C A Brave Butler (w/Bhdire8)

The butler felt like he could vomit, though he didn't want to add a beating onto this already cruel punishment and accepted whatever the Lord wanted from him next. After a few moments of sitting still, the stout man carefully unwound himself from the richer's arms to collapse onto the floor. He quickly gathered himself afterwards and crawled onto his feet again to stumble out of the office silently, tears fell from his eyes as he shut the door behind him. Orvin covered his mouth to keep in the sobs and wiped his face, smoothing back his hair in one go then standing up as straight as he could. His pants gripped around his waist and shirt flayed open since his buttons had popped off somewhere in the office. It took only one glance from his assistant butler to know that he was heading home since he said nothing. Simply disappearing into the locker rooms and changing out of his ruined work clothes, shoving them into a bag after tugging on casual wear. The man stood there at his locker and sobbed into the door where the picture of his children were for a long few moments before shoving his arms into his coat and then his feet into his boots. As he took leave of the Conrad household.

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THe lord didnt wake up until quite a few hours later, when the dinner bell rang. He saw himself clearly had had sex, not counting in his limpened cock still dangling, the smell of sex in teh room was just too obvious. His head throbbed, suffering from a nasty case of hangover with the whiskey he had downed that morning. everything was a blur and he couldnt quite recall who he'd forced himself on. He wasn't without his remorse. He hadn't been one who's used to forcing himself on other people, unlike many of his counterparts. He loved his wife dearly and he vowed to stay loyal to her. He just sat there and looked into the void, unable to process anything. he rang his bell wanting to summon his butler, but was surprised when it's his vice who came. "Where's Orvin?" He asked, banging his head.

"He wasn't feeling well. He went home."The assistant replied, placing down coffee on the desk without making eye contact with Lord Conrad. Though his eyes did skim over the evidence of filth that happened in the office, it smelled and unidentified substances were smeared on the couch and his masters desk. He was younger than both of them, more like an apprentice than a assistant,"Would you like your dinner brought up to you sir?"The boy asked gently.

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The lord found his face heated up slightly at getting caught of doing something naughty in the office, which never happened before. "Ah... No. Would you please clear this space Brian? And... could you not let the lady know? Perhaps you could clean this without alerting too many of the staff? You know how nosy they could get..." The lord leant back in his seat, covering his eyes as another bout of throbbing hit and his head felt like it was going to split open.

With that, Brian nodded simply as he left the room to retrieve the supplies for cleaning up the mess, while in the village Orvin had finally made it back home after a mile and a half walk on the beaten road. The man collected himself as he slipped off his boots and coat, steeling his face for the two little girls who ran up to him from the living room,"Papa! Papa!"His youngest climbed his leg and he picked her up happily with a smile, while his eldest hugged his waist,"You're home Papa!"They grinned, not used to seeing him back before the sun set, he kissed their heads and set them back down,"Have a good day?"He asked them,"Have you been good to Mama?"He stroked their heads and moved towards the kitchen where he smelled something wonderful brewing.

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That night the lord retired early, opting to stay in his own chambers. It wasnt a rare occurrence. In fact he slept alone more nights than with his lady, after their sessions. He tried hard to recall the details, and was able to recall he had been doing it with a male. And with the good and always present butler calling in sick.... he shivered, unable to accept the possibility that he had violated the good old butler in his angry state. He finally succumbed to the residue effect fo the alcohol and decided to try finding out more clues the next morning. Probably he could ask Orvin himself.

It took more than a day for Orvin to return to work, he sent in letters to the staff and the masters of the house about his disappearance, finding a way to avoid coming in for an entire month. Though even by the end of the month, money was again tight and he had to don his suit once more, a new one that he had received for his birthday from his daughters. Well technically his daughters, they had sewn the buttons onto it and his wife had done the rest, though it made him feel like he had an extra layer of protection in that house. For the next and first month back, the man had evaded the masters of the house skillfully, the servants making up for his absences and slipping him tea for his nausea when he could barely stand. It was well into the third month after the incident that the excuses and hiding couldn't cover for him any more, and he was called up into the Lord's office.

