Closed Last of our kind (closed with Sky)
Name: Shiina
Age: 18
Race: Tal'vakian
Description: boyish facial structure, white hair, blue eyes, pale skin, 4ft 7in tall, wide hips, insect like chitin covering his arms and legs, an egg sac connected just above his ass.

Shiina fidgeted in his seat. The Tal'vakian empire had been rendered nearly sterile after their enemies, the Infinite Empire, dropped a chemical bomb onto the planet Tal'vak. Most of the insect like people couldn't produce any eggs anymore, and the species were losing their numbers because of the war. Luckily, Shiina was discovered to be fertile, a true saviour to his race. In an effort to keep Shiina hidden from the Infinite, a plan was hatched. Shiina and an selected warrior would leave Tal'vak on a state of the art ship, Shiina and the warrior would then start to repopulate on a new planet, one with the right conditions to set up a new colony.

Shiina was instructed with everything he needed to know. How to prepare for labour, what foods to eat to keep healthy, what exercises would be beneficial for the pregnancy, but this was the easy part. The hard part would be choosing a mate to take with him. Shiina was always kind of a loner so he never knew anyone. To pick some random Tal'vakian and to be mates with him was something he wasn't looking forward too. He didn't want to choose someone he could never be happy with.
Name: Tariq
Age : 26
Race : Tal'vakian
Description : Tall, and has gained some muscle through the training in the army but has a naturally lithe frame, dark hair, stands over 5'8, Grey eyes and a darker shade of skin..

Tariq was still a youngster between their people considering the long lives they're kind could reach, it wasn't strange for the elders to be over some centuries old and still look rather young. Tariq was a no one, in their society lineage and class were rather an important factor depending on where you would want to get in life. He had grown up in the slums of the capital, one if the many sons of a prostitute. Still a child he had ran away scared to end up like his father and therefore even if he hadn't the usual build of a warrior and soldier, he had entered the army, as it was the only sector one could escalate by merit and not by influence.
He was not the best in combat, there were many much larger and fierce than him, but Tariq was cunning and that had earned thr liking of his captain. After the bomb of the infinite, chaos had prevailed on the streets, as panic rose. Yet not all was lost, one of the more influential people in their society was still fertile, the empire's healers were still in the search for more fertile carriers but for now plans were being quickly made to ensure the security of said carrier and if their race.
He was surprised when his captain told him he had been chosen as a potential mate for Shiina and that him along with the other candidates that the council of elders had chosen for the carrier, were meant to go and meet Shiina, so he could make up his mind and choose. He looked at the other candidates as he waited in line, all were high ranking generals or if they were low ranking they were very strong warriors, making Tariq wonder what he was going between them all.
Shiina was escorted into the chamber where he would choose his mate. He walked up to the warriors, shaking slightly from being near such men. "So tall." He whispered to himself. He walked along and looked upon each, judging each one. Most of the Generals were strong, a trait that Shiina believed was needed to raise and protect the eggs. But the Generals were also quite old, something a young Shiina felt was strange to be with a older man. The younger soldiers were younger and possibly as strong as the older generals, but many of them didn't display the cunning or intelligence that Shiina needed in a mate.

Shiina stopped in his tracks when he saw Tariq. He noticed a lot about him. He wasn't as strong as his fellow warriors, but his eyes displayed a strange cunning that made Shiina drawn to him. "Soldier? What's your name?" He asked Tariq.
He was one of thr last ones in and still had no clue what the likes of him, a boy from the slums was doing there. He didn't liked how thry were asked to stand in a line, like cattle on show about to be bought. Many of the other warriors stood tall and proud as thr small carrier walked thorough them. Tariq hadn't know what to expect from Shiina, but his appearance like most carriers was delicate, a primitive quality to make their mates protect them and all thr young they had.

"Tariq" he answered in a soft voice unsure why he was talking to him out of them all and that got him very nervous.
Shiina looked into Tariq's eyes as he said his name. "Tariq." He repeated. Shiina couldn't understand it, but he felt something with Tariq. Being near him made Shiina feel warm inside, his heart racing from looking just at Tariq. Shiina started to blush red as he pointed to Tariq. "Him." He said aloud.
All the candidates and expectstors couldn't be more shocked than what Tariq was at that moment. Silence fell on the room as some elders looked at Shinn a as if asking him of thry heard right "Sir.... I'm not sure what this young man is doing here... but did you met General Gouk? he's one of our war heroes" one if the elders said trying to point to him a more aceptable mate that could pass strong genes to the offspring Shiina would have to birth to make their race live on
Shiina looked to the General Gouk. "I know who I want. I believe Tariq will be the perfect mate for me." Shiina said defiantly as he stayed close to Tariq.
Tariq was unsure what to say and looked at Shiina still trying to process that he was choosing him, out of a room full of champions to be his mate..

