C The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8)

Alex's eyes glistened with hope seeing the egg moving.nicely out of Alcove, but it soon died down as the egg slipped back inside. She shook her head reminding herself as well this would be a slow process and changed to amother hum, something more soothing than exciting. Alcove was showing pure determination on his face and somehow, Alex find that very attractive despite the sweat and flush.

Parris turned his head down feeling Raven clurching his hand and tilted his head looking at the smaller vampire, when his hand got in touvh with the belly, the slight curve brought a smile to his face. "Bet they got encouraged by their newphews and nieces. It's great. Not feeling any discomfort right?" He asked gently caressing the tiny belly.

Alcove sighed again taking a break looking at Alex drousy and tired from how long it was taking to deliver the egglings. He softly asked for something to make it easier for them to pass through the birth the birth canal without any set backs .. he placed a hand on his belly wanting them out but for some reason they aren't cooperating with him. Alcove focused letting the sound of the water relax the tension in his body . he sighed feeling the powerful contraction build up and quickly be pushed staying in a laid back mind set noticing the difference from the recent ones. He heard Alex humming another siren tune enjoying it too.

Raven snuggled against parris kissing his chin wanting some attention and possibly a nice chair to sit in his face seemed worried for the couple still until Alex took a different rout singing a different song and tending to the pregnant alcoves needs ."he seems to be catching on..hm?"

The egg had at least now been visible even between pushes, a tip poking out of Alcove when he rested. Alex took a towel to wipe away the sweat on his forehead and encouraged him to push down harder, that this would be the time when tthe egg would be passing. She was quite confident it would be the truth, as Alcove seemed to have gained some breathing time under her singing. The egg had almost reached its largest girth from the last push already, it would be just a little more effort for it to cross that final hurdle.

Parris looked down at the shifting Raven and positioned him so that he could embrace him even better. He nodded and agreed with Raven's observations. "Yes i think Alex had found a way to cooperate well with Alcove. It would be soon for this second stubborn one to be born." He caressed the slight belly as he looked on.

Alcove grabbed onto the towel and pushed heavily staying relaxed feeling his entrance being stretched out again he cluthed Alex's arm breathing through it and bushed harder . After acouple of pushes he relaxed seeing the 2nd egg he picked it up handing it over to Alex using his finger to press against his belly for anymore eggs still inside."H-hiw many are left?" He said tiredly.

Raven hugged him close kissing his chin repeatedly giggling.

Alex let out a relieved breath seeing th3 second egg finally came out. It was quite a bit larger than the frist one and she laid it beside its elder sibling. She smiled seeing how Alcove gingerly poked into his own belly, finding it quite a comical gesture before turning serious herself. She closed her eyes to connect with the eggs, counting the number of voices she heard. "I think there are 2 more. Alcove, perhaps we could rest a little bit now. The remaining ones are a little high up so maybe we will have to stand up for awhile for them to pass down." Alex suggested nervously.

Parris stood up finally, ready to heave Alcove out of the water if he needed it. "Alcove, i think our secret garden could be useful for you as well, heal your wounds and you could regain your strength."

Alcove reached for his younger brothers hand allowing him to help. He stood to his feet and held onto his younger brothers arm."at this point I'll do anything... " He put the robe on slowly making his way to the garden with the help of parris guiding him down to the first floor out I to the garden.

Raven helped the nurses tend to the eggs bringing them along in a beautiful basket.

The walk was slow and reminded Parris of a long time ago, when he and Alcove always played together int eh garden. He looked at how his brother panted hard, moving with great difficulty as hte eggs pressed down slightly on his pelvis. His hips was also widened from the previous births, and his bottom no doubt hurting like hell being stretched so wide. Alex on the other hand, looked at Alcove closely, ready to stop any second when he showed any sign of discomfort or when anotehr contraction hit.

Alcove to slow drawn out steps taking it easy on himself , He could already tell the difference between his previous weight and how much lighter he felt . When they walked in the direction of the garden Alcove stopped letting a small contraction pass he closed his eyes taking deep breaths. luckily the sound of the waterfall made it easier for him to zone out and stay relaxed. The freash air coming from the garden was like aroma therapy for alcove nurturing his weak frail body to come and find rest underneath its branches . The same feeling from Ravens first time experiencing the soft call from the garden reapeted itself ,and the cherryblossom tree called to Alcove like a mother to its child .

