C The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8)

Pareis pulled away the two hands of Raven and returned the kiss with a passionate and vigorous one. He pressed Raven's head closer to himself to deepen the kiss, not even letting him the chance to regain his breath properly. He released Raven only when he started pushing him away, face red with lack of breath. Chuckling, he held Raven close but pulled away, wiping away the streak of tears on his face, knowing they were tears of passion and love.

"I thought that's amazing too. I hadnt had such amazing sex for awhile now. " he rubbed on Raven's back as he panted hard.

Raven closed his eyes letting his masters lips press against his own. enjoying the waves of intimacy that washed away the harden feelings between them and was now replaced with heartfelt bonds growing between them. He placed his fragile hands on top of the cold hands of Parris's feeling his lover depend the kiss , shivering from his cold touch

He was struggling to keep up with his lovers intense kiss. He slowly brought his left hand down pushing against parris chest in a attempt to free himself of his lovers forceful grasp needing to take a breather."Mmh!..mmn!" he moans getting red in the face, he pushed against his mate with all his might desperately needing to take a break , eyes still tearing up.

"MmnnAgh! *Gasping*" Icy blue eyes that left small waterfalls down his cheek looking at his masters face , he gave the chin of his beloveds face a nip smiling tiredly, wanting nothing more then a simple hug.

He rested his head against his masters chest noticing the quick thumbing sound of his heartbeat. With his mind still fuzzy from getting his.. dinner.

Raven played in parris hair smiling wide at the sound of his voice rusty and deep it made the hairs on his back stand up . "I'm ..glad...i-i could give you something worth remembering.." he purred snuggling against him, his body warm and cozy.

"Its so quiet here..." he whispers resting on his lovers chest , still playing in his hair.

"I am glad to have ceeated that memorable moment with you too." Parris spoke gently to Raven, shifting their positions so that they were laying side by side, snuggled close together. He ruffled Raven's locks and said "yes it's quiet here.... I am looking.forward to this place being filled with children's laughter, which wouldnt be that far in future with the first ones on their way already." Parris smiled warmly and got his hand down to caress the belly. They stayed in this blissful silence for a bit before Parris started talking again. "Didnt you just mentioned wanting to name the children? What do you have in mind? We can come up with a list, I am sure we would need a lot of them." He kissed Raven's face somehow showing his commitment to their relationship in a subtle way.

(How many babies this time? Oh and can we skip a bit to Raven sporting a large belly after this scene, or just make him grow somemore? I got this belly fetish and wanted to play with that LOL)

Raven chuckled feeling very lucky to have stumbled upon such a wonderful being , he held onto ever word his master said breaking the silence that settled within the four walls. He rested his head under his lovers chin, using his free hand to explore his body wanting to remember every single detail of parris frame.
His hair was raffled making raven pout a little, his eyesight obstructed by the scruffy locks of hair covering his eyes.

" mhm.. but don't get me wrong ... its just the city was never this quiet so I'm still working on adjusting.. I think its nice.... hm? Oh! Haha! someons eager ... I'm still in unbelief that you know I'm actually.. pregnant but..."He looked down towards his semi swollen midsection with a bright glow in his eyes from the excitement that leaped within him.

He reached up wrapping his arms around Parris's neck leaning into his muscular embrace. He felt spoiled rotten by now letting a small yanw slip from his baby soft lips, sighing in approval of parris rubbing his sore distanded mound that was soon to get bigger , time was surly to catch up with him, Raven looked down remembering that soon he won't be able to see his feet so for a few minutes Raven said his good byes ending it with Parris looking very concerned and confused.His face was blank thinking to himself- is he delusional ? or in need of a nap.?" Raven could tell from the silence his lover was secretly judging him.

Ravens eyes widened when his lover reminded him of picking names for the little ones."Oh I was thinking of ..hmm Alex for a boy.. or Alexis? if ones a girl ..hmm um Ziron?? maybe ..or ugh" He said, The list of names go longer and continued he paused from parris kissing His forehead , he smiled and slowly closed his eyes resting."I'm sure the names we pick will be just right ..."

(I'm fine with any number, have any suggestions? and we can make him grow some more ?. when will the brother come into the story?)

