C The Heirless King and The Wizard (NSFW) (Closed with FweepFwopFwoop)

Armand breathed heavily, sweat dripping from his brow. He leaned up, his cock still firmly lodged inside Emmett. "Wow, fuck Emmett. That was... amazing. And you look... well I guess we know what you're gonna look like pregnant." Armand reached out and caressed the sweaty globe of Emmetts bulging belly. It stuck out on his small frame.

"Emmett I'm gonna pull out now. Are we gonna have a mess on our hands or is it all gonna stay trapped in your womb?"

"I'll try to hold it all in, but no guarantee." Emmett panted. He placed his hand atop the one Armand had on his belly. "And I truly hope this isn't as big as I'll get. I've heard of your family's virility. I'd like to give you twins at the very least." When Armand pulled out, Emmett clenched his kegel muscles, trying to keep as much of Armand's virile semen inside himself as possible, though some did inevitably leak out. Emmett pulled Armand closer and kissed him. "So what does his majesty want to do with me now?" Emmett asked, tracing his fingers along the king's muscles.

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"Well I would like to marry you. It's the only way to make this bundle of ours legitimate." Armand traced circles around Emmetts belly button. "In fact, everyone is waiting for us now. We'd be married already if you weren't so enticing."

Armand stood and stuffed his still pretty hard cock back into his torn pants as best he could. The base of his dick could plainly be seen as well as the distinct outline running down the leg. He put the fur robe and his crown back on. He takes a sheet from the bed and wipes the cum from his chest. "I would like you to wear the wedding clothes as best you can and come with me."

Emmett gasped. "The wedding is tonight?! If I'd known, I wouldn't have... I'm so sorry, your majesty! I'll get ready as fast as I can!" Emmett got up and got dressed as quickly as he could, but that was difficult to do while still trying to hold in Armand's cum. He was dressed soon enough, however, though some of the royal semen was trickling down his leg. Either way, he wrapped his arm around Armand's and walked with him to where the ceremony was being held, cum sloshing inside him with every step he took. As they entered the room, he saw the eyes of those in attendance fall onto his belly, full of cum as it was. Emmett put a hand on his belly, proudly supporting it. Let them stare. Let them be jealous. As he felt the cum slosh about in his womb, a great sense of pride filled Emmett's heart. Especially when he saw a few erections among the men. The pheromones at work, most certainly. Those poor men, left to deal with their erections themselves, because only one person would be able to have the source of that lust, would be able to have Emmett. Emmett smiled up at Armand as they approached the altar. 

Let them stare. Let them be jealous.

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When Armand walked arm in arm with Emmett into the room he felt a sense of pride. Here he was, with his soon the be consort, the picture of virility; Armand with his cock hard and visible, and Emmett, swollen with life. They walked past the few men who were permitted to attend. There were no women present.

Armand stared down at the swell of Emmetts cum-filled gut and something else swelled. He could feel his cock getting hard again, threatening to free itself of its prison. When they got to the Officiant, he looked at them with raised eyebrow.

"Sire, I do hope that you have not taken any ... liberties with your betrothed before being married." The officiant said, eyeing Emmett's swollen belly.

"Oh not at all, I promise all liberties will wait until after we are married." Armand winked at Emmett.

"And sire, you have proven your virility thoroughly and we find it charming that you are so aroused by your betrothed. Please do not hesitate to allow your royal phallus to be free."

Relieved, Armand pulled his now fully erect cock out and let it hang in front of him. "Shall we?"

Emmett smiled as he looked up at Armand. He placed his king's hands on the sides of his belly, stroking the back of his hands as he did so. "Soon this will be full of your children." He said. "I can't wait." Emmett looked over to the officiant. "Let's do this quickly. We have plans. Very important plans."

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"Alright then I will keep this brief. Do you King Armand VII of the house of Albany, promise to love and care for your beloved? Do you promise to protect... him and care for him? Do you promise to offer your seed to him so that he may bear your children, now that you have shown that you are willing and able?"

"I do." Armand looked tenderly at Emmett and at the swell of Emmetts stomach.

"And do you Emmet, promise to love Armand as your king and your husband? Do you promise to care for him and serve him? Do you promise to accept the royal seed so that you may swell with the future of our kingdom?"

"I do! A thousand times over!" Emmett declared. He was having difficulty containing himself; he wanted to badly to kiss Armand right then, right there. Emmett was bouncing slightly, feeling the semen inside of him slosh pleasurably. He was getting hard again, though he was certain no one could see it beneath his bump.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Well then by the power bestowed upon me by the kingdom of Brivaria, I proclaim you to be wed. Go forth and create life."

Armand pulled Emmett close and kissed him passionately. He kissed his husband, the prince consort. What a strange and wonderful phrase. He never thought this could happen for him, that he would actually be able to further the house of Albany. He lifted Emmett up and carried him out of the small chapel, his cock swinging and leaking precum as he walked. He carried him through the halls, which had been cleared of all women per Armands instructions, until they got to the royal apartment. Armand pushed the door open and carried Emmett across the threshold.