Alcove stared at the tree with little to no expression what-so-ever the breeze tossed his long hair around as if mother nature was breathing life back into his body giving him enough energy to take a few more steps the pond near by started to glow and down came the cherry blossoms raining down to welcome the very tiresome Alcove to finally rid himself of the achs and pains of child birth."....why didn't I hear about this place...sooner?... " He mumered , still gawking at the breath taking beauty the garden holds waddling slowly.

Parris had to chuckled. "This is the sacred place for mastesr of the house. You didn't have the right to come here if I hadn't offered and led the way." he said slightly cocily. He still remembered vividly how Alcove had teased Raven, showing him aggression and threat before, though now that he saw how much pain Alcove had been, his grudge lesseend greatly. Alex on the other hand, was eve more awed by the spectacular garden. She looked around following Aclove and Parris tight, not daring to touch anything without permission. her eyes lighted up seeing the pond, her nature calling for her to get into the soothing water at once, though she waited obediently at the shore, not moving until her master had given his orders.

Parris noticed how uneasy Alex was, falling back to her old habit as a servant, and took Alcove further down the water. "do not be so tense Alex, you are now part of the family. Feel free to get down, i know you had been craving for that for awhile now. let lose your natural form. I remember how beautiful your tail is."

Alcove slowly waddled his way to face Alex looking somewhat curious to see also. he was able to get Parris to help him into the pond sighing in relief when the water was warm he looked at parris thanking him without any hesitation. he craddled his belly walking over to the warmest part of the pond sitting down letting the water assist him with the pain .

Alcove was much happier in his new nesting area moving his hair out of the way. "this is exactly what I needed...thank you so much ...ugh. " The waters light swirled around his tummy making alcove moan from the cramps and aches melting away, and he looked up to see Alex stepping into the pond.

Alex blushed deeply hearing her master's urges. She lowered her head and nodded staring down at the floor, then slowly removed her dress. She was at first quite oblivious, too eager to get into the water, the natrual habitat of her kind, then she became aware of how she was taking off her clothes in front of her master and her mate. She blushed even darker and turned around quickly, hiding behind the bushes. Once ready, she slip past the branches so quick that even the extraodinary eyesight of vampires would fail to catch her form. Once in the water, she sang a relieved and happy tone, some blue light shone through the pond and a large fishtail appeared. Brilliant blue, reflecting the light from the pond, a great and magnificent tail appeared. Each piece of scale shone a different light, but combined they appeared to be a harmonious blue that dazzled all eyes.

Alex swam around as much as she could before coming to her mate's edge. She looked up, slightly worried as she leaned her head on Alcove's knee.

Alcove was having stronger contractions feeling the eggs pressing against his entrance he gasped holding the towl still bearing down. He felt the egg slide out making alcove look very surprised from how quick it was he looked at Alex before attempting to reach the egg ."There's hope for me... ugh I can't wait to take a nice long nap after this... god k ows I need one..." He leaned back placing the egg beside him waiting for the next contractions to start up."So that's your tail?" He said tierdly seeming very impressed .

Raven hugged his lover snuggling against his side ."Honey I'm getting dizzy ..does that mean I need to feed again? or maybe its the after affects from the growth spurt?"

"yes that's it.... You like that? You want to touch it?" Alex nodded and shifted it slightly so her tail was surrounding Alcove. she smiled happily and put the elder eggs beside their newest sibling. "You are doing very well here... the eggs are thriving as well, very happy to be in water." She provided as she swayed slightly with the gentle waves of water. She was leaning close to Alcove, her head on her palm looking at Alcove. She seemed to have shed some of her shyness in her true form.

Parris was quick to hold his mate, seeing Raven a little too pale for his liking, he frowned and lifted him up, not willing to risk anything. "I would be around if you need me, Alcove and Alex. Right now I have my own mate to take care of." He said that and quickly hurried away, kissing Raven gently as they got back to their chambers. "Love... aside from dizzy, any other feelings? This isn't quite normal.... I don't recall you feeling dizzy last time after a growth spurt."

Alcove slowly reached for her tail petting it and nodded very impressed with seeing her less dominanting and nurturing siren form. he placed both hands on his belly closing his eyes when the pain started up again. Alcove pushed hard feeling the next egg make its way down to his entrance ,and with the added pressure from who knows what Alcove reached down and felt along his rear trying to assist the egg out ." I lost count how many are left?" he grunted softly looking at Alex panting .

