C The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8)

Alex couldn't process very well what happened, but she nonetheless tried to return the kiss. Her eyes traced the back of Alcove's, longing obvious on her face, though her lover never once glanced back. It was even harder on Alex than Alcove never attempting to show his affection. If he had remained cold, she could then at least held back her love. Now Alcove raised her hopes only to crush them immediately by leaving her side, and she couldn't help but cried, a large tear rolling down her face, her hand squeezing the bedsheet tight at the overwhelming heartache.

Parris sighed at how his brother chose to escape again. He turned to Raven and lifted the smaller man up in his lap so he could embrace him as tight as he could, rubbign soothing circles on his swell. "My brother is just being an idiot as always.... somehow i just couldn't let him face the truth. I guess Alex would have to sturggle some more in establishing her bond with my idiotic brother."

Alcove was watching the window over hearing his mate crying which caused a sudden pain in his chest unable to figure out what to do. his mind wasn't of any help in these type of situations and that angered him so. While he was looking over his shoulder he over heard parris talking about him and growled silently peeking from behind the curtain watching his younger brother and his mate.

Raven nodded " Honey you do realize I wasn't that easy in the beginning .. maybe you should try and help him instead of judging him? " Raven said placing his hand over his lovers with a cute grin on his face." Oo! I know you could be his coach for how to express affection towards his mate..Haha! that sounds perfect don't you think?" he said with a cheerful look in his eyes . the little ones started to shift around underneath their fathers hand.

"You aren't easy at all, I assure you, you are too free spirited for your own good. Don't you know why I kept you pregnant? That's because that way, i could at least know of your whereabouts easier with your waddle." Parris teased Raven as he interacted with the babies, dancing his hands on his belly on different sides. He then sighed and wholeheartedly said "I wish I knew how to demonstrate... well I know he kind of held a grudge against me. First for Pius, then for in genearl 'taking away things that should be his'. I don't know anymore Raven...." He said though he had been doing exact that, demonstrating how to show care to his lover. He stroked through Raven's hair, staying close and treated him with a gentleness that radiated his affection.

Alex had turned around amidst this, with some difficulty, curling into herself and sobbed. Pearls that had turned pinkish now rolled all over her bed, the vampire traits showing even in her tears.

Raven thought about what his mate spoke to him about keeping him pregnant in order to restrain his adventurous tendencies and started to giggle ." so I was a handful Haha!" he said snuggling up to parris watching the waves if movement on the surface of his tummy " oomf They're very active around this time hun I don't know why though.." he said hugging his lover by the neck on his tippy toes . he listened tparris speak about his brother.

Raven pouted after he explained the various reasons why alcove would be so unsure of how to coup with this very big change in his life and the disappointment of his actions, love interest and the head of the royale family being handed to his younger brother. *sighs*" why must everything be in shambles when it comes to being me.."

"I guess they are just excited for how loving thier parents are." Parris smiled and supplied. "That and also they loved to play with me." He added, sounding every bit like a proud father. "It's not really about you, love... it's about how to treat failure in your life. I had my fair share of failure , Alcove as well. We chose different ways to handle it. What i think is, there's no one else that could help him except for himself... well maybe Alex as well." He finally concluded as he felt another strong kick on the lower side. "Gosh that was an awfully strong kick on your belly...."

Alex had been hearing Parris, and she was determined to do something to save her relationship. She took a deep breath and wiped away any remnant tears/pearls around, and struggled to get up shakily. Nurses rush forward to help her. She begged for another energy replensih so that she could set foot on finding her mate.

Raven took to heart the words from his mate and agreed . He felt the vamplings tossing and turning making it uncomfortable for him to stand , feeling his weight shift ever so slightly causing him to gag from motion sickness." Oh dear . *sigh* I hope they tire out soon .. I'm beginning to find this game sickening " He said , Cupping the side of his large tummy reacting to the babies. " Oh I forgot to ask are we the only ones ? royal I mean.. besides alcove?" waddling towards a comfy couch , he lowered himself down cringing from a sudden kick to the rib .

-Maids going in and out of the room making sure everything is okay with Alex and alcove -

Raven gasped pointing to Alex ,his face was full of worry and fear witnessing alex trying to stand up .meanwhile with alcove he was trying to convince himself to be cold blooded once again
The sun was starting to set and alcove was isolating himself from everyone covering his eyes he took a deep breath feeling a warm fuzzy sensation in his gut. the bond from Alex was keeping his alive..

