C Beloved teacher (w/lovebite)

Jacques lowered his head to kiss away the tears. He kissed every inch of Frank's face with tenderness. "Everythinf would be alright Frank. Stay calm,thats the only way for the babies to have a chance. Frank? Breath with me. In.... and out... yes. That' s an effective way of controlling your nerves. Frank, listen to me." Jacques waited until Frank's eyes could focus on his. "You are not alonr. You have me here. Amd I will always be there. So dont worry about anything, focus on me, this face. Keep your breathing steady, dont you dare diverting your attention to anywhere else." Jacques gave another of his trademark smiles as he saw Frank calming down.

Frank couldn't stop his tears though, he had too many and he was too scared not to cry, something had to be wrong, he couldn't even...feel them any more... Not even a little, what happened to the flutters... Like butterflies in his stomach. How could he take advantage of that? He wanted to break it to Jacq, but he seemed to be so hopeful, so hopeful that their baby was still alive but he didn't feel them. The older man listened though, he breathed heavily in and out until his head was swimming and Erin was still talking to him, but he barely responded as he stared at Jacq silently, his face still wet with almost waterfall tears. Soon enough the paramedics were there and everything was a blur, they saw him and moved with a haste, placing him on a gurney and wheeling him off to the ambulance through the university.

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Jacques had been treated like an ordinary student fjndjng his pregnant professor collapsing on the ground. He had to insist multiple times to be allowed up the ambulance, though Frank had seemed to daze out and didnt notice him at all, his eyes spoke.of desepration. Jacques held Frank's bloodied hand and kissed it amid the strange looks of tge paramedics, but once they got to the hopsital, he was chased out and forced to wait the half an hour that's rhe longest ever in his life.

The doctor and another woman came out to speak with Jacques, she looked sympathetic towards what he was going through while the doctor simply looked serious. As the man, older than him of course, looked over his clipboard for a moment then handed the signature part over to him. It was a certificate of death for the one unnamed unborn child that had been removed from Frank,"He tells us that you are the father."The man handed him a pen and the woman took a seat beside him,"I'm Tanya, a grief counselor assigned to your...case."She said as gently as she could.

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Jacques took over the clipboard with trembling hands. He was shaking so much that he almost couldnt read what's printed. His child, the baby that he had just came to know for so short a period, gone, forever. He didnt know how to react to that at all. He opened his mouth several times and found his voice too rough to even utter anything. Forcibly clearing his throat, he finally asked. "And Frank...? How's he?" He didnt even glance at the lady, his mind too confused right now to process anything.

The woman had a job to help the couple with their grief though she didn't force herself upon either of them, she had met the birth father. "He's...okay, physically at least."She said gently and looked down the hall where the older man's hospital room was, she stood up,"Would you like to see him?"The doctor looked apprehensive for a moment though allowed the young man to follow the woman into the rroom Frank hadn't spoken to her at all, he simply stared at the two cribs beside his hospital beb, only one was filled and his heart ached to pieces if the second child had a chance too. The baby was pink and the little booties and hat they put on him was bigger than him, the blanket they wrapped him up in too seemed on the brink of swallowing him hole. That thought scared him and he reached out to pluck the tiny newborn out of the clear cot, placing them against his chest gently in silence.

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Jacques entrted the room to see Frank with an pink form on him. He walked towards his lover like a zombir. The empty cribs confused him, he thought only one baby was certified dead, and he had thought at first the form on Frank was the tiny body of his would-be child. He gaped and stopped at the door, and looked at Tanya with an extremely confused look. "Who... what..... howw....?" He asked silently, not taking in the situation at all.

Tanya placed a hand on his shoulder,"It was a very traumatic event. It's a miracle that even one of your children survived... The other was just too...weak. I'm sorry, they did all they could."She dropped her hand then and took the clipboard from him, knowing that it was a lot for him to take in at one time. Frank looked up at Jacq blankly for a moment, his heart clinched and he looked away, exactly at the empty cot as a sob broke through his lips. Not realizing that he was crying until the baby whimpered some in responce to the tears falling on them.

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Jacques broke.into tears in trhill. He had expected he had lost both babies. He surged forward and lift open thr cot as gentle as he could to look at the survived one. "Frank ......." he hugged Frank tightly, careful not to crush the baby. "I... I thought i had lost you all! At least god hadnt shut me down..... " he cried so hard, being extremely sad and ectremely happy at the same time. He almost thought he was going crazy.