"I'd you're sure your highness..." the elders said "well make the preparations for this young... soldier to accompany you, the marriage should be celebrated" he said stiking to old costumes even of they could dissappear from the face of the universe
Shiina nodded as he stayed close. His heart was racing as a heat began to fill his womb. A heat in the womb meant that the carrier was beginning to develop eggs to be fertilized. He looked to Tariq with a blush as he got closer. "H-hello Tariq. I'm S-Shiina." He said embarrassingly.
Tariq was unaware of the effect he was having on the carrier "It's nice to meet you sir, are you sure it's me you want?" he whispered even if the elders were taking them to a private room on a hurry having all noticing that Shiina was in heat
Shiina nodded. "Yes. I'm certain its you." He said as he showed more signs of being in heat. He started to sweat from the heat he felt, his breathing started to hitch. It was becoming unbearable to not be in Tariq's arms right now.
The elders had forgotten al issues thry had voiced about Tariq being chosen as Shiina's bed thr moment thry could smell the last carrier go into heat just after meeting, giving them the reassurance that they were highly compatible and together would have bigger clutches and wirh more frequency. The elders looked knowingly at the carrier "remeber to prepare your body and clean your soul before laying with him, thr God's demand to be called on for protection before any coitus" one if them whispered to Shiina.

Tariq had gone into the room, his inexperience and young age (for their race) left him in thr dark of está was happening. He silently sat down thinking thry had come there to talk in private, and perhaps even talk of details of their nupcial or to decide when thry would leave. "I.... thank you for choosing me Sir... I'll try to serve you and our people as best I can..." he was nervous, he liked knowing what to expect next and this time over he had been thrown blinded into this situation.
Shiina swallowed a lump in his throat as he entered a rather sacred room. The elders explained that the room to impregnate him had been blessed to give Shiina many children. "It is no problem at all. Please, just lay on the bed before you." He said as he began the robes he had on, exposing his plump rear.
"But I'm not tired at the moment Sir" Tariq whispered as he laid down on the soft bed. By thr base of the bed there was a small bowl with fresh blue sacred paint for Shiina to paint fertility symbols around his body and symbols for protection for him and his eggs.
"Sir?" Tariq asked as Shiina began to undress, his breathing became labored as his eyes fell over the carriers body, and his face flushed a deep red as he realized what was going on "isn't it too soon?" he asked yet the scent of the carrier was now becoming very noticeable and Tariq seemed dazed by it "smells so good...."
Shiina took the small bowl and began to paint symbols on his flat stomach and egg sac. "I know it's soon, so we'll need to make it quick before we go." He said as he finished applying the blue paint. He climbed onto the bed, the small carrier looking down onto Tariq as he thought about the deed they will do. It sent shivers down his spine.
"When are we leaving?" he asked as thr carrier positioned himself over him. Tariq was nervous yet he began to caress Shiina's face with affection before he began to undress himself, seeing the heat was taking over the carrier "you should lay down... Sir.... are you okay? 'he asked as he shed all his clothing.
"I...I" Shiina said with laboured breath. He shivered in pleasure from Tariq's touch. "I want you. I wish to have your children. Please do me this honour. Fill my wombs with many eggs." He asked as he nuzzled Tariq.
Tariq nuzzled him back and kissed his lips as he turned them over laying Shiina over the bed as he brushed his sides "I'm not... sure how to do this... I'm afraid of hurting you sir.... you seem so small" the warrior admired
Shiina looked deep into Tiraq's eyes. "It's alright. The elders assured that I can take someone as big as you. So please, don't go easy, fill me with as many as you can." He begged as he wrapped his arms around Tiraq's neck.
He was nervous "this... is my first time sir" he admitted as he kissed the carrier again and as Shiina parted his legs the warrior got between them and his erect member brushed his thighs. Tariq seemed to gain confidence as he kissed him and he began tracing the symbols Shiina had painted over his belly and while body wondering what thry meant. He began trailing kisses over the carriers body as he was encouraged by the soft moans and squeels of thr carrier below him.

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