Alcove raised a brow staring up to the ceiling unsure of how to react this foreign summoning , his body warm and relaxed this must be magic he thought unable to move because he was so relaxed ." w-what the f &%k is going on " he mumbled

"We are the only royalties of our kingdom, to other places there are each their own ruling families. Well now added with our vamplings, we do have a rather big family to look forward to." Parris provided casually as he chased after his love, though from his mate's shocked face he turned back to see his sister-in-law's attempt and had to chuckled. "I guess their stubbornness does made them a perfect match to each other." He said as he lifted Ravne up entirely. "Perhaps we could leave these two alone so that we could figure out ways to punish this little ones for causing their mommy so much discomfort.…"he murmured.

Alex wobbled some more but the nurse's timely replenishing potion made her steps steady once again. She was still pale and sickly looking, but she coule move on her own now. Using her bond, she tried to call for her mate, her legs moving on pure instinct as she closed her eyes to track the scent of Alcove. "Alcove..... where are you? I need you..." she cried in her heart as she stumblrd forward, waving away all the nurses and servants. Her heart pumped faster and faster as she came closer to her mate and finally rrached his bed, but then she fell over on the last step before she could feel her way around, and almost ended up landing on top of Alcove had she not stabled herself at the last minute. She opened her eyes at the fall and blushed furiously when she found herself to be just inches away from Alcove. "Sorry...."

Raven took to heart the words of his mate , holding his hand watching Alex start to walk glancing towards Alcove , His mind was very curious of the couple holding parris by the shoulders being hoisted up onto his feet ,snatching a tender kiss from his lovers lips he responded." So right now we're the only royal family in this area..thats by blood?.. that seems very concerning .. hmm * rubs the side of his belly* but once the vamplings get older who. I mean how will they find a decent mate ? will they come here or?-"Raven was cut off seeing Parris react to the sentimental moment between Alcove and Alex, dipping his head using his partners for support waddling towards the door clutching his mates hand . " We-well yes I suppose dear..but what exactly or shall I ask how exactly will you do that ? " Raven asked tilting his head rubbing his underbelly feeling the little ones shift around . " oh dear... be gentle little ones "

Alcove was staring through the window watching the gardener tend to the rare genre of flowers and trees ,his bond causing him to look up glancing over to the other side sensing Alex getting closer he leaned over only to be surprised by his mate stumbling over . His mind was unsure of what to think watching her feel around falling once more he reached out raising a brow ." why did you have your eyes closed?...trying to gain more bruises or something?" Alcove got a whiff of the sweet scent of his mate tensing remembering thats the very same scent that caused this mess in the first place taking the life of his own off spring. " .....what brings you here ..... " he said grieving silently inside .

"Oh dont you start worrying about mates of our babies! They are still so young... besides, we dont really need other royal bloods, look at how I found my mate." Parris murmured as he led Raven out of the room, adoring how his mate waddled. He clutched Raven's waist to help steady him. "Hmm maybe we would punish them by getting them on a roller coaster ride? You know... activity involving some shaking and earthquakes for them..." he smirked and hinted, breathing air agaisnt Raven's ear.

"I…i..." alex stuttered, blushing profusely at Alcove. She didnt intend to make it appear like she want to get on Alcove. "I didnt know where you went so, I, I need to use our bond...." she said shyly, eagerly trying to explain herself but failing miserably. Her eyes started watering when she heard the resentment in Alcove's tone. "I…i am sorry, but I want to be near to you. I want, i want us to start over again. I want this to work." She lowered her head and fidgeted, trying to struggle her way to sit back up.

Raven nodded " okey dear if you say so I guess I can leave that topic alone . " His waddle was heavy and made his body sway from one side to the other , rubbing his tummy feeling the vamplings react to the constant swaying , he kissed his lovers chin when parris assisted him with walking amused by his offer " sounds like my kind of roller coaster.. is there by any chance I could reserve this sooner ? now maybe?" he blushed after feeling his mate breath against his ear.

Alcove sighed rolling his eyes helping her to stand up placing her on the bed with a blank expression on his face " start over ?.. by that you mean me going through that whole pregnancy trap ?" he folded his arms leaning back in the bed raising a brow." and stop hiding behind that stupid shyness mask... I freaking know your truly wanting to speak your mind.. you might as well since I'm here.. !" he huffed drinking water slowly." we both know I screwed up.. okay.. I was a big a$&hole ... you don't have to make it like your the bad guy... cause..you're not.... I am let's just leave it at that"

"oh I am sure you would enjoy the 'ride'. it's been awhile, isn't it?" Parris smiled. "And don't you need any reservations. You are the VIP in it so you get to skip the queue. It's open to you whenevre you want it." He nuzzled against his mate's blushed face, supporting his belly for him as they walked down the corridor. "I bet the vamplings wouldn't know what hit them when we start on that track..."

