C The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8)

"Unfortunately your brother is rhe eldest born, he is the one inheriting the title of master. Oh and if you dont want me, I can stop it. All you had to do is ask." Alex withdrew her hand and smiled, waiting for Alcove to beg for her later when the drug kick in full force.

Parris nibbed on Raven's face and eased a finger into Raven's slightly swollen hole from their exercise before. He reached in and found their firstborn to be in position right at the cervix, but it wasnt fully dilated yet and the water hadnt broken. He smiled at Raven and said "you are doing well. Rock like that to encourage the cervix to open." He kept his finger in and rubbed on the cervix to encourage its dilation, eliciting moans from Raven.

Alcove placed his hands against his chest , biting his lip getting uncomfortable. "FK! Fine do as you please. I can not rid myself of this constant buzzing feeling in my pants!" He said grabbing himself and started stroking his member wanting to rid his body of that cursed aphrodisiac." You know nothing woman... I will be the next in line for this house ... you just wait..you'll see!..mn!"

"oOoh.. uugh crap! mn.." Raven held his belly getting through the heavy pressure between his legs, holding parris hand for support, He turned his head seeing Pius for the first time."W-Who are you!?..*Panting*"
He resembled a very cute confused puppy looking towards Pius .

A few hours passed and Raven rolled onto his hands and knees obeying his instincts to start pushing "Gaah!..Uh this is way more Interesting then I thought" He moaned bearing down maintaining the rocking motion.

Alex smiled at the relenting Alcove and shoved 4 fingers in, which were way thinner than her cock. She scraped and scissored around, making Alcove squirm and pant. "You will be next in line for the inheritance? We will see...." she smiled as she knew the new bearer would be giving master his heir and thus, stripped Alcove of his priority. Alcove becoming a bearee would only further deteriorate mattees and even if he get to inherit, the properties would go straight to their children.

During that few hours Pius had introduced himself to Raven and both him and Parris helped him trhough labor. As Raven started pushing Parris chuxkled and said "wow thats the first time I heard someone saying something about labor being interesting. How interesting is it, pray tell Raven?"

Alcove slammed his fist against the floor getting frustrated with his body, he cringed grabbing at her wrists wiggling around and looking at the ceiling trying to stay aware of what's going on with his body and this intruder. He started slipping underneath the influence of the drug , Turning red in the face and panting ."Y-yeah.. one day I'll take over!.. soon I'll take what's mine.. along with my rightful mate..!" he said through gritted teeth .

Raven had so much to tell/ask Pius he looked bright eyed like a child chatting up a storm pausing for a few minutes to push through a contraction . "how did you first meet parris?. .. was he always a meanie?.. does he enjoy being a vampire..did you?.. why did you leave?" Raven watched Pius face soften into a warm smile.

Pius spoke" so many good questions but sadly I can only answer a few.. okay?" He sat next to parris facing Raven. " I met parris when I was younger .. we always had to schedule a play date since our parents decided we'd be the best for each other.. I met him in the old play house just outside this hidden birthing place.." a tear of happiness streamed down his face remembering all the things he missed so much about being alive .

Pressing on a sensitive spot within Alcove had rendered him silent with th3 extreme pleasure overcoming his mind. Alex shifted and aligned her cock and shoved in Alcove, moaninh loud with the pleasure. "Ahh it's always nice to take a virginity, always so tight." She started thrusting before he had any time to adjust.

Parris smiled sadly to Pius. He raised a hand to collect that drop of tears and found it realised into a brilliant gem. "Pius.... meeting you have been the best thing that happened toin my life. One of the best now, considering the birth of our children is also quite amazing." He deliberately ommitted mentioning Raven, wanting him to show his jealousy. He had some how missed that little pout. Just then Raven had started pushing again and Parris put a palm on Raven's belly, feeling his progress and supporting him.

Alcove got himself in a very bad situation being lured in by this siren was his biggest mistake ever.He looked blankly towards the ceiling finally under the influence of the drug, he layed there starting to groan from Alex trying to find a sensitive spot within his cavity, He stopped moaning . He was forced into taking Alex's full size .

