Jungle capture (Open)

the rocking stops when his hand is resting atop the gold egg and dante looks at it worried over it. "how long should it take for them to hatch?" he asks looking up at Thunder still slightly in pain from being ripped slightly.

Thunder "in a month." He looks worried for the gold egg. He hopes he can be a good father for it "it may be an early hatcher" he rubs the egg gentaly

the egg has stopped rocking though being touched as if the child on the inside recognises it's shell is being touched.

Thunder smiles and takes his hand off "it's a smart one that's for sure though" he watches the gold egg

the gold egg begins rocking again after a few moments and dante looks at the egg in amazment.

Thunder smiles and holds the gold egg "sure loves attion"

The egg stops rocking in thunders arms and Dante groans slightly "is streak visiting soon?"

Thunder nods "he wants to cheak on you and the eggs mostly you he is a breeder like you. Its rare for the harpy clan to have a born breeder" he gentaly strokes the shell while talking

Dante nods watching as the egg calms completely in thunders arms and doesn't move another inch as though the child inside fell asleep.

Thunder smiles and holds the egg a few minutes later streak flys in. "How's it going?"

Dante is curled up still but says in a quiet voice. "I think I may have gotten ripped a little.

Streak is worried "let me see please o-or you can let thunder look and I'll just get the herbs"

Dante blushes but stretches out and opens his legs for streak to have a look his head in thunders lap.

Streak blushes as well but cheacks Dante carefully thunders watches streak worried streak "yea your torn. You need to rest and take an herb to help you heal. It does mean no sex though just so it can't get worse"

Dante nods in understanding before curling back up against thunder cold trying to get warm with the eggs and thunders warm feathers.

Thunder holds him close with his wing"streak can you find the herb?" Streak nods "I can ill be back in a moment" he flys off in bird form"

Thunder slowly begins nodding off shutting his eyes and yawning as he speaks. The sound comes out like he says sleepy then says love before completely just falling asleep exhausted as he lays there.

Thunder smiles gentaly and keeps them all warm. Streak flys back with a small herb and goes to the hot springs to prepare the herb.

Dante is still asleep curled up under thunders wing holding the golden egg the others close to him at his sides as he sleeps off the pain.

Streak brings the herb and hands it to thunder thunder gentaly wakes Dante "I need you to drink this it will help".

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08-09-2019, 04:48 PM

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