Blossoming love (closed with Dots)

"Yeah, I always want to feed him. Nothing can better than feeding our son within his mommy's embrace. It soothes him and also increases my lactation." Sam said as he got the Charon from his husband and feed him within his arms. "You are so cute, Charon. No one needs to ask who is your daddy" Sam said, smiling and looking at his husband who was preparing for the belly rub. It was so relaxing when Henry started rubbing his belly. His muscle was stretched with the gentle hands. "Hmm although our son is here, my belly looks like 4 months pregnancy now." He joked. It wasn't that hurt although his soreness hadn't cured yet. "I'm wondered how long we need to wait till we can have another time. We have passed many things this time. since the start till the end of it." He smiled, looking at his husband. He knew that Henry always knew the meaning of his words, especially his husband was the one how always asked for more children.

(Sorry for changing my pic so frequently, but this couple is my most favorite couple from my most favorite anime, so they're so cute hehe)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"It would be awhile.... at least not for a few months. You scared me a little this time Sam.... that bleeding..." henry said recalling that night. "This had hurt your body, and it would need time to recover. Meanwhile, let's make good use of this time and pretend we still have a baby inside here." He said putting both his hands on Sam's tummy, making them positioned likr a heart. "You are too good for me.... I was afraid you would say this is enough. for being willing to do this again.... though not before i say that's ok." Henry kissed Sam passionately to show him his love.

(Oh that's very cute. Especially on how he covered their baby's eyes xD)

"You're scared? Hmm, it shows how I'm important for you, right? That's good to know, and our little angel is here now. Charon, you're so lucky, love, and you also carry another soul of your sibling." Sam kissed his son, looking at that bright and clear eyes. "I'm wondered if we should tell him when he grows up." Sam whispered softly then looked at his husband who was rubbing his belly with his both hands. "This time is one of the hardest things in my life, Henry, but you're always here with me and I want nothing but you." He said then kissed his husband gently when he looked up and moved for it.

(Yeah, hehe they're so cute. I also have some nsfw pics lol)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"I think we should.... though maybe when they are a bit more grown up. When they understood more." Henry looked at Sam softly and kissed him, shiftint so he could hold behind Sam's head to deepen the kiss. "I made a vow to be with you no matter what, and I always keep my promises. Every moment with you is a blessing..." he stroked Sam's pale face, kissing him repeatedly on his face, expressing his love that's strong and pure. They got lost in thr world with only each other, until Charon started fussing, the bottle was only half empty but the baby seemed to be full.

Sam took a bottle from his baby then kissed Charon softly liked he did with Henry. "Yeah, He should know it. I'm sure that it won't make him feel bad and it also reminds us for not letting it happen again" He smiled with how Charon was smiling at him although his baby was only 2 days old. "Hmm, Charon, what is that sweet eyes? Like father like son. Mommy is wondered if you will grow up being a perfect man like your daddy." Sam said, smiling as he handed the bottle to Henry. Henry soon gt Charon from Sam as it was'nt good fro Sam carrying that weight if their baby for long time.
(Show we skip after few relpies? I'm okay with it now and you can choose the time)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Skip ahead to when they returned home? Or when they move?)

Henry chucklrd. "Yes like father like son. I guess we would have to work hard next time for a like mommy likr daughter..." he suggested while taking Charon away. He put the baby to the crib and some nurse soon took him away so he could be sleeping soundly in the nursery, while Henry and Sam could have some good rest. Henry's eyes were bloodshot with practicallly no rest for time before his wife woke up. He helped Sam lay down and snuggled close to him, holding him safely in his arms before muttering.. "i love you baby, but i really need to sleep now..." he was asleep before he could finush the sentence.

Sam's recovery went well and soon Henry agreed for him to be home. All nurses from the clinic waved them goodbye while the couplr left with Charon.

