Blossoming love (closed with Dots)

Sam enjoyed the hair washing from his husband so much, and it was one of the best spas he had ever done. He didn't even realize when he almost felt asleep again since Sam couldn't even know how long this had become. He opened his eyes from a soft kiss from his husband, but he was still sleepy. "Hmm, done now? Can you hmm get me o.." Sam couldn't even say what he wanted since he was sleepy, and Henry seemed to know how to handle with his wife when he carried Sam again to the stool in the bathroom that they could dry themselves. Sam couldn't even sit straightly, so he leaned hs side to the wall beside.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry enjoyed taking care of his sleepy wife. He kissed softly on sam who.couldnt even coherently say a full sentence. "Close your eyes babe.... i am gonna get everything done for you." He said and gently dried Sam. His touvh was especially soft when he got to his belly, pressing the towel all over the sphere. He tried to be quick, so Sam.wouldnt feel cold. He also dressed him in a bathing.robe, and loosely tied it together under his belly. He then patted his back and slowly woke him up from his little nap. He kissed Sam and then moved him towards the living room and let him fully retuen tp consciousness on yhe couch, on his lap.

Sam had some consciousness again when he was on the couch sitting on Henry's lap, but he hadn't fully awake yet, and Sam wanted to teas his husband a bit this morning. He turned his side to his husband and rested all his upper body on his husband when his side face nuzzled on Henry's chest like a little cat. "Hmmm, this is the best seat ever" He murmured, rubbing his face over Henry's chest. He smiled when Henry wrapped his arms around and hugged Sam in his embrace. "Let's take a rest now, Henry before we go for the movie, Henry. Hmm, You smell so good, honey." Sam whispered at Henry as his bely was resting on Henry's abs.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry suspected Sam knew how this posture of his would affect his husband, but with Sam being so adorable, he wouldnt comment on it and just took deep breathes to suppress his desire. He rubbed Sam's belly gently while he let Sam rest. He smiled into Sam. "And you are saying I am like a cat..... you are more likr a kitten to me." He whispered. Sam's belly started trembling more, the babies had wokrn up. Henry had to laugh when their kicks got stronger and stronger, like they were inviting Henry to play with them, and that had to wake Sam up from his sleepiness. "Sleepy head, see how our babies also wanted to play? You wouldbt have much more time to rest."

Sam opened his eyes when the babies seemed to kick restlessly inside his belly. "Hmm, so what do daddy wanna play nw, huh? You know best about my condition, Henry." Sam whispered, looking up to his husband as he still rested his side on his husband, and Henry could see how stronger the babies was kiking inside through his abdomen. Sam rubbed his belly and smiled with how Henry also fondled his belly to calm the babies down. "Hmm, loves, your mommy's body isn't that good for now, so we may able to play just a few thing," Sam said, smiling at his husband. He insisted on resting his side on his husband as it was easy for Henry to touch and play with his belly.
(Hmm Henry seems to have more problem than I thought ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(What problem are you referring to?)

"Maybe something to play with the belly...." henry smiled and cupped Sam's belly, lingering his hand on his flattened bellybutton. He had something prepared that he thought would be fun. "You think you are ok with it? It could take some time.... and that would postpone our harry potter plan." Henry had planned for this but wasnt sure when would be the best occassion for that. Since Sam wasnt too suited to be outdoor for too long this day, Henry just thought it would be best to try it out. He smirked at Sam, his smile hinting while he rubbed larger and largwr circles around Sam's belly.

(Hmm with his dirty mind, maybe lol)

Sam frowned when Henry said that but didn't say what his husband wanna do with him. His body was still bad for vigorous activity, but he could handle something his husband said if it was good for Sam. Sam let a soft moan when Henry rubbed the circles on his belly. It felt good, but not that good for his sensitive body when Sam couldn't do anything more. "Hmm, What do you wanna do, Henry? As I say that you know the best about me, so I may do what you suggest." Sam said then asked Henry to help him get up to sit beside his husband. If they would do something, sitting on Henry's lap wasn't good posture.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Not too dirty this time.... more like they would get their hands dirty, but not their mind :))

Henry smiled and knew Sam had misundestood. He knew his wife too much, Sam would not reject him, but it wasn't sex that he was thinking now. He shifted Sam so he could move his heavy body towards the couch. He thought teasing Sam would be fun, so he just continued to say things that were ambiguous. "Hmm i would go get the tubes from the luggage. wait for me here..." He kissed Sam's cheek and disappeared into the room happily. HOwever, instead of lube that Hnery had prepared, he instead took another bag that contained a lot of paints. He had heard about pregnancy painting, and thought it would be fun to draw a picture on Sam. If they had been successful, maybe they could show off on the beach tomorrow how lovely Sam's pregnant belly would be with a full painting on the spherical abdomen. Still, when Henry left the room, he looked at the lube they had, still untouched until now during tehir trip, and shook his head. Not now, Sam couldn't take it yet, Henry told himself.

