Closed Coffee House Romance (w/ bhdire8)
"Okay." Katsu stood up, hand on his belly. "You know they've been really active lately. Its really fun." He gently rubbed the large swell in front of him. "I think they just love sound." He could feel them kicking, "Or maybe they hate sound and they're telling me to stop." He laughed as he waddled to the kitchen. "Can you get me the stool?" He hummed as he went to the fridge to start pulling ingredients out.
John laughed. "I hope it's not hte latter, coz I really love talking to them..." He nodded and carried the stool from th eliving room so Katsu could rest on it. He was starting to get sorry when he saw how massive his belly appeared, especially when it dangled low under him while he bned over the fridge to reach the lower shelves.

John took over the ingredients and settled Katsu on the stool for some chopping and washing work. He himself started the stove and preheat the oven. "I am sorry babe for having to help in cooking and put up with my bad mood... thanks for this." He kissed Katsu shyly and rubbed quickly on his lower back as a small compensation.
Katsu sat back on the stool, rubbing his belly as he relaxed a little. "Don't be sorry." He smiled up at his lover, "Bad days happen. Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean you're not allowed to have them." HE leaned into his hand, taking a deep breath. "I love carrying them but they're getting so heavy... They're going to be such big babies. Just like daddy." He looked up at him, "They're also very hungry... Not to be pushy."
John chuckled at the urging that was not subtle at all. "Alright alright... time to really prepare for dinner. Gotta keep them big so you would be bigger to indulge in my fantasies... you are so gonna become a stranded whale." John smiled returning to the stove. A simple dinner was served. John had learnt that he had to prepare double of what Katsuro used to eat to fulfill his neverending appetite, and it was soon clear that portion was still not enough to satisfy Katsuro's crave as he shared more of his portion to his pregnant mate's dish.
Katsu felt bad how much he had been eating, especially since his one slim figure was now round with child. Though with how much loved john loved him anyways, he didn't want to change anything for the world. "Don't make me too fat. I'll have to be able to take care of the babies after they're born. Since you'll still be in school and working."
"Nope trust me you are just eating for the babies. I swear you looked as slim as always from behind... hmm, well, maybe wiht a fuller bottom than before but that just make you that bit sexier..." John said sincerely. Indeed with the babies developing inside of Katsu, it was just fair for him to be eating extra, and thhe strain of the mutlipel pregnancy was weighting on Katsu, so he wasn't gaining that much weight at all. "and yea... you would be the main babysitter i guess." the twinkle in his eyes was obvious as he looked at Katsuro.

It was a few days later that John's mother finally was willing to contact her son, and eventually after much convincing, she sort of made peace with John, and had even asked about the condiiton of her future grandchildren and Katsuro. John was beyond thrilled, and with how excited he was relating to his mother about his lover and his growing babybump, even his mother could feel how happy Katsuro was making John, and she gradually warmed up to the idea of John finding his love and was already building a family.
Katsuro was in the other room, listening to john struggle to convince his mom that this was okay. He was cheering for him in the other room, and when they started talking about the babies, his heart swelled. It was a small victory for them. They would still have their support and their babies would have their grandparents.

When he heard the call was done, he walked out to go see his lover. "That sounded like it went well. You look happy." He smiled as he went to go sit on the couch, having to spread his legs in order to fit his large belly on the couch as well. "Will I meet her before the baby shower?"
John hugged his lover tight. "Yea that went really well, I think my mom is starting to feel the happiness I am sharing with you now..." he smiled and followed Katsuro out. It was getting funny seeing Katsuro trying to sit down now. He would so gingerly lower himself, and John always had the urge to see between his legs while he fitted his belly between them.

