Check-Up (Closed)

An athlete on his usual physical gets more than he bargains for this time around.

Name: Taylor Vincent
Age: 21
Description: Medium length dark brown hair (Usually concealed in a fitted cap of his University), Blue eyes, 5'11, 180 lbs.

Taylor had walked into the Hospital that night to get his physical done. He normally waited on the school to do it during the time they had training camp, but he was probably going to miss out that time around with a planned vacation. He sat down in the waiting room, awaiting his name to be called to get it over with. He played around with his phone as the few that were in there went on with their own business after staring up at him the second he walked in.

Name Dr. Sarah Morgan.
Description,Light brown hair,blue eyes,beautiful,slim and slender.

*Dr.Morgan walked in with a few of her other doctors that came in the check up room. She grinned at her experiment that she can use for a man to give birth to 10 babies as she sees him right there* "Hold him down please." *She asked her doctors*

(I hope this is good. XD )

Taylor stopped what he was doing the second he heard his name called. After getting his blood pressure tested along with their usual routine, he walked inside the room being informed of how the doctor would be there shortly. The male did not have to wait too long, however. "The heck is going on!?" He said as he struggled to get loose from the several other doctors that began to hold him down. He did fight as several of them were sent on the floor in the small room, but eventually the numbers gave in as they pinned him down on the bed. "Get off me!" He grunted as he tried to escape from their grasp. He stared up at a woman that was still there that looked way too young to be any kind of doctor.

(It's great!)

*She grinned at him once she held up a needle that can turn a man pregnant but she didn't warn him with what it is. It is combined with an embryo and 10 sperms inside. She lifted his shirt up and she shoved the needle onto his abdomen and injected him once it was now completed,she removed the needle from him*

Taylor watched as his shirt was pulled up slightly. The woman stuck the syringe into his six pack, causing him to leap up at the prick, though he was unharmed for now. With the liquid fully secreted inside him, one of the other doctors quickly placed a bandage on it as he still struggled to fight them off of him. They eventually pulled off of him as he felt a slight burn in his belly with a small gurgle. "What did you do to me!?" The panicked male tried for the door once again, but they all pushed him back on the bed.

"What I did was something extrodinary." *She gave a bigger grin as she sees him having a gurgle inside of his belly* "And it's beginning to grow."

Taylor stopped struggling after his body began to heat up. It felt like he was running a fever. Instantly, his mouth began to salivate as he shoved off the doctors, knowing what was coming next. The male spilled his insides into the trash can. " ya...mean growing?" He staggered around trying to get up in between a retch as his belly burned horribly. He looked down to see it bloating, though his abs still remained. Using the chance that the doctors watched at what was going on, he pushed and ran out the room, heading the exit as fast as possible.

"After him! He can't leave!" *The doctors ran as fast as they can to try to get Taylor back to the room*

Taylor ran back towards the main door. Stopping for it to open, the sliding doors did not budge. He tried it again only to no avail. He cursed as he remembered seeing an exit near the waiting room. The male walked inside the room, glancing around to see that no one was present in there. He wasted no time in getting to the door, though his black shirt was beginning to feel rather tight. He glanced down, seeing the loose ends of his shirt feel out against a rather hard bump forming in his belly. He did not have time to examine it even further as the footsteps of people approaching was heard. He took off down the hall in search for the exit.

*Dr.Morgan looked through the security cameras to see him running towards the exit through the main hall. She pressed all the buttons that she can until the exit was shut completely into lock mode. She looked to the doctors next to her* "Get him and bring him back here. At this rate,he can give birth after that belly gets more big."

Taylor pressed against the door, trying to get it to open only for it not to budge. "Is everything here electronic" he cursed lowly as he heard more people approaching. He moved quickly behind the counter, hiding away from them as they ran by. He was planning to find something to break the glass was around the door for him to slip out.

"Where is he?" *She cursed under her breathe when trying to find him through her cameras. She then spotted him and she clicked on the button that will show the light on him as she spoke into the intercom* "Let's not do anything stupid,young man."

Taylor heard the intercom as a form of light flashed on him. It was as if the person was trying to get him caught, granted that they dod just stick him with a needle against his will. "Piss off" he said loudly while moving away from it's sights. He grabbed something large and heavy, but nearly dropped it as a sharp pain went to his back. He stared down, seeing the pudge now look like a gut. The problem was that it was firm and hard. Now that he mentioned the thought of his swelling problem, his chest was beginning to feel sensitive as well. He cursed, confused at what was going on. With a slight sore back that got worse everytime he tried to lift something his body was normally used to lifting that probably was heavier than him, he slipped through another room, closing the door behind him. It was not like the hospital was new to him. He had been going there most of his life. He locked the door while also placing things in front of it. He examined the window, opening it as he got ready to climb out.

*Dr.Morgan continued watching his every move until her eyes widen in horror at what she was seeing now* "Dammit!" *She watched him getting out as she tried something drastic,she then pushed the button on the intercom again* "YOU'RE PREGNANT! DON'T JUMP!" *She then moved her finger away from the intercom and she stared at him* "If you jump,you will kill yourself and the babies!"

Taylor would have stopped at the sound of a few words, but he was already climbing out the window. "Not sure if your head is on straight, but you do realize we're on the first floor right?" Her comment about him being pregnant was even more ridiculous. Granted that the syringe did something or was still doing something as his pants were beginning to feel tight, he was not staying in the hospital any further where people randomly were exposed to whatever syringe the doctor had. As his shoes planted on the.concrete ground outside softly, a hand rested on the gut subconsciously as he saw his parkes car waiting for him among other things.

*She sighed as she should have known that this wouldn't scare him. But dammit. She was desperate. She had to get to him. She decided to run out of the room and she turned to the side to go outside as she ran towards him* "Wait!" *Sarah yelled out to Taylor from the top of her lungs* "Please! Don't leave! You have 10 babies to give birth to if your water breaks!"

Taylor saw the car as his escape from the current situation he was just in. As he got ready to unlock the door, the same girl who kept screaming all over the intercom and was the one that stuck him with the syringe in the first place had made her way out to stop him yet again. Unless he was being drugged or someone bigger than him overpowered him, he was not listening to her or even coming back for that matter. "Ge..I'll take my chances..." in a nonchalant tone as the door was unlocked.

*She sighed once again* "I didn't want to do this..." *She then pulled out another needle from the inside of her coat and she moved up to his neck when pressing it up against him. Something to knock him out with*

Taylor did not even have his back turned to the woman when stuck yet another syringe into him. This time it was at his neck. "The fuck is wrong with you" he said an in an attempt to push her away from him. He gripped the handle to the car door as he felt lightheaded. He began to stagger around before passing out, his back resting on the car. His shirt was now barely being able to conceal his growing belly.

*She kept a hold of him until she feels him passing out now. She smiled at that and she sees that he is fully grown* "Well...the pregnancy worked after all...and so did the pass out needle."

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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