Blossoming love (closed with Dots)

(Wow that makes me wanna play birth soon, lol. Can we play that after this scene? I hope that it's not too fast for you. Yeah, the baby will be stuck during birth causing lots of pain and fear for Sam. I think it kinda funny lol.)

Sam wasn't willing to do it much as Henry lifted him up and supported his belly and back. His legs were shivering with his weight, and Sam needed lots of help from his husband. "Hmm, yeah, but Is this not too fast?" He tried to argue, but it didn't work when Henry already kissed him and led him to walk to the living room. It's long trip for Sam since his belly was so big. He breathed heavily when they got there and held Henry tightly. "Should we rest here? W....we can do it next time, just let me rest a bit" Sam said, trying to control his breath. It was had when his belly was full with the food and baby. Sam completely showed his weakness but he just hoped that 3 months would be enough to practice it.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(I am thinking we it.after a quick.trip around to look at houses. Maybe during the house hunting.trips Sam would almost trip and fall down while trying out the kitchens? And maybe there would be a puddle of water, so happens because the tap was leaking. Henry would thought it was Sam's water breaking. And he would be very angry with the estate agent for introducing them to such a house.with defect. Then we would have them.skip to thr birth? ;))

"Sam... you really need to start training. The bedrest had weakened your strength you.know? Next time. Especially when we're home, i.will be walking with you every evening." Henry gave up after sesing how exhausted Sam looked. He sighed and took his waist to get to the couch, but Sam's legs were so.wobbly he almost tripped when Henry started walking before Sam was ready. It was lucky that Henry was always alert and lifted Sam up. "Watch out!"

Both of them were a bit stunned by the near-accident. Henry's heart was beating so fast. He almost regretted having pushed Sam to his limit. He must have over estimated how much sam.could take. Once he recovered from the shock,.he lifted Sam up and quickly sat down on the chair, holding his wife tight as his hands tremblrd a little from fear.

(Yeah Sam almost fall and strip down, but I think no for leaking water lol)

Sam was stunned within that moment and he was shocked with his Henry was scared and fear. He could see that worst face that his husband had ever had. He bent forward to cup Henry's face with both hands while he was kneeling before him with any words from his mouth. "It's fine, honey. I'm okay. Imagine if you don't fast enough. I'm safe because of you." Sam tried to encourage his husband. He knew this moment the best, since the night that they lost their baby, Henry always worried about Sam and his baby. "I know what I need to do honey. I promise that I'll do that with you when we get home, so don't worry about me." He whispered, looking at his husband who was completely guilty.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Ok! LOL sorry if i am.doing too much of this trup snd Henry being the hero stuff.... if you feel likr too repetitive we could skip it. Or maybe it could be the neighbor of the house they were looking came running and barking at Sam, scaring him?)

Sam's gentle voice calmed Henry, as he started recovering. He clurched Sam's hand tight and kissed on it gently. He looked straight into his eyes and reminded himself that Sam and their baby were fine now. There was nothing to worry about anymore. He sighed and nudged close to his wife. "I will be sure to train you up to become stronger. I have omitted that part for so long.... that is unforgivable of me. I am a doctor, your personal doctor! Believe me, I would also become your persinal trainer when we got back." He kept on kissing Sam's face after each sentence, and his heart gradually settled as the familiar weight and warmth of Sam soothed him.

(I like that old idea for falling down hehe. Not big face of silly neighbor lol. I also like hero stuff hehe just make it in the right place and right time!!)

Sam kissed him back, holding his husband in his embrace. It was rare as Sam became the one who soothed his husband. "Yeah, I believe my husband and also my personal doctor, but now can we just enjoy the trip? We still have the couple days here, so just enjoy it." Sam whispered, giving his husband a kiss while he was rubbing Henry's back. "Hmm, it seems I have big boy in front of me now! He almost cries because of his mom. Can my boy help his mommy to the couch now? You mom will walk, but he also needs some help. His belly is full with another big boy." He joked, smiling widely. Sam laughed when Henry teased him back by playing with his belly playfuly.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(HAha ok then i would go ahead with the idea!)

Henry started tickling Sam with how he teased him, but any amount of worry left in him was washed away by Sam and his soft words. He grabbed Sam tight when he crumbled while laughing uncontrollably. He was especially ticklish when he was pregnant, and it was very funny to see his belly quivering not only because of he was laughing, but also because the baby inside was dancing, like he was also responding to what his mother was doing.

