Blossoming love (closed with Dots)

Sam smiled when Henry told him to sleep while he was moving his hands around his belly. He out a bit more weight in his husband to relieve the pressure on his back since it was killing him sometimes. "It's fine, Henry. We can stay for a bit more. Look at that, the stars." Sam pointed outside the windows in front of them since the coach was the placed and designed for watching the view outside. He couldn't see that clearly in the big city like this, but he still enjoys it so much. This was one reason why Sam really wanted the house with the big balcony when they were finding the new house. He pointed at the biggest and most shiny and told that it was Henry. The night was cold, especially when he wore only his underwear like this but the warmth from his husband was enough for Sam now.
(I love the sweet scene like this . We can do it other nights with some tease hehe. I still want that but just not too much ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(I will try to get the balance right... though you know the dirty mind of mine always went too far…)

"You know that's orion. See the belt consisted of the 3 stars across? That's his belt. Orion was a hunter and the cosntellation was supposed to represent him hunting.... i could only say, my imagination was too limited to recognise that shape." Henry looked up as well seeing where Sam was pointing to. "And that's gemini... the twjn stars, like James and Harry." He smiled. "We should tell them later when they grew up enough to understand." The night breeze blew through them and it was getting a bit chilly. "Let's get back inside shall we? I dont want to have goosebumps all over your lovely belly." Henry joked and kissed Sam gently before siting up and lifted Sam up again, suppoting behind his knees and his back.

(lol I know)
Sam was sleepy when Henry carried him back inside and put him on his lap again when they got the another coach that was bigger. Sam didn't exactly know why his husband didn't bring him to the bedroom, but he believed in him so he leaned on his husband again and also put all his weight on him. Sam yawned and Henry could see that. "Hmm, I think I will fall asleep soon," Sam whispered, smiling at his husband who already put his hands on his belly. It took just more mins till Sam felt asleep on his husband since Henry's bigger body was warm and felt nice to him. He could feel how protective it was, and Sam loved that so much.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry smiled at how his wife quickly fell asleep after that cute yawn. He took the lotion out to rub on Sam's belly so he could sleep even more comfortably. He kept Sam's head rested on his shoulder, supporting his neck and back so he wouldnt be sore the next morning. While he had his hands on Sam's belly, he could feel sam unconsciously snuggling closer to him, maybe chasi.g for the warmth, and he smiled at how adorable his wife was. He kissed his forehead gently and made sure the temperature in the room was a bit warmer, then proceeded to rub until he, too, was getting sleepy. He gently lifted Sam up, who shifted a bit in his sleep, and placed him.on bed - still sitting up - and kissed him goodnight as he pulled the blanket up, then fell asleep himself as well.

Sam was surprised when he had woken up in the sitting position and Henry was there beside him. He leaned a bit and kissed his husband who was sleeping beside him. Sam always loved that face of Henry when his strong husband showed his cute side while he was sleeping. He took a bit time for getting out of the bed since his belly was big, and Sam was glad that he didn't wake Henry up. He walked slowly to the kitchen as he always did when he was home. Although Sam was a bit lazier during the trip, he wanted to cook for his husband this morning. He wore the apron that already tightened his belly, but Sam didn't have any problem anymore since he couldn't even tie it on his back now. He opened the fridge and got everything ready for his husband. The breakfast was the pancakes with bacon and honey for Henry and also added the pickles for himself. Sam was mess up cooking for his husband and also prepared the coffee for him.
(Haha one of my most favorite scenes has come again ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yes indeed. It had been awhile with everything happening)

Henry didnt wake until awhile later. He smiled before he even open his eyes. The good smell of breakfast told him Sam had again trdated.him with the great plates that he specialized in preparing. He moved out of the bed and winced. His neck and arms were sore because he had supported Sam for the whole night. He twisted his arms a few times to stretch it. It wasnt comfortable but he was glad his wife apparently wasnt as sore as he was if he had been cooking already. He took a robe to put on and strolled outside. It had been a wise choice to choose the suite with kitchen installed, otherwise Sam.must be exceedingly disappointed.

He got into the kitchen area and hugged Sam from behind, holding his belly already. "Morning love.... what ya got for me this mornng?"

(Yeah lol. I always love this and you can stay this for longer if you want)

Sam leaned back to his husband a bit while he was holding his belly gently. He always loved this position, and how Henry enjoyed his food so much. He also gave his husband a soft kiss when he leaned forward for that. "Good morning, Henry. We have simple, but delicious pancake today." He said softly when he put the pan with the pancakes inside on the table. They both smiled softly when the babies started kicking with Henry's hands around again. "Someone wanna say hello with their daddy now." He said smiling. He also loved when Henry sometimes put one of hs band on his back and massaged it gently since the back was killing him from carrying this much weight of the twins.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(stay this for longer? You mean like, lengthen this sceen? Oh yea we would.)

Even though Sam tried to hide it, Henry could still hear the small moans from Sam when he massaged on his back. He smiled and shook his head fondly. "you had been on your feet for too long again?" He asked even though he knew it must be with his back being so sore. He helped Sam plated the pancakes and bacon, holding his belly all the while, before helping Sam towards the chairs. He knelt down between Sam's legs and cupped the belly with both of his hands. "Hello babies, good morning. you have been sleeping quite well last night aren't you?" He kissed the belly and looked up at Sam, smiling.