It was a week after they come back from the hospital, and it was the first time Sam could feed his newborn with his own breasts while nanny was taking care of James and Harry. Sam didn't even move to anywhere, but his bed since it wa the best way to cure his soreness, and lots of belly rub from his husband was helpful. He held his cute Charon gently as their first time after nanny took him from his bed, and Charon instantly tried to find his nipples with his mouth. "Hmm, You are hungry, now? That's good , Charon. You will be healthy and strong as your daddy." Sam whispered, rubbing Charon;s forehead softly. He unbuttoned his cloth, showing his small, but full with milk breast then started to feed his baby. Cheron seemed to love it since he sucked so fast. "Hmm, Like father like son." He said, smiling.
(We can start with cute scene first hehe)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp


Henry was instructing the nanny on how to deal with the James and Harry when this took place, and he smiled and pouted at the door when he found Sam started feeidng before he came back. "Aww sam, you didn't wait for me!" He nodded to the nanny so she would leave the room and let them have their time together. Henry slipped on bed carefully and held Sam from the side, gently helping his wife in holding their son up. "I guess that marked the end of my time in milking you.... too bad, don't you think." Henry teased as he watched their baby suckling so hungrily. he ruffled the headful of hair and kissed Sam, making sure he had a hand on his wife's waist and started rubbing already.

"Bad? I guess, it's bad for you, but not for me and Charon, right? honey?" Sam smiled, kissing Charon softly, pretending to not care about his husband. "You said that I don't wait for you? Don't you realize that you come late today?" Sam said, enjoying so much with Henry's hand on his belly. His husband seemed to be busy at this days since he had the meeting that couldn't change the plan. He leaned his head to Henry's shoulders, enjoying the scent of his husband. Sam was glad to be surrounded by two persons that he loved so much. "Look at him, Henry. He looks same to you more than other siblings. I'm not surprised why it was hard to let him out." Sam whispered softly.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Ahh that's not fair. Is it because Charon looks like me that you are turning all your attention to him? That's not good Sam.... your husband also need lots of yoru attention and love!" Henry whined but smiled into his wife. He controlled his force well on his belly. This pregnancy had taken a toll on Sam and he would need time to recover, especially his belly that was still puffy from how stretched it was from the big boy. "If he hadn't been that big probably he woudln't have caused you this much pain.... I wish he was less like me in that aspect." Henry said thougthfully, stroking the baby's cheeks and hugged Sam closer.

"Yeah, He is less like you in the meaning of causing pain. I couldn't do that with you, Henry. You know how important you are for me, Henry since our first day. I have never loved you even less" Sam whispered softly as Henry hugged him closer. Charon seemed to love touching from his daddy since his eyes was bright and wide from that. "Hmm, let's see if we can make the sister for him, and also make like mother like daughter. What do you think about it? Should we wait for them to grow up a bit then we try?" Sam smiled gently. He knew that his husband always wanted more children, but giving some time for their three baby boys to grow ut was also important now. They also needed to handle with moving to the new house since it would take some time.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Yes i would like a daughter, but not until you are ready, Sam. Dont you force yourself, you arent ready. I am the doctor so dont even try to hide how tired you still feel." Henry smiled and kissed his wife. "You are a terrible liar you know?" He said rubbing his arm. "I had caught you feeling dizzy when you stood up too fast, a clear sign that you were still fatigued and probably still a little anemic. No matter how much i wanted more children, I wouldnt do it at your risk. Besides.... true. With 3 babies we should wait for them to grow up a little first before trying for a little sister for them." Henry smiled and chuckled when Charon looked at them with curious eyes, looking like he knew what they were talking about.

"Yeah, you're right, Henry. We should wait til we're ready, but I'm so curious. How long can you handle your desire, huh? I think you may need t do it at the bathroom for months since I won't tell anything silly like let you go to another man or woman" Sam said, smiling. He could remember how Henry was mad when he said that last time. Henry could hear his stomach was growling since Sam hadn't had the dinner yet. He waited for his husband, but Sam also forgot if Henry had already had it from his meeting. His face blushed red with his clumsy he was. Sam couldn't even cook by himself, so they usually ordered some food, and it was the Japanese curry that was one of Sam's favorite food for tonight.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Good to remember you have learnt from the past.... if i have to wank in the bathroom for a whole year, I would, but maybe I should also remind you i have more ways to get off than penetrative...." henry murmured getting close to Sam. "Besides, i do think you needed some way of letting.out your desire as well?" He lightly brushed through Sam's prick, but didnt continue to tease when he heard the growl and had to chuckle. "Oh babe you have waited for me? I am so sorey.... i should have mentioned. Anyway I could also have a late night snack." He smiled and kissed Sam's blushed face as he made the orders. "Japanese curry huh? That's like your favourite recently... maybe i should try making it. It looks easy if i got those ready made brick like ones..." he said thoughtfully ruffling Sam's hair.