Getting on the couch with sam panting from short of breath during his laugh, henry repeatedly kiss him to show his love. "So, since we got a few days left,what do you want to do?"

Sam was laughing so bad when his husband tickled him on his belly. Their son seemed to respond it with may kick on Sam's belly. He kissed his husband back when he just did it to Sam. "Hmm, I don't know anything about this place. What's about you? Maybe we can go outside for local restaurant and some attractions? I think you know it better than me since my husband is planned this for a long time." He said, smiling. Sam leaned a bit more, lifting his jumper and teasing his husband with his hands pressing on both sides of his belly and making it look bigger. He knew that his husband couldn't resist that and Sam could see Henry glanced at him while he was looking for some attractions in the laptop.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

At first Henry could still concentrate when Sam onlg lifted up his jumper, looking for places to visit that would not be too tiring for Sam, but when he started to push up his belly, Henry was finding whatever was on the computer was too boring. Not at all aattractive enough to pay attention to, when compared with Sam. He finally groaned and put the laptop aside, and grabbed Sam from.behind and falling back into the couch, holding his laughing wife on his chest. "You are always teasing me..... i guess you dont hurt anymore? You are ready for another round...?" He said as he trailrd his hands down, rubbing over his slightly swollen nipples.

Sam moaned so loud as Henry just touched his nipple. "Ahh,, I....I'm not ready." He said, moaning so bad. "Your daddy is so rude, son" He said and rubbing his belly. They got back to the same position again when Sam was staying on Henry's lap and rested his body on Henry's chest. "Do you finish fiding for the place? I'm sure that we don't want to stay here for days, and do nothing." Sam said as he rubbed his belly gently. He loved how his husband lowered his hands and rubbed it protectively. "You son wanna see something, new, Henry. Why is his daddy so lazy, huh? Mommy is so sad now" Sam said, pretending to make the sad face.

(Should we make some dinner scene with the fantastic view and a small gift? I love when Henry help Sam and also prepares everything.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Haha henry would be doing everything he can to make that a surprise for Sam.)

"Hmm I got some ideas already, but to keep it a secret you wouldnt know until tomorrow." Henry said not wanting to reveal their itinerary too early. " it would be very exciting, so for today,you would need to rest very well. I dont want you to get so tired that the cramps return." He said rubbing his bellg the way Sam likrd. "Baby, dont listen to your mommy. He's always so demanding....."

The afternoon was past in very peaceful and cozy rapports between the two and the baby. As night came, Henry slipped off bed with a smile. "Since I have always enjoyed your cooking.... I am giving back." He said disappearing into the kitchen. He was goin to cook steak for Sam.

Sam was surprised to hear that, but it was a good thing since he always liked all the food from his husband. Not because it was delicious, but because it was from some he loved the most in his life. Sam was waiting on the bed, using Henry's laptop tp search for the baby's stuff and also watched his favorite YouTubers. He hadn't taken the shower yet since the morning when the weather was cold and it was hard to take his jumper off, but he would need to ask his husband for help soon. "Shhh, easy, honey. Your daddy is cooking for you." Sam said, rubbing his belly when the baby started kicking and going stronger. "Ouch! You're so naughty, huh? Kicking mommy's ribs that hard" Sam said as he tried to soothe his son, but it wasn't too workable as when Henry did.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry cookrd the steak as best as he could, but obviously he wasnt as good a chef as Sam was, so the end product was way less pretty than when Sam was the one preparing it. He tasted it and was relieved that at least it tasted great. With the candles lit up and a little giftbox ready, he took the stairs to get Sam.

"Sam? Dinner's ready." He said before entering the room, and was quite surprised when he saw Sam rubbing his sides, panting a bit as he muttered soft words to the belly. He quickly got to the bedside and asked with concern. "Sam? Is it the baby?" He askrd immediately placing his hand on the belly, just in time to feel the kick of their baby. "Son, be nice. Mommy and daddy are trying to have a relaxing night... behave for daddy ok?" He said and like a miracle, the baby settled.

