Work w/ bhdire8

Malorn rubbed his belly with a small blush, shaking his head. "Your cooking is wonderful, darling, I always enjoy it," he murmured, standing and pressing a kiss to Archie's cheek, taking his plate to the kitchen.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie looked on at Malorn's back and noticed his hips getting slightly wider, and that his belly was almost visible from the back, bulging out from either side of his waist now. He marvelled at the changes of his body and quickly took the remaining few bites. "Do remember to leave the dishes to me! Bears aren't suppose to know how to wash them!" He yelled with a mouthful of food.

Malorn smiled and shook his head at the 'reminder,' rinsing off his plate and setting it in the sink. "Bears can do what they please, but will listen at times. Only if they are fond of the person commanding them," he called back, coming back to the table and pressing a kiss to Archie's cheek.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie smiled and leaned into the kiss. "I am priviledged to be one that the bear is fond of, I suppose?" He wrapped his arm around Malorn's lowerback and buried his head into his bump. "And I am not commanidng you at all, it's advice. Or reminder. Not orders. I wouldn't dare ordering my bear around." He pouted as he explained.

The final days before Malonr's paternity was gone quick between another birth centre visits and last minute work distribution. They were now preparing to leave for their Thanksgiving dinner and in truth, "meeting the parents". Archie had been packing for an overnight stay, as he forbid Malorn from any sort of activity thath would requrie him bending down. In truth he had grown much the last month and Archie was always slightly afraid the belly would just drag Malorn forward when he bent down, no matter how absurd that idea sounded.

Malorn has easily distributed work to his team, said team sending him off happily on his paternity leave, excited to see pictures of the little family at the beginning of next year. He didn't have much preparing to do for Thanksgiving dinner, considering Archie wouldn't let him do anything, simply picking out clothes and attempting to read parenting books for advice. He was reading a book now, laying in bed, book balanced atop his belly as he watched Archie rush around. "Darling," he called after seeing Archie rush into the room for the seventh time in the past half hour, "Sit. You need it."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie was sweaty from the packing so despite it being late November, he was down to a short-sleeve. He huffed out a sigh and wiped away the sweat on his forwhead as he half collapsed beside Malorn. "Hmm i dont know why i am so nervous whe it's family that I am meeting. Logan dear, you know.why daddy's so stressed? It's just your grandparents, aunts and uncles, totally about 4 dozens of people. That's no big deal right?" He said rubbing Malorn's belly.

"Logan, my волчонок, tell him he has nothing to worry about. Everything will be fine," Malorn spoke softly to his belly, smiling when Logan kicked against Archie's hand. "Logan tells you not to worry. Listen to him," he instructed his partner, taking his hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it. "Am sure the excitement of us will wear off within the hour if there are as many people as you say. Do not worry, my darling."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Yea... perhaps i shouldnt be too worried about getting my ass kicked for knocking.someone up as that had earned me the cutest bear in thr world. The bear who understands me and give me support whenveer I am lost." Archie buried himself in the chest of Malorn, acting like a small child asking for comfort.

"Bear will attack if anyone tries to hurt you," Malorn spoke, having taken self-defense classes when he first came to America (though they may not help when he was seven months pregnant). He rubbed Archie's back and kissed his hair, knowing that he would soon be doing this with Logan, as well as any children they may have in the future.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie chuckled hearing how fierce his bear was. "God please dont attempt to attack. I would think everyone would surrender as soon as they saw you trying to hurl a kick." He broke into another laugh imagining Malorn kicking someone with the huge belly in front of him. "My bear best stay put. I would defend myself, and my love. Together with our pup." He said looking up and kissed Malorn. "But so much my lovely bear. I love it when you go all fierce for me."

"Fine," Malorn huffed jokingly, returning the kiss to Archie's lips, nuzzling close to his love and rubbing his belly. "Cannot wait to meet our little boy. Will be so perfect, so beautiful. Hope he looks like you," he cooed, running a hand through Archie's hair. "Am sure your family will be happy for us, darling."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Yep. Anyone should be happy for us seeing such a lovely couple. Though no i wish Logan look as cute as you. A little boy with golden curls. Would be a heartbreaker." Archie smiled as he slowly sat up. "Right, love, time to go. I am planning to stop by several resting stations so it could take longer than usual." He knew Malorn would need rests frequent betweeen drives, cramming into the seat for so long wouldnt be good for his circulation now.

Malorn nodded, following his love to the car, still insistent on getting in on his own. They talked on the way there, Malorn sleeping for half of the trip. He was asleep when they got there, awoken by a kiss on the lips. "Are we here, my prince charming?" he yawned, stretching under the blanket he'd brought with them.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Yep we are here my sleeping bear. Right on your usual napping time." Archie had been leaning over from the opened door beside rhe passenger seat. While Malorn was still fuzzy from sleep, he quickly lifted him up and carried him out from the car. "There! I carried you over the threshold." He smiled even though the threshold wasnt exactly the traditional one. They werent a traditional couple anyway.

Malorn stretched before Archie lifted him form his seat, smiling at Archie's exclamation. He wriggled from Archie's arms, standing in the driveway and nuzzling into his shoulder. "I love you, my darling. Let's go in and meet your family, yes? Get everything over with."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"You are right...." archie wound his hand around Malorn's waist and took a deep breath. Inside, the crowd's noise could be heard even trhough the door. He hugged Malorn slightly, settling his heart before releasing him with a kiss. "Bear, I will brave this lion den first. Do remember to stay close to me." He opened the door walking up in steady steps, and opened the door which he knew would be unlocked for the occassion. Everything looked familiar yet strange. He smiled slightly at Malorn before stepping through, quielty approached the living room at the end to meet with his family.

Malorn returned the kiss and nodded at the instruction, staying close to Archie and following him inside. Everybody smiled and greeted Archie, a few sisters coming over and hugging him. Archie's mother came over as well, the first to notice Archie had someone else with him. "Who is this?" she asked, Malorn barely paying attention to her, glancing around the room at everybody.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie turned around after almost getting crushed by his sisters and deafened by their high-pitched squeals, though his mother's question started his struggle to extricate himself from the flood of affection directed to him. He finally got himself back to Malorn's side, miraculously being largely intact, clutched his ringed hand and kissed it lightly. "Everybody, meet Malorn. My fiance and... the other father of my son." He pulled Malorn out from behind the furnitures to shwo to his whole family his bear with his bump.

Malorn smiled and blushed at the kiss to his ring, clinging to Archie's side when he was introduced, waving lightly. All of the sisters squealed again at the prospect of a nephew, Archie's mother having a shocked look on her face as she was pushed aside my Archie's grandmother. "So this is the one you've been talking about. Very nice to meet you," she smiled, patting Malorn's shoulder, causing him to murmur a small thank you.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie smiled at how forward his grandmother had been, as always. "Gran! You are scaring Malorn... now would my dearest sisters please spare a seat for him? He's errr... better sittiing than standing now i think. Fire off questions to me, bur dont scare him." He said and like moses, a passage and a seat was cleared for them. Archie led Malorn to the seat, asking him to be mindful of his footings.

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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