Blossoming love (closed with Dots)

Sam's water broke much later than Henry expected, but it could be a good thing as labor had been progressing slow. If Sam's water had broken earlier, he might face the problem of it being scarce and depleted when the time came for pushing. Henry saw how Sam struggled to walk back to the bed and eventually lifted him up for the final few feet of distance. "Sam, don't worry I will carry you onto the bed. YOu need all your strenght for the pushing." He kissed his pale face as he gently lowered him onto the bed. He positioned himself behind Sam again, spreading his legs wide and clutched his hand. "Push when you feel the urge, sam. This is where the real hard work begin."

Sam grabbed his husband tightly, spreading his legs widely. It took just minutes from his with the first urge hit and forced him to push. Sam took a deep breath then push so hard, bit slow. He knew that he couldn't rush anything. "Arggghh." He grunted, trying to push more. Ther was not any progress after his first big pushing. Sam started to breathe heavily with his chin put against his chest as he started another pushing. The babies were moving low on to his canal, but it was slow and took a long time for Sam to handle it.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry looked at Sam a bit nervous. He knew Sam was tired these few weeks, and he had been hurting constantly. The progress was slow and he was a bit anxious. He had hoped for more progress. it was twins and Sam would need to do it all over again for the second baby, so the faster the first one come out, the better for his wife. He alternately wiped Sam's forehead nad checked his progress, giving him encouragements and clutch his hand tight whenever he was pushing, however, half an hour later and the baby was still only barely visible. The little head would come out, showing a dark patch of hair, as large as a coin, then it would go back in when Sam released his breath. "Sam, keep going. You need to push harder, i know it is difficult but our boy needs bigger pushes to come out." He said as he once again wiped the sweat on his forehead, encouraging him.

Sam was looking at his husband as he said that. He could feel the head in his ass now, but it was so hard for him to push his first baby head out. "I....I know, H..Henry. I can feel him." He whispered tiredly, grabbing Henry's hand tightly. He took a deep breath again then pushed harder and stronger with all he could. He head threw back with heavy breath after that big push. He could a little progress on it, but didn't know if the head com out yet. Sam just hoped that alteast, it didn't go back after his pushing. "I...I love you, Henry. This for our son" He whispered, trying to encourage himself. Henry was the only one who can make everything better for Sam

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

The head stayed where it was this time, a small coin showing through the stretched hole. Henry smiled brightly at Sam seeing progress finally. "Sam, that's a great push. our baby is coming out, I love you so much as well." He kissed him passionately, wanting to give him strength. "Do you want to feel the head? It is right there. Continue with these big and strong pushes, push harder and longer for the baby to come out. You can do this mommy." He said, ready to put Sam's hand on his bottom to feel their son's wet head.

"I......I can feel him" He said and cried as Henry put his hand on the baby's head. It was tiny, but Sam could feel it and it didn't go back at this time. "Our first son is coming, Henry. Thank you for helping me" He said to his husband who always helped him everything. Sam raised his hand up from his bottom and touched Henry's face gently then he pulled him back and clutched his belly with both hands to focus on his pushing. "Arhhhhhh, mommy love you babies" He whispered, trying to push as hard as he could. His chin put against his chest so hard when he tried to push harder and harder. Sam almost couldn't control his breath. It was so slow just like millimeters, but he could feel the progress of the baby. Is wasn't fully dilated yet, but he knew that he had the hope now.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Things are progressing well from this point onwards, and between many little kisses from Henry to Sam, the baby had continued to crown, pushing out further and further. However, when the baby was almost halfway through crowning, rogress was suddenly stalled. No matter how hard Sam seemed to be pushing, the baby just wouldnt come out any further. "Love, how about we change into another position? On all fours maybe?" Henry said as he had now been holding a tired-out Sam in his arms, helping him push forward whenever a contraction hit to help him save as much energy as possible.

Sam didn't hear his husband clearly as he need to handle with the head that was burning his hole, but he could know that something happened and he need to change the position. "I....I don't know if I can handle that position. The belly is so heavy" He said tiredly, crying out with the another push from the urge, but nothing happen. It took a long time to them both the change the position. Sam almost screamed as he needed to hold with the urge that hit him during they were changing the position. "Pillows!! Ahhh!!" He said, moaning in pain as another urge hit him and he could hold this time. Sam couldn't get any balance and he knew that he might fall if there was nothing support his belly.
(Just don't wanna make it too long, but not too fast too. I hope you'll be okay with it now :))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Haha sure we wouldnt want it too fast as well ;))

Henry regretted asking Sam to change position. He should know that Sam's too weak to hold himself up. "Doesnt matter Sam it could be too much pressure on your back. Let's try sideways first. Here, hold your leg up." Henry was behind Sam now, pulling his right leg up and holding it high in the air so his hole was exposed and wide open. This position looks like Sam'sbirthing like a deer, and it opened up his pelvis for the baby to pass. "Push when you lean forward and roll back on me when there's a break." He instructed his wife, kissing his face.

