A joke gone bad (w/ dots)

to see Horu crying so hard was sad for James. Even when he calmed down a little more, his wife was still hiccupping like a small child. He remembered old times ,when tehy were still only boyfriends, he had seen Horu cry so hard adn at the time he had been so gentle to him, playing tricks on him and talking about goofy and funny stuff so much until horu finally smiled through his tears. He could no longer do that... but he was willing to make him feel better. He rubbed his back and soothed him. "it's ok, it's ok... it would be alright... everythign would be alright." James just kept talking, but he didn't know what he was indeed trying to say, he just wanted to sooth his wife.

It was a little while later when Horu had calmed down, and he could still feel how tightly Horu was clutching his shirt. His wife was so insecure, and it showed that Horu still lvoed him very much for not letting him go. His soft declaration of love was moving, touching, and finally James had the courage to ask his friend again. This time he was determined he would ask for the truth.

He placed Horu to the headboard and finally, for the first time, pressed a gentle kiss on his forehead and smiled at him. "I am returning very quick Horu.... I just need to make a very quick phone call. Don't worry, i promise, no matter what, I would come back ok?" He said as gently as he could. "Just a short phone call... " he stroked his face that was still streaked with tears, his heart aching for his wife.

Horu tried to calm himself down and stopped crying when his husband kissed his forehead. It was always so good for him, and a lot helpful. He took a deep breath when James left the room, trying to handle the pain. The contraction was close to each other now, and he wasn't sure how long he can handle this. Another sharp pain hit him again, making him clutch his belly tightly. The babies were very low now, and this could happen at any moment soon. Horu turned to the small table where their wedding photo was placed and smiled softly. It was one of the happiest days in his life, and he couldn't even forget it. He would remember his husband for a while life although James would never believe him again. Horu was interrupted by another contraction, and he let a painful moan this time.

(Idk if you wanna play the scene while James is talking with his friend, so Horu's water hasn't broken yet)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(I guess we could just skip it HAHAHA i am not good at producing a telephone conversation)

James was nervous before calling, but once Carl picked up the phone, he was surprisngly calm. he asked questions after questions, going over the details like he was a police interrogating him, and there was no way Carl could escape from it. He listened to what he had said, and interpreted every word he had used, he paid so much attention to his tones and emotions, he felt like he could see right through his mind. Carl had been lying. This evil man had done this deliberately to damage his relationship with Horu. He was so angry, he almost wanted to tell Carl right then that he was fired, but he couldn't. He hung up, and was so full of guilt he could not do anything but to slowly slide down the floor, wanting to bury himself in a hole. He didn't know.... and he had been hruting his wife for a whole month because of an ugly lie by his subordinate. He could not believe it.

He then heard Horu's painful moan, and he rushed back inside. He almost cried from seeing his wife, so lonely on teh bed, clutching his belly while looking at their wedding photo. He could not see clearly with the tears blurring his eyesight, and he stumbled back onto the bed, tripping when he ran into a chair in front of him, and finally taht tear fell down his face. "I am so sorry my love...." He said, and he hugged Horu as tight as he could.

Horu didn't know what had happened but James had changed after that phone call. It was the first time he saw this big man's tear that he barely saw that even on their wedding day. "W"...hat happen, James? tell me, p...please," Horu was sodding from this emotion. The pain had hit him again and he grabbed his husband tightly again but this tie James had supported him and held his hand gently. He seemed to want to encourage his wife through his painful moment. "James, I love you, James, please. They're your babies, please they need a father, James, you can hate me but please love them" He begged his lover over and over. Horu had lost his consciousness again with this all pain and emotion. He cried out even harder and hugged his husband even tighter. He didn't want James to leave or even stay away from him. He couldn't live without his husband, not even a second.

