The Soldier and The Governor ((With bhdire8 and Lovebite))

Victor had fallen asleep that night easily without much trouble and woke up in the morning with a throbbing headache, one that one that hurt so bad it brought his eyes. Despite what he remembered of the pain on the battlefield, he couldn't take it as he covered his entire head with his pillow and blankets. The migraine was intense and didn't seem was going away soon despite the time. The smell of.breakfast only made it worse on him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Caesar had left the room for breakfast on bed, though when he saw how Victor was burying himself in pillows in blankets, he set the tray down and laughed, thinking he was just trying to get some more sleep. "Hey wake up sleepy head, breakfast is ready." He pulled on the blanket anf that's when the pained groan of Victor reached him. His tone became urgent now. "Victor? Is it your head hurtibg you? Let me get you some painkillers. Stay here ok?" Caesar rushed back out to gwt the medicine left by the good old doctor from yesterday.

When Caesar came back to him, he reached out and gripped him with tears in his eyes, he babbled incoherently beneath his breath. The fall had took him back a couple of years, it seemed he was in the state he was when returning from war. His father helped him deal with the pain of the stress, thought now it seemed this half sfranger would be there to catch him. From his stress to his pain which seemed one in the same.

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Caesar gathered the helpless soldier in his arms and fed the medicinr to him, wiping his tears away as he settled down a bit. "I am here... babe, dont be afriad. I will always be here for you. Sh..... whatever it is, it is gone now." Caesar was referring to the migrane, and unintentionally that could also cover the nightmares and cruelty of the battlefield. He patted the veteran's back soothingly, rocking him in his arms. "That's it, keep your breathing gnetle and slow.... yes babe. Calm down, I will be here, always."

Victor pressed his face into Caesar's chest for a long few minutes as he whimpered softly in the quietness of the house. His head slowly dulled in it's throbbing as he held onto him tightly,"Y-You brang food?"He asked briefly after a moment, he turned his head up to look at him as his hand curled into the fabric of his shirt. The soldier sat up a bit and grimaced slightly, closing his eyes again as he laid against his chest.

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"Yes... on the table. You hungry?" Caesar rubbed Victor's back gently, no.hurrying him into anything. He nibbed on his forehead, massaging the back of his neck as he asked. "Let's have it on the bed. That's a priviledge for couples in their honeymoon, let's not waste it." He closed his eyes as well feeling Victor's clutchiness and was never as certain for his love for the soldier.

Victor nodded his head and moved to sit up, though looked at Caesar slightly when he offered having breakfast in bed and he smiled some. With a nod and moving to stand up to his feet,"I'm going to take a shower. You can call it up."He agreed, even though he didn't remember his husband at all, he felt that he loved him just as much as he seemed to loved him.

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Caesar nodded with a mischievous smile and quickly went on to ask the good old Albert to prepare for it. He wasnt too comfrotable to see Victor alone in the shower, not with a head injury that could have hampered with his bancing and coordination, so quietly, he followed his husband's footstep and slipped into the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and said in an obviously joyful voice. "Victor, I think I better join you in the shower. At least to help you wash your hair." He smiled like a cheshire cat to his husband.

Victor covered himself when he heard the bathroom door open, he had been undressing and stood awkwardly in front of the stranger as he looked at him. "If you think it'll help then sure."He agreed, stepping into the shower as he dropped his clothing to the floor, pushing his fingers through his hair as he came beneath the shower. The water running over his head and body, he leant against the wall of the shower with a sigh, he ran his hands down his torso and closed his eyes. "I-I feel...weird."He murmured with his head against the tile wall.

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Caesar slipped in behind Victor, running his hand on his body as well. "Hmm you would feel lightheaded, I am sure. And you have a different body than when you remmebr. A few years' time had made a differenxe on you. How about you get used to your body now and I will shampoo you?" Caesar carefully lathered up Victor's hair, avoiding the bulge.

