A small town surprise? Closed with bhdire8
Logan paced his workshop, he was in a panic. Honestly, he didn't know what to think, there was no way this was real he was going insane. The male had black hair and green eyes, he had always been rather strong but also lean from working with wood all day. At the moment his hair was a mess, his sweatshirt was covered with sawdust but he couldn't even think about working right now.For the last few months he had been getting sick, he lost weight at first but when that stopped he had gained it back quickly. He had hidden most of it by keeping to himself and wearing baggy clothes but he had felt something move. He was pregnant, but he couldn't be that was impossible. Boy's couldn't get pregnant.

Well normally no, it was a new concept and a new idea that hadn't yet spread. It certainly hadn't reached the small town Logan lived in. If anyone knew they would think he had been possessed by something or they would turn him into some sort of experiment. Hell, the people here didn't even support gay marriage let alone... this.

Logan was freaking more and more but suddenly he stopped, there was a knock on the door that caused him to freeze. "W-who is it?" He said peering out the closed window of the shop.
"Hey it's me, Ben." That's the farmer boy knocking. Ben, or Benedict, was the local farm owner. His mother past away not long after his one year old birthday, and his father was killed in a carriage accident when he was 16. His father used to be good friends with Logan's so the boys grew up close.... so close that eventually they became lovers. In secret of course, the whole village frowned on anything that "opposed to god's will" and that included same sex relationships.

The boys acted like the best of friends, but rhey shared their first kiss after Ben's father's fineral, when the larger farmer boy just collapsed and weapt like a baby on Logan's shoulder. He had been large and tanned from the heavy workload that he had started helping in at a young age, but that night he was helpless and weak like the skinny boy that he once was.

"Logan? What's wrong?" Ben was very surprised seeing how pale Logan appeared even through the glass window, and asked urgently. "Let me in first? We would figure whatever's wrong together."

(Hey I am so sorry for missing this.... LOL )
Logan stood frozen for a long few moments and then slowly he came to the door pulling it open. He grabbed Ben by the wrist pulled him inside and then shut the door quickly behind him. Logan didn't know where to start. Would Ben even believe him? What would happen if he did? Logan was practically shaking. He stood there a few feet away just looking back at Ben speechlessly. What could he say? What was he supposed to say? "I need to tell you something and I need you not to think I'm insane."
"Why would I think you are insane?" Ben was puzzled, he pulled Logan over to sit him beside himself. "You know that I would believe in you, no matter what." He pulled over his hand and kissed chastely on the back of it. "You know me just as much as i knwo you Logan.... so, what is it?" He probed pressing close to Logan so their shoulders touched. He was confused though, he knew Logan well and there didn't seem like anything's out of the ordinary, and as far as he knew he had stopped feeling nauseous and his appetite was back.
Logan was quiet for a long time, what should he say? What could be said? He didn't know and there was nothing so for a long few moments he just sat there silently. "because it won't sound real. It'll sound like nonsense and it isn't I think... I'm pregnant." His whole body was still tense, what was he supposed to say. He remained quiet waiting for Ben to say something, expecting him to laugh, or to think it was some sort of joke. It didn't sound like something that could be real but it was and it had happened to him.
Ben was beyond confused now. he tilted his head and asked again dumbly. "You're pregnant." there was silence again. "You... you are a boy right? Gosh we had grown up together...... you... you don't have that, thing, vagina and womb, no, you still remember the birds and bees nonsense right?" He asked repeatedly, not very convinced. Though pieces started to string together. He remembered how Logan's mother teased him for being nauseous at the smell of fish, and developed that unusual crave for pickles, and there were other signs... he didn't know what to think, in too much shock to respond just yet.
Logan stood up he turned the sign on the window to close and shut the blinds then he turned back to ben and pulled off his sweatshirt. Without it, the belly was obvious, it didn't look like he had just gained a bit of weight there was a bit more to it than that. "Y-yes, I'm a boy, of course, I am." His words came out a bit more defensive then he meant them and he stared back at Ben hard. "I don't know how it happened, what all this is I just know that it all fits together. That it explains everything Ben, please... you belive me right?"
They didn't have much time to themselves so evne though they had been intimate, Ben seldom see Logan naked... and not at all since he started getting sick. He was in awe, that curve of his belly was awkward and out of place on Logan's otherwise lean frame. He extended a trembling hand and attempted to touch it, but before he could reach it he pulled back, still not believing his eyes as he muttered nonsense to himself, before once again gathering the courage to reach out, and finally acknowledge the bump as he rested his hand on it.
For a long few moments, logan said nothing at all. He was stunned frozen he looked down at Ben's hand nothing happened at first but then Logan gasped, there was a flutter of movement. He wasn't sure whether or not Been would feel it but Logan sure had. Would that be proof enough, would it make him believe that this was Logan hoped so because he didn't want to be alone in this anymore.
Ben was stunned beyond belief and it took him a full minute to ask uneasily. "that's not gas, was it?" He said,more convinced now that he had witnessed more than just an awkward weight gain. "It had been on the paper before? That tabloid little corner always describing things happening around the world, interesting incidnets and discoveries.... that had recorded male pregnancies before right?" He said as that paragraph suddenly flashed through his mind, and he just rested his face on Logan's bump, feeling the warmth radiating from it.
"It's rare, I've been doing research only about 1% of the male population is capable of it. It's been recorded, but there isn't even anything known about it yet. And here? What happens if they find out, They'll think I've been possessed or something. They'll kill me, or turn me into some sort of experiment. The more Logan spoke the more he worked himself up and began to panic again.
"Nope i would not let that happen." It pained ben just by imaginging what could possibly happen with Logan. He reached over and hug him tight around his belly, and pulled him close enough that eventually he had no way but sit down on his lap, facing each other. "I am here... and I swear I would never let you hurt. Not in anyway..." This close, he could feel Logan's belly pressed against his own. He couldn't believe how he had missed that bulge all along...