(I think we should make this scene a bit more before doing the real labor hehe, and I LOVE how you make Jame be this emotional. He's strong but yeah leaving his wife a long month with twins inside his belly is enough reason for a strong man to cry ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(haha yea sure we could make this scene longer... i would like James to have a bit more time to be with this big belly that would soon go away as well;))

"I am so sorry love....I... that son of a b**** had ... well he didn't tell me, but.. now i realise what he said had been a lie.... it had all been a lie... and i have hurt you so much just because of that! I should have known.... i should be able to distinguish what he was saying was bullsh**... my wife would never betray me like that..." James was mattering illogical things now, he was so overwhelmed with guilt, and so ashamed with himself, he felt like there was no way for him to beg for forgiveness. How his wife still insisted he loved him just added to his guilty feeling, and he cried so hard, he couldn't see anything. He wiped his face continusoulys, wanting to see his wife' slovely face again, but the tears just kept falling and he couldn't even talk properly. He hugged him tight and kissed him over and over again. "I am here.... and I love you, i love the babies as well, i am the worst father in the world... but yes I love you... i love you more than anything..."

(Haha, don't worry they'll have the second time but yeah it won't be this big instantly ;))

Horu tried to stop crying when James apologized him over and over. He nodded and pulled his husband closer, giving him a deep kiss on his lips. Horu had missed this kiss so much. "You're back, right? James, I've missed you so much, James. T....rhis room was cold and meaningless without you, James, please don't leave me again, it hurts" He said, sobbing but it wasn't that hard anymore. His words were interrupted by another sharp on his belly, and he moaned louder. It was close now, and he wanted his husband even more. James seemed to notice his pain when he helped Horu took his shirt off and started massaging his hard belly. It wasn't that helpful with how his belly hard like a rock, but it could relax his pregnant wife. Horu couldn't handle and cried again with how he had missed this sensation, this warmth, and this scent of his husband. He wiped his tears and smiled at James softly. Nothing could destroy their bonding now, and it was even stronger.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

When he removed Horu's shirt, James noticed immediately his wife hadnt been eating properly. He could see his ribs so clearly now, but his belly appeared to be much bigger - his belly seemee to be where all his weight went, and it wasnt a comodrting sight. James found his eyes burned again from a new round of tears. He had been the one causing this. He had done so much to hurt his wife, he could not believe how he had wasted his wife's food and effort for a whole month. He wanted to say sorry again, but he knew it was probably not what Horu wanted now. He let the tears roll down his face while he rubbed his belly. He rubbed it and noticed stretchmarks all over it - before, he had always made sure Horu got belly rubs, but without him this last month, the result was a belly that was no.longer smooth and perfect. James wanted to bam his head agaibst the wall for being such an idiot. He kissed away the tear that his wife did not wipe away yet, and smiled at him through his tears as well. "I love you so much Babe.... i would never leave you again." He rubbed their faces together and murmured soft words when another contraction hit.

"Thanks, James, I love you too, ahh" He moaned in pain as the contraction hit him. He knew that it was close now, but at least, his husband was here with him. Horu could notice how James looked at his body and had that sad and guilty face. His husband wasn't good for hiding his feeling, especially on his face. "Don't blame yourself, James," He whispered softly. Horu was always nice and kind through the years they had been with each other. Another contraction hit him again and this time was so close to previous one, Horu grabbed his husband even tighter, and he even pinched his nails on James' hands. "A...are you excited, James? We've waited for them for years." He smiled softly, reminding himself how they wanted to have the children. They had talked about this even before the became husband and wife, and the babies would come in any hours now.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Seeing his wifr forcing.himself to smile, even when he was in so much pain, just to tell him it was alright, probably hurt even morr to James. He knew his wife did that to make him less guilty, so James also pretended he was fine now. He returned a smile to Horu and nodded. "Yea... yea, I am so excited.." his voice was still sad, but he at least have a smile.now. he rubbed his belly and when he realised the contractions were hitting very close together now, he reached down between Horu's legs. He reached Horu's opening hidden between the cheeks of hid bottom. "Remembrr what the doctor said...? I am goign to rub your opening so it.would stretch better for the babies.... we wouldnt want you to tear..." this should be a regular exercise after Horu entered his third trimester. James just hope Horu had done somethint while he wasnt here so his opening would be prepared.