Alcoves mouth gapped open and he arched his back , reaching for something which was strange for him since he was still loopy from the drug."I don't... remember... this being ap-apart of the plan though" he reached down pushing against her waist starting to feel the momentum build up around his entrance . His legs were pressed back further trying to get deeper. Alcove was laying there like a rag doll half naked being penetrated by an undercover siren who apparently knew about his bad habit ...

Pius glanced up feeling . well, disappointed with his past decisions wanting to apologies for his stupid choices and running away from parris . He was a foolish vampire who desired to be human but ended up dying and took thier unborn childs life with him, Slowly folding his arms pouting and squinted his eyes looking at parris then Raven."hmph... well then.. nice to know your happy.." He mumbled .

Raven listened to the two conversing with each other , he closed his eyes clutching the rope preparing for another big one , Taking a deep breath he held his thighs leaning forward pushing "it burns! Grr !" He reached down wanting to feel the babies head for himself smiling from the soft patches of hair, he felt the childs head getting emotional " hun this is actually happening?"

He squeezed the rope taking a deep breath and pushed through a contraction feeling the babys head emerg . "Ow! Please get it out!!" He hissed feeling the childs head stretch his entrance.

Alex groaned and moaned with the high heat and tightness around her cock. She hadnt been getting anyone laid for far too long and she found herself craving this. She pressed Alcove's thighs down to the floor, his thighs were parallel to the floow bnow giving Alex the most space to thrust. She smirked when Alcove's own cock got up, recovering from the wilt because of the pain. She thrusted hard and the tip had started poking at a particular spot deep inside, starting to create a unique bearing cavity for Sirens.

Parris didnt know what to say to Pius. He gad experienced anger, hopelessness, escaoe and now, sad acceptance. He found himself finally accepti.g Pius was gone, all thanks to Raven. The excited exclamation of Raven dragged his attention back to his human lover and he smiled and nodded when his hand felt the hair, coveri.g Raven's hand.

Parris helped Raven push forward, he fitted himself behind Raven and spread his legs wide against his knees so Raven could lean back on him between pushes. "Push trhough the burn, the baby's coming and you must push to pass her through." With a scream, Raven, much to their disappointment, stopped pushing with the extreme burning pain and the baby slipped back in.

Alcove cringed grabbing at the siren from his legs being pushed down further , he Yelled for help panting. The room was hazy and filled with strange colors , His body felt something unusual taking place when the siren thrusted deep within him making him shiver ."You ...you tricked me." He said trying to sit up getting rocked , he started sliding back against the wall and choked out a moan from her thrusts leaning his head back."My brother will hear about this..."

Pius stood there seeing the scares from the past melt off parris's heart , he knew his time on earth would soon come to an end .. He started backing up sensing his time to fully be put to rest calling him and the child back . Pius picked up the child and watched parris and Raven. the wonderful little moment they're sharing with one another caused a bright arura to glow within the garden "Good bye my love ... we will miss you .." Pius said with tears streaming down his face , The child waved goodbye . The wind blew past them and they faded into a sheet of dust.

Raven allowed parris to do so and leaned back against him panting , he held his belly tight pushing as much as he could to get the baby fully crowning . He could hear the advice given by his mate and was about to until the contraction stopped . Raven pouted feeling as if he was jinxked "Babe ...I want her out it burns so much ..Ow!.. " He sniffles leaning back against his lover breathing through every flicker of pain , trying to not be to much of a whiny baby himself , He started getting ready for the next contracting leaning back and pushed down grunting loudly ."Ow..please come out now ! " He took another breath pushing again.

"Well I didnt really trick you. Sirens only lure people to them, and the irony here is in my common form i have lost most of the ability of luring being a mixed blood myself. All I can say is... we are destined to be together. It's written in the stars my dear." Alex smiled and caressed Alcove's face, she wasnt afraid of facing the fury of her master, she knew he would feel relieved to know hsi brother no longer pose aa a threat to his human mate. With a parituclalry forceful thrust Alex's cock reached some part that wasnt there before, an entrance like being and her face lit up knowing the cavity was ready.

