Maybe you shouldn't have said that to a witch...(open)

Erik watched as the babies head was coming out much easier than the first one, "That's it Jace, you already got it halfway out. It's coming out much easier, one more push and the head is out. Then I will help you."

Jace nodded crying and screamed as he pushed the head out. He leaned back panting softly

Erik watched the head come out before the babies head began to turn. Taking his fingers and being as gentle as possible, Erik started pulling the baby out while holding Jace anus open.

Jace screamed at the stretch and burning, his chest rising up quick he sobbed and screamed

Erik not wanting to cause Jace too much more pain, pulled the baby out in one swift movement, looking to Jace, "It's done, it's over. Just rest for a while."

Jace sobbed at the soreness and just closed his eyes curling in on himself

Erik looks down at the two babies, "Jace were you going keep them or do you want me to take them away."

Jace shook his head "Take them. Take them" he said quietly as he slowly fell to sleep

Erik nods looking to Dante who wasn't looking well himself, "Dante, I'm going take the babies to the hospital and then come back. Make sure you two take care of yourselves." Erik picked up the two babies driving them to the hospital dropping them off, telling the nurses only that the mother didn't want them.

Dante lets Jace sleep and makes his way back to the couch. it looks like he really likes the couch here.

Erik comes back finding both guys still sleeping before Erik looks to Dante, knowing he was going to be next noticing his belly big and going get bigger.

Dante curls around his stomach in a deep sleep.

Erik went to his spare bed, deciding to get some sleep too. Laying there, Erik stared down at his stomach noticing how much quicker his stomach had grown from the last time, wishing it wasn't a baby but knew it was.

not to much later noise is heard in the kitchen. Dante is in there cooking.

Erik wakes up to the smell of food coming in, finding Dante cooking, "Hey, how you feeling? Did you take the medicine I left out for you?"

Jace yawned whimpering slightly at the pain in his bum and lower back. He got up and limped to the kitchen

Erik looks up spotting Jace, "Hey how you feeling? I took the babies to the hospital." Erik looked over to Dante, "Looks like your next Dante."

Jace sighed "Im sore, but Im okay" he said quietly sitting down whimpering at the pain of his bum

Dante pales and pauses cooking some bacon but continues as he speaks. "it would seem so. no i didn't see the medicine." he says quietly.

Erik looks around, "Oh sorry I forgot to pull it out before going to sleep. We need to keep you healthy for when the babies come. There is no way we can go to the hospital." Erik goes to the frig pulling out the drink, "Here it is."

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08-09-2019, 04:48 PM

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