Horu nodded at his husband said that. He had done it sometimes, but it was a lot harder without James helping him. He moaned when James put his fingers inside his opening. It was hurt but also felt good. His opening was stretched slowly by his husband and it could make him feel better to form the contractions. Horu yelped as another sharp pain ran through his belly. "C...check, ahh" His water hadn't broken yet but it was close, and he wanted to know if it would happen soon. He was 7 cm. an hour ago, and he should have more progress now. James could also notice how his wife was pleased now although it couldn't compare with his pain, then he placed a soft kiss on Horu's belly to calm him down. A small man rubbed his hand over James' head, smiling softly. His kind and nice husband was back now.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

James frowend. The birth canal of Horu's was tight. He knew this was partly his fault. Without his help, Horu could hardly reach for his opening and the lack of practice might affect hwo the birth was progressing. However, his first priority now was to calm Horu. "Shh... yea, i would check you. Relax as much as youc an..." He smiled at him and kissed his belly, and leaned agianst Horu's hand when he rubbed his husband's head. He carefully inserted deeper into Horu, pressing around hoping this would work in helping him stretch. He pressed small kisses on his belly, and then his chest, one kiss each on his cherry-like nipples that he used to love fondling, while he worked his way to reach his cervix. "I think that's almost 9.... definitely more than 8cm."

(nipples? hmm naughty hehe ;) Can we make like we usually do? I mean first one is harder and longer when the second one is easier, is that fine?)

He nodded as his husband said that. James always knew how to make his wife relax but not teased him for too much. He moved his hands from side to side and rubbed it gently. Horu could only look at his husband, and he sometimes moaned in pain when the sharp pain ran down on his belly. It took like 30 inute more till they both could hear some sound and the gush of water leaked out from Horu's opening. A small man was trembling and shaking with the fear. This was normal, but this labor was so early to his due date. "J...James, I...I'm scared," He whispered softly, holding his husband tightly when James had cleaned the water and was about to get another dry towel to put in under his wife. The pain was bearable now, but it would be worse when Horu needed to push. He had felt the urge yet, but it was so close now.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yea sure, first one is very hard involving a lot of pushing and near tearing)

James was expecting this. Luckily he had towels prepared so he could reach it without needing to move away from Horu too much. He grabbed one and gently dried Horu between his legs, careful to avoid his sensiive genitals. WIthall the hormones in Horu's system, he was very senstiive in his private parts, James did not want to cause unnecessary reaction from Horu during this important time of birth.

Spreading his legs, James lifted Horu's bottom so he could place a towel under him. If more liquid come out, it would not stain the bed. He returned to his frightened wife's side and held him tight, laying his head on his chest and smoothed over his hair. "It's alright.... you know twins could always come early. And you have been under so much stress... i guess the babies also wanted to come out sooner so they would not be such a large burden for their mommy anymore." He guessed it was probably right, Horu's body could no longer bear the strain of pregnancy, that's why the babies were early. "Besides..it's just a week, it's not that much, i am sure our babies are large enough already. Look at how big this belly is!" He tried to lighten up the mood, cheer Horu up through teasing him for how big he had become.

Horu nodded as his husband said that. It was true that his belly was so big now, and he could no longer wait for their babies to come out. He took a deep breath and tried to breathe in and out slowly. His one hand was holding with James' hand, asking for the encouragement from his beloved husband. It took just minutes when the first urge hit him. Horu gasped and grabbed Jams' hand even tighter. "Arhh, I...I need to push." He said, pushing his chin on his chest and started pushing, it wasn't so hard at the first time since he didn't want to tear his opening when he needed to repeat this with the second one. Horu had prepared some information for giving birth alone since he didn't know if James would still hate him, so he knew what to do but it was so scary sometimes. He panted already after his first push, but there was no progress. He knew that this would take a long time, but at least, his husband was here. "Ahrhh, ahhh, I...I can't" He moaned in pain as another urge hit him and he needed to push even harder.

(I won't make Horu be calm like Sam during his labor, so please bear with him and don't get mad with he said something like I can't do this or it's too hard hehe ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(ahh no problem~)

"It's ok, whenever you feel like you are ready. You can do this, just keep breathing and push." Of course James couldn't predict how long this would go, but he had a feeling this would'nt be that easy. He knew some births were easier, and he hoped for a smooth one, but he had a feeling this babies would take their sweet time coming - and that meant his beloved wife would suffer from this. "Keep breathing, listen to what your body told you." He instructed trying to give Horu some courage. "no matter what happened... i would be here with you, together." He smiled and once again helped Horu push forward, sitting up slightly so his wife would have a better angle at pushing the babies down. He couldn't see anything below, and they would have to move the mirror forward later, but for now he thought they coudl stay like this first.