"I am guessing they would be here after at most a week... or, they would probably force us to go back to visit them." John sighed knowing whta his mother would probably do. "Acrually.... Katsuro. Would you consider taking a break from your work? I feel like it's been so demanding on you..." John suggested, hesistant hoping Katsu wouldnt be repulsed by tbe idea.
"Oh I don't want to travel...Can't they come here." He frowned softly, breathing in as he rubbed his belly softly. Then he paused, "A break? From work?" He frowned, "But we need the money. And I still have a few months before I can get maternity leave." He frowned, "Listen its okay, I'm making it work. Its hard but its doable." He looked up at him, "You want me to quit?"
"Yea a break from work... I mean, we could get some sponsors from my parents, andmy internship was also paying me alright. I am just worried you would be too tried out, esprcially with how big you are getting. I also dont like seeing you trapped at the cashier all day with that limited circulation ...." john said honetsly his concerns. "It's been so busy and it's not rven giving you enough toilet breaks.." he said. "I,... i dont know. I dont want you to feel forced, and I know how you love that job, but could you maybe get shorter hours? Or fewer shiftd?"
Katsuro loved and hated the idea of being taken care of. He wanted to contribute as much as he could. "But the sooner I leave the sooner I may have to go back. I'll talk to my boss, see what they say." He smiled softly, reaching out to take his hand. "I'm sorry I'm worrying but I'm okay. Really."
John knew he lost this battle, not when his lover was saying with such mild determination in his eyes. One day, he would convince Katsuro to take his leave earlier: he simplg had outgrown his crowded seat behind the counter, and sometimes it made John feel terrible seeing his lover restrained in that seat, barely even having the room to steetch his legs. He stroked his belly and added. "Just pronise me if you ever feel not well, you would at least let someone know and not just endure it. You arent only on your own now...." he said kissing his belly. "And do you want me to go with you when you talk to your boss? Like, give you some support?" John said still wi5h his worry
"I will I will." He smiled softly, "Remember, I came home the other day because I was feeling sick?" He took John's hand and kissed over his knuckles, "I know what my limits are. plus my doctor said I'm still okay to work if I feel up to it." He relaxing against the cushions, "No, I don't need you to come talk to my boss with me. I need to be an adult and handle things myself." He pinched his lovers cheek, "I appreciate the offer though." He gasped, feeling a sharp kick from one of the babies, reading down to touch where it was.
John nodded reluctantly, leaning his face into Katsuro's hand. The gasp worrried him and the medical student reached down following Katsuro's movement. "What id it?" He was jsut in time to catch another kick and it brought a smile onJohn's worried face. John told himself he shouldnt be overbearing, but he couldnt control himself sometimes, wanting to just shield in front of Katsuro and hid him from all potential threats and dangers.

"Wow such strong kick! Oh my these babies are getting really strong... can you distinguish which is from which?" John asked excitedly. The babies had become less and less mobilr as space started running out, do they stayed relatively stablr in their respective sides.
Katsuro smiled, looking down at his round belly. "One has a slightly stronger kick than the other, but that's it. One likes to head but me." He laughed softly, shaking his head. "But, I feel like I'm having some strong pains in my hips lately. So I wonder if I'm starting to get contractions." He quickly looked up at him, holding up a finger to him. "But, they happen months out. So you don't need to worry. I will come home and stop working if they get too bad."
"What?! Are you serious? Tell me where it is that is hurting." John asked anxiously, part of his doctor's instincts kicking in. He touched Katsuro's hips, pressing down on places. "Here? Or here?" He asked kneading on his hips. He noticed it wasnt his bones, so it probably was from the added weight of Katsuro's belly putting much pressure on his hips.

"How about you lay down, I would practise my massaging.skills? I am thinking if i couldnt get a proper job, i could get some qucik cash from being a masseur doing prenatal care." John joked rubbing Katsuro's bottom, his large hands enveloping his buttovks.
Katsuro did his best to lay back, though he couldn't lay flat anymore seeing how big he was. "That would be good. Just don't kill your self. You have school and rugby still, we'll make it work." He rubbed his belly while john rubbed his hips. There was some relief, which made him moan and sigh. "You should actually rub my back for me tonight. I would love that. His small frame was having a very hard time adjusting to the added weight in his torso so everything hurt all the time.
"That could count as part of my physcial training, I assure you." John chuckled and rubbed hard into Katsuro's hips, making his way into the knots deep within, sinking his fist into Katsuro's buttocks to get to the muscles deep within, befre proceeding to the lowerback of his lover. His palms were warm and large, working better than any heating packs available. "Make sure you are resting as much as possible, and do some stretching preferably every 30 minutes during your shift... 15 would be better, but i doubt if you could get that luxury..." Jared said in a low voice, ready to lure the quite "heavily" pregnant man into sleep despite him not even entering the 3rd trimester.
Katsuro gasped when he felt his lover start needing his sore body, all of it seeming like his whole body needed a little release. "Yes, Doctor." He smiled back at him, chuckling softly. He knew his boyfriend meant well, and that he was very serious with what he was saying, but he knew what his body needed and he was doing just fine. But he was in heaven getting the massage so he didn't mind as much. He leaned back on the couch, stretching his legs over john's lao so maybe he would get the hint to rub his legs now. "Don't kill yourself worrying over me. I'm okay. The twins are okay."
There are some signs of swelling on Katsuro's legs so John started rubbing it as well, encouraging circulation and sighed. "well... you couldn't stop me from worrying, the more you know, the scarier it becomes. I think your conditions is still ok, but it's always possible to make it even better." Jared said, using his knuckles to rub into Katsuro's thighs and calves. "And... I am going to start urging you to walk a little more. And also we are getting up earlier in the morning to do more stretching. Gotta start preparing for the birth before you gets too big to move around much."

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