Work w/ bhdire8

Malorn nodded, trying to calm himself down, not wanting to allow himself to jump to conclusions. He'd only stress himself out, worry himself to no end and possibly harm Logan. He rubbed his belly, trying to calm down as even Logan shifted in protest. "Wish I had a family to show to you," he thought aloud, wishing he'd had a family to begin with.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"You are showing our family to me." Archie said gently, covering Malorn's hand on his belly with his own. "I am very grateful for that. Besides, that saved me a lot of trouble. Meeting the parents..... especially when I got you pregnant." Archie made a face as he shivered imagining what he could be facing. "A fierce papabear and mamabear. I would havd to run for my life."

"Do not think they would be so fierce, am the way I am because I was alone growing up," Malorn shrugged, always wondering who his parents were. He'd looked for a few years in Russia, before he came to America, but he found nothing, believing that they were simply dead. "Hopefully your parents do not mind so much that I am already pregnant," he laughed softly.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"They would probably be annoyed with me than you." Archie smiled. "I was raised Catholic you know... they always thought we would be keeping our virginity until we are married." He rolled his eyes at that. "THey were really too naive. I had been hearing about the sex life of my siblings all my life, that had been bascially the only topic we shared together at night when my parents were asleep."

Malorn laughed at the story, shaking his head, barely believing it. "Your parents must have known, my darling. Had some hint at it," he chuckled, rubbing his belly calmingly when Logan kicked softly.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Oh well. I am not sure. You know, there are so many children each of us barely got any attention at all." He chuckled brushing his hair back. "My dad always gotta work so hard to keep food on the table, there's simply too many mouths. We all got to help out somehow, mainly as waiter and waitresses so that we get to have free meals while working. Hmm those days were really hectic, but still fun. We barely had any chance to sit togehter for dinner, except on Thanksgiving." A smile crept up again as Archie starting to get lost in his memories. "we also fight a lot. We aren't really harmonious."

Malorn listened intently to Archie about his family life, happy that Archie trusted him enough to tell him these things. "Should I pretend to not understand everything, or would it be bad idea?" Malorn asked. He didn't want to be an issue, especially to a family that was already somewhat tumultuous. "Are your siblings married? Will I have to talk to them as well?"

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Just be yourself. They wouldnt know what to expect so you wouldnt need to pretend to fit any image or whatsoever. My bear is so adorable on its own I am pretty sure everyonr would succumb to you eventually." Archie said with a huge smile. "And yes, the majoriry of my siblings are married. Me and my little sister were the last, and errm.. they had been chasing me about that. And I always answered them the timing just hadnt come yet. How true it is!" He glanced at Malorn and quickly stole a kiss from him.

Malorn smiled and blushed softly at the compliments, as he always did whenever Archie comforted him. Even after a while of being together, Malorn still wasn't used to the compliments. He returned the kiss happily, overjoyed that Archie was content with him and their son. Maybe he could blend in with the spouses if need be, skip out on the family drama. He couldn't imagine any of the spouses of Archie's siblings would be comfortable with any fighting going on. "Will we be staying there for a few nights, or just the day?"

✨don't look at my sin✨

"We used to rent several rooms from the nearby motel for thr night, so whoever wanted to stay could. What do you think? I am pretty flexible and wouldnt mind driving back to town after dinner. Though if you want we could also cram into the rooms, or even my previous bedroom that I used to share with 2 other brothers. Sittin in the car for so long could be quite tiring for you at that time?" Archie tbought on as he drove.

Malorn shrugged, thinking on it. "Would have to see how big the beds are, if we could fit in one together. Will still need naps," he pointed out, ready to take one now. He always took a short one between work and dinner, Archie almost always making dinner because he didn't want Malorn straining himself.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"The bed wouldnt be a problem. We shared a bed back then so it was good to fit 3 adult-adolescents. Even though you could be counted as two now I dont think you would be as large as we once were." Archie saw Malorn closing his eyes slightly and decided to continue the discussion later. When Malorn wake up from his hibernation.

Malorn nodded, mumbling something incoherent as he closed his eyes to rest. He headed to their bedroom as soon as they got home, not bothering to change into any pajamas, crawling under the covers and sleeping contently. He was woken by the scent of dinner and Logan kicking softly, getting up and changing into a large shirt and sweatpants before heading to the kitchen.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Right on time for spring. I have prepared for your first meal of the season of salmon with smashed potato in gravy. I think i did a pretty good job with the fish today." Archie smiled seeing Malorn down, lookin positively like a teddy wih his golden locks all over the place after his nap.

Malorn smiled at Archie's words, always loving when he kept up with the bear theme. He wrapped his arms around Archie's waist the best he could with his belly in the way, nuzzling his love's shoulder. "Smells good."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie also love how Malorn would bump him with hos bum. He leaned backwards his head to nudge on Malorn. "I would taste nice as well. Do you want to help set the table?" He asked as he turned the fish one last time to make the surface slightly crunchy.

Malorn nodded at the offer to set the table, shuffling around the kitchen and getting everything they needed before heading to the table. He easily set the table, sitting down (knowing that Archie would be on his case about it) and waiting for Archie to come and serve him.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie had an apron on him and pretended to be a professional waiter with a hamd behind his back and a tow on his forearm. "Sir, the chef's special as you have ordered, please enjoy." He said as he.placed the dish in front Malorn. "And the same partner. Who would be returnin in a minute." As he served his own dish he quickly untied the apron and sat down, pretending to be a separate person. ", sorry fkr the delay. Oh the dishes have been served! Such an efficient restaurant." He smiled looking at Malorn.

Malorn couldn't help but laugh at the bit of acting, thanking the 'waiter' and smiling at Archie when he returned. "Not a problem with the delay, my darling," he murmured lovingly, beginning to dig into the food. He finished quickly, always hungry because of the pregnancy. He was eating for two, after all.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie was delighted at how fast Malorn xleared his dish. "You know, it's always nice to cook for you. You always clear the dish so fast i had an illusion my cooking is brilliant." He smiled as he ate another mouthful watching Malorn patted his belly.

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