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It wasnt until he actually see the man that the lord realised how long it had been since he last saw his butlrr. The face almost looked different. "You look.... tired. So it's been true that you hadnt been feeling well?" Augustus wasnt without his basic manner, so he asked his butler with concern. He glanced over his loyal servant and pointed to the chair opposite to the desk, silentlu asking him to sit. "I have been thinking about giving a banquet. The lady's birthday is next month and I wanted this to be a grand event. I want the mansion decorated in red roses, and make surethiswould be kept as far as possible a secret to the lady. Prepare the usuals for me but instead of consulting tbe lady, ask me. The seating plan, guest list, menu... whatever you needed. Is that clear?"

Orvin didn't sit and he didn't reply to the question as he stood before the Lord's desk with his hands folded before him. The man stood and listened to the other, nodding simply at his request,"Yes, sir."He said simply, being in the same room with him made it hard to breathe, he felt like if he opened his mouth his insides would fall out. They didn't though and he was greatful of that as he pressed his lips together then asked,"Is that all, sir?"

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"N.... actually, yes." Augustus was about to wave the butler away but seeing his rigid form and the curves that's well hidden by te suit, scenes suddenly flashed back and he came to realise why he had any idea on the curviness ofthe butler. "Before.... a ouple mo.ths efore..... that's you?" The question wasnt exactly a question, but more like a confirmation. He felt sorry for the loyal servant and was a little ashamed of himself, even though his pride made him deperately to just pretend nothing had happened, he was raised better than that. He stood up and lowered his head a bit, clearing his voice, he muttered out a soft apology.

Orvin had begun to turn before the master even finished waving him off, he stopped and gripped his opposite hand as he looked to the floor then up at the Lord. "Sir."He met his eyes,"If I could, I don't want to speak of it."He said simply, watching as he stood up and pressing his lips together again, he curled his fingers into his palm. Then turned to leave the room simply, it was too soon for him to accept any type of apology, any time he looked at him his eyes burned. He knew he couldn't forgive him now if every breath he took made him want to beat him into a bloody pulp, he had a family to take care of and couldn't afford to go to prison. Nor was he one to be taken there, he was too kind of a soul.

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The lord was annoyed to no limit seein how his ssrvant wouldbt take his apology and he bumped into the table loudly. He was known for his grumpiness for a reason but for this time, he let it slid. The butler wouldnt be going unscratched te next time he showed such blatant ignorance of his master's words.

Preparations went underway for the party immediately and Orvin oversaw each action personally, it kept his mind off of the obvious disturbance of the entire household even months after what had happened, everyone knew... Well, all of the staff knew what had happened though only Brian and the Lord of the house knew the extent while others thought it was consensual and the Lady of the house still knew nothing at all. She barely dared come out of her room most days either way and her name remained unspoken, it made it easier for the party to be kept secret and easier for Orvin to avoid her as it became more and more obvious that none of them would be forgetting the incident any time soon. He had stopped feeling so sick around the end of the fourth month, and a good thing too because everyone was needed to be on their toes the day of the party, he was stuffed into his finest suit and placed at the front door to greet guests. He hated it because it required talking and a smile, he would have appreciated such an easy task if it wasn't for how restricting his suit was. it had seemingly gotten smaller and he couldn't breathe right with his cummerbund feeling more than ever like a corset.

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Augustus thought the butler looked a bit bloated in the suit. He would consider informing his butler of that so that next time, he wouldn't attempt to squeeze into the suit that obviously didnt fit him anymore. However he was soon distracted when the lady, who had been informed at the very last minute and was so far preparing herself for an unexpectedly large banquet for herself frnatically. He had been thinking ahead and prepared the whole outfit, jewelleries included, for Adaline and saved a lot of troulbe already. Now, his wife was finally ready to greet the guests and he, too, was stunned by the lady's beauty. she had looked even better than he thought in the form fitting dress, and the guests started clapping and cheerign at the birthday girl who's descending the stairs, ready to reunite with her husband who's standing at the bottom of the stairs.

