You were Warned (Closed)

Setting : Two men explorers come across a sacred circle with a note around it stating not to cross or else be cursed. Ignoring the warnings, the two guys enter only to be found as a griffin stating as punishment they will be made to birth his children, sending them to a shack. The griiffin made sure their labors would be hard, and giving birth harder, the eggs huge.

Name : Erik
Age : 20
Pregnant : Four months, 4 of the griffins huge eggs
Description : Tall, medium size, brown hair, green eyes

Erik rubbed his stomach walking around in the shack. It had been months since they had been pregnant with the griffins eggs, looking over to his friend, "I hope these eggs decide to come soon."

Name: Dante
Age: 19
Pregnant: with 3 of the griffins large eggs
Description: ice blonde hair, pale blue eyes tall, slim

Dante rubs his stomach as well nodding in agreement. "i hope they come soon as well. its getting harder to walk. kinda want out of the shack too."

Erik nodded, rubbing his stomach, "I know what you mean. Guess we will learn better next time it says enter and be cursed."

((Oh, forgot to ask, did you want give birth first, or I?))

Dante nods beginning to clean the plates from breakfast. he had been in his first year of college to be a cook. "yeah i should hope so."
(you can give birth first. i'll be shortly after)

Erik smiled, "That was a great breakfast." Erik knew they needed more firewood later on, headed outside to get the wood. Looking around, Erik knew they could only go so far, not able to escape. Picking up some wood, Erik headed back in before dropping the wood, an unexpected pain going through him.

Dante had been still in the kitchen cleaning dishes and turned to face Erik "are you ok?" he asks looking worried.

Erik shook his head, as the pain eased up, "I think something's going happen." Erik bent to pick the wood up moving it around to the stack they had.

Dante turns the water off and follows Erik into the other room. "bedroom?" he asks unsure about if they should be in bed or if they should keep busy until something more happens.

Erik shakes his head, "No, it was just one pain, I have a bad feeling it's going be a while until these things want out." Erik came sitting at the table deciding to cut up some fruit for lunch.

Dante goes back to the dishes feeling a slight pressure in his lower back but ignores it for the most part trying to rub it away as he does the dishes "I am large enough i forgot how many months it's been." he says as he rubs his stomach now hearing the eggs rubbing together slightly.

Erik thought back, "I think it's been about four months, even though the way I look could be more." Erik grips the table as a stronger contraction hits him causing him to groan, "Ohh..god."

Dante rushes to Erik. "bed. now." he says more of an order than a question this time. he takes the food from Erik and finishes making it for later with quick motions almost too fast for most to follow then helps Erik to stand. "i'm not sure how long that griffin eggs take. but if nothing else just rest on the bed." he says to Erik.

Erik nods, going to the bed laying down, "I don't know but I would love if they hurry up." Erik bends over his stomach, feeling a stronger pain. The contractions continue off and on for hours, with no sign of the eggs.

Dante comes in and out to check on Erik over the next few hours. after a few hours he sits in the room with Erik. "do you feel the urge to push at all?" Dante asks after another contraction.

Erik shakes his head, "No, god I wish the pain just stop...aahhh!!!" Erik can't help but scream at the pain, feeling pressure suddenly as water gushes out onto the bed from his anus.

(((Hey hate to do this, but I got head to bed. I got appointment tomorrow, but I'll be back on tomorrow night. Hopefully someone will reply to one of our rp's))

Dante trys to help mop up some of the water that gushed out onto the bed. "that should help make some progress" he says checking to see how far dilated Erik is. "your 8 cm."
(its ok take care. also how large are the eggs like approximate size?)

(I'm not sure, how big do you think they should be? There's ostrich size eggs, emu size which are pretty huge. Or they could be twice that big doesnt matter.)

Erik groans knowing with a regular birth the woman had to be 10 cms first, however felt he was going have to be bigger, not knowing how big these eggs were. Gripping the sheets, Erik let out a groan feeling a stronger contraction, feeling an egg shifting inside him, "Ones...moving...oohh!!!!"

(i figured ostrich size)
Dante pressed gently on Erik's stomach after the contraction ends. "we don't know how big they are. i'm just trying to see how far dilated we should be." he explains. over the four months they have been here his hair has grown out to about neck length and his bangs have grown to cover his eyes. he takes a deep breath pulling his hands away and rubbing at his stomach. "it may be another hour or so before you can even start trying to push." he says sympathetically feeling the pain everytime Erik has a contraction. "maybe try a shower or a bath to relax?" he suggests.

((Ostrich size is good))

Erik nodded getting up off the bed with the help of Dante. Moving into the bathroom, Erik got the water going before getting undressed. Then stepping in, Erik stood letting the warm water hitting him, feeling some relaxed. Erik didn't know how long he stayed in the shower, but many strong contractions came over him, making him feel the egg moving down. Soon Erik started feeling the urge to push, knowing he didn't want to give birth there. Moving out, Erik screamed a strong contraction hitting him, "Dante!!! Help please...I need to push!!!!"

Dante rushed back in with some towels and helped Erik to get back to the bed laying some towels down so the bed doesn't get any messier or wet from the shower. he has an apple in his mouth sufficiently looking like a dork as per ussual. he realised he looks silly and sets the apple aside for later holding Erik's hand as he checks how far Erik is dilated. "looks like this will be difficult. 11 cm." he says as he starts speaking up again. "push on the next contraction."

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