C Beloved teacher (w/lovebite)

Jacques shoot out his hand to grab on Frank. "What do you mean you dint want to be with me." He gritted his teeth and spit out the words. "What do you mean by the baby that neither of us wanted? How do you even know if i want it or not! Frank, my dearest teacher, regardless of whether you are my lover or not, what you are doing is ... " jacques was at a lost of word to describe. He shoved the pregnant man back down on the bed and pressed him down, not ready to finish the converdation yet.

Frank's brows pinched together as he was shoved back onto the bed, he caught himself carefully and hissed in pain when he hit it. "I thought it would be pretty self explanatory."He replied, his hand going to his middle to make sure none of the buttons of his shirt were threatening to pop off as he sat down. "I have an appointment, Jacq."He said,"Let me go."He stood up again, pushing his hair behind his ears,"What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you insane?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"You siad you are getting rid of the situation, so you are giving my baby away? Is that what you are going to do?" Jacques hovered over Frank, his face just inches away from Frank's. "And you are breaking off with me now are you?" His voice was deep and dangerous now. He pushed Frank down on the bed and ripped open his shirt, getting to the belly that Frnak seemed to hate.

Frank was startled as his shirt was ripped open, his belly almost flooded out from the top of his pants as the almost six month belly was revealed. "Jacq! Stop!"He pushed the younger man away and held his hands tightly,"Leave me alone!"He grimaced some as he pushed himself to sit up, closing his shirt flaps as the buttons still clattered to the floor beneath them. "Don't make me do this, don't make me."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jacques was shocked by howvbig the belly was. He hadnt noticed it at all in class. "Tell me, how did you manage to hide that belly! There's no way you are wlaking with such a big one under your shirt.... and I remember i didnt see you like this just this morning! What have you done Frank!" Jacques was getting even more agitated. "And what the fuck are you saying? Dont make you do what?" Jacques was so frustrated with the situation he strolled around rhe room like an annoyed lion.

Frank kept his arms wrapped around his middle as he attempted to cover it with his shirt, more of a pot belly than anything. He had tried dieting and eating less, even when he knew about the baby, but he had been told many times that he was growing a big one by whatever doctor he went to. Nothing helped other than tight fitting clothes, despite doctors orders. "I haven't done anything."He replied,"I've been normal."He watched the young man,"Don't make me leave you over this. Don't make this weird."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"You have been normal?! Is that how you have been convincing yourself? That nothing had happened? and are you just hiding thr situation like you did, not giving a damn to the baby? I am pretty sure you had forced the belly down to get to classes... did you wrap it up? Wirh what? Bandages?" Jacques once again felt his eyes heated up. He bit his lips and looked up at the ceiling. After a while, he said in a quiet voice. "If you just wanted to pretend it never existed, why did you even come here for an appointment."

"I acknowledge it. I do."He said, pressing his palm against his middle,"I know I'm pregnant and I know I won't just...get rid of it."He looked down at the floor instead of at Jacques,"I know that if I'm sick then they're sick or if they're sick then I'm sick."He frowned and looked up at him now,"I'm not stupid. Don't forget who is your teacher."He stood up again now though leaned against the examining table,"You aren't someone I should answer to. If you want someone to keep under your wing then get a puppy."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Frank's words stabbed right into Jacques' heart. It was like blatantly telling Jacques that he was a nobody in Frank's heart. He bit his lips so tight he thought he drew blood. Holding his fists so yight that his knuckles went white, he said. "So an adoption right? I will adopt the baby. And if you dont want to be with me? Fine. I would rather bear the responsibility of being a father than continuing to be a human dildo for you. I thought you had an appointment? As the father and future adopter, I request to be acconpanying you to every checkup from now on." Jacques declared, his face turning into steel.

Frank sighed as he looked at the young man for a long few moments,"You'll adopt them?"He rose an eyebrow and shook his head,"I don't think you understand."He said finally and rubbed his face then met his teary red eyes with his own,"It's not that I don't want the baby. I don't want them with you. I'm keeping them, or I'm planning on keeping them for now, and I'm keeping them by myself. Not with anyone else, especially you. You're young and talented, go live your life."He sighed heavily, pushing himself up to his feet,"No. I'm going home now. I don't feel like making the appointment."

