The Soldier and The Governor ((With bhdire8 and Lovebite))

Victor huffed and puffed as he rolled from side to side , his large belly weighing him down onto his back as he suffered and whimpered brokenly. His legs shifted, folding and unfolding as he struggled to find his center of gravity to no avail, laying in the middle of the carriage floor with the dirt and grime. He forced himself not to start sobbing with each long, rough contraction that tightened in his back and belly like he was being stabbed to death. The man had been in wars, he could deal with this, he could. "Nh... Mngh..."He clinched himself, though whined when it didn't help, the baby was pushed slowly through him even without his own pushing as he cried out,"It's coming... I can't stop it... I can't..."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Carl looked condescendingly at the struggling older man. He sneered at him and said "oh dont tell me you would be giving birth into your pants. Hmm if you really did that I dont mind watching really, though therr is no way I am allowing you to take that pants, nor the belt, off. Struggle all you want, I am looking forward to seeing the shape of the head through the fabric." He straightened his legs and got into a more comfortable position, as if he was about to watch a show.

Victor took in labored breaths,"Please."He whimpered, his back arching as he groaned out, shuddering and moving his legs beneath him quickly. A release of fluids stained the crotch of his pants even more so now as he struggled to keep himself from giving birth,"It hurts."He heaved himself up with the help of the seat, spreading his legs more as he struggled to push down his pants without touching them and groaning out loudly.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Eww is that pee or birth fluid. Either way, keep it in your pants, or better yet, keep it inside you. My advice is to stop trying to get that pants off. I think your hip had widened enough to make it impossible to remove unless you ripped it." Caesar watched, frowning when he noticed that patch of wetness. As they travelled to further away from the city, the road had gotten bumpier and even with the best carriage, they had both got thrown in midair when a particularly big rock was hit. "Hey steady!" Caesar knocked on the window to instruct the chaffeur. "Sorry master." The chaffeur replied.

""He grunted out, tilting his head back while he held himself up with the help of the chair, grimacing deeply and whimpering. "My water broke."He shifted his hips forwards with a small groan, his other hand rubbed over his, low, heavy, middle. He couldn't get his pants off without anyone elses help either way, he cried out when he was launched into the air some, his legs folding beneath him. "Ah! No... No..."He sobbed this time, gritting his teeth and taking everything out of him to push, hitting the carriage door with his fist and biting into his knuckle once more.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Caesar could see the patch of wetness grown larger. "Gross. I bet it felt just like peeing. Hnm but peeing from behind, thats interesting. Are you pushing now? Very eager to get the kid out arent you?" Caesar looked at him and pushed his legs further apart with his foot, ordering him. "Now keep those legs open, I want a clear view. I want to see how the head would look through your pants."

Victor shook his head, back arched as he reclined against the carriage seat, he sat on one of his hands to keep his anus elevated off the ground. He could feel it through the fabric of his pants and sobbed as he threw his head back at another large bump in the road. The man regretted everything, he wished he would have been more careful about the children and the man he had told to be their father. "Why? Why are you... Hnnn..."He grunted loudly, shoving his hips forwards beneath him as he widened his legs and struggled to keep on time with the contractions. Heaving large, laboring breaths in and out as he struggled to deal with all of the intense sensations,"Please... I just want them healthy."He sobbed pleadingly with his fiancee, looking up at him as he sat on the other side of him and he sat on the floor, belly tightening visibly beneath his dress shirt.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Rest assured. I will not hurt your bastards if you managed to push them out. I was just wondering if you were really as strong as they said. Let's see if you could push through that tight dress pants that you are so obsessed with wearing." Caesar said unmoved by his betrothed's dilemma. He soon got impatient as the position Victor was in had concealled what was happening in his bottom and he kicked his shoulder so that he collapsed on the ground. "Pull your legs open to let me see it. Stop hiding it from me."

"I can't! I'm not strong! I'm a coward..."He shook his head, his body was shuddering every few seconds with pain as he struggled to deal with labor. While sitting on the dirty floor of the carriage, the older man felt lower than the younger, not for the first time in his life. Though he did process it more strictly, his insides felt twisted up and he groaned when he was shoved forcibly back down against the ground. He turned over onto his hands and knees slowly, squeezing his eyes shut, the man let his head hang as his arms curled around his belly. "I'm sorry..."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"That you should be. And you are so right, such a coward. Trying to withhold the truth from me and hide like an ostritch from your own mistake." Caesar said cruely to Victor. He was so angry with this guy, someone that he was to spend the rest of the life with. "Arent you trying to push? Keep up with your effort. I am looking forwaed to seeing the sphere between your legs." With his raised butt, Caesar got curious enough to touch on the wet patch and feel the anus. It was still tightly closed from the feel, but it could be Victor just wasnt pushing at the moment.