The room was lavishly decorated with a high ceiling. Ornate furniture throughout and a large four post bed with a fur blanket on it. He lowered Emmett to his feet. "So now what, my husband?"

"We consummate our marriage, of course." Emmett said. "I can see how badly you want to." He undressed himself before Armand, slowly, shaking his hips as he did so, making his belly slosh audibly. Once he was naked, Emmett placed Armand's hands on his belly. "Too much of the royal seed has escaped from my womb, I would say. You should put some more inside me, my king." Emmett said those last words slowly, enticingly.

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Armand grinned and walked Emmett over to the bed. He gently led him to the edge of the bed, kneeling and leaning forward. Emmett was on all fours, presenting himself to Armand, his belly and the sapphire engagement pendant hanging beneath him. Armand stared at the miracle of Emmetts pussy, and a little cum dribbled out. Armand touched it and was pleased to find it still warm. Armand leaned forward and offered the cum on his fingers to Emmett for him to eat, and while he did this he slid his cock into Emmett's snatch. It was exhilarating to be back inside his lover so soon, knowing that he could now do this whenever he wanted. Emmetts pussy felt like home.

Emmett let out a moan at the feeling of having Armand back inside of him. It felt so good. It was where it belonged. He was happy with himself for being able to hold at least enough of Armand's cum that it could act as lubricant for their fun. "Oooh, Armand," Emmett moaned. "Having you inside me is like heaven on Earth. I can feel you, filling me..." Emmett placed a hand on his swollen womb, and deep behind the sloshing cum, he could feel Armand's erection. "It feels so good! Give me more of your seed! Fill me until I can't hold in a single drop!"

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Armand let loose on Emmett. Unbridled lust flowed through him as he fucked his new husband with wanton abandon. Sliding his cock out and then slamming it back inside. The swollen head pummeling the wall of his womb. The sounds of their lovemaking filled the room; a squelching and sucking noise as Armand pistoned his manhood into the poor boy. He felt the same otherwordly pressure build in his balls as he fucked Emmett harder.

"Oh fuck Emmett," he managed to get out before his cock head penetrated into Emmetts womb and he unloaded his royal seed into the still quite full chamber.

Emmett gripped the bed sheets, hard enough to tear a hole in them, and let loose a loud moan as his belly swelled out further. Larger and larger his belly grew, until he looked overdue with twins, and his belly had effectively pushed him away from the bed, leaving the mattress out of his reach. Emmett panted as he ran his hands over his belly. This was an entirely new sensation for Emmett. He had never had his body feeling this way before, and he quite liked it, he found. He needed to support the swollen bulge, lest it drag him down. "Don't pull out of me just yet." Emmett requested. "Keep your seed inside of me." Emmett looked back to the bed, wondering how he and Armand could lay down while Armand remained inside of him.

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"You want me to stay inside you? Well that makes sense. I imagine it would be tough to keep all of this inside you. Hell you would need a dam to keep back this flood." Armand laughed but stopped suddenly, struck with an idea.

"Would we be able to ... put something inside you? You know, to keep it all in?" Armand lowered Emmett onto his side, staying inside him, and positioned himself so that he was holding Emmett from behind. Armand blissfully rubbed Emmetts enormous belly. It was very warm to the touch.

"Do you have something like that? If you do, it'd be an enormous help right about now. Almost as enormous as my belly." Emmett laughed, his belly shaking and sloshing as he did. He took the hand Armand had on his belly and kissed it before guiding it to caress his face. "You really do feel amazing. As helpful as some sort of plug would be, I'm certain it wouldn't feel as good."

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"Well actually I do have a chest of sex accessories here somewhere. I had my fool get them for me when I thought that I might be able to fix my problem. Do you think if I pull out that you could keep it inside you for a bit?" Armand slowly pulled his cock out of Emmetts well used snatch. A bit dribbled out but Emmett was able to keep the bulk of it inside.

Armand went rifling through his belongings in the corner. He came upon a wooden chest. Inside were all manner of contraptions and devices, some meant to go around a cock. He found a sizable plug. "Aha! I think this is meant to go inside your anus, but I think that it might work." He walked back to Emmett and slowly inserted it into his pussy.

"How's that?"

Emmett grunted and rubbed his entrance around the plug. "Not as good as you, but I think it can serve its purpose." Emmett laid back and stretched his arms outward, beckoning Armand to him. "Come here. Hold me in your arms, my king. Please, show me that I'm loved."

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Armand smiled and crawled onto the bed to embrace his new husband. "I do love you. Do you love me?" Armand simply could not keep his hands off of the roundness of Emmetts belly. It filled him with pride to see it.

Emmett smiled and nodded. "I absolutely love you. And I can't wait until we hear that I'm pregnant for certain. I want to be full of your children so badly." Emmett sighed. He looked up to Armand and grinned. "You're going to have to start looking for nannies and wet-nurses. I might be too pregnant to take care of all of our children myself."

I'm just here for a laugh

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