The Soldier and The Governor ((With bhdire8 and Lovebite))

Victor laughed softly as he leant against Caesar,"That tickles..."He murmured, grinning as he held onto the other man and watched his face with growing curiosity then towards the carriage they were walking towards,"How many more trips until we get there? It's so far."He pouted in comolaint.

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"Ahemm... not that far, maybe an hour. And hopefully you would enjoy the view on the way, it's beautiful in the forest, facing a lake." Caesar didnt expect a drunken Victor to be so adorable, innocent yet curious, like a child. He loosened his grip a bit and enjouyed the other's warm body leaning into him, unable to hold himself upright under the influence of the alcohol. He chuckled to himself, who would have thought the stony cold solider to be such a lightweight.

Victor barely paid attention to what Caesar was saying, he burped again and shook his head,"W-Why couldn't we go into the city?"He asked with a small frown,"I like the city. Our houses are already scenic, why not choose something different for our honeymoon?"He stuck his tongue out some and looked displeased as he took heavy footsteps beside Caesar, almost dragging himself along.

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Caesar felt like he was talking with his little cousins, like a five-year-old and it somehow was much easier than the fully grown Victor. "Hnm so why do you like the city better? I like how tranquil the countryside is. And the house we are going is left to me by my mother, and I want her to come to know my partner in life. Hmm so? Victor? Why do you like the city better?" Caesar dragged the semi-conscious Victor up the stairs to the carriage and settled him beside himself, pressing his head down onto his own shoulder.

Victor shrugged as his eyes seemed to fix onto a certain point and he swallowed apprehensively,"The country reminds me of bad times."He shrugged, whatever dark thoughts haunted him seemed to sober him up a little or a lot as he sat up some in his seat. "The country is where battles happen... Even my home has turned into one."He looked up at Caesar and hiccupped then sat back against the corner of the carriage door and the seat,"We don't have a home, we have a battle ground."

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Caesar found he might have decided on a wrong destination. He didnt factor in Victor's previous experience . He hadnt been to any battlefield himself, but his training in the military school had showed him enough. The cruelty and violence of war was something that wouldnt totally disappear from one's mind if they had any experience in it. He became silent for a while before pulling Victor away from his corner, grab him tightly in his arms and said "there isnt judt battlefield out therr. I want to reintroduce you to the nature. There isnt just fighting, there is also tranquility. Try to feel it, rebuild fond memory with it, reconnect with mother nature."

Victor huffed when he was dragged into Caesar's arms again, he frowned up some though sat there against him with his eyes shut. "I don't need a therapist."He muttered mostly to himself as he laid his head against the other's shoulder and arm, grasping onto his arm.

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Caesar patted Victor's back, the man had been much older than him, anr acted much older than him. Though at this moment, he saw for the first time the vulnerable side of his husband. Emotional vulnerability. "I am not a therapist, I am your life partner, one who would take care of you for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health." He kissed softly on Victor's hair that had dangled down, hanging in front of his eyes now.

Victor shut his eyes tightly and whimpered softly into Caesar's arm as he grasped onto him,"Don't say it like you actually give a damn."He pulled away again, pushing the others arms and hands away so they weren't touching,"You could caee less. Just like I could careless about you. You don't understand love."He burped again and almost lost his lunch as he shook his head and grabbed the handle of the door.

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"Ok, maybe I dont understand, just as I dont understand why I am falling for you so hard, but cant you teach me?" Caesar slipped closer to Victor and smoothed his back, noticing his face paling. The alcohol's after effect must be taking place. The back rub should hopefully help settle his stomach a bit, but in truth he knew the risk of getting close to Victor. He could very well earn himself some ruined clothes with Victor vomitting on him, but he just wanted to tend to his love, just like how he just vowed.

"No. I won't."He shook his head simply even when he moved towards him to rub his back, he frowned again as he looked away out of the window. Victor didn't know what to do to convince him, all he wanted was his old life back, he wished that he had never veen introduced to this young man. He almost wished that he had stayed out on the battlefield alone and fending for his life, it was better than trying to explain why he hated Caesar so much. He barely knew why himself. "I'll kill you."He said, glancing at him,"I will... I'll never call you my husband. I'll never love you like you think you love me."

