Blossoming love (closed with Dots)

"Hmm yes I love seeing you full of children, but I guess at this point you cant get any more pregnant however much I come...and however virile my sperms are." Henry smiled at his lover as he withdrew from him. He saw Sam shuddered as his sensitive hole was rubbed by his softened cock.

He let Sam lean against him and lowered them both on the bed. He laid on the side, face to face with Sam, and put a hand on the belly. They looked at each other with love.

Sam smiled at his husband as he placed his hand on his belly. The is no words for awhile but just Henry's sight can make them know how much they love each other. Sam was yawning after he used lots of energy with sex. He smiled when Henry was doing the same thing. "It's too late for now and you also need to work tomorrow. Can daddy say good night for the babies before sleeping?" He says softly.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Yes of course. Babies daddy and mommy just have been through their first quarrel, with a good scare that you two might be hurt. Now calm down, your parents are now better than ever. Let us all sleep in peace now and try to stay behaved inside mommy's belly ok? He needs the rest after such a long and tiring day." Henry pushed himseld up a bit to kiss on the belly. "Oh and let me take a towel to clean your behind... I think my cum is still leaking out." Henry smirked and went on to get the towel. When he returned Sam was already dozing off.

Sam didn't feel anything as Henry cleaned all over his body and leaned over to kiss his belly again. It's the first day that he had a very weel sleep in couple day ago. Sam opened his eyes slowly in the morning. it's a little late but Henry was still sleeping beside him. He smiled with his husband sleep reminds him, Victoria. Sam the pressed the kiss on his check the whispered. "Honey, I know that's so comfy but you need to handle our kids" He smiled as Henry was opening his eyes and yawning. "I'll go to the kitchen for our breakfast. You know how to treat our kids huh?" He smiled then got ou of the bed slowly. Sam wore the loose clothes on before leaves the room slowly.

(I like to play a little more about how Henry take care his wife before we can play about the secret trip hehe)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(yea sure thing. How could Henry not take care of the clumsy but lovely Sam =))

Henry opened his eyes unwillingly but he got up quickly after glancing at the clock. Just when he was going to the kids' room he turned around and tell Sam "Remmeber not to strain yourself ok? I know how you always forget about yourself when you are thinking about our kids. Just leave all bending work to me, I dont want you to hurt your back, you know you got quite a burden to carry around now." He smiled at his sweet wife before going to rouse their children awake. It would be the start of another chaotic but sweet day for them. He found himself missing these.

When he got back down with their children who were dressed and ready, he found Sam had done his magic and conjured up lovely breakfast for them. He looked happy and content but Henry still see how he rubbed his back. He got close to his wife after urging the kids to start eating and whispered when he rubbed his back. "Feeling tired? Hmm maybe I should start preparing breakfast from tomorrow."

Sam smiled as he heard that and wider when he noticed the kids was glancing their parents. He then placed Henry's hands on his belly and leaned his back to his husband. "It's okay Henry, It's only one thing I still can do for you and our kids. Let me do this for a week before you start to do it" He said softly, knowing that his husband will not let he do anything too much with his huge belly. "And I also have a long time to rest after you and our kids leave the house." Sam tries to hide his discomfort as he says that.

(I think it's so cute to make Sam a little obstinate hehe.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Ok and Henry will allow Sam to be a bit headstrong, but he would closely monitor it to make sure Sam wouldnt go too far!)

Henry sighed though he looked at Sam with fondness. He knew his lover wanted to take care of their kids and wanted to do everything for them. He would allow that though he would keep a close eye on him to make sure he didnt push himself too far. "Alright one week and that's it. Remember not to make yourself too tired and promise me you would indeed rest and not work on house chores ok?" He kissed Sam and rubbed on his belly before releasing him and get started himself on breakfast. He got Sam leaning on him as they ate though.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. How can mommy refuse daddy with that cute voice, huh?" He said softly, leaning more to Henry to rest for a bit. "Only one week for now and one week after week and more after that, right?" Sam joked. He always loved how Henry reprove him when they tried to do everything by himself. Sam also smiled to Victoria and Jayden who are glancing everything that their parents do.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"One week and that's it. Or I will keep you so exhausted from our night activities that you wouldnt be able to wake up in time in the morning." The last sentence was said in a whisper. He slipped his hand down to Sam's bottom knowing he would be still sore there, reminding him of what kind of activity he was referring to. He then turned to the kids and urged them to finish their juices, they really needed to get ready for school now. He kissed Sam goodbye and went out.

