Blossoming love (closed with Dots)

Henry was so good in telling the fairy tale. He knew that his husband did it almost every night for their children. He couldn't lie that he also loved it so much. His tone had changed during telling the story. He unconsciously felt asleep in Henry's embrace resulting his good dream during the night.

It was lucky that Sam didn't need to go to the toilet during the night, but he had woken up very late. His eyes widened as he saw the clock. It was 10.30 a.m. He should get out the bed quickly for cooking if Sam didn't have the beach ball in his middle. He rubbed his belly, trying to calm his son down when he started kicking stronger. "Easy son, mommy is here and daddy will come soon," Sam whispered. He was still sleepy. It might be because of the cramps last night. Sam smiled at his husband when he walked into the room after he woke up just mins. "Hmm, someone knew everything about his wife, son." Sam said, rubbing his belly. "Hmm, sorry for breakfast, honey. I should cook that for you." Sam murmured. His eyes was still close when he said that. Sam looked like the lazy but cute mommy now.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"I am prepared the cook breakfast since last jight when we decided we would do something naughty..... so dont worry about it. This is a service that you should be enjoying - bfeakfast on bed." Henry smiled as he kissed Sam's forehead before placing the tray of food on the table beside. Henry heaved Sam up to a sitting position with his wife's eyes still closed. He laid Sam's head on his chest as he started wiping his face with a warm towel, waking him up before everything else. He could hear a quiet painful hiss when he moved Sam, and he guessed it was because he had pulled on Sam's delicate bottom when he heaved him up, and he apologized silently by kissing him on his temple.

Henry was even more careful afterwards, his hand always on Sam's waist and made sure he did not sit on his still slightly swelling opening, when he moved the tray of breakfast onto the bed. It was simple with fried egg on toast. At least Hsnry didnt burn anything this time. "I really didnt attempt to make too much..... i could burn down the kitchen if i try too hard." Henry teased himself as he pick up the toast for Sam.

Sam was sitting in the awkward position to not press too much weight on his opening. His bottom was so sensitive since last night that resulted in his hiss even Henry just touched it slightly. He bit the toast, looking his husband with innocent eyes and trying to tease him a bit. "Hmm, this is good, no need to worry about it. I can eat everything from my husband." Sam said and got the glass of milk from the tray. "Staying home for today, huh? It should be good for me. You know..." Sam said, blushing. His husband was someone who knew the best about his opening. He wasn't sure if he could walk by himself now. His face blushed darker after the loud burp of Sam.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry snickered at the burp but he tried to hide it biting his lips. He scooped up Sam's face that's almost buried into his chest and kissed the darkly blushed face of Sam. "Yes we are staying at home... I bet everyone would notice what we had been doing last night if they ever saw you walking. It would be nice staying in door. would also give your body a chance to relax in somewhere warm and cozy.... I wouldn't want you to suffer from cramps like last night anymore." Henry said shifting Sam on his lap properly, taking care of his sensitivity below and also rub on his sore hip and back muscle. "I am glad you like my cooking." He said nuzzling into his face.

Sam let the soft moans as Henry moved his hands around and also massaged his back "Hmm, I always like everything from my husband. How about you, huh? Don't you like something from me? It's said to hear that but I can improve myself for my lovely husband" He said, leaning a bit on Henry's chest. Sam was quite small when compared with his husband, so Henry could put his chin on Sam's shoulders, see how his wife was enjoying his food. "Hmm, someone is so naughty, at least give me some time to eat. You always know how to tease me." Sam said, smiling when Henry moved his both to cover his belly and rubbed it protectively. Sam squeezed Henry's nose with his two fingers, resulting in painful sound from his husband, but following with the big kiss from him.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"You are free to eat as you want, I could still focus on rubbing my favourite belly." Henry said as he kissed Sam from having his nose squeezed. "I like it when you moan... tell me how i make you feel good." he said jiggling the belly, teasing Sam as he moved the large and heavy belly in his lap so that it shook. He then rubbed it to calm their son who seemed to have woken up because of Henry's teasing, and let out a small breath as the baby seemed to have fallen back asleep feeling his daddy's familiar rub. He hoped he would sleep until at least when sam had finished his breakfast.