(Is Horu on James' laps now? I'm not sure but I make it be that way haha)

Horu took a deep breath and started pushing again. This time was harder and longer, he panted when the urge had gone and left a small panting birthing mother behind. He could feel the head move down in his birth canal, but they couldn't see it yet, didn't even the bulge on his opening. He pushed his head back, leaning against James' chest, resting for a bit before another contraction had come. "Arhhh" He moaned in pain, trying to push as hard as he could, but it wasn't helpful with the head inside his birth canal. It was moving down, but would take more time and pushes. "J...James" Horus called his lover with no reason, but more encouragement from his husband. He couldn't imagine doing this alone without James being here. Another contraction hit his lover belly and this time was stronger. Horu put his chin on his chest again while he was pushing so hard.

Maybe they were in this position?
[Image: ggg-4.jpg]

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(ahh yes. i thought that's the sweetest position they could be - and they couldn't be like this unless the carrier was a lot shorter than the seeder - just the way i like it ;))

James held Horu close. He clutched his hand tight while the other held his belly. the contractiosn were strong, and Horu's pushes were great, but the baby was big enough it would take a long time for it to make an appearance. "it's ok, I am here, Horu I am here... just push< i would be here to make sure everythign was alright. You are not alone... be strong mommy, be strong..." he said and moved Horu further up his lap. Horuw as sitting on his thigh, and it acted like a birthing ball. When Horu leaned forward for the push and relax backward when it was over, his opening would rub against his thigh and therefore, act like it was massaged all the way. It would help his opening stretch later.

James kept muttering encouraging words to Horu, but the birthing process was long. After almost 20 minutes of pushing, James still wasn't feeling anything against his thigh. the head seemed still lodged deep within Horu, not yet getting through his cervix entirely. "I am checking you again babe... relax...." He reached down to check, holding his wife tightly.

Horu nodded as his husband said that. He could feel the head was moving down but it would take some time. James seemed to know what to do when he also placed a kiss on Horu's cheek when he reached lower to his opening. "Arhhh" He moaned when another urge came but he couldn't push this time. "C...can you feel? J....James?" He asked his husband, breathing heavily. He leaned against James' chest again when he pulled his fingers out and got back to their position. Horu was tired now, but he knew that they still have a long way to go. "James, w..we are going to be the parents, after these years, James" He whispered, thinking back how they had decided this even before their wedding day. James was the only man that Horu would live with for a whole life.

(Hehe, let make my carrier not too small but you''re the one so tall ;) I don't want my little wife to be like a hobbit compare with other people)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Haha wouldn't! not at all a hobbit... yep, it's just James is too tall ;))

James could feel the head of the baby just at the end of Horu's birth canal. He kissed Horu again with his painful moan, and nodded smiling to him. "Yes my love... our baby, right there. Just that bit away from seeing the world." He showed him what tiny distance it was. "So keep pushing my love, keep pushing. Let our baby come forward... and achieve our dreams from all those years ago. Babe, I have wnated to have a baby with you since the day you agreed to be my boyfriend, and when you have accepted my proposal... i have already planned on having even more kids with you..." James was about to tell horu about all the dreams he had weaved already, but he was cut short when once again Horu moaned loud. This time his breathing was quick, almost gasping, and he was already pushing down with his face scrunched up. "Come on push babe!" James helped him by spreading his legs wide. This contraction felt very harsh and painful.

"Arhhhh, J...James..." He moaned out loud almost screaming as the strong contraction hit him. This time was the worst and he couldn't even stop pushing. horu felt down on his husband after almost full minute of pushing and this time the bulge has appeared on his birth canal. "I....I can feel, O....our b..baby, J...James" He whispered breathing heavily. The happiness was there for too long when the head had moved back inside. Although it wasn't too deep that the head had moved back, Horu was so panic. "J...James" He called his husband for the encouragement again. They both knew that this could happen, but It was so bad for Horu. He pushed again with another contraction, trying to push the head out, He couldn't stop even the urge had gone. This labor shouldn't take too long, so Horu needed to push harder.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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