O Experiments of Life (Open to all)

(Yes ^^)
Skyler just stared at him, blinking slightly, feeling a tiny twinge of pity inside him. He decided to stay silent, but still listen to what he had to say.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


"...Even though majority of my life was just to live, and never let anything hold me down... this is the first time, in a long time I've actually felt.. helpless..." He said, Cyphers tone changed to a lesser more quite tone.

He felt the urge to nap . knowing physically it was impossible,glancing at Skyler."Not that I'm trying to soften you up or anything... but .. how did you end up working in a place like this?" He said , feeling another contraction coming .

Skyler's pupils widened slightly, showing glimpses of actual emotion. He was surprised. No one really asked him that before. Knowing his subject wouldn't keep quiet about it and will keep asking, he just sighed.

"Living in the society was boring. My father was a busy police officer, my mother was a former business woman who got fired because she had me. My parents had fights because of stress and because my mother couldn't get a new job. I was always in the middle of it, only listening to their screams. In the end, they got a divorce, my father left and my mother became addicted to alcohol and drugs, while I was busy with school. I just studied and studied so I could get a good job, to afford a nice house and move to another city for a new start. But as time passed, I only got bored, till the point that nothing could cure it. After I graduated, I went job hunting and found this job." He explained slowly, noticing that Cypher was hit by another contraction. Waiting till it was over, he continued.

"When I went to get interviewed, they somehow knocked me out, putting me in this strange underground lab. It's location is unknown and top-secret. It will cause an uproar after all, if the citizen know that the goverment allowed us to experiment such things on humans, so I doubt you'll escape. Even I do not know the password of the exit. I'm stuck here too. I could of ended up here like you, as an subject. I don't really care what happens to me though." Skyler wasn't used to talking this much, but whatever. He kind of enjoyed this, talking about his past. Even though it was sad, it made him show some of the emotions he hid while being in this place.

"I was suprised, to be honest. They were so cruel to the subjects. I tried to protest a few times, but got punished for talking back in return. Later, I just got used to all of this. Since no one really knew me here, I thought this was a decent place to start a new. I released the child in me, that I never let out in my childhood and made this place my playground. I won't lose my job. They don't even care if one infant or two die in this place. They only want information, results, success. I'm saying this out of experience. So know your place."

(Yay! Long post)

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


After his little episode concerning the contractions ended. He listened to Skyler vent about his pass , noticing a change in the older males voice making Cypher grin. Turning his head to look at him smiling.

"....I'm not the huggy type.. but Uugh I think its needed... would you care for a ...hug?" He said , showing off his pearly whites feeling extremely awkward. Maybe its the motherly side of him , maybe not. He could care less.

Cypher just wanted to think of something positive to find a solution to his situation. He practically lives for it, craves it, breaths it. "Oh yeah. sorry about biting you".

After talking about his long long story that was still incomplete. He stood up from his position, walking up to the pregnant male.

"I see your attitude has changed.. Very well. I'll remove the restraints." Said Skyler, smiling slightly. He started to crouch, removing the restraints that were fastened on Cypher's legs. There were quite a few. He began to move up, removing the restrains that were holding his contracting stomach and his upper body down, also removing the restraints on his arms and wrists while he was at it.

"Don't worry about that. It's not like I'll bleed to death by that. Though you did bite pretty hard. I'll have to make a warning sign that says 'WARNING: BE CAREFUL, HE BITES. PROCEED WITH CAUTION' in front of your cell to warn the other scientists." He joked, lifting up the laboring boy from the uncomfortable old chair, placing him on the bed that was behind them the whole time. He chuckled at his embarrassment, placing the chair from earlier beside the bed, sitting down,

"I don't think hugging is a good idea right now." He told the younger male, reminding that he had a large bump as he ruffled Cypher's hair carefully.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


He watched the older male walk closer to his chair "Haha... don't get used to it.. I feel like-like a fluffy domestic cat right now, translation. I feel very unlike myself "

Cypher signed heavily in gratitude of Skyler's choice to remove the restraints. when the older male began to unhook the restraints, untying the rope, and freeing his stomach he Grunting from the circulation in his toes and back returning, getting the tingles throughout his body."Ugh geez this #$%@ing crazy feeling.." huffing , he was lifted and taken from one chair less suitable to his condition, to one bed very comfortable for him to deliver in. Cypher laughed causing his stomach to jiggle ."Hahahaha! I don't bite all the time unless ..wait..never mind your right its better to use precaution with me "

Marveling at his own stomach, he placed both hands against his stomach rubbing it slowly. "yeah...you're right , I guess that is a sucky idea..h-hey can I ask you one more question?"

"Yes, I guess you'll start to bite when you're hungry." He chuckled, surprised at the sounds that came out of his mouth. He was actually laughing genuinely, for the first time in forever. (for the first time in foreveeeer~ There'll be music there'll be liiiiight~ Wait- Is that the lyrics?)