Victor turned to face Caesar with a small nod as he shut his eyes and held onto his husband where he could as he tilted his head back into the water. He couldn't help it as the warmth and pressure between their bodies made his penis seek attention as it grew hard, his balls ached like he had came before now. "How do I know that I love you?"He asked, looking up slightly at the taller man curiously,"I don't remember a thing about you and you claim you're my husband..."

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The unintentional question from Victor hit right into Caesar. He tried to keep the smile in place as he talked. "It doesnt matter if you love me or not, the thing is I love you, and I will make you love me. This is the vow i had made to myself, so even without your memory, it doesnt matter. Even if you even remember yourslef, it doesnt matter. I will be here and I will make sure you fall in love with me all over gaain." He traced Victor's face tenderly, content to have Victor allowing for that , even smiling to that.

It was strange to hear those words from the stranger, he watched his lips while he spoke and met his eyes curiously,"What if..."He didn't finish that thought and looked down as their bodies pressed together, he couldn't help his cock being hard or the fact that this...strange young man was deadly obsessed with him. He was stuck in this reality he had no memory of, he let his hand cup his cheek and wrapped his arms around him to run them up his back in a embrace beneath the shower. His eyes shut and his hands curling to supportive fists against his shoulder blades in silence, tears came to his eyes but they were easily washed away by the water.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Caesar enjoyed this alone moment with his husband. He genrly pressed on Victor's temple yhrough the cascading water, and proceeded to other parts the head. "Perhaps we should get going, otherwise breakfast would be going all cold. Dont want to waste the good old butler's effort, do we? I wil introduce you to everyone in the house afterwards. Maybe even including myself." He got his hands around Vixtor's waist, not moving at all even though that's what he had suggested, lingrring himself in his thoughts.

The offer didn't exactly seem like a good idea to him, he didn't feel like he knew these people at all and now he was being lead to believe that they're his family. He said nothing and pressed himself against the other more for a few moments then tilting back into the water to rinse off. Taking the soap and scrubbing at his skin as if it would make him feel better and he sighed heavily, letting the hair on his head be scrubbed.

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Caesar noticed the sigh and asked gently. "You didnt feel right to be introduced? We could wait. I just want you to e more comfortablr around. They in fact didnt know you this well yet too, this is the first time thry had met you. Your wish is my command though, if you dont feel like it, I can always push that back. Maybe later. I dont want to overwhelm you with new things." He said that while rinsing for Victor, careful to avoid his injury. "Let's go get breakfast first?" He led Victor out of the shower and asked him to dry himself while he took a quick one himself

"No. I-I do want to get back into things... I want to feel comfortable again, as much as I can and as fast as I can."He nodded in agreement when he mentioned breakfast again, taking a robe and dragging it around his body. Staying like that as he moved towards the bedroom slowly, taking in his new surroundings and feeling a bit frustrated as everything was so different. His husband was different too and this was supposed to be his home now? He sighed heavily and simply chose to stay in the robe, he had a plan to stay inside for as long as possible.

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Caesar came out after Victor, in a robe as well, and sat down on the table. He pushed forward the cart of food so they could share the meal on bed. "So... I guess I ought to introduce myself again. I am Caesar, your newly-wedded husband. This isbour honeymoon, and this place was tbe only property left by my mother. We had spent time here, lots of time, especially during the summers, so there's a lot of memory here. I hope this would make you change your view on countrysides... whivh I know you have associated it with ... battles."

Victor looked towards Caesar curiously, his eyes held something that he hasn't seen before as he nodded some then looked away,"This is... This isn't usual for me... How... How did we meet?"He asked and looked out of the windows slightly, he crossed his arms and bit his lip slightly,"Didn't I have any say in where we went?"

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"We met on a banquet. Our fathers introduced us to each other and that's how we began. Well for the destination... i just thought this would be a surprise, and I was desperate and excited to want to introduce you to the house that I grew up in and share with you the memories with my mother. I didnt know you had bad associations with the countryside before... i am sorry about that. I promise in future, whatever plans I had for us I would let you know first." Caesar stood up striaght and said to Victor solemnly, wanting to win his affection, and fast.

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