The woman was plainly beautiful, she had straight black hair and bright hazel eyes that held some sort of sadness to them, if anyone knew them both personally it would be obvious that her want for a child so badly and all of their failed attempts has tampered with her soul. She would do anything for a child to call her own, she didn't even care for having it at this point, she just wanted to raise one up to call her 'mother', she had been looking over her nieces and nephews with fondness as she came down the stairs. Taking her husbands hand and smiling at the rest of her guests as if she hadn't been frantically putting herself together not much earlier, she gripped his hand and bowed her head in gratefulness,"Thank you all for coming."She said,"Let's party, shall we?"She rose her other arm above her head and stepped fully off of the steps now, letting go of her husband and allowing her close acquaintances to hug her.

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The Lord smilingly looked at his wife smiling and holding the event like the true lady that she was. They had always been the perfect couple. They were compatible in their rank and fortune, and managed to fall so deeply in love iwth each other he had been very thankful. Even though their repeatedly failed attempt at conceving had cast its shadow on their relationship, his love for this woman never diminished. Frustration, yes, but more towards the unfairness in life than his wife, who had been even more desperate than him. He mingled with the guest until he signalled the orchestra to prepare to start. He found his wife and, bowing slightly at teh guests, extended his hand to ask "Shall we?" Looking lovingly at his wife, he asked with a smile.

Lady Adeline agreed to the dance, though it was only one song that they made it through before one of the servants, someone who she knew by sight and not by name came up to the couple seeking the attention of the Lord. She must've looked confused until the boy revealed something,"Orvin needs a doctor, he's collapsed in the store room."He said quietly yet quickly and the woman was relieved that the butler assistant had waited until the dance was over and almost everyone was distracted by the food or drinks and dancing to notice their hosts were gone.

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The lord furrowed his brow hearing that and nodded his acknowledgement. He kissed on his wife's gloved hand gently. "My lady, would you excuse me for a bit? I would go check on Orvin. You continue to enjoy your meal here, and continue to do your magic and blow the guests away with your beauty." He said with a slight tease, his eyes sparkling with appreciation over his wife, and disappeared into the crowd finding a doctor. THey had invited their family practitioner, Dr Parker, and he was sure he wouldnt mind giving a little favor in tending to their butler. Orvin had been around long enough to have been at leaste acquainted to the doctor himself.

Lady Adeline nodded her head,"Of course, my love."She smiled and kissed his clean shaven cheek softly,"Make sure he's alright for me."She added, Orvin was one of the few servants she knew by name and was rather fond of him just as her husband was. The woman watched as he disappeared then turned towards the guests again with a warm smile, unaware of what was happening to the butler and what the Lord was being told about the situation.
In the kitchen quarters, Orvin was waking up, he was convinced it was only a slight blackout and yet when he opened his eyes he saw Brian first. Then the Lord Conrad and his master's old acquaintance Dr. Parker, he noticed that he was half dressed and the man was inspecting him like a patient. He turned a deep shade of red and was brinking on sitting up straight before Brian held him down gently,"It's okay, you might want to take it slow, Mister Jakson."

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The doctor focused a lot on the abdomen of Orvin which, even when he's laying down, still sported a fullness previously unseen. Lord Conrad saw Orvin's want to sit up and he hurried over to hold him down. "Don't move yet Orvin..." He sat down beside the butler and looked at his friend who's lookin gmore serious by the minute. If Orvin indeed had been sick, the Lord would do whatever in his power to ensure of his recovery.

At long last, the doctor had finished the physical examination and started asking a few more embarrasing questions, which got the butler blushing and the lord intervened. "Yes Parker, he had had intercourse a few months back, anal intercourse. Is this going the way that I thought?"

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