"Because I knew you would react this way! You're a child!"Victor growled out, groaning as he arched his back and his legs trembled while he curled forwards, taking in labored breaths. He flinched away from the others hand and kicked at him as he flopped onto the floor with a cry of pain, burying his face in his hands. "Don't make me do this here. If you put them up for adoption no one will want them if they're harmed."His head turned so he could look up at the other man desperately, though soon enough he dropped his chin to his chest and began bearing down again.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"You are the one avoiding the issue and letting it escalate to this, and you accused me of being a child." Caesar sneered at Victor. He avoided the kick but was even more annoyed at being denied what he wanted. "Who said anything about harming them? They wouldnt be put up for adoption. They would have a huge role to play in future." Caesar smiled sickeningly sweet as he pressed down Victor while he was pushing, forcibly put his hand on his opening, and this time really felt a little bit of hardness through the fabric. "Wow that's the head? Interesting."

The soldier knew that he was right,"Please, just take my pants off... Loosen them, anything..."He groaned out, he thought that they would have something wrong with them if he gave birth to them like this. They were coming wether Caesar liked it or not, he cried out when the other pressed his palm against his opening, the head was crowning. He felt it, his anus and perineum burn with the stretch,"Please..."He grimaced, tilting his head back as his hands went towards his middle, trembling in agony.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Not gonna happen. At least not going to do that until we arrive." Caesar looked out of the window and estimated they should be 15 minutes or so away only. He turned to gaze at Victor. "Now push, I want to feel how the head come forward." And if he would accidentally press on it when they bumped, it wasnt 100% intentional but he was looking forward to hear the whimper from Victor

He was sitting on his knees now, rocking back and forth as he groaned out loudly, biting down on his lip and falling forwards when he beared down. The shape of the head grew in diameter while he sobbed and whimpered when he kept pushing as hard as he could. There was a deep frown on his face, he zoned out in pain and concentration as he did so, crying out when it started to burn more. "It's coming! It's fucking coming!"He reached up to grasp onto the locked door handle, crying out and turning onto his side while his legs spread more and more until he couldn't.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Caesar was amazed at seeing the ball shape appearing more prominently through the trousers, it was very wet there now and the fabric plastered on his skin. He found himself quite enjoyed the groaning of the man, the red face scrunching together in his concectration and the sweaty forehead was attractive in its own way. He sat back down to watch the show. They were nearing the house. He knew theyhad a bump right at the gate, and he smiled awaiting for that moment.

Caesar panted heavily, his body shuddering with the force of giving birth against the fabric of his pants, his face untwisted as he stared at the door of the carriage. His eyes were wet and sweat streaked down his face as he trembled, his hand still gripping onto the handle tightly, his knuckles turning white with the force. He began to curl forwards once more, grimacing deeply and beginning to push right as the wheels of the carriage crossed the threshold of his land, crying out in a broken voice. His legs tried closing as a white streak came across his eyes from pure agony,"Ngah-!"He couldn't help the tears that fell from his eyes as the pressure bursted behind him, sobbing and collapsing onto the dirty floor. Pants creaking under the weight of the baby's head that was now hanging out of him, he sobbed as he rested his head against the chair.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Wow I wouldnt have thought you could really do that. Truly amazing." Caesar was a bit surprised Victor managed to achieve this much. Just as he praised him, they have arrived and the carriage stopped in front of the house. He opened the door and jumped down, turning around and see what Victor would do.

Victor was half unconscious by the time they rode up the driveway, he was groaning out in discomfort, his toes were curled in his boots and he couldn't breathe regularly. His eyes rolled back, his stomach ached with the tightness that never went away even after he delivered the head of his first child,"My pants... Please... Caesar..."He whimpered, hips rising slightly and thighs trembling with pain as he gripped onto the closest thing to him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Are you asking for my mercy now." Caesar said with a sneer. "Well I will show you my mercy by helping you down the carriage." He had asked the chaffeur to leave them, alerting the maids to evict the area. He wouldnt want anyone else to see Victor like this, not event his own servants. He extended his arms up and grabbed Victor under his armpits, showing impressive physical strength when he lifted the much thicker looking Victor down the carriage and put him on the ground.

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