Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite)

The teen felt no different when he had finally birthed his child, everything hurt and ached though it dulled notably when the little boy was laid on his chest. The pink, squealing baby with wet tuffs of hair on his head and a tiny pecker between his chunky legs,"Oh my god."He breathed out finally after a full minute of being frozen in awe at it, his son. James jr wrapped the child up in his arms and held him there, his eyes closing for a few moments then reopening to take in the sight of his baby again. Just staring silently for a long while, then looking to his own father,"He's"He couldn't find a word to describe it, he looked back down at the quieting boy who had settled in the warmth of his chest and arms.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James simply nods, not saying anything as he allowed James Jr. this moment. He settled his gaze on his son, and grandson before closing his eyes for a moment or two before he opened them again.

The young father stared at his son and looked sad after a few moments, more tears came to his eyes and he sniffed lightly,"Pop missed it."He rubbed his eyes with his undershirt,"They were supposed to be here for it."He stroked the boy's hair so it smoothed against his head and kissed his small nose, the infant hadn't taken much time to get used to him and slept soundly on his chest.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"He's apparently got more important things to worry about." James leaves the room for a moment before coming back with a bottle of water for James Jr. "Here, take a few sips, your going to need it."

James jr took the water bottle from his father quietly with a small nod, he had curled up onto his side quietly while cradling the baby gently. He held him close to his chest, taking a few gulps of the water then more before placing the empty bottle down again. His thumb brushing over his son's hair and eyebrows gently while he slept in his warmth, he tugged the sheets over them carefully, holding the infant. "Dad loves us... All of us."He said, looking to his father,"Don't be mad at him, please."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Don't worry about me and your father, get some rest and call if you need me." James leaves the room then, turning back for a moment to watch James Jr and the pup before closing the door, he left it cracked open slightly before making his way downstairs to sit down at the kitchen table. He phone laid on the table for a few minutes with him just staring at it, wondering if he should call Tobias and tell him the news.

James jr laid his head down to rest with his son, a hand lightly resting on the baby's middle as it rose and fell beneath the towel. He had his eyes only slightly closed as he watched the infant in the afternoon light, he turned his face into his arm as he felt tears come again and held his baby close. While he tried to rest comfortably.
It was about an hour before James's phone rang finally, with Tobias on the other end.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James simply lets it sit there until the last possible second before his pressed answer though said nothing.

Tobias sat there as well for a long moment then said,"We're different."He pressed his lips together, walking back and forth on the back porch slowly as he stood in his coat,"I've known it for a long time..."He shrugged slightly and rubbed the back of his neck.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Your not taking them from me, any of them." His voice was low, barely audible through the phone.

"I'm not saying that James."Tobias bit his lip and closed his eyes as he held his head,"I would never do that. You know me."He said gently,"I love you... I'm happy."He sniffed and rubbed his eyes with his hand,"I'm just getting worse... You know that, we all know that. I'm getting old... Too old to be help to anyone."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Clearly one part of you still works."

"And that part is?"He snorted some, wiping his eyes and tilting his face up to the sky slightly, pressing his lips together once more,"Why does it matter anyway, when the rest of me is fucked? You have half of eternity while I have to rot in some hole in the ground-"He scoffed and wiped his face again.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"You know." James simply stares at the phone. If looks could kill the phone would have burst into flames.

Tobias looked down at the patio beneath his feet for a moment, he was silent and still for a moment, then asked,"Is that all you care about?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Why don't you ask your whore." The line goes dead then.

Tobias sobbed and clutched the phone to him, thrusting his fist into the wood banister that surrounded the house and shattering the glass of his phone into his palm. "Motherfuck-!"He cursed aloud at the top of his lungs and almost sank down to the ground if it wasn't for the pained scream from behind him in the house. The human sniffed and covered his face for a moment as he collected his thoughts, then turned to head back into the house.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James doesn't sit there for another second. When he pressed end call his eyes flashed golden before he was out the door in the next second. He isn't sure how long or how far he ran though when he did finally stop and throw his head back Tobias didn't miss even one bit of the howl that was heard.

No, he didn't miss any of it, until the cries of their first born rang out, though he was torn as he caught the baby himself gently and brought them to their mother's chest. Something he had once before, though now it seemed like a foreign thing as he smiled at his lover softly, resting a hand on the infants back and pushing her hair behind her ear. She was sweating and panting still after the birth and he couldn't look away, was this how James felt towards him? He understood now. The purest state anyone could be in and so...naturally beautiful, he didn't know what he would do now that he's seen it. It wasn't the same.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

When the howl finally died down nearly 5 entire minutes had passed. James didn't miss the cry of the infant, and to him, that sealed the deal.

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