"No!" Alex's eyes were moistening up again. "And no this is not acting...... I, I am not the bad guy.. but you arne't as well." She said lowering her head as big fat tears rolled down her cheek, turning into solid pinkish pearls as they dropped down on teh bed. "You aren't... I...want to start over as in building a relationship together. I want to be your mate." She gathered up all her courage to try reaching for Alcove's hand.

Raven leaned against his mates arm hiding his face out of bashfulness hearing him speak of such things. he waddled alongside him looking forward to spending a much needed break from walking plus he was in dire need of TLC from his mate. he cuddled against parris gazing into his mates eyes with his own sky blue ones . " Well then I must say you have a way of spoiling me ... *giggled causing his tummy to jiggle* I'm sure after this the little ones will be indeed confused " he said holding in his laugh only to let out a cute snort.

Alcove listened to what she had to say bringing his eyes in line with hers." mhm..." he said showing her that he is in fact saying attention to what she's expressing . with a soft exhale he looked down hearing her last remark struck some type of cord with him making it seem less stressful , his eyes looked over to the other side of the armed bed her hand getting closer to his he didn't move away, but he made it easy for her placing his hand closer to Alex's , looking the opposite way pretending not to see and waiting for her to do so.

The jiggling belly pressed against Parirs and he couldnt resist the temptation. Sweeping Raven off his feet, he carried him in bridal style to get to their room. "Hmm then let's start quick... i couldnt quite wait for that." He smiled and kissed Raven while navigating the house without a problem, landing him in their huge bed and hovered over him. "You are so beautiful... I love you " he said and kissed those bright eyes one by one before gently, even seducongly, unclothed Raven, showing more and more of his milky white skin.

Alex bit her lips, and looked up in excitmeent seeing Alcove's slight movement, before givibg a bright smile and clutched Alcove's hand tight with both her hands. She raised it up to kiss it gently, almost like he was worshipping it. She then took the liberty to lean forward, against Alcove's chest, but still ccareful and timid in her actions, not really putting any force on Alcove. This waa partly because she wasnt sure how much Alxove would accept, and also from fear she would hurt him unintentionallg from his previous wounds.

Raven giggled wrapping his arms around his lovers neck , resting his head against parris shoulder feeling very adventures with his free hand cupping his mates cheek, getting a kiss from his mate in response to his gesture of affection. Raven hummed happily from the sexy remark made by parris slowly biting his lip anxious for whats in store for him once they have privacy in their own bedroom , he soon realized the room he was brought into is actually the bedroom ,he smiled being draped across the bed rolling onto his side revealing his leg glancing up towards his mate blushing harder then usual from how attractive parris hovering over him with his intense stare . his big blue eyes followed the lines of his mates body hearing parris complement him ." And your my sexy husband ...that I'll love forever " he said with a soft moan being undressed , he closed his eyes feeling his lover press a kiss on his eyelids .

Raves skin was pal with no blemishes what-so- ever parris considered him a tall glass of sweet honey and cream, the taste of Ravens body was so sweet it was like a drug. When Raven opened his eyes the light from the ceiling shined down on the mystical couple taking them deeper into the could of lust and desire to express love to one another, Raven felt the tug in his gut to run his hands over parris' abs and chest keeping eye contact with his mate ." I'm so glade I fell in love with you... even if it was forbbiden ...I'd be willing to break every single rule to love you ..." He said undoing his braid supporting his grieved belly .

Alcove took a moment to face Alex, nodding towards her and doing what felt right in that small speck inside his chest that goes by the name of ' heart ' he hugged her close sensing the bond being re-established between them. Alcove laid down keeping Alex close to his chest ." ...its not bad I guess... " he said keeping personality in full throttle and ready to pop a smart a&$ comment any second ..well if he could think of one ..

Raven's belly literally popped out from under his clothes, causing thr smaller man to moan with how it dropped a little lower without the support. Parris smiled at the declaration Raven made and looked at him straight into his eyes. "And I am glad thaat i had decided to bring you back that night.... i guess that's fate sealing us together. Oh Raven.... you are even more important than my life." He littered gentle kisses down his perfect body, his sligtly swelled breasts got their share of attention, and then his protruding belly that became more sensitive as the skin got stretched. In his hightened senses, Raven's lovely scent was just surrounding him, causinh Parris to fall even more addicted to it. His hands werent idle as well as he further stripped Raven down, caresssing his mate from his legs up.

Alex broke into a smile but that was cut off by a hiccup. She blushed so brightly for embarrassing herself like that at such a sweet moment. She whimpered and attempted to bury her face entirely on Alcove so much that she almost suffocated herself, but still she wouldnt come out, until a second hiccup hit her. It just wouldbt stop from.how she crjed before.