(Wow that's one large chunk of instalment! Hnm how about 3 to 4. And yes i think the brother can appear soon now that they had established a bit.)

Parris chuckled at how Raven was so excited yet too tired to xome up with names. He felt the babies were absorbing the energy flowing through from their bond and they would be growing fast for the next couple of hours. He decided to watch on Raven while he slept, patting his back gently as his breath evened out. He smiled as the babies started growing, making good use of the time when their bearer was resting to grow rapidly. He covered the belly and a faint white light appeared. With a bit of magic Parris protected the skin from getting stretchmarks and numbed the pain of stretching for Raven. Another red light slowlt appeared that was Parris building a bond with the little ones and assessing their condition. With a smirk Parris released his hand after quite some time. He had created bonds with each of his child and he would be able to tell Raven how many children they are having when Raven woke up.

(Lol sorry XD sometimes I can't control myself and 4 sounds good to me XD)

The room was once again quiet. Raven was fast asleep all tuckered out from his exciting night . "Zzz zzz..Zzz"
Ravens body started to change thanks to the little ones growing inside his belly. He felt around for his pillow grabbing parris's arm instead snuggling up with him, a cute derpy smile across his face .

The babies within for the first time moved it was still to small to tell whether it was a foot , his stomach was full of life and activity. "mn...Zzz..Zzz" Raven sighed softly, he scratched a very itchy spot near his belly button .

The babies sensing their father near by they all started moving around feeding off his aura to form a strong bond with him, one seemed very excited and could possibly be the biggest one of the vamplings , he kicked showing off his strength and reacted more to his fathers aura .

Raven slept through it all .. "Snoring quietly, ZzzZzz...Zzz nm.."

(Sorry for disappearing, and haha frankly i do not mind you getting so long, I am just afraid I couldnt give you something quite as detailed xD alright 4 it is. And do you want to play the brother or we just share?"

Parris saw the belly expanded in front of him and he gwntly pushed away Raven's hand that's trying to scratch. He smiled when th3 connection with the largest of all 4 was established, feeling her excitrmnrt already. They spent the night with bonding with each other, and the babies were now able to listen to what their father say and move around strong enough to distend the belly of Raven.

As dawn came Parris closed his eyes a bit. Vampires were still nocturnal beings and the rising sun would have hurt them if they were still not strong enough. With a wave of band another layer of curtain closed by itself and stopped all sunrays seeping through, and he waited for his human to wake up wtih the babies asleep again.

(the size of the reply doesn't matter to me just as long as your enjoying the rp is important to me XD aand we can share ! ?)

After 9/1 hours past Raven started to wake up from his slumber , he stretched letting a large yawn com from his mouth , "morning.." He aid with another stretched added onto it. He opened his eyes lifting his right hand to rub the sleep from his eyes , letting his eyes adjust to his surroundings."Parris?...."

Raven slowly tried his best to pushed himself up wondering why its so difficult now. He rubbed his now larger midsection pausing when he felt a flutter of movements from the sleeping vamplings reacting to their little dreams , Lifting his shirt up to witness the large mound resting on his lap."w-what?...how can this happen?..so quickly"

(Haha yep I'm enjoying and ok let's share ;))

"We vampires grow fast, they grow whenever the surrounding factors are suitable, for example, extreme pleasure from their bearer and some aiding from their father..." parris smiled meaningfully to Raven. His belly was very large now it was difficult for Raven to keep upright, Parris sat up so Raven.could lean back on him, giving space for the belly. "You might want to spread your legs a bit further to accommodate the children. There are 4 of them in here, do expect them to grow even further."

Raven rocked back and forth loosing his balance and landed against parris he looked at him with puppy dog eyes, Pulling his shirt down feeling like a round blueberry muffin, he adjusted his midsection finding no particular position comfortable , looking towards his lover and hearing his suggestion of what to do.