It was something usual for Henry to calm their son down, but It was always wonderful to Sam. "How can you do that, huh? It's not fair, son. Why do you obey only with your daddy? mommy is here!" Sam said, rubbing his belly. Their son didn't kick since he had fallen asleep from daddy's familiar rub. "You're so naughty, huh? You're so lucky that I don't want to tease my husband that much. I can see how you need to handle your desire if I do that." Sam said when he finished his breakfast. They just cuddled on the bed, enjoying their private time as much as they could. Henry seemed to love it so much since he didn't stop touching anf rubbing Sam's belly. "Another big baby here" Sam whispered at Henry's ears when he rested his chin on Sam's shoulders again.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Yes, this baby is very eager to grow big it seems. I think he's the largest so far..... none of the others had reached this weight at this point. I dont think anyone would believe you are not even 7 months pregnant." Henry's hands were almost like glued to Sams belly. He loved it too much to let go. Sam in general looked gorgeous while pregnant. Yes he looked tired, and also a bit rounder than when he wasnt with child, but the glow from him, the way he held his back while he walked, and how he teased Henry making use of his belly. All these were making him so attractive. "Did i tell you I love you today? And also, you look stunning today...." he murmurred and nibbled on his earlobe.

Sam smiled widely as he heard that. "Yeah, OUr son is growing so fast. It hurts me sometimes, but I'm glad that he is healthy. Nothing can better than this" Sam whispered, closing his eyes to enjoy touching from his husband. "Hmm, You mean you love me only today? How's sad!" Sam said, pretending to be very sad. "My heart hurts now. My husband loves me just the day he wants" Sam almost couldn't hide his smiled, but he did it. He knew how to tease his husband. He could feel that Henry hugged him tighter after that words. Sam also leaned a bit more to his husband when he seemed to tease Sam so much. His hands were still on Sam's belly like he always did.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Sam! You know that's not what i mean..... ahh you are teasing me again!" Henry was explaining when he saw the smile that Sam was hiding, and he too, smirked. "Hmm the price of teasing your husband..... I am going to tickle you!" As he said he started ticlling on Sam's massive belly. Whenever he was.prrgnant, Sam was paritcularly ticklish, perhaps because his stretched belly was even more snesitive. Sam soon was crumbling, curling up and hugging his belly when he couldnt stop laughing with Henry's fingers all over him.

Sam was laughing so bad. "haha, p....please stop!" He said, trying to stop it. Sam tried to grab Henry's hands and put it away, but his husband was too fast. He was curling up, showing his belly even more and making it looked bigger. "You're so bad, you know? You wife is pregnant now. Keep take care of him" He said when his husband stopped it. He was breathing heavily from laughing so much. Henry's hands was still on his belly but become the protective way. "It's so bad that I can't do it back to do. This belly makes me can't even turn around." He said when he had tried to tickle his husband, but it was too hard for Sam. "So, should we move out of the bed now? I don't mind to stay. My husband seems to enjoy this so much."

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"I think you should start stretching those muscles, or you w9uldnt be ablr to walk even tomorrow." Henry teased as he caressed Sam's bottom. The laughter just now had made him forget about his burning bottom, but Henry was sure it wouldnt take long for him to remember that. He moved out of the bed first and heaved Sam up. His wife could barely stand on his own, and he collasped right into Henry's chest when he tried to stand on his own. Henry smiled even though he didnt say anything, simply holding his wife up at his waist and belly.

It was bad for Sam that he couldn't even stand by himself. He just collapsed on Henry's chest when he was trying to stand. Sam held his husband's tightly when Henry also held him tight. "It's worse that I thought, but it's fine. I just need some time. Should we talk around here? I could walk slowly." He said and smiled at his husband. He also gave Henry a soft kiss when he touched his face and bent for that. It took quite long time walking out of the bedroom. Henry could hear Sam's painful moan in some steps and he almost collapsed again when they walked to the door. Sam had tired already although he just walked for mins, but his huge belly was the problem, especially when Sam's lower was sore.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry would grip on Sam tighter whenever he heard him moan. It was obvious that for those few steps Sam had pulled on his bottom so Henry would lift him up so he wouldn't fall with the literal pain in his ass. He smiled at how Sam was panting already when they reached the door, and he almost lifted him up by his waist when his knees gave way. He could hear Sam's whimper when he began to massage his back, and his wife was grabbing him tight, putting more of his weight on Henry even though he seemed to be not noticing. Henry was almost lifting him up now. "Are you alright love? Perhaps it had been too early.... we should wait till the afternoon to try more walking. For the mean time, let me do my job." He said carrying Sam up in bridal style, no longer able to just let Sam walk with such great difficulty.