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Jacques dont know if that hurt him more or relieved. He was frustrated that Frank implied that he didnt think he was suitablr to be a father yet, but it relieved him to no end that Frank wasnt a cruel person who plan to give up his baby for adoption. "You meant to say I am not qualified to be a father, and couldnt take up my duties yet?" Jacques looked at Frank's tired face, grabbing onto his arm stubbornly. "Let me take you home. I am not going to let you disappear ever again."

Frank sighed as he looked down at the hand holding onto his wrist,"Jacq..."He began to complain until the young man lead him out of the room,"Finish up your work here. I can take myself home."He said frowning and tugging his arm away, trying to tuck in his shirt and make himself look presentable again. The man looked at him,"You're killing me here."He sighed and shook his head, it wasn't endearing the way he kept close to him and breathed down his neck, but it was pretty damn annoying.

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"No way." Jacques said simply. He dragged him out and went striaght to their lockers. Opening his space he took out the jacket that he wore to work today and wrapped it around Frank. He wrapped him under his arm and whispered to the nurse on duty about an emergency, using his best puppy eyes and signalling over to Frank who was obscured by the jacket, mouthing "my lover's angry with me" to the motherly nurse and got a smile and apporval to leave. He tugged on Frank and left the clinic, instincitvely puttinf a hand around Frank's thickening waist to keep him from stumbling.

Frank pushed his arms through the arm holes of the jacket and tried zipping it up as he sucked in his tummy some while waiting for Jacques. The man shuffled along again when he was tugged into action, frowning up in discomfort and annoyance as Jacq whistled beside him. He tugged away from his touch when they were outside the doors of the clinic and huffed, biting his tongue as he moved forwards towards the college students car. "I'll let you drive me, but you aren't coming inside."

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Jacques hummed noncommitally and got intot he car. He eyed Frank who had tried to get in without too much trouble, but now that he saw the belly under that tightly zipped jacket of his and knew what to look, he knew the baby was indeed having his effect on the professor. As he drove, jacques asked quietly. "So you have known this for long? Even before our last meeting? How far along are you really." He had recalled the little signs and indicators, the slightly puffy belly, the sensitive nipples and the widened hips, all signs of pregnancy that Frnak would be difficult to ignore.

"Yeah, guess so."He nodded some and looked up at him slightly,"No. I was still in denial then."He replied and shrugged as he pulled out his phone to check the calendar quietly for a moment then say,"About six months."He replied and counted beneath his breath,"25 weeks."He sighed and put up his phone again,"The doctors tell me I look about seven months in... They say it's a pretty ripe baby I'm carrying."He bit his lip and looked away out of the passenger seat window while they drove.

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Jacques did his own mental calculation, confirming the baby wss indeed from their time in the janitor's closet. He bit his lip hearing Frank. "I dont see a huge belly.... so how could the baby be that big? Seriously Frank, what have you done to the baby... to yourself?" He turned and looked at Frank for direvtions to his home. He hadnt visited yet, and he recalled how Frank had mentioned inviting him over for their "next time", which from how it's looking right now, could be "never".

Frank shrugged some,"It's just... I don't know..."He looked down and pressed his palms against his middle through the others borrowed jacket,"I haven't gotten an ultrasound yet. That was my first real appointment..."He looked out of the window and sighed heavily,"I don't want to talk about it."He said finally and shook his head silently for a moment until he finally succumbed to telling him the directions to his house. Though not exactly his house, a block away, though it was close enough to walk to.

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Jacques paused a bit seeing how Frank was reluctant to talk, though in the end he couldnt control himself and he asked as he took directions from Frnak. "If you hadnt had any real examination... how did you know how far along you are.... and that it's a big one?" The more he thought of it, the more worried Jacq was. Frank probably knew more about pregnancy than he did but all the sigbs he was showing was neglect and deliberate ignorance to the baby.

"I haven't went to another doctor, but you seem to forget that I hold my PhD in medicine. You don't."Frank kept his head turned away, he refused to talk any more than the general things about it, if he did then he was sure to be kept from being as doubtful of himself as possible. Telling Jacq everything would ruin his plans of denying anything he could about this pregnancy. The professor couldn't help himself any more and he felt hot tears running down his face as he sniffed, cupping his middle.

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