Parris was too focused on Raven that he only managed to lift his head up to meet Pius when he waved. He saw th3 child too and he smiled with tearful eyes, mouthing a goodbye to them both with his hands busy on his mate's body. He closed his eyes and a tear dropped, knwoing this would probably be the last time he could see Pius and their wouldbe child.

The groan and the start of another push of Raven startled Parris awoke. He kissed on the sweaty forehead of Raven and mumbled "love, you are very close, keep your pushes strong like that and we will be holding our children in no time." He summoned a mirror, projecting the image below to Raven, who needed to bend down so awakrdly around the gigantic belly to reach below.

Listening to her words gave Alcove a sudden chill up his spine sensing that she may be correct in her prediction of them meeting like this. He shook his head being defient and difficult to handle, pulling another chair towards them "There is no way I will allow you to ruin my wonderful life!.. I won't let this slide!" Alcove stopped, holding in the rest of his prideful rant. His red eyes looked into Alex's getting distracted by her crystal scales decorating her lovely pal skin. He felt Alex's hand Caresse his face getting him to stay still for a few seconds. A sharp pain ripped through his entrance making Alcove look away ."Gah! pant,pant, AghHhh" Outside the door stood a few of Alex's siren friends they exchanged high fives and continued their duties around the castle .

The trees swayed in the wind showering the parents to be with lovely cherry blossoms, above the pond was the radient bloodmoon hovering over the sacred garden.

Raven was taking a small break and noticed a few droplets of water hit his cheek making him look up to witness his lovers face full of worry and sadness."Are you okay dear?... what's the matter? " he managed to angle himself to look at him directly, while Parris shared the news Raven also teared up and comforted his mate feeling another urge to push he leaned back closing his eyes tight bearing down as hard as his body would allow.

The night sang a lullaby of love and peace towards he new ruler of the kingdom , the water clapped and cheered of its great ruler every living thing sang hymes of praise to Parris and the new bearer , when his eyes feel apon Raven seeing the memorizing blue eyes open from all the hard work of birthing his children into the world he knew after this he had to finish what Pius started and grant this human with the power of becoming the next Vampires prince , in order to rule his kingdom properly. Parris could see the strength in this humans eyes .

Raven gave one more push holding his lovers hand for dear life , he felt the first borns head rotate into the crowning position and slumped back down panting "...I love you.." Raven muttered underneath his breath, For the time being it was all he could say for now, resting against his lover he adjusted himself getting ready for the next contraction , his legs started shaking , His face was turning red holding in the urge to cry, And his belly qwiverd from the muscles slowly becoming stone from the intense laboring pains
"Agh!!..nmm.. *Pant ,Pant* Raven slowly leaned back yelling , the first born was finally out and started to cry taking its first breath of mother nature .
(Oh geez so long! sorry!)

(I am so impressed.... Lol like this is so beautifully described i feel i am sooo not catching up with you.)

Alex started really thrudting, poking at the newly found cavity repeatedly trying to get in. She could hear the cheers of other sirens outside and their voices resonated with their unique way of communication. She smiled proudly, face flushes with pride in conquering the vampire prince, making siren-vampire mixes that wil be so beautiful.

Parris smiled through the tears and kissed his lover recognising his hardwork and also consolation. "Thank you Raven, you are indeed my living. I was so miserable and lonely befotr you and now you are giving me the meaning of life all over again. I cant wait to hold hands with you together and rule the world. I love you." Parris encouraged Raven through the contractions and pushes, witnessing his struggle and perseverancr. "Ravem you are doing so fine, you are so brave and strong for our vamplings. Continue witb your pushes love." Parris held Raven's legs up feeling it quiver with exertion and nibbed away his tear/sweat. "Just a bit more the baby is right here, look into the mirror."