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Caesar was prepared for vomits but not such blunt admission from Victor, and he paled a bit hearing Victor saying he would kill him and never love him. He opened his moith but nothing came out. Still, he didnt stop his rub. "Then just kill me. I would rather die in your arms than go separate ways with you. I dont know what overcame me, but I just felt like you are my destined one, be it my archenemy or my true lovr."

Victor felt his insides grow dense from the way he saw Caesar look at him, he was still a young man and he knew nothing of the real world. "You're insane."Victor concluded and hiccupped once more, gaging a few times and with a shake of his head he pushed the other man's hand away. "I don't know what to do with you... How can I get you to hate me? What can I do to make you understand?"

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"It's not possible to make me hate you, why would you want me to do that? Tell me what made you push me away? We have bonded under God's witness, why are you so desperate to break that vow?" Caesar followed Victor, moving towards him once again, not giving up at all even though Victor pushed him away. He put a hand on his stomach, using his own warm hands to tey to make Victor feel better.

"Because I hate you. It just feels strange when it's one sided, I need you to hate me too."He turned red in the face when Caesar said that and pushed his face and hands away,"Stop touching me. You can't touch me unless you're giving me what I want."He wasn't making him feel better, only worse and he didn't know what to say to him to make him understand."You know what I want, and I want it before we leave this trip. Then maybe I'll learn to...accept you."

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(Shall we make Victor falling down the stairs or something, while in tbe countryhouse, and lost his memory? He would remember his name and all, up before the engagement?)

Caesar had mixed feelings upon Victor's request. He would like it if their child was conceived out of mutual love, and not as the father merely being used as a stallion. "I... I would think about it. Right now.... let's just.... rest. If you dont want my touch, it's fine, just tell me if you arent feeling too well, then we can stop the carriage and let you rest a bit." He observed th burping and knew it wouldnt be too nice a ferling for Victor now. He stayed close to Victor evrn though he didnt touch him.

((We could do that. Maybe it happens after an argument.))

"You don't make me feel well."Victor muttered mostly to himself as he looked out of the window with a frown, leaning against the carriage door all the way to the large farm house. Where the horses pulled up to and were stopped by rhe horseman, a butler was there to open the door and attempt to help him out. Though Victor pushed him out of the way and stumbled out of the carriage by himself, he looked pale in the face and still refused to blow chunks. Knowing that would only hove Caesar reason to takw care of him like a child, just as he was earlier, he huffed and started up the porch stairs.

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Ceasar frowned seeing how Victor pushed away the butler. He jumped off the carriage and helped the old man up, he almost fell dowm on the ground with how forceful Victor was. "Uncle Albert... are you alright? I am so sorry... Victor, he's... he's in a bad mood. I would get him to apologize to you." He bit his lips and apologized. Albert had been the butler here since his grandfather's days, and he had ages significantly after his mother past away. He knew how the old butler had been looking forward to this trip, looking forward to seeing his new master, and yet Victor had shoved him away like that must have hurt the old man.

Albert just gently shook his head, his silver hair almost shining under the sun. He patted Caesar's hand and proceeded to oversee the luggage being unloaded from the carriage. Caesar looked on and furrowed his brows following Victor, he chased after him. Victor ought to apologize for that.

Victor was heading up the stairs when he heard Caesar coming up behind him, he turned his head,"What? What do you want?"He stopped himself to face the other,"Won't you just leave me alone?"He ran his fingers through his hair,"I swear to god you're mmaking me grow grey hair already."He frowned as he turned to finish walking up the stairs.

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The mentioning of grey hair got Ceasar angry again. He grabbed on Victor's arm and stopped him. "You just shoved at Albert! He's been the butler for this place for so many years, starting from my grandfather's time, ans you shoved him so hard he almost feell. Dont you even have any respect over seniors? I thought you are respective to veterans, was it all just an act?"

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