"like this? ....mm.. Crap I-*struggling* ..could you help me?" he said making grabby hands pouting.
Once he was comfy he parted his legs allowing his baby bearing tummy to hang there , he motioned to his lover to place a pillow for his tummy to rest on . He back tracked on what parris said realizing he said 4. He was stund and looked wide eyed towards his lover."Four!?! ... really!?.. oh this is going to hurt .."He whined

"Hmm from what I heard pushing 4 out wouldnt be particularly more painful than a singlet." He quite enjoyed the warm body of Raven nudging close to his front. "I think it isnt a good sized litter either, I have heard my brother who got a bearer 8 at a time. That belly was so large I dont think the bearer could stand up without any help. And that bearer is a vampire." Parris rubbed on the belly and told him with a slight smile. "Besides I am here, so you dont have to worry too much." He pecked on his cheek and interlaced their hands together, the sizes of them making a great contrast.

Raven relaxed against his lover sesing the nurturing side of parris looking flabbergasted from the short story he gave. "Wow!.. did he survive? and um I have a question ..." He said with a shy smirk on his face.
He rubbed his tummy feeling so cozy and warm ."but I'm sure I just jinxed myself... I have a feeling the next litter will be more then the first one.."

He looked into parrises eyes listening to the rest of the story and chuckled."well now that you mentioned it, I guess it could have been worse... but about that question. Since your a vampire... does that mean your gonna turn me?" he said rubbing the side of his aching stomach waiting for him to answer.

"Yes I would... unless that's not what you wanted. We will share ommortality but there's no turning back..." parris trailed off at this, reminded how Pius did turn it back. "No easy turning back except for instant death. You will be cursed with an eternal thrist for human blood. I will give you time to think about it. Even if I turn you it would be after the birth. Turning you while you are pregnant is dangerous." He traced the underbelly, feeling the slight shifting.

"Okay ..and after I'm turned.. that means my old human life ..is over? ...oh is see so there's no way of turning back " he looked up placing a hand on his tummy feeling the babies move around. Raven rested his head against parrises shoulder letting his heavy child bearing body press against Parris.

He looked at the small rippls of movements coming from the babies responding to their daddies aura ,triggering another growth spurt.

"I guess we arent really in any hurry to change you. You might change your mind later and I wouldnt force that on you. It's a big decision and I will let you think on it." Parris slipped his hand through Raven's dark hair, coming through his thick locks. "Our kids surely are impatient in growing. You would have a significant shift in gravity when they finished this bout of growth." Parris tapped the belly lightly with his finger and wondered how big Raven's belly could get after this round of growth.

Raven cringed and held onto parris's arm , he groaned rubbing the side of his swollen tummy feeling the children stretch his midsection further out. "I...I don't mind ..I love it here ..."he said with a slight whimper of pain. He buried his face in his lovers chest feeling the stinging sensation if his sensitive skin supporting the newborns growth spurt , it finally ends and he sighs scared to move." hopefully that's the last one ....idk if I can handle another one. "

Parris covered Raven's belly and the white light appeared again, lessening the tingling a bit. "I could help with that uncomfortable sensation a bit but I couldnt quite control how much the children grow. I am suspecting there would be other spurts. Let's see." Parris smiled. "Shall we try to walk around a bit? You need to keep in shape even with the weight of the babies dragging you down."

Raven felt himself being moved around by his lovers will to comfort his through the stinging aftermath of the growth spurt that left a unpleasant sensation. He closed his eyes getting very clingy to parris ."Thank you ...i-i needed that. How many of these are left?..I feel like it'll never end ..."he glaced up in time to see his lover smiling down at him, he managed to smile back. Raven parted his legs again needing more space for his tummy . He looked sorta unsure what to say."I-i guess I can try... if you helped me?"

"Of course." Parris smiled and kissed hia face. He helped Raven shifted nearer the side of the bed. He took away the pillow under his belly and shifted his legs to plant them on the ground. He supported Raven's waist when he got up. "I guess it could be a bit more comfrotable if you support you waist with your hand behind them? Dont worry i will hold you evem if you lost your balance."

When it was time to get up Raven felt like a bloated ragdoll being moved around he actually didn't mind the the weight it was just the sudden rush of children kicking at his bellybutton. He was hoisted off the bed and attempted to steady himself ."The little ones aren't helping" he smirked rubbing near the areas that were being attacked ." it doesn't seem that bad.. haha I guess its just me being a drama king " he held parris's hand waddling forwards towards the door , trying to get used to the added weight from the growing vamplings.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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