Work w/ bhdire8

Malorn held the boards in place, glad he could help a little bit even if he couldn't do much else. "Looks very nice. Well done, darling," Malorn praised, knowing how people thrived with positivity. He then leaned back against the couch, also knowing Archie wanted him to be resting, rubbing his belly and whispering his love to the developing infant inside.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Therr's something hot when you say 'darling' with thay cute accent of yours." Archie smiled at Malorn. "How about you say that more often? In return, what do you prefer me to call you? Bear? Teddy? Honey, dear, love, mate, buddy... you name it?" He said with slight tease, kissing him as a silent praise as well noticing how he rested against the couch.

"Will be sure to make a point of calling you darling," Malorn smiled, returning the kiss. "Bear is one of my favorites, means much to you. Teddy is nice as well," he spoke, rambling slightly as he thought over names.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Bear or teddy would be our secret code then. My little bear with a little wolf in you." Archie lookrd at Malorn with obvious love in his eyes.

The days past by with them busy organizing their new household and to prepare for the baby and the birth. Archie had been planning on a last trip with Malorn, to somewhere hot with a beach. A "babymoon" as they often cite. He and Malorn had developed fast amd he was thinking somw last time together with only thr two of them could be nice. He looked at the package quietly, speculating on what Malorn would prefer.

Malorn had just awoken from a nap, 'daily hibernation' as Archie had begun calling it, holding his belly with one hand as the other ran through his hair. He saw Archie looking at vacation plans, creeping up behind the other and wrapping his arms around Archie's neck, looking over his shoulder. "Vacation, hm? Sounds nice. Never been to the coast before."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Gosh you scared me, bear!" Archie exclaimed. "You are suppose to be hibernating. Bears dont wake up until spring time aka dinner time." He said with a pout, slighrly annoyed at getting the surprise ruined but didnt mind that much. He would rather Malorn knew about it and be prepared for it. "Aww you ruined the surprise. Now you get to compensate by chooisng our destination and the resort we should go. Your paternity... our paternity would start differently right? So perhaps i need to take a couple days off using my own vacation leave."

"Wanted to see you," Malorn murmured, kissing Archie's cheek. "Maybe somewhere with not many people. Still not good around lot of people," he spoke softly, voice sleepy and a bit rougher than usual. "Mine starts in two weeks, little while before Thanksgiving. Yours starts after, near Christmastime."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Couldnt wait to see me and to seduce me with youe sexy sleepy voice huh?" Archie smiled and leaned into the kiss. He turned around to pull Malorn down on his lap. "Hmm then we should be going between thanksgivijg and christmas, avoid tbe croad. Perhaps Hawaii or Miami? LA too, santa monica's quite famous as well. Hmm hopefully my family won't tire you too much for that. And maybe, if you are feeling adventurous, somewhere more exotic could work as well. Thailand?" He wound his arms around the considerably larger belly of Malorn and asked, burying his head in his neck.

Malorn easily settled in Archie's lap, laying his head on Archie's shoulder as he looked over pictures. "Hawaii sounds good, will not be too crowded around that time. Would be nice to see the beaches and all," Malorn spoke, closing his eyes once more. He smiled when he felt Logan shift under Archie's hand, laughing softly. "Believe the pup wants to go to Hawaii."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Logan. High five buddy!" Archie smiled patting his belly. "Good to have that settled, leave the other planning to me then. I would take into consideration your condition at that time and not plan on too much vigorous activities." Archie said solemnly, though he couldnt hold it and started snickerin himself. "Hmm a final getaway before litle wolf arrives. We gotta treasure that since it could be our last one in a few years' time."

"Will most likely be sleeping through much of it," Malorn laughed. "Logan will be large by then. Should be here after New Year's," he thought aloud.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Logan's been a big boy even now." Archie chuckled. "You kept getting asked by Katie at work on why you werent starting your paternity yet with the baby almost due isnt it?" He cupped the belly with both hands, it had grown to almost cover half of the lap of Malorn.

"She will not believe me when I tell her that I am only six months along," Malorn laughed softly. "Is more because I am short, as well as Logan is big," he smiled, content at the hands on his belly.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"You aren't short! You are the perfect height for me. My perfect bear." Archie kissed on Malorn sweetly, cheesy smile in place. "Do we have any birth centres to visit this week? I think we better get it done before you look any more like you are ready to be admitted. Besides, since we are going for a trip later it would push forward the times schedule."

Malorn returned the kiss happily, a small smile remaining on his face due to the praise. "Two this week," he spoke, taking a moment to remember. "One near hospital, one a few miles from our home. One near hospital is Tuesday, one near home is Thursday."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Looks like we got a busy week then." Archie thought and was considering if they could squeeze in time for a fancy dinner out during those 2 days. He was unconsciously rubbing Malorn's belly and felt another kick. "Hmm seems like our wolf is also excited about the visits." He smiled and rubbed on the small bump on Malorn's belly.

(so indeed a birth centre? Haha sorry i just blurted that out when i was suggesting. never tried doing it in birth centre before.)

((ye birth centre. don't know a lot abt them outside of the fact they have midwifes v. doctors and stuff is a lot more relaxed there compared to a hospital))

"щениться," Malorn murmured, gently rubbing over the little bump that stuck out from the roundness of his belly. "Cannot wait to meet you, my little darling. Am sure you will be beautiful."

✨don't look at my sin✨

((alright let's try it! LOL I hope i wouldn't make the midwives n anyone to fade out too much it appeared exactly like a home birth.... you know that 's what i am used to doing LOL)

"That he would be. I hope he got your blonde. Would make him look like a little angel." Archie said in a dreamy grin. "My little pup, you would grow up to be a strong one, from how you are kicking." He whispered to the belly, talking to his son.

It was Tuesday and Archie went over to the spot to wait for Malorn. Approaching his paternity leave, he soemtimes would work a little later than usual, needing to get everything sorted while he wasn't here. Archie shook his head slightly adn smiled at how responsible his fiance had always been.

Malorn soon headed out of the building to Archie's car, pressing a kiss to his love's lips before getting into the car. "How was your day, my darling?" Malorn asked softly, rubbing his belly as Archie drove. His own day had been uneventful, simply getting paperwork in order for his leave.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Hmm so far so good. Approaching year-end it's usually not as hectic, as you know full well." Archie smiled and quickly leaned over to press a kiss on Malorn's belly while they stopped in front of a red light. "This centre we are visitng... being so close to a hospital. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" He asked with a raised brow.

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