(Hmm, this is so cute hehe, but I think Aam can't show it on the beach since he still needs to take a shower tonight hehe but thry can take lost photo ;))
Sam was cerious with how Henry said that but he lnew that Henry would never do anything that was bad fro his wife. He smiled at his husband who walked back from the room with someting in the back. "Hmm I think it's not the lube, right? I know that my husband is the best doctor. He won't do anything bad to his wife," He said, smiling as Henry moved closer and placed a soft kiss on his mouth. "So what is that,huh?"" Sam asked his husband who hadn't shown anything in the bag yet, but he already unbuttoned Sam's shirt, showing his round and perfect orb. Sam was so curious but he didn't want to ask his husband niw, and he just let Henry lead him to the bench outside.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(They just took a bath together didn't they? And oh well, they could draw a new picture the next day.....)

Henry just wanted to tease Sam a little more. "How do you know it's not lube? I thought you are quite seductive enough now to get to that conclusion..." Henry knelt down in front of Sam. While sitting on the bench, Sam naturally spread his legs wide and rub his belly with both of his hands. By doing so, henry could just see a tiny bit of Sam's prick from under his belly, and he felt compulsive in teasing sam a little more. He wanted his wife to blush with arousal and craved to hear one of those sweet moans by Sam. He cupped his belly and kissed on his bellybutton, then slowly getting lower. His kisses were pure and loving, but Sam was too sensitive that even with innocnet small kisses like that, Hnery was quite sure he would react quite vigorously.

(Hehe yeah, They can paint agan tomorrow. Maybe big and gogeous one for today, and small but lovely one for tomorrow. He will be so embarassed with the bid paint hehe)

Sam was strugling so bad with how Henry kissed his belly gently, and how his hand moved around his belly gently. He knew that it wasn't sexual way but Sam's body was too sensitive for that. He grabbed Henry as Sam let a soft moan and breathed heavily. "Ahh, Henry!" Sam said, trying to control his mood. His face blushed so bad, and Sam wouldn't be able to stop it if Henry went any further. "You know I can't handle this, Henry. Please!" Sam said as Henry looked up at him. His legs had already spread wider with that. "I lnow it isn't a lube since you won't do anything when I'm not ready because you care so much about me. Is tht not true?" It was once again that Sam coun't control his mood well. Sam felt a bt too angry but he finally understood his husband.

(I think I won't make Sam sensitive with the brush or Henry's hand when he is painting since it will be ruined the cute moment for me. I hope it fine.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yep he could have a small one for tomorrow... like a small tattoo ;))

It started ok and fun, before Sam grabbed Henry and yelled his name. He smiled at the blush on Sam that made him cute, and his hands were moving very naughtily on his belly, focusing on the lower part. He could almost see Sam's cock weep out precum. His big belly was so heavy and big it was preventing Sam's cock from erecting fully, but with how wet it was, Henry knew his wife probably couldnt control himself for long. He nuzzled one last time on his belly before removing his hands altogether. "Do have more trust in me Sam... i know your back still hurt, I am not going to force you into anything." He explained but was a little surprised to see Sam sounded angry. He showed Sam what he had been hiding. "Babe, I was going to paint your belly ...." he said, pouting for feeling misunderstood.

(Hm yep he wouldbt be too sensitive to the brush, only to Henry's touch ;))

Sam's was guilty when Henry showed what he wanted to do but the pleasure was too much for him, even Henry tried to do at as less as he could. "I'm sorry, Henry. You know that I can't handle this." Sam said, looking at his husband. He cupped Henry's face and smiled softly at him. "You're always the best, Henry, and I always trust you. Believe me, Henry. I love you so much." Sam whispered as he gave Henry a soft kiss. He knew this couldn't fade away what he had done or said, but Sam just wanted Henry to know that He always trusted him. He smiled when Henry out the many painting colors from the bag, following with many types of brush. "Hmm, Henry. You have prepared this so well. I can see how he need to bring that on our flight. thanks for always making me happy, Henry." Sam said, smiling
(I know hehe, but I've heard that daddy can also paint with his hands or fingers, and placing the daddy's handprint sounds good to me, hmm maybe to \morrow? when Sam will be flirted by someone hehe)
(changing pic again lol. I'm falling in love with this pic since I've seen it. Their baby is so cute!!)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry's annoyance almost melt away when Sam offered his kiss, but then he also got an idea. "Hmm ok, but you sounded like you dont just now..... i think i deserve to get some more reward than just a kiss." The smile on him was calculating ans he glanced at all the brushes. He picked one and started tickling on Sam's belly and waiat, where he knew was tbe most ticklish on his wife, and immediately Sam started squirming and giggling.

(Ah yes using Henry's hand or finger would be sweet. Oh i thought it would be someone laughing at Sam for being fat. Someone flirt with him also works, it would draw a jealous Henry out. He would want to show his ownership over Sam!)

