Lovers at Work (Closed with Shane20)
Max is heavily pregnant with triplets. He's very petite with black short hair that covers his left eye. He has stunning blue eyes.

He's been having Braxton Hicks contractions for a few weeks and his back has been killing him. He is making dinner for him and his husband while he awaits for his love to come home from work. He hears the door open and close and a familiar voice call to him. "Hi love!" Max calls back. 
Damien was arrive at home and he cannot wait to take his husband into his arms. He open the door of the house and smile. "Hi my love!" Said Damien with love as he close the door behind him.
"How was your day?" Max asks, walking to meet his lover as he places one hand on his belly and the other on his back.
"Very long and boring! How you feeling? The pain didn't stop?" Answered Damien who are worried for his husband. He rubbed gently the round belly of his love.
"Nope. I'm getting worried." He says smiling softly as his lover takes him in his embrace.
"Do you want I take you to the hospital? I am worried about you if the pain didn't stop and I think you have contractions", ask Damien with a reassuring voice.
"Y-you're a midwife... you can check me." He says, fearfully.
"Of course I can check you love and you are safe with me", answered Damien with his gentle voice.
He moans and goes to their bed. "Please... be gentle..." he says as his voice quivers with fear.
"Of course I'm gonna be gentle love, try to relax. Do you want oxygen to help you?" Ask Damien with a reassuring voice.
"No. it's okay." He says as he gets undressed.
Damien place a blanket on his love to keep him warm, take his gloves and begin very gently to check his husband.
He winces. "Ooo..." he moans as he gets checked.
"Breathe love! Yes you are begin to be dilated and the baby have change of position in you", said Damien with a soft voice.
"W-what do you mean changed positions?!" He begins to get panicky.
"Hey it's okay love! The head of our baby is place at the entrance of your birth canal I can feel it", answered Damien with a reassuring voice.
He moans softly and nods. He calms down and manages to fall asleep with his lover by his side. At around 5 am, he is awoken by a strong contraction. He groans deeply as he tries to keep breathing.
Damien kiss him with love, replace the blanket to keep him warm. "Sleep well love", whispered Damien softly. He didn't sleep to make his husband feel safe.
He groans softly and painfully labors. "Mm... owe..."
"Do you feel your water broke love?" Ask Damien with a gentle voice.

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