"How.. much time do you think we have?" ben was searching in his mind for the last time they got intimate. It had to be a few months from now, but exactly what time that had been..?
"About 5 months ago," Logan muttered clutching tightly to Ben. "It's been awhile." He rested his head on Ben's chest and closed his eyes slowly calming himself down again. He raised his head looking up at been for a long few moments. Could the farmer really keep him safe? How? What if someone else found out? What then?" He tried not to over think it and just relax for a moment, after all, he had been panicked all morning already.
Ben saw the doubts and uncertain feeling in Logan's eyes. He cupped his face and pressed their foreheads together. He whispered. "Please dont worry too much.. in the worst case I can get you out. I am a farmer anf you are a carpenter, we could make a living on our own." He said not wanting Logan to stay worried. It shouldnt be good for prrgnant people, that's what he constantly heard when his cousin was prrgnant.
Logan nodded slowly relaxing into ben. He closed his eyes and used Ben as a pillow focusing on the even sound of the male's breathing and the beating of his heart. He knew that Ben meant well, his words were comforting at least. Hopefully they were true, hopefully they would be able to keep anything bad from happening.
They stayed close for a litlte while and it was Ben who broke the silence. He caresed Logan's belly and whispered. "How are you feeling? Do you need anything? I could stash some pickles for you if you ever needed them?" He offered his help clumsily, his only experience being when his cousin was pregnant with her first child, his overbearing aunt had been fussing over her a lot - and also came to his place a lot asking for treats and discounts for his "precious nephew/niece to come".
he smiled lightly seeming to perk up a bit at the mention of it. "Pickles?" it was weird, he hadn't even really liked pickles before all of this and now it was like he needed them. "Honestly, I'm ok as long as no one else finds out, It'll be ok, right? but how am I supposed to explain the child once it arrives? I don't want to get rid of it." It would look strange if one day Logan suddenly had a small infant to take care of.
"I guess we would have to come up with something. Worst case is we just disappear to another village.... I dont know. Do you think maybe your motehr would be more accepting of this?" He asked anxiously. Logan's mother had always been kind to him, especially sympathetic because he had lost his mother at so young an age. "If yes.... perhaps we could discuss with her? Or even, we could say, we saw a baby abandoned at the footstep...." Ben groaned. In such a small town, he knew that was extremely hnlikely and could possibly cause even more suspicion.
Logan shook his head, "I doubt they would believe such a tale. My mom might support it." Logan admitted. After all his mom had always been rather supportive of things others weren't but this was taking that to a whole new level. "I don't know, we would have to be very careful about how we bring it up to her, just in case....or maybe it would be best if we didn't tell anyway. We could say we... I adopted it?"
"Do you think it would work?" Ben had his concerns. "Just... I dont know, would it appear weird?" He said. There had been some worries over their future even without this added pronlem, two boys getting along well is fine, but if they continued to be with no.intention to get a girlfriend, they would arouse suspicion already, let alone a single boy suddenly adopting a kid. "I am going to be.honest, if I am adopting, maybe it would make.more sense than you.... well, I am an orphans already, it sort of would make moee sense if I claim the baby is from my mom's side... no one had known them, so no one can verify it." Just then, someone knocked on the door. Mudt have been a customer of Logan's.

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