Sam grabbed the bed sheet tightly as he started to push again. He held his legs with his one hand. He body curled like a ball as he leaned forward to push his son out. "Arhghhh, I....It's burning my hole, b.....but I can feel it's moving ahhhh. My dear, mommy love you so much" He whispered, trying to hold his breath. He couldn't hold his leg anymore after his big pushing. It might fall if Henry didn't hold it tight. Sam rolled back to his husband as he said to take a break when he could. This time was long enough for him to catch his breath again. "How about him, Henry?" Sam asked his husband tiredly. He just wantted to know if there was any pregress.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Yes our son is finally moving now." Henry said glancing at the mirror at the end of the bed, seeing the head coming out considerably more. "You did it so well my love. You are moving our baby forward." He encouraged Sam, he himself was a lot relieved with the progress. He had suctions and forceps prepared, but he didnt think he would need them at all. To finally move the baby forward had Henry releasing his breath as well. He littered Sam's face with little kisses, praising him for his success. "Keep this going and move this big and stubborn baby out. I am going to slap his butt for being so slow and making his mommy suffer so much." He whispered to Sam, who had finally caught.his breath.

Sam smiled as he heard that. He held Henry's tightly and smiled at him again. "Yeah, They're so stubborn like someone here. Don't you think?" He whispered, giving his husband a weak smile. It took a few more minutes till the next urge hit him. It was not really strong at the start and Sam thought he could handle it till next more secs. He almost stopped breathing with it. His body was shivering with the urge. "Hold my leg, please. I....I don't think I can do it, arhh" He grunted, clutching his belly and started pushing again. his teeth were gritting so hard. He looked so bad at this point, but he needed to do it.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"That stubborn someone must be their mommy. Their headstrong and stubborn mommy who always insisted on forcing himself." Henry added before focusing together on this next contraction that seemed the strongest so far. He noddrd and took Sam's legs as he pushed with full force down. Henry looked at the progress Sam was making nervously, he kept in mumbling some nonsense to encourage Sam. "Come on baby, push hard, let's see if we can free the baby's forehead as well in this push. Just a littlr more baby, push through that burn."

"Arghh, I'm just trying. It's burning. arhhhhh, God!!" He moaned louder almost screamed with that hard push. It was hard for Sam, but he could feel the head was moving down a lot this time. He grabbed the bed sheet, breathing heavily, trying to force the baby down. It looked like he forced himself too much this time. Sam didn't know if that was worth, but he couldn't wait any longer. He bit his lip while pushing, trying to not scream that loud. "I....It's hard, H...henry." he whispered weakly.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Breath now, open your mouth and gulp down air, dont try to push now, you need air." Henry said seeing Sam's face turning blue from lack of oxygen. He cupped his face and blow in air into his locked air duct, needing to beak Sam's push first. "Honey you are doing greeat as it is. Dont overdo it. You almost suffocated just now." Henry said still quite alarmed. The baby, thankfully didnt slip back, and the rush just now didnt tear Sam as well, miraculously. "Listem toe Sam, push down hard but not too long ou forget to breath. I am here with you and breath in when i tell you to, ok?"

Sam didn't say anything, just looked at his husband with the tears in his both eyes. "I....I'm sorry. I...I'm just want him to come out" He said, crying in Henry's arms. He took a deep breath as the next contraction hit him. Sam kissed his husband before Henry headed back to his position and held Sam's leg up. He pushed as hard as he could, but not force himself too much. It was better this time. He could feel the baby's Head slid out. He couldn't tell, but it was more progress than before.

(Sorry, but I'm starting to lack an idea now lol)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(It's fine, you are doing well ;))

The struggle continued for another half an hour before the baby's getting to the widest point. "Sam push this one last time for the head to come out. This is it, the head's right there and this would be it." He massaged Sam's leg high up in the air, which was tiring out because of being raised for so long. With the head lodged underneath, there was little position changes he could choose now. He kissed the exhausted man and whispered. "Push, for me Sam."

Sam kissed his husband back and whispered. "I love you, Henry" He grabbed the bed sheet tightly, taking a deep breath. Sam pushed as hard as he could, but not forced himself too much. "Arghhhhh!! Baby!" He grunted louder, trying to calm himself. This times was longer and stronger. Sam was suffering more pain than the other times. He just almost screamed when the widest part slowly moved forward and burned his ass. It liked his ass could be torn in any secs. "OH GOD!!" He screamed, crying out as he could feel the full head came out. Sam almost couldn't catch his breath again after this time. His tears ran more from his eyes. "It likes a hell, Henry, but it's worth." He whispered, almost lack of voice, but still smiled for his husband

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Thes strong and desperate push of Sam was successful in delivering the head, which come out with a gush of liquid. "You made it Sam, that's our baby!" Henry exclaimed, tears in his eyes as he witnessed Sam's hard struggle and effofrt of pushing. He couldnt imagine how much pain Sam must be enduring as the head looked massive. Henry littered Sam's face with kisses, tasting the salty sweat and tears on his face. "Thank you my love, thank you, you are doing so good for me, for our baby. I love you." It was such a victory he momentarily forgot that it's just the head. He soon calmrd himself enough to instruct Sam again. "Nect, dont push yet, i need to check if the chord is around our baby's neck."

"Hmm, I want to rest for a bit too," he said, looking at his husband as he already got between his legs. Sam knew that it was just head and he needed to push the shoulders later, but it wouldn't take a long time like this. he was calmed by the thought that it was the only first baby, so Sam wasn't sure if he could do this again with the second baby, he just prayed that it would be easier next time. "Arghhh" He let a low moan as he needed to hold himself with the urge to push. Sam moved his hand down enough to touch the baby's face. He was crying out as he could him. "T....tell me when I can push. I can't wait to see him." Sam whispered to his husband.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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