Witnessing the coming of the head, Parris almodt couldnt breath. In his teared up eyes, his firstborn was here. "Thank you Raven, thank you so much." He kissed Raven repeatedly as he sat up with Raven in his lap and lifted up the baby, in a rapid motion her chord was cut and her body was cleaned. "Look at you baby girl..." he held the baby close for the panting Raven to see.

(Awww no way I feel the same with you !! I'm still trying to learn more words you have amazing selection of words !! @-@ plus your awesome!! )

Alcove layed there against his will forced to take every inch of her womb destroying length, feeling it rub against his anul walls . He shiverd letting a soft exhaling sound leave him, his body was jerky and unrelaxed . The feeling of something new and untouched ringged through his head watching the face of the siren closely his eyes glowed looking down at his stomach, with the ability to see anything with heat . he saw her member probing the birth canal the was still maturing , the cavity itself started to open slowly allowing her more access into the womb each time she trusted forward. "..grrr... Ngm. Ah!..I will not allow thi-this be-b-Ah.. behavior!! ..Nnngh .... *Pant ,pant* Enough!" Alcove continued his small harmless rants , for a siren to bring a pure blooded Vampire to its knees in submission she will definitely go down in history.

Raven smiled tearing up, kissing his mate on the shoulder , he leaned back holding his hand "I thank you for everything .. and I'm honored to be the one chosen to bring you such happiness.. I want to be yours forever..."

Raven opened his eyes looking at the two of them , his hand rested on his still large belly . He reached for the little one crying tears of joy and held her against his chest to make skin on skin contact with the little vampling. Raven knew absolutely nothing about babies, or Vampires for that matter but something in his mind clicked and suddenly he knew exactly what to do. "Huffing, she's beautiful hun..uh...hello princess Celina ...you're the one giving daddy's belly button such a kick ? hmm?" He said noticing her small feet kicking around., nuzzling her small nose he handed her off to parris now, Playing the waiting for the second child to enter the birth canal.

Raven watched the water catching the small petles than landed on his belly, the unborn siblings kicked against them making their father laugh in amusement. "this place it a everything... I'm glade choose to break out of the norm.. "

(You are too kind but really it is me who's super awed here.... )

"I guess you have very limited amount of control here. There is no turning bavk now." Alex thrusted a few more times before fully breeching the entrance and got into thr cavity. She moaned loud with how the entrance, or cervix in some means, suck on tight on her cock, at the same time she could hear the high-pitched squeal of Alcove at the violation. She smirked and revelled in the waves of pleasure.

Parris took over Celina and gently placed Raven on the ground, he looked at the baby girl with adoration and put her gently in the water to wash her clean. He could feel Raven's eyes never leaving them as he did that. With a quick flick of finger Celina was safely swaddled and put on another soft heave of dried grass, on top of a blanket very close to Raven. Parris returned to the side of Raven and supported him up so he could always see Celina while they awaited progress from their 2nd child.

"She's beautifil isnt she?" Parris kissed Raven as he settled down, his hand rubbed on his belly a bit to check and encourage progress.

Alcove took a moment to surpress the aroused voices in his head making him feel the need to voice how much pleasure he's in right now, he covered his mouth , and shut his eyes. He took a second moment to remind himself why he needed to break free from the sirens seductive ways . Just then! Alcove flinched, he placed his hands behind his back looking at the siren strongly . His shirt falling down exposing the row of abs to her liking ."What was that j- Just now?!. GAH! .." Alcove reached down pressing a hand against her shoulder using his vampire strength ."And for your information I do have control...." Alcove watched as the sirens face became blank. He shrugged and simply layed back down folding his arms in defeat."Fk..." he grunted.

Raven allowed Raven to guide him onto the blanket ,he watched parris wash her off in the healing waters . He watched her little hands and feet move around from the lack of motor skills getting used to the weight of gravity against her little limbs . Raven smiled placing both hands on his swollen belly rubbing it gently ,wanting the babies to hurry so they can meet their sister again."Come on guys.. don't keep us waiting forever. He looked towards his lover smiling, and allowed him to adjust his position . He fawnd over the little face poking out from the little pill shaped saddled blanky."That was inside me.. " He sighed , looking at parris happy and ready to meet the rest of the.

