.

"Really? Well why don't you two head to the docking bay and you can tell us all about it? You're cleared to land." The voice responded before the radio went silent. Sam flew the ship towards the frigate as a massive door opened on one side of it. Sam and Fang flew inside and landed the ship.

As they landed, Fang felt a tugging feeling in her crotch. She decided to worry about it later. They got to their crew and told them what happened on Horizon.

"Dang, there are creatures that dangerous on Horizon? Maybe this'll convince the captain to give us better weapons the next time we go down to the surface. I'm just glad you two made it. Are you two feeling okay?" Said one of the more senior crewmembers.

"I don't know, my stomach feels kinda bloated. But otherwise, I feel fine." Sam replied.

Fang went to her room. Once inside, the pulling feeling was now too hard to ignore. Fang pulled down her pants and saw that she was growin a cock and balls. She moaned as they continued to grow bigger.

Later that night, Sam walked through a corridor as he headed towards his quarters as he sees a robot approaching him. The robot was in fact, the team's exploration probe. It stood only two feet tall and walked on four robotic legs. It's chassis is similar to that of a dog's body, so the crew took to treating their probe as if it was a dog, which was good for morale.

"Hey boy. What are you doing here?" Sam smiled as he kneeled down and rubbed the probe's "head". The probe walked towards a nearby door, and Sam recognized it as being to door to Fang's quarters. He curiously put his ear to the door and he could hear Fang moaning from the other side. He knocked on the door.

"Fang? Are you okay in there?" Sam asked.

"Sam! I need your help!" Fang moaned loudly as her new genitals grew bigger and bigger. To make matters worse, her breasts started growing as well.

Sam opened the door and gasped as he saw Fang. Not only was her normally comfortable top straining to contain her enormous boobs, she's now sporting a huge dick and a matching set of balls, and she's growing even bigger! Sam was stunned, he didn't know what to do. All he knew was that the sight before him was really starting to turn him on as his own cock got hard and made a tent in his pants. Sam groaned as the surge of hormones triggered something in his body as the bloated feeling in his belly intensified and his cock is tugging even harder at his pants.

Fang watched as Sam's belly started growing and his genitals growing huge. She walked over to Sam and kissed him softly on the lips.

Sam moaned as he and Fang kissed. His clothes were starting to get uncomfortable on him, not only because of his growing, round, firm belly and his cock and balls which now seen eager to catch up to Fang's in terms of size. His normally flat chest was starting to puff up and fatten as he developed a pair of growing feminine breasts, and his bony behind was starting to swell up into a big, soft, round bubble butt with matching wide hips.

Fang took Sam's clothes off and was shocked at his massive size. She put her hands on his belly and softly rubbed it.

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