Raven leaned against parris once he was picked up and went into more details about his symptoms."I just feel light headed and dizzy... m-my vision is blurry.." he was kinda bummed having to leave but he was definitely pushing himself as well . health wise.- Alcove nodded when his brother excused himself ROM the room ,and took raven back to the castle for some well needed TLC of his own.


"3 more. I think. I had 3 more little voices talking to me now." She shifted a little as Alcove rubbed her tail. "Be careful, the scales are sharp.... we have to defend ourselves from predators in teh wild, so they are desigend to be sharp at the edge." She said carefully controlling it to not hurt her mate. She swfitly moved in the water so Alocve was leaning onto her. "try it this way so you wouldn't have to support yoursefl up. I would be here holding you against the waves. You are holding on the egg yourself right? Then I got you." She said holding Alocve around his waist, awaiting for the next one to arrive.

Parris was a little concerned with the symptoms. He hadn't encountered something like this before and wondered if it's because of Raven's newly found vampire body or was it the pregnancy was more taxing on him. He quickly went to their place and put him on the bed, ordering for some nourishment to be brought up. "Try drinking a little. I dont htink you have had a proper meal yet?" He said, blaming himself for overlooking that.

(Tender . Love & Care)

Alcove rested again Alex in the mist of pushing he seemed bummed out from hear the number 3 but he wanted to just get throw strong. He beared down grunting through the cramps seeing the ancient writing on the gardens wall feeling a familiar presence near him, turning his head to see a blue bird with beautiful eyes watching over them."Has that bird always been here? " Alcove said clutching his side.

Raven Watched his loving mate tend to his needs accepting the cup of nourishment lifting the cup to his lips taking a few sips before setting the cup down reaching for his lover in need of snuggles"I'm sure the little ones are fine babe don't over think okay babe?"

(OH haha that's ... sweet.)

Alex hummed as she lifted her head and saw the bird. She looked confused and asksed. "No, I don't think so. Though blue birds always reminded me ..." She got lost in thought though a pained yell from Alcove removed her attention and she was quite surprised but happy to see the edge of the next egg making an appearnce. "That's another, our 4th one. Alcove this is amazing. We have to thank Master Parris for this... you are making so much more progress here." She exclaimed exctiedly.

Parris smiled gently as he rubbed Raven's back. "Hmm I have to worry, afterall you are the most precious to me. Feeling better now?" He took the cup and sipped a little himself, nodding at how easily Raven had accepted it. IT provied his change was quite successful for he had accepted the highly blood laced drink without even frowning.

Alcove leaned his head back gripping the grass tightly bearing down with his eyes closed. He didn't mean to scream so loudly but he couldn't help the urge to,and reached down holding the tip of the egg pushing until he was holding the eggling placing it against his shoulder ." I need your help her ! "He huffed turning around placing the eggling down with his siblings ."Uuugh.. dang it here it comes again!" He bore down even harder feeling his labor move along quicker.

Raven hugged his lover watching him when parris took a sip from his cup. Raven leaned forward to kiss the trail of blood that was on his mates lip. He giggled and snuggled against him purring.

Alex thought htis is a good sign for the eggs to be coming out in quicker succession. It'd save some energy for Alcove and he would be soon over this ordeal. The eggs would be hatching in a few days so they would need to start nurtuing them soon. "Alcove you are doing so well. This is goin got be over very soon. Just push down hard, the next one's very near its siblings." Alex could see Alcove's belly was deflating very quickly, meaning the birth indeed's coming to an end.

Parris smiled into Raven and started another bout of passionate kissing. "you little tease... is this a revenge for me stealign from your cup?" He asked feelign the slightly curved up belly nudging into him.

Alcove did as his lover instructed and pushed until his body was forcing the eggs down with a sharp groan escaping his throat alcove reached down holding another eggling. He handed the eggling over to Alex waiting for the last one to make it way down his birth canal. ".....mn....ugh... In all my life I'd never have seen myself in this position..." He said moving a strand of hair behind his ear.

The maids and butlers were preparing the rooms for both alex and her mate , And the little one if they decided to stay and live with parris and his family. The garden was such a peaceful area to welcome the new life into the world and after a few tired pushes Alcove delivered the last egg practically the smallest one of the pack .He glanced at Alex handing her the egg placing his hand against his falt stomach watching the water return his body to its original state.

Alcove smiled when he was reunited with his abs and slowly stood to his feet unsteady but excited to be himself again.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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