"Haha, you made me laugh. That's a first." He said in a surprised tone, looking at the boy who was gently feeling his own stomach. The scene made his ice cold heart, that was frozen for thousand years, slowly melt.

"What is it? What do you want to say?"

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


( Gasp!! Yaaaaas! you sing it! and yes that sound correct to me lol)

He traced his finger over his stomach reacting to the small ripples from the babies waking up, listening to Skyler talk of his first time experiencing genuine laughter, chuckling along with him, smiling down at his stomach rubbing it once again.

Cypher was preparing to ask him something when a strong contraction hit, causing him to jerk his head back, he tried to breath through it . closing his eyes "panting, Aargh.g-give me a sec..."He says with a very weak grunt, he reaches for something to hold onto. squeezing the sheets .

Skyler visibly frowned, fixing the pillow, putting it behind his head. He patiently waited till the contraction ended, allowing Cypher to crush his bleeding hand. He finally felt a bit guilty, seeing the results of his experiment (Cough torture). Maybe he was returning to his former self, when he actually found it horrible when this kind of cruel acts occured. He began to count the contraction, which was really long.

"You can tell me later." He said, placing his other hand on his stomach, gently rubbing it.
(Yaaas frozen LOL)

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


He felt the older male adjusting a cushion behind his back, giving him more support for the long labor. his legs were shaking from the body crippling pain, he looked towards the ceiling. *Contractions became overwhelming*

Cypher took deep breaths ,feeling a lot of pressure between his legs. "Ugh... okay.. I'll save the question when I'm done pushing a entire village from my A- Ah!! ." Cy started pushing feeling something strange between his legs emerge."This is so weird!!. but I feel like crying ....Arrgg!" Arching his back , his face red with pain written all over his face.

Skylar closed his eyes, feeling his heart actually thump in pain, seeing the sight of Cypher screaming in pain, which made him feel guilty. He didn't feel his guilt at first when he watched on his computer screen. But seeing it close up, he couldn't tell that it was really painful, wincing slightly as Cypher squeezed his, almost crushing his bones. He sighed deeply, taking responsibility, spreading Cypher's legs, checking how far he was.

"Alright. Now take a deep breath. I can't see the head yet, The first baby is going down your birth canal. Push when you feel a contraction." He told him in a serious tone, sticking a finger in, to loosen up the tight opening, helping the baby go through easier. (uuuuhhhh sorry if that made you uncomfortable. That send me shivers xD)

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


Cypher Pushed with all his might wanting the pain to end . His hands holding onto the sheets crying through each contraction, he heard Skyler talking but couldn't focus on everything he was explaining.
"Hee..hee..hoo..Ugh aahh!! "

the contracting slowed down , allowing cy to rest up for the next one. He glanced at Skyler . "Wow! Hey!!".
Cypher quickly grabbed his wrist blushing still new to this whole natural labor thing. not to mention he was still pretty young . "What are you d-doing!? " He says in a tired raspy tone , he slowly let's the older mans wrist go after he gave a reason for his actions.

(its okaaay XD)

The scientist chuckled, seeing Cypher flushed and confused.

"What did you think I was doing?" He teased, continuing with what he was doing. He put on his gloves, since he got the time to do so now. Then checked again, feeling the head reach his finger, knowing that the baby's head is going to need to come out in the next few contractions. He pulled his hand back, avoiding to touch any erotic spots in his opening, blushing slightly.

"Alright.. Tell me when you're ready to push when the next contraction comes."

(Sorry it's so cringy lol I ran out of ideas)

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


(Totally fine ! XD )

Cypher looked up towards the ceiling to embarrassed to look down. He waited for the next rounds of contractions to hit, When he heard Skyler laugh . His face flush a soft cherry red."I'm still new to this stuff okay!... i-i wasn't sure what to think of it ...currently ...Atthattimesheesh" He mumbled , His eyes looked around the room.

He grasped his thighs taking a deep breath, he arched forward pushing. he choked back a cry of pain . his stomach tight as a rock from the intense contraction , the baby started crowning .

"Okay, you're doing great. It's crowning now, keep breathing."

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


He leaned back panting, trying to catch his breath."Mnnn.. I'm breathing!! "He said, Glaring at Skyler arching forward holding his thighs. He pushed with all his might. Cypher was extremely tired whenever the contractions ended, it was very challenging to keep his eyes open without drifting to sleep.

Cypher fell back against the pillow , hands clutching his stomach in need of something to keep him awake. "I..don't know if I can do this much longer...."He said, staring blankly towards the older man. his lips looked pal with a tinge of pink in the center. The other little ones moved around as if they were panicking.

He tried moving back against the head of the bed , adjusting his stomach putting a random pillow underneath his stomach. "Am I close?.." he sighed in exhaustion, tucking a few fly always behind his ear leaning back.


(Eh?! Where did my reply go @.@ I thought I posted yesterday)

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


(No (ノ*゚ー゚)ノ it disappeared or something I don't know ... its nice to see you back on though! feeling better?)

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