Sam smiled widely as his husband got beside him quickly. The warmth and familiar touch from Henry's hand were the miracles for the baby. Their son had settled instantly after that word from his husband. "You both are quite naughty, today, Henry. It can be some problem with mommy, you know?" He whispered softly as Sam gave his husband a soft kiss when he just got closer to help him get out of the bed. "So, walking again, huh? and what do you cook for me today?" Sam joked when Henry gently supported his waist. It was surprised again when his husband lifted him up bridal style at this time. "My husband is so sweet!" He whispered holding his belly gently as Henry walked to the dining table. The room was dark with only the light from candles. Sam could smell his favorite aroma scent. It was something he usually used when he got stressed or just for relaxing, especially when his belly was too big and his mood was uncontrollable sometimes.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"I thought we would continue to relax you. You know, we still got so much ahead that you should rest as much as you could. guess what we are having.from the smell?" Henry asked, looking at Sam expectantly. He hoped Sam would like it. "It isnt my most successful product, but it should taste ok." They enteted the dining room that had everything.laid out. Pulling the chair out, he put Sam on the cushioned seat so carefully like Sam was made of glass. He thrn went to the other side of the table like they were eating in a formal restaurant, like what royalties would do.

Sam smiled widely as he could smell something from the food on the table. "It is one of my most favorite means. Does my husband remember that I'm a meat lover? or it just coincidentally happens?" Sam asked, smiling gently. He opened the plate's cover to see if he was right and it was. The steak with white saurce and salad. He didn't know if you could like something more than this. Sam looked at his husband who was pouring the red wine for himself and watching his wife reacted with his food. Henry's face looked more handsome with the candle light. "What is this, huh? some romantic dinner with my lovely husband?" He asked, rubbing his belly gently.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"What do you think? Just a coincidence or that your husband had all your likings memorized?" Henry asked back as he took his seat. "Dont you think we hadnt been getting the chance for such a nice little dinner together? This is as romantic as I cousl go, so if my wife still thought it insufficient.... my heart would be broke into a million little pieces." Henry said pressing his hand on his heart, acting like he was heartbroken. He knew he probably couldnt take his hands away from his wife, if they had sat close together, so he arranged the seats like that. Perhaps also to admire his wife's good looks even better as well.

Sam smiled widely as he heard that. He just wanted to tease his husband a bit more then he said. "Yeah, I think it's a coincidence! Son, this is insufficient when compare with everything mommy did for you daddy. It's so sad!" Sam said, pretending to be sad and cry. He could see how Henry was staring at him almost all the time. The moment like this might be something hard to find soon when his son came out and they had more children. Although Sam pretended to be sad, but Henry could see how this moment was precious for his wife. He could barely hide his smile for his husband. It wasn't naughty moment for Sam, but it was the most wonderful moment.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Oh Sam, you are so demanding.... I have tried so hard to meet your standard! Such an insatiable brat, who spoiled you? Oh wait. I know. It's me who had spoiled you in the first place!" Henry laughed as he started cutting his steak. He started regrettingbhis decision a little. Sam's belly was already large enough that he had to sit a bit far away from tbe table, which made him cutting the steak at an awkward angle. Henry wished he had cut it into pieces for Sam. He gulped down his wine and tried not to think too much. He knew Sam could handle that, he really shouldnt be over worrying.

It was the awkward position, but Sam could handle that. It was quite easy because this was his third pregnancy, so he could handle anything. Sam out the first bit then glanced at his husband who was waiting for the comment. "Hmm, not bad, not bad, and yeah How can't I have the high standard when my husband is so perfect? It isn't something he did, but it's all him!" He said the sweet words, knowing that Henry would love that. He rubbed his side when the baby kicked so strong again and made his fork fall down. "Hmm, such a naughty boy. Causing problems, but there is no reason for mommy to not love you, honey. You are same with your daddy!" He said as he tried to calm the baby down. Sam stopped Henry when he just already stood up from his seat for walking and soothing his son. He could handle it this time and Sam didn't want to ruin this romantic moment.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Well I.dont think.i have ever caused you to groan from pain that frequent." Henry said, still smiling very proud from how Sam praised him. He nearly got up when how Sam's fork fell on the floor, but he hesistated in sitjting back down. He eventually got up anyway, for Sam had tried to, and failed many times, trying to bend down to pick up tbe fork. Henry looked on, respected Sam's choice to handle it on his own, but it simply wasnt that possible for him and Henry had to cover his mouth to prevent himself from laughing.

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