Raven smiled seeing his lover being so intranced with his belly , and the kisses being showered over him. The little ones inside were quick to respond to their father pressing against the areas from time to time sensing him getting closer , each time he pressed a kiss against Ravens tummy. He let a trail of moans escape his lips cradling his swollen belly . Raven smiled running his fingers through parris hair getting comfy making sure there isn't to much weight on his ribs or spine. He kissed his mate once he finished blushing from the kind hearted words he spoke, and felt tears running down his face." I love you so much dear.. I truly do.. " He rolled onto his side ready to physically express how much he loved him placing a small pillow between his own legs ready.

Alcove sighed gently patting her back "Your like a puppy " He mumbled not trying to be rude . leaning back and rubbing her back he laid down sensing the siren in her wasn't to far from making an appearance, or maybe he was just going crazy from to much medication he felt her purring with a small hiccup at the end making him roll his eyes in how child like she seemed . "your something you know that?"

Parris smiled at how his lover was ready and eager. He was quite impatient himself, wanting to show how much in love he was to Raven in a physical way as well. He pressed small kisses on his thigh and gently rubbed on his bottom, spreading his buttovks slkghtly to get to the mystical ground in between. He kissed and licked on the quivering opening, slowly prepping it for some more solid and thivk intrusion. He would occassionally palm the belly that's rising and falling from Raven's hitched breathing, calming the little ones and feel the amazing wamrth oozing from it.

Alex whimpered at how she managed to make a fool of herself. She couldnt bear how embarrassed she was and bit on Alcove's chest like a little puppy indeed. She discovered how outrageous she had acted, and snapped her head up, frantically tried to atone herself by licking on the faint teethmark she left on her mate.

Raven smiled resting both hands on his swollen stomach moaning from the feeling of his mate prepping his anal cavity for a night filled with passionate love making ,and simply just to take the stress away from carrying a litter of vamplings in the hot summer sun , with stars and long stretched out hallways being a pregnant vampire is tiring indeed. Raven gripped onto the pillow taking in a deep breath reaching down feeling his mates hair between his fingers. His body was quivering from the pleasure making Raven blush noticing his stomach was muscles were even shaking.

Alcove flinched looking down at Alex , and noticing the small bite mark left from her ."What the hell is wrong with..*clears throat* .. sorry um.. what was that for? " He spoke softly trying note to scar her. Around this time Vampires are always finding themselves an air , but in alcoves position he would be the one carrying, he had to figure out a way to avoids Alex when she's extremely happy to the point of making moyr little happy Alex's. "What's that smell?" He said sensing a strong aroma lingering in the room.

Parris heard how Raven's breathes picked up, and the trembling of essentially his whole body just acted to encouragr Parris in continuing what he had been doing. He licked throgh the folds and teased Raven's opening, stabbing his tongue slightly into it, and was surprised to find Raven already lubricating himself. It was a rare trait that would sometimes happen during a vampire pregnancy, mainly to help with delivery. It was quite early for Raven to be developing this symptom, but nonetheless it acted just the rihht time for what would be happening soon. Parris stuffed a finger into Raven at the same time as his tongue, working hard to prepare Raven as quickly as he could.

Alex flinched when Alcove was about to start with another scolding. She quickly scurried away. Just as Alcove had predicted, startling Alex was a bad idea and the other side of Alex was summoned by the suddne change in emotion of Alex. The maid was more aware of the transition this time though, partially because Alcove had softed right away. She bit her lips hard and tried to explain. "I... i just didbt know what to do.... i was afraid you would thought I am a fool.... it's too late though, I am an idiot.... the scent...." she asked in a dreamy voice as scales started growing on her neck, but before it vould engulf her like when her other self took full posession, the little lady shook her head vigorously and the scales retreated. "I, I should leave you alone now, sorry." She muttered an apology with her shaky voice and fled to the door.

Alcove grabbed her wrist not aware of why she wanted to leave ."no until you explain to me what I'm smelling, its very familiar " He said looking around feeling his heart beating quicker. "its starting to grow on me ...whatever this smell is . "

Alcove took a deep breath slowly looking at Alex ." That siren... you might as well let her speak.. I'd hate for her to rape me while I'm asleep"

Raven moaned softly rubbing the side of his belly watching his mate explore his lower parts being turned on more more and more. He scooted back running his hand through parrises hair panting heavily."y-your being a bit more hasty this time ..mnnm! mm.. or maybe its just because I'm more sensitive then my usual self.. " He panted struggling to speak proper English fighting the urges to moan loudly .

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