Sam smiled softly as Henry said about cooking the food for him. "Hmm, It's not that easy as you think, Henry. You can use the brick, but it still needs hours for the meat and vegetable to be tender." Sam said, kissing his husband back. It was true as his husband said about how he also needed to handle his desire, but being mother made him have it less than his husband, and it wasn't much problem for Sam. "You also wanna have te curry? Hmm, I can imagine my husband gets fat someday." He joked, smiling at his husband. Sam had already ordered it, and it was true that he also ordered for his husband. They might be able to have the private time since Charon seemed to full, and nanny would brought him back soon.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"I would have to arrangr for more hours in the gym.... or, maybe I should get more exercise through moving you around." Henry smiled and waited until the nanny took Charon away to lift Sam up. "Hmm let me see.... you are so lightweight now! You should.put on weight so you could become my training tool at home." He smiled as he brought Sam to the dining room. Sam could walk on his own now with his injury fully recovered, Henry just made ithis bahit to carry him around. The delivery soon arrived and Henry mostly just watched Sam eat it. "You got some on your face..." he said and wiped away the spot on Sam's cheek with his thumb and ate it himself. "Hmm that tasted extra nice."

Sam held his husband tightly as he was carrying him to the dining room. He also had that bad habit that loved being carried by his hubsnad as it reminded him their wedding day, and how his husband was always protecting him. He smiled softly when Henry wiped the curry away from his cheek. It wasn't something normal for Sam, but that curry was really good. "Yeah, I know that you will like it. It's better than mine." Sam said, smiling softly as he already finished his plate. "Do you want some drink, Henry?" Sam asked when he just got up to the fridge for his milk. Sam loed when his husband was eating is food. Henry looked like a child at that time, and it also reminded him his Jayden.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Tea? I remember we got some bottled ones in the fridge..." henry said with a mouthful of food, looking at his wife's gorgeous bottom as he bent down to take the carton of milk. He almost choked when Sam turned around with thay innocent face of his. Because of how he had been on bed recovering, his belly was still a little bloated, making him look like he's still 3 months pregnant, and that was too much for Henry, he had to force himself to look away. He soon swallowed what's in his mouth. "Hmm... err, i will go to the toilet." He said that and quickly escaped to the bathroom, and had to groan to himself that would probably be what would frequently happen for the near future.

Sam smiled widely as he heard that. Henry clearly showed how he needed to handle with his desire. "Okay, Henry. The tea will be ready when you come back." Sam teased his husband, as he put the ice jasmine tea back to the fridge. Henry would take for awhile, and he could wash the plates, and wait for his husband to come back. Sam smiled with how he had lots of influence on his strong husband. His strong man who was the boss of many branches of clinic, but he seemed to be so soft with his little wife. Sam didn't realize how he rubbed his belly after washing his plate. Ti was just weeks after his labor, and this belly would carry more baby soon.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Let's skip ahead? I assume you would say yes xD)

Just like what Sam had predicted, similar incidents happened frequently for the coming six months. It was very difficult for Henry, but he was a professional. He would check Sam every week, but then every time he would find some sign that Sam needed time to recover. It was again their weekly exam tonight and after they put Charon and all the kids to bed, Henry smiled and took Sam's hand. "Let's check tonight... last time I see the scar is still a little pinkish. Hopefully it wouldnt be now. Had it been itching you?" Before, Sam's tear had been growing back together and the small scar on his.opening was still raw, pinkish and soemtimes would itch Sam. (He had to force his wife to tell the truth - Sam had been blushing so beautifully when he talked about it)

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