Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite)

The man nodded simply at the other, he found nothing incredibly strange about him other than his nakedness as he turned to leave before he even came close enough to pick up the deer. Disappearing easily into the evening, Tobias was still sleeping when James made his way back, though his grandchildren weren't as they ran up to James and climbed on his leg,"G-pa! G-pa!"Luke giggled and looked at the huge deer,"Can we have the antlers?!"He asked and his little brother, still in his wolf form nipped at his ankles.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"You'll have to go ask Papa, he killed it." James drops the deer around back, grabbing a rope before hoisting the deer up on a nearby tree to clean it.

James jr stood on the back porch,"Come back inside, I don't want you guys getting too dirty."He held his hands on his hips, looking like a true mother figure as he waited for his pups to come back up the stairs. "Let grandpa work."He reached down to ruffle Luke's hair and pick up the smallest one, they disappear into the house again.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James finished cleaning the deer, getting nearly all of the meat and making use of pretty much all the other parts as well. He does eventually make it back inside and upstairs to check on Tobias.

Tobias was up again, shifted back into his human form as his hands explore the marred skin of his belly, he opened his eyes to look at James with a small smile. Shifting to sit up more, grimacing slightly and looking down to himself,"I think my leg's fucked."He said after a moment and moved the bandage slightly to look at the wound,"Will it heal?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"It should be perfectly fine in a few days, it has already begun to heal." James hands him the bottle of water he had brought up. "I went back for the deer, the meat is in the freezer and the pelt is currently drying."

Tobias nodded his head and let the bandage slide back into place as he rubbed over his middle again,"They're some troopers... If I was carrying any one else, I would have already been in labor."He smiled lightly and tilted his head back with a sigh, taking the water bottle and opening it,"Thank you."He said after hearing that he had taken care of the buck,"What about the hunter? Did you meet up with him again?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"He thought you were my dog, I wanted him dead." James runs his hand along Tobias's back as he sits down on the bed.

Tobias laughed lightly and sank back into the bed pillows,"Technically I am... Yours...and a canine."He sighed at what he said next and looked him over,"I'm glad you didntkill him at least."He said and took his other hand to kiss his fingers softly then place them on his middle with his own.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James nods. Tobias is bedridden for nearly the entire week, it taking that long for his leg to heal properly.

Tobias still couldn't walk straight when he did manage to get out of bed for once after that initial week, he was so frustrated that he had almost wished James did kill that stupid guy for having an itchy trigger finger. Now his back and leg hurt and he couldn't do anything about it, not even take medicine since he was so heavily pregnant. Everything was hell for him, he sighed heavily and sat at the window in his rocking chair,"I'm not ready for this, James..."He shook his head, he had been feeling contractions on and off and each time made him even more anxious.

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"You'll do fine. You always do." James comes to stand beside the chair. Tobias was currently nursing their youngest pup, just under 10 months old.

Tobias sighed and nodded as he looked down at the little girl who laid in his arms, she had drifted to sleep while suckling from his bloated chest. It made him smile a bit at how peaceful she seemed as he sighed and sat back more again,"Give me a kiss."He tilted his head back to look at him, puckering his lips some.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James rolls his eyes before leaning down and pressing a light kiss to his lips. He then takes the little girl and carried her back over to her crib to finish out her nap.

Tobias smiled at the kiss and let him take their daughter from his arms, watching as he laid her down and humming lightly in content. Before another cramp came to him, he huffed out and reached to grasp onto the arm of his chair, head falling baxk as he moaned lightly. Stomach tight and toes curling for a moment before it dissipated and he sighed heavily once again.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James moves back over to the chair, one arm slipping around Tobias' waist before he hauled him to his feet. He kept an arm around him to support him as they began to make their way back to the bedroom.

Tobias leaned against him as they came out of the nursery towards the master suite and flushed in the face as he closed his eyes for a moment when he sank down onto the bed, tilting his head back and laying down slowly while his hands adventured over the size of his middle,"I think I'm going to sleep."He murmured and turned onto his side, curling against the pillows with a sigh, licking his lips.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Okay." James's fingers ran lightly through his hair for a minute or two. "I'm going to go for a perimeter check, I'll be back within the hour." With that he was gone, leaving Tobias to sleep.

The perimeter was fine, there was no other scents besides the deer they had killed and their own family. When James returned, Tobias had shifted to curl up in his wolf form beneath the sheets, he whimpered every now and then and shifted himself. Though staying one one side for the longest time as he labored, stomach bulging from the litter and eyes teary from the pain even in his sleep.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James didn't worry about shifting. He simply sat on the edge of the bed, his fingers running though Tobias' fur. "Easy love, just breathe."

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