Sam hadn't answered anything since his husband lifted him so fast and didn't wait for an answer from his wife. "Hmm, my husband is so cute now" He said, smiling. Sa,'s belly was so big and it clearly showed when Henry was carrying Sam in bridal style. Sam put his hand and rubbed it gently like he always did, but it looked so cute with his maternal instinct.Henry could be stunned by how he looked at his belly and touched it protectively. He smiled at his husband who stopped walking and just looked at his wife. "Something wrong?" Sam asked. He didn't realize anything. It was just something usual for Sam. They just smiled at each other then continued walking to the couch. It was perfect how his husband gently placed him down on the couch and Sam's ass didn't touch anything too strong.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"You are so beautiful, just now. Like i am literally stunned by your beauty, no matter how impossible that should be after almost 5 years of marriage." Henry said nuzzling Sam as he sat down on the couch as well. He made sure Sam was well supported by cushions, and that the temperature was just right with the fire beside. He pressrd himself close to Sam, his wrapping him up as tight as he could with all his limbs. He was like a koala wraping around Sam and his belly, resting his head on his shoulder. "I dont even know it's possible to fall deeper in love with you, but i am sure i just did."

(Wow 5 years marriage and 80 pages of this board. It's so wonderful for me. I can't think something new about this rp, but also don't wanna end lol. Such greedy!)

"Don't you know that? I just fall deeper and deeper every single day." Sam said, giving his husband a soft smile. Henry's embrace was so warm, especially when his husband hugged him that tight, but still comfortable for Sam. The baby had woken up since he kicked to respond Henry's hand on Sa,'s belly. "Hmm, your son always know that nest time to wake up. You're just hugging two men now. Is that a good profit for daddy who is taking care his family?" Sam just smiled when Henry started playing with their son with his two fingers walking around Sam's belly. Sam just moved his hand's to Henry's belly and played with his abs, teasing his husband a bit when he was unguarded from his naughty wife.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(haha oh well i thought we still have sam's ex not finished off? we could introduce him. but, yea, 80 pages and still i don't want this to end as well!)

Henry laughed at the teasing and quickly grabbed sam's naughty hand on his abs and held them to his mouth, placing a soft kiss on the back of his hand. He pressed sam's head onto his chest and smoothed over his hair. "YYes I am hugging two men now... so convenient when I could wrap my whole family together, both my dearest wife and my lovely son." He said as he squeezed Sam's palm and placed it on his chest, right above his heart letting him feel his heartbeat. "We would be ending this trip very soon... do you think we should bring the kids back?"

(Idk if I still wanna play that, but we may talk later haha. My English isn't that good and I did it very bad sometimes. Thanks for bearing it.)

Sam could feel Henry's heart beat with his hand. It was slow since Henry was a sportsman, but strong. "I think something here, is mine, huh?" He said smiling. Sam could hug his husband tighter with that position. He could feel all Henry's warmth. "Bring our kids bake here? Yeah, that's a good idea. I'm sure that they will like Husky like their mommy, but I don't know if we need to book lots of air ticket. It also not includes out future kids. Hmm I know that my husband wants more. Suffered wife is his happiness, right?" Sam joked when he just leaned his face to Henry's chest, letting him play with his belly. It might be chaotic for just both of them to bring all their kids to somewhere. Maybe they should have a nanny, at lease they would have some private time doing something romantic.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Haha ok we could try something else.... hmm perhaps Sam getting some business of his own? I am thinking maybe he could make his own cookbook? And please, eng is not my mother tongue as well so we face the same problem while writing! Dont worry about that ;))

"Oh yea they would be noisy and running around... maybe next time. I will find some place that have babysitting service, or maybe even bring our nanny with them." Henry said grimacing as he recalled how active their kids could be, not to mention the 2 smaller ones are only babies. He didnt get what Sam was saying at first, but when he realised he mentioned "future kids", he broke into such a large smile it.showed how excited he was by the idea. He hugged Sam so tight and looked at him with sparkling eyes, just like their son. "You are willing to do that? For me? I sometime sfeel guilty with how you suffered everytime.... but I am.not.going to.lie, as i want more... more babies, more kids."

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