O Experiments of Life (Open to all)

Naoto nodded in agreement and held the boy's belly, kissing it goodnighy before drifting off to sleep.

Image is not mine.

Cypher stared at the tray of food in front of him ,his stomach growling intensely. He groaned feeling the little ones protesting of their hunger , the smell of food didn't make his part less challenging . He shifted around being cautious not to spill any food ."okey! sheesh ..I'll try and figure this out..no need to turn hostile"He murmured.

Charlie tensed up, a blush appearing on his cheeks as he held Naoto close, falling asleep beside him. He was really tired after a long day like this.

"G-Good night.." He said, before also drifting off to dreamland.

Skyler was getting bored again. He didn't have anyone to play with. Sitting on his wheelchair, He thought about what he was going to do to cure his boredom.

"Hmm... Let's feed the subject!" He said, standing up from his chair, heading to Cypher's cell, grinning ear to ear. The narrator feels pity towards Cypher...

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


Naoto would gasp in the middle of the night upon realising his belly semmed to be expanding. "AHHH!"

Image is not mine.

Charlie was startled awake by Naoto's screams, immediately sitting up from the bed, looking at Naoto with worry.

"Naoto A-Are you okay?" He asked, gently shaking his shoulder.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


He stopped what he was doing hearing the chilling sound of Skylers voice , alerted of his company he was blushing against his will from the older male witnessing his ordeal."What do you want now?.. no actually.. I don't want to know " His stomach protruding from his white t- shirt .

"I came here to feed little subject, knowing he can't eat that warm plate of food by his own. Since I restrained him." He said, chuckling at his embarrassment, walking into the cell.

"What else did you think? Taking the food away? I could do that too if you want." He smirked, seeing the active kicks in Cypher's stomach.

"My my, they look so hungry. Have you been eating properly?"

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


Caspar examined the door be wondered if perhaps he could get someone to let him out of he was annoying enough or caused enough noise. He almost considered it but that was a stupid idea and there was no way he could pick this lock. He sighed pacing the room when suddenly he felt a pain it started low in his back then wrapped around his belly. A contraction.

Naoto only screamed louder as his belly completley tore through all his clothes. What was happening? He was already among the largest bellied children, and not even a day in his belly has begun to swell again!

Image is not mine.

(Cy can be a big meany sometimes . hopefully I'm not pushing it overboard)
He watches the male giving him the 'don't @&$% with me stare down."oh.. you know some douche bag with no brains decided to give me a tray without removing my restrains ... I'm surprised he still works here with such a low amount of common sense..and all "He said with a laugh .

(Oh my, It's fine don't worry ^^)

Skyler gave the man a surpised look, before laughing loudly, grabbing the plate of food.

"Hahahah! You're so funny!! Interesting." He said playfully, already grinning ear to ear, shoving a spoonful of food into the subject's mouth.

"Now shut up." He said darkly, opening his eyes that were narrowing down at him, glaring.

"N-Naoto!!" Charlie said, getting worried, trying to calm down his roommate. He hugged him gently, trying not to hurt him or his growing belly.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


"Unggh! Go get a scientist, please!" He cried out, worried he might blow up. "It hurts so much! It's too fast!"

Image is not mine.

He watches the spoonful of food in Skyler's hand waving around and bites his lip,opens his mouth wide chopping down on the spoon."Mmnhg! ..thanhu yrgh so mrsh" he praised the man, with his mouth full of food.

His sore back made his dinner less enjoyable , shifts around groaning in discomfort .

Caspar gasped, "Not now, were supposed to escape first." he growled as the pain let up, it would still be awhile wouldn't it? But he still needed a plan.

"Hang in there! I-I'll be back!" Charlie said a bit shaken, getting up onto his feet, he sprinted out of the cell, hoping he would meet scientist Richmond to help Naoto, running past Cypher's and Caspar's cell.

"Ohh, getting sore are we. Would you like a needle in the back?" Skyler suggested, like it was a casual thing. He didn't notice the sound of Charlie's little footsteps passing by.

Scientist Richmond noticed the poor teen running for help as he walked out of his office, gently placing a hand on Charlie's shoulder, frowning.
"What's the matter Charlie? Did something happen?" He asked with a worried look on his face.

(Oh jeez another character of mine lolol)

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


(´・_・`)... hello?)
"I'm not falling for your tricks jerk...*pant* all I want is these stupid restraints off so I can kick your #&$!!!"
Cypher paused in thought noticing the babies harsh attacks subsiding. A small sound of someon running caused his gaze to look upwards towards the cell door."hmm?."

(Ah sorry! I'll try to reply sorry)

Skyler just smiled and gripped the boy's chin making him look at him. "You're attention is towards the food, silly boy." He whispered darkly.

"I'll throw it away." He added, smirking playfully, pushing his palm onto Cypher's stomach.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


"n-no you can't do that!!! " He said wishing his arms weren't held down, his large stomach began once again to shift around from the children inside. "mng!...*pant pant* ahn"

(Aaah Skyler is so mean)
Skyler smiled brightly, hearing Cypher's groans of pain. "Yes yes, what I wanted to hear. I can never get tired of this." He hummed, while annoying the little children, like it was a little game. He loved how his subject was so dramatic. At this rate, he'll become addicted to Cypher's behavior. He kind of found it a little cute.

"Then eat." He shoved another spoon is his mouth, his other hand pushing his stomach down a little.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


(Well so is cypher! Haha .Their made for each other I guess XD)
Cypher opened his mouth ,taking another spoonful. He started chewing enjoying the meal taking his time savering each bite. Cypher glanced down knowing his time is short thanks to the gift from before. His stomach felt lower now and even he knew the babies were getting cramped , since he was eating now .

*Skyler presses down on my large mound * "Agh!!!! ...S-stop it jerk ....Nnn" he moves around making his stomach bounce /sway .

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