Sam's face blushed as he heard that. He let a low moan as Henry touched his sensitive part, trying to kee it quiet for their kids. "Okay, okay. Mommy will do it only one week for now, but we deed to talk about babysitter or cleaner. Mommy doesn't want to put all stress to daddy too" He said then kissed his husband to say goodbye. Sam spent his day with almost resting on the couch and walking for a bit that can help him prepare for labor. After his launch, Sam decided to walk in the garden and rest on the garden bench. He has felt asleep until Henry comes back from his work.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry had urged the kids to play in the living room when he set out to find his wife, finding him sleeping in the garden, looking like Henry's version of sleeping beauty, or sleeping beautiful mother with his huge belly. He thought maybr they really needed a trip ofbtheir own, to bond before the little ones arrived. He quietly approached him and kissed his face, rubbing his hair and slowly woke his wife up. He looked at Sam smilingly when he batted open his eyes. "I see you did as you promised to rest. Now are you ready to greet the kids?"

Sam was so surprised that Henry was here with him in the garden then he realized that he had falt asleep for too long. He gave Henry a warm smiled then asked him to help him up. "Yeah, I think the kids are missing their mommy so much" He said, holding Henry tightly as they waled into the house. Sam loved how Henry always supported his belly with his hand. "Oh, Henry. I haven't cooked for the dinner yet. Can we order some food today? and I'm craving Japanese food" He said, blushing. Sam usually eat everything but sometims pregnancy make him crave some special food.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Of course. Let's call them. Or do you want to go to the restaurant? Will it be too tiring for you?" Henry walked slowly with Sam, sharing his weight so he could save some energy. They had gone to the door of the garden and he helped Sam up the few stairs, making sure his back was supported.

"I think we should call them and order it. I can go to the restaurant but I don't want you to handle with our kids alone." He said and waddled slowly to the living room. Janney suddenly started talking when he saw his mommy and Victoria hugged Sam's belly gently as Henry helped Sam to sit on the couch. "Helly, Honey. do you have something to tell mommy about your school? you can tell after your brother finishes his story" Sam said, rubbing Victoria's hair. Sometimes Sam is a little worried about how his daughter speaks less and he wanna teach her how to communicate with the other people.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry had went to find the menu. He entered the room and heard Sam's last sentence and smiled. Victoria had always been the quiet one, shadowed by her chatty brother, but he was sure his smart girl would overcome this with his and Sam's guidance. He sat down next to Sam, lifting Jayden up to sit on his lap and said to Jayden too. "Jayden I know you got too much to share with your mommy but you have to let Victoria talk too. You told me the teacher had praised you because you shared your toys with your classmates right? You should also share your chance of talking with your little sister here at home too." He ruffled the hair of Jayden as he pouted but agreed to let Victoria talk, silently praising his son.

"Good boy, Jayden. You're a gentleman like your daddy" He smiled to his son and Jayden seemed very proud with that praising. Victoria took a little time before she started talking about her friends and how her teacher praised he because he helped her friends doing some activities. Sam can see how much Victoria loves her little brothers. She hugged his belly all the time she talked. Sam laughed softly as Henry was trying to share his story more after his sister finished.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry smiled at his 2 angellic children before getting thr order placed. The delivery arrived when they were still in a heated exchange of stories. Henry went to pay and settled everything in the dining room before calling his family to come. As usual he asked the children to go clean up when he helped Sam get up. He secretly enjoyed how his wife became so dependent on him when his belly was so large, and he loved helping him around.

Sam smiled at his husband as Henry helped him get up. He can notice how Henry enjoys with it, in the same way, Sam loved how Henry always helped him too. The kids had rushed so fast to the dining room while they were waddling slowly. "Grab your favorite one loves. Daddy has all of it for you both" Sam says as Henry helps him sit down and then sit beside him to let Sam lean on him. Sam is so excited with the Japanese food and Henry can notice that he looks like a little children now.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry loved it when Sam was so easy to please. He would appear to be very content when his simple wishes got fulfilled, and he looked adorable and remarkably like their children during these moments. He let Sam devour his meals like his children as he ate, his left hand stayed on Sam's hip to massage it a bit. He would do a full massage later at night. He guessed Sam needed it especially at his back as they had some vigorous exercise last night.

Sam smiled to his husband as he placed his hand on his hips. Henry was always know everything about his wife. "I know, you wanna help me relax, honey, but you'll not be very attractive if you doesn't eat anything" He joked as Henry was enjoying with Sam but not eat his food. The kids also laughed as they saw daddy's face blushed red after mommy said that. They enjoy the dinner like they always do, but this is the wonderful moments for Sam.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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