"They are very beautiful indeed..I'm still at a lost for words.. this is actually happening" Raven bite his lip enjoying his mates belly rubs , he had the magic touch when it cane to belly rubs . Parris'aura seeped into the three vamplings instructing the second in command to ready itself in the birth canal, and did just that.
Ravens breathing started to pick up, he started smiling in excitement to finally meet the second vampling.
"We're gonna be busy after this hun... I guess you wish of having a house full of life is about to come true"

A few hours passed and the contractions started up again making Raven push harder , his face was glistening from the sweat and held his mates hand giving it a small kiss , as if to say he used that to help keep his mind focused on why hes going through such agonizing pain."Augh!!.. Babe I love .y-you *pants..pant* I love you so much!!" He said coming out of a steady wave of contractions."hmn..."

(sorry for the long replied DX)

Alex exploded in Alcove and her face went blank in the ultimate ecstacy. She could feel her seeds rushing into Alcove, finishing their mating. She wasnt sure if the consummation was successful, it would need a bit of time for the fetus to show their presence. From the defeated look of Alcove, she was guessing it was a success. Vampires, and the bearer, were much more sensitive towards these matters. She put a palm on the abs that was so perfect, smirking when she thought how fast they would disappear.

Once the 2nd baby lodged himself into the birth canal, Parris could feel Raven getting focused again. "I have to tell you the mansion is pretty big so it will need more than 4 additions to really fill it with lives." He said beside Raven with a tease, continuing his rub on the belly.

Parris used his other hand to cup the opening of Raven while he took his hand and kissed it. The baby wasnt quite there yet, with every push Raven would get the head and the whole bottom to bulge a bit, but it wasnt progressing as fast as he wanted considerj.g it was already a few hours. "Raven.... let's change the position a bit. Let me get you squatting." He lifted Raven up a bit to get him stand on his own, hanging his weight on his shoulder.

(It's good! Longer the better xDD oh btw for the nect few days i have very messed up internet so.... bear with me if i appear onlien but done reply....)

Alcove lifted his lower body into the air feeling the unpleasant warmth seeping down his anal cavity , making his new womb fill up nicely. He layed there glaring up towards Alex , giving a small hiss and wiggled from underneath her feeling her grip loosen. When he was freed from her grasp he tensed up noticing her fantasizing over his abs ,running her webbed fingers over them. "Keep your hands off.. this isn't going to happen again.. anytime soon " He spoke with a sharp tone fixing himself up he buckled feeling a small stream of something white running down his leg, blushing from the embarrassing and unmanly sight/feeling."you wil speak of this to no one.." When he made his way to the door he was yanked back into the sirens embrace , eyes wide open and filled with confusion."what now?... unhand me at once!" He said feeling her bulge rub against his crotch .

Raven giggled covering his mouth bashfully , his tummy jiggled from the laughter making it quite a sight for Parris to see his mate become such a diamond in the rough. He puffed out a few heavy breathes getting the small contractions, slowly getting more and more intense as time passes. Raven leaned back gasping for air clutching his belly in the prosses "Uugh!...nm..nghm!" He groaned looking at the mirror seeing a sliver of the second vamplings head .

With a few pushes Raven smiled through the pain, reacting from his lovers affection. He wasn't feeling any difference. He dried his forehead glancing at Celina's little face asleep in her cozy swaddled blanket, he took another go in pushing feeling the child's head ease its way down only to slide its way back in. Raven rotated his neck, rubbing the back of his neck feeling stiff and tense , he looked at parris panting and listened to his advice. "Y-yeah ill try anything right now" He panted, slowly letting his lover position him in a squatting position . He looked into his mates eyes resting his arms on his lovers shoulder swaying his hips feeling gravity take over . "Hee-hee.hoo..mmng .." he repeated to himself , moaning into each contraction hugging parris and kissed his neck getting ready to push. He bared down gritting his teeth " Augh!..aghrrr"

Alex held Alcove tight in her arms, she was shorter than him but she managed to appear superior with how her once again hardening cock, which was mainly from witnessing her seed trickling down thr thigh of Alcove, rubbed against his crotch. "Hmm since you challenged me, as your marked mate I think I need to prove to you who's getting the upper hand here." She rubbed th3 cockhead along the crack of his butt and poked the head slightly into his hole.