Frank's lower lip quivered when he was hugged and he buried his face into the other's neck, he couldn't find words to express himself and decided that silence was the answer as he then broke away to look down at their surviving son,"They won't let me see his brother..."He whimpered softly and looked up slightly at Jacq as he held the small, squirming newborn as tightly as he could without hurting them, running his thumb over his soft brow and cheek.

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"It's right.... it's alright. I will talk with them. At least we have a baby now.... and that you are alright. You eouldnt understand how scared i was seeing you in thr office.... and the bloood.... there's blood everywhere." Jacques quivered still, he couldnt control himself at all. "Dont worry Frank, everythinf would turn out alright.... " jacques honestly waz still in too much shock. Eveuthinf had happrned too fast and he couldnt process it just yet. All he knew was he wouldnt want to part with his family anymore. He sat down beside Frank, still trembling, and looked at Tanya with a lodt look. "Can I stay here tonight? With my family?"

Frank nodded as he watched their son, he didn't offer him to Jacques though, not that he didn't trust him but because he was scared of losing another one so soon and after knowing that he's alive and as healthy as can be. He couldn't handle that again, not again... he moved over to allow his young lover more room as he leaned into him gently in silence, the counselor met his eyes and nodded as she placed the clipboard down along with a few pamphlets and moved towards the door, closing it behind herself.

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Jacque could understand how Frank had been fearful now, though he was eager to see his son as well. He slowly wound his hand arojnd Frank's shoulder, genrly creeping his arms around Frank's to support the baby. With a careful hand, he stroked thorugh the tiny infant's face. "That's our miracle baby.... the baby's who's so strong. He would live the life together with his brother's. What shall we namr him?"

Frank didn't pull away when Jacq held him carefully and watched his lovers fingers caress their son's face with a tenderness he didn't fully expect but appreciated as he stared at the tiny child. The older man pressed his face into the younger's chest and stifled another sniffle as he nodded in agreement then turned to face the little once again,"Duncan.'He said and looked up at Jacques,"Do you like that name?"

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"Duncan.... yea. Duncan, little duncan..... you are our little miracle. Can we have his middle name to be Mirakel? Its Norwegian for miracle.... i had some Norwegian blood as in the record of the orphange." Jacques patted gently on Frank's back. "Frank....that's our miracle. We woukd get going with faith from now on. We had this little life to take care of..."

"You never told me you were adopted."Frank mentioned softly and met his eyes as they sat back against the back of the hospital bed, he grimaced slightly, though soon settled again as he thought the name over,"Duncan Mirakel Hanson...?"He tested it on his tongue and lips before shaking his head a bit and thought again silently before saying,"What about Duncan Israel Vinsone-Hanson?"He asked and looked back down as the snuggling baby who was pressing himself against his birth father's chest more for warmth and his heart melted in his chest, he couldn't even understand why he thought he could not be apart of this child's life... their child.

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Jacques nodded his head. "Well i never quite told you but my parents got me from an orphanage when I was 2. Wwll you hadnt met them so you didnt know, they are almost 70 now and I do want them to have a hold of our baby. Perhaps that's why i had been eager to introduce you ti them." He cooed ovrr the baby a bit and quirked an eyebrow. He thought that last name sounded great though...."Israel? Why? You dont like Mirakel?"

Frank looked down at Duncan with an entire new light to shine on Jacques and this little being in his arms, he watched the gentle interaction between their son and his father and almost laughed if he had a heart to at the time as he looked up at his partner,"I just like Israel better, don't you think? I don't want his name to sound choppy."He said simply then looked down again as he rubbed his pinky over the baby's lips, letting him suckle gently on the tip and rubbed the curve of his tiny ear,"Maybe if his name was Michael, or we had a chance to name..."He swallowed thickly and shook his head simply,"I just don't like the name, Jacq."He said and turned away a bit more, reserved.

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"Alright. The teacher's always right." Jacques pouted a bit hough his face saddened with his thoughts shifting to their lost son. He sucked in a deep breath and cleared his mind. "Perhaps we should namw the other as well. I wanted Duncan here to know he had a twin brother, and that we would all remmeber him even though he couldbt join us in this family." He suggested slowly, observing Frank carefully to see how he would react to the idea.

Frank had turned his face away from Jacques for a moment, getting lost in the quiet of the room and pressing his lips together as he kept himself from getting any more emotional. Until his partner spoke again,"No."He said, barely letting him finish, the man shook his head and didn't look to Jacq,"We're not doing that."He curled up carefully, being careful of the wires and tubes around him and the baby as he laid back onto the bed instead of the other man's chest.

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