(Yeah, and I love to stay longer when Henry hugs Sam from the behind, but what you did is also good. We can make it longer next time hehe)

Sam touched Henry's face softly when he kissed his belly softly and looked up at him. "Yeah, daddy, your babies, and mommy have very good sleep. Is that because of you, holding mommy all night?" Sam said, smiling and pretending to be their babies. Sam smiled with his Henry moved his hands around his belly, and walked his fingers followed the babies kicking. "Daddy wanna play with his babies now? so let mommy play with you all." Sam said softly as he out his hands on both sides of his belly and made it bigger. He knew that Henry always loved that and the babies was also excited with mommy's hands.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Oh ok, i would keep that in mind)

Henry pouted and whispered to the babies. "Oh babies, your mommy is so ungrateful. He never recognise daddy's hard work...." He said looking at sam accusingly, then buried his face in Sam's belly and blew air so that it sounded like a fart, then chuckled and danced on his belly with his fingres tracing the movement of the babies. "Oh the babies are coming out! have you two little guys got so big overnight?" He pretend to be surprised by how the belly was raised and kissed it further, one on each side so both babies got it.

Sam smiled as Henry said that, and he also let a soft moan when Henry blew air on his belly. "Mommy knows it. That's why he cooks some breakfast for daddy." He said, touching Henry's face softly. He giggled with how Henry pretended to not know about it and said. "Yeah, daddy we both wanna meet you so much, but mommy wants to keep us for more till 9 months." Sam made a small sound liked a baby. He laughed out loud when Henry teased his bally so hard and his belly was moving up and down by that.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

The belly jiggling was lovely, and Henry just placed his cheek on it to feel the laughter of Sam and the babies movign from between. Even though it was just joking, the babies were indeed growing fast. What Sam had been eating and his great mood were promoting their growth, especially at this month that was crucial to their physical development. Henry wouldn't notice it as well, but they would soon found that out when Sam's clothes started getting tight as they travelled.

(So Henry is also getting fat lol)

Sam smiled when Henry placed his cheek on his belly, and he could clearly feel the babies inside. He squeezed Henry's nose gently when He put his chin on the belly and looked up with the innocent eyes. His belly was big enough now that Henry could hug with his both arms. He knew how his belly was growing so fast since he needed to buy new clothes almost every month, and he could also notice Henry had also got his clothes. Sam was wondered sometimes with how Henry could keep his perfect build when he had so much work. "So why don't you start your breakfast now? You can grab the coffee on the table there."

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(LOL sorry about mixing up the names....)

Henry nodded eagerly and got up to get his dish. The pancakes were simply but it was tasty. Henry smiled and fed Sam as he always did, careful not to let Sam lean forward too much so the babies continued to have lots of space. As they ate, Henry slowly got closer to Sam, eventually almost hugging him when he fed him the bit of honey dipped pancake that left a bit of juice on his lips, and he wiped him clean by kissing him deeply.

(Dave? It's fine haha)

Thay had had wonderful breakfast since they fed each other, and talked a bit about last night. He loved how Henry understood when Sam asked the pickles dipped in honey that was weird things. He leaned back a bit after finished the breakfast since his belly was full again but not that much as last night. Sam asked Henry if he could bring him the milk from the fridge. He couldn't wait for the trip today, so it would be their first full day of this trip, and Sam wanted to enjoy this as much as he could. He smiled when Sam got the milk from his husband and drunk it quickly. It was an almond milk that Sam loved.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(GOSh i couldn't believe i made that mistake twice! so sorry about it.........................)

When sam finished the milk, he left a layer of white foam on his upper lip and looked so adorable holding his cup with both his hands. Henry ruffled his hair and kissed him. "Hmm you look like Victoria when she got that santa claus look..." he smiled teasing Sam with the joke that always went through in their household. He lifted Sam up from the seat and sam almost stumbled forward when he lost his balance, and crashed right into Henry's chest. Henry smirked and held his waist. "woah Sam... that's a nice hug. Did you want to hint for something more intimate by giving yourself to me like that....?"

(It's fine lol)

Sam's face blushed red as Henry said that. His belly was big, so it was hard to keep te balance after the meal. Sam leaned forward more and gave his husband a ufll hug then smiled for it. "Hmm, I don't have any hint, Henry. I'm just so excited about our trip today. Where will we go?" Sam asked, rubbing his belly gently. His belly was touching with Henry's abs when they stayed so close and Henry could feel how the babies were kicking. Sam looked out of the windows when he said that. It was another sunny day, so it was good for going outside.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Alright, then we should head out. We are going around some spots in the city, the cathedral Sagrada Familiar, and then also would have a slow walk by the beach. There would be some walking..... Just tell me if you aren't handling it and we could always sit down in one of those cafes and enjoy some Spanish desserts. Sounds good?" Henry told Sam of the plan they got for today. It would be what tourists typically do.

Sam was thinking a bit with the trip today. It was good since he also loved the old stuff like cathedral or palace. Walking on the beach and ended up with the cafe were also good to enjoy the view of the town since they would have the full day with beach and swimming suit later. "That sounds good, Henry. Enjoying the beach view is always good for me, so we can have the full day of it later, so what kind of clothes should I wear today? Hmm I think white thin gown will be good" He said, thinking about it since thin clothes were always good for the sunny day and the gown would show more his belly.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"You mean you want to wear the thawb?" Henry asked with a smirk. "That one did make you look quite nice... especially as it wouldn't cause any pressure on your belly." He noted the robe that they had brought made of linen, white and flowy, it made Sam looked almost feminine especially now that he was pregnant, so Henry was a little amused by how Sam wanted to wear that. Even though he was sweet and gentle, Sam did not really appreciate a dress even when he was heavily pregnant. He supported Sam's waist as they walked back into their bedroom and chose from tehir wardrobe.

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