Parris' hands on Raven's hips helped him sway it, he could feel th3 immediate difference when the head become lodged at the opening, the silver of hair now stayed at the position, no longer retreating back that much. He couraged Rvane when he pushed. "Yes that's it love, keep the pushing coming. I got you so dont worry about anything other than the push." He held tight on Raven's waist and hip through the push.

Alcove felt somewhat intimidated by the little sirens fearless attitude towards him, he looked down at Alex feeling her teasing his entrance . Alcove laughed pulling at her arms to break free from her embrace, he was shocked to feel how strongly she refused to do so. He wiggled around feeling his balance give out, falling back against the couch." Aughn! Oh! Come one!! *panting* " He sighed looking at her scoffing at her reply.

He swayed his hips moaning from the pressure of the child's head close to crowning. Raven kissed his lovers neck ,keeping himself relaxed and focused . He felt a big contraction building up making him arch forward getting a few cramps in his lower back, he held in the cries of pain until the sharp force of the contractions were to much for him, And soon he bellowed out with pain filled cries pushing through each contractions.
Raven held his position giving another strong push, with a loud gushing sound the child's head was out in no time. He smiled resting his forehead against parris' forhead breathing heavily , he moved around more trying to ease the discomfort ."mmmn.."

"Wow are you getting ready yourself for letting me in?" Alex laughed as she approached Alcove. Alcove had landed not so elegantly on the couch, he had his legs spread wide apart and his hole that was still moist with a bit of semen coming out was clearly visible. She pushed his legs further open and fit herself in between, ready for 2nd round.

Parris held tight Raven who had gave all his strength into pushing the baby's head out. He rubbed on his sweaty back through the contractions, nibbing his forehead when he between pushes to be there for him, giving his sweet encouragements and murmurs. With the gush, Parris' hand could feel the baby's head coming out fully and he exclaimrd "you did it Raven, the head's out! You are so strong a pusher, so good, very well done indeed." He smiled with their foreheads touching together, sharing the joy of success that's so close in view. "Raven I am flipping you over now, I couldnt quite catch the baby in this position. I will keep as slow and gentle as I can." With that said, Parris moved Raven around, mindful of th3 head and the widespread hips with the vampling lodging so deep in the pelvis, and got Raven cradled in his arms again, legs hanging on Parris' thighs so that Parris could reach in between his legs. "Just a few pushes now love, just a bit more." He kissed at the back of his neck and urged him.

Alcove looked up in shock , he quickly shook his head pressing a hand against Alex's shoulder. He grabbed at the pillows and flinched , his entrance was invaded by Alex's member forcing its way back into his womb. He grunted finding it very hard to fight against the small chills that swood him into pleasured parodies. "No!..no!..Ugh Aghuuah! "He said through gritted teeth, he arched his back noticing a small sound of giggling outside the door. Alcove cringed each time she thrusted back in ,glancing at the door."I-I-Its not what you think..mn! Go away..now!! that's an or-Order!"

Alcoves long hair draped down his chest , his red eyes closed finding himself slipping into the sirans trap. He just layed there allowing himself to be used ."....Pius ..is this your way of punishing me for all those years of heart break I caused your friend.."He sighed Arching his back once more , quickly covers his mouth breathing hard.

Raven reached down running a hand over the vamplings head smiling, he stayed still hearing his mates voice,agreeing to his opinions/ encouragements."Mhm..t-thank you hun...mmn!..I feel another one coming soon..."
He whimpered letting his mate turn him around just in time for the next contraction, he took a deep breath and pushed one good time feeling the pressure increase. He heard another satisfying cry .

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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