(And yes that pic is really cute .. would be like jayden!)

Sam was squirming and giggling so bad when Henry put the brush on his belly. "Henry! Why do you try to tease me thus much, huh? You know my back can get worse by moving too much. Hmm, I'm thinking if this is enough reward for you, and I may cancel my plan tomorrow. You know something that hasn't used yet, hm?" Sam said, smiling at his husband. He knew about the lube, and Sam had a plan to use it tomorrow night that would be good after they took all day at the beach. Sam smiled even widely when Henry frowned so bad. Henry looked like Jayden when he couldn't get his toy, and Sam loved it. "Hmm, my big boy is here again. I know you have planned this for a long time, Why don't we start it now? I can't wait to see what you wanna draw on my belly, and I'm sure that out little ones will love it." Sam whispered and cupped Henry's face softly.

(Yeah flirting when Henry got to get for drink or something, and showing his ownership sounds good to me hehe)
(Yeah their baby is cute. This is one couple that carrier looks more dominant that seeder since the red hair is mostly the carrier, and he has bigger build in the original anime since they both from the Japanese anime.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry pouted so much, he stopped what he was doing right away. "No you cannot cancel that! Sammmm…" he crossed his arms and furrowed his brows together so tight he looked exactly like Jayden. He wanted to argue but guess that would make him even more childish, so instead he turned away and muttered to himself. "And i dont even know what plan you got .... let it be. It doesnt matter. Whatever plan you got, i wont deserve it." he sighed deliberately and pretend to be sulking, walking slowlg back to the room, not even saying anything. From the back, Hemry looked like he was a puppy that got scolded for breaking a flask. He looked so sad and defeated. Henry was keeping his fingers crossed in his heart, hoping and waiting for Sam to call him back.

(Hmm i dont recognise the anime but they looked like a cute pair of couple. The seeder is younger than the carrier?)

Sam smiled widely when Henry turned away and walked back to the room. This made his husband look even more childish. Sam exactly knew that his husband could understand his plan but playing with his cute husband would be something fun. "Hmm, I think someone here knows about my plan, maybe I can do it for him tomorrow night if he just turns back and paints my belly. It's sad if mommy can't do something for your daddy, isn't it? Little ones you both also want some painting too, right?" Sam pretended to talk to his belly, and Henry could know that Sam was calling him with all that words. "Your daddy will be always deserve anything from mommy but sometimes it depends on his that he wants it or not." Sam talked even more to his belly, and he also rubbed it gently as Henry could see one of the most beautiful moment of Sam.
(Hmm I wanna say this awhile but forget it lol. Henry seems to forget his camera after their last trip, hmm maybe taking Sam's photo will be something cute again?)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Hemry's already half turning back, observing Sam with squinted eyes and listened to him caredully. He shook his head and raised up his hands high up in tbe air. "Alrighr.... i lose. As usual, you have the upperhand here .... too bad my acting skills werent good enough." He said and returned back to Sam's side. He sat down between Sam's legs and said to the babies. "Oh kiddos, your mommy's always too clever to seee through your daddy's acting. And in fact your mommy always gets it his way. You little ones, when you come out, show some mercy to your poor daddy.." he said and kissed Sam's belly one last time before getting tbe paints ready. "I have thought about it.... I am going to pain something simple, but I would make use of my canvas. Your whole belly would be covered with paint soon!" He announced while starting to mix the colors.

(Ah yes I forgot about the cameras.... yea let them start taking pictures again when the drawing is done)

Sam smiled when Henry turned back, and he also rubbed hair when he kissed his belly. "Hmm, Our little ones always love you, Henry. Don't you remember how Jayden stay quite when you start arguing something? Ohh Sorry I think it's not what I mean." Sam joked and smiled even wider with how Henry was so cute.He smiled when Henry opened the bottles of color. It looked so beautiful just in the bottle. "I can't wait for it, Henry. Just paint what you loved, Henry, This willbe something new for me, but I',m sure that I'll love it." Sam said while Henry was preparing the color. He was surprised when Henry started painting with his fingers, instead, of brush, but it felt so good for Sam, and the cold of the color didn't drive him crazy as usual.
(Oh I forget to answer your question. They have same age, and in fact the carrier just taller that seeder 2 cm, but he has more weight than seeder, 5 kgs )

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Oh so the carrier is slightly bigger than the seeder, even before pregnancy. interesting.)

"I gotta admit i am not the most artistic person, but I would try my best to make it pretty." He smiled and started with some bright yellow paints that he swiped across Sam's belly, then added a bit of brown on each swipe, and gradually it became clearer what Henry was trying to draw. He was going to paint a sunflower on Sam's belly, his bellybutton would be the centre, and when the petals were finsihed, he would go on to add more green leaves at the side. It wasn't a masterpiece, and it wasn't particularly stunning, but Henry was very focused on it, trying his best to make Sam pretty.

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