A joke gone bad (w/ dots)

(haha ok. Hmm would Horu this time hv twins or just one baby?)

"Milk...? OK." It was a habit that Horu had developed since he got pregnant the first time, his wife had always enjoyed milk and he was regularly drinking it, but to have it during dinner wasn't a usual practice from him. Anyway, James just glanced at Horu curiously and poured him the milk he wanted wihtout asking too muhc question. With their drinks set as well, he sat down for the meal. "I thought you must have forgotten your brithday as well.... you have been so busy packing the boys' luggage before, adn now evne when they are gone you are so tired.... thanks for being there to make sure everythign was fine." James smiled at Horu and praised his wife. He was also very grateful for Horu, not only did he take great care fo their babies, he had also maintained the hosuehold very well, that he returned home with nothing to worry about after work.

(Hmm, I'm not sure as well. maybe we can decide later hehe. one should be good, but what do you want?)

Horu smiled softly as his husband praised him. He got a glass of milk and drank it before answering. "It's my duty, James. You're working so hard as well for our children. You should rest sometimes, hmm maybe we can go somewhere this weekend?" He praised his husband as well when James was working so hard. He knew that his husband had planned everything even kept the money for the future. James sometimes got home late and Horu could understand that although James always apologized it. His face turned pin when his stomach was growling. "Urr, should we eat, James?" He asked his husband, trying to avoid looking at him. The food was so good at their favorite restaurant, the steak was Horu's favorite. Horu couldn't hide his happiness eating the steak. "Hmm, why don't you eat, huh?" He said as his husband was staring at him with sweet eyes.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(HAHA you know me. Unless you are quite inssitent on having one baby only, I would want twins)

James sometimes felt very guilty when he came home late when his childrenw ere already all asleep, leaving his wife there alone waiting for him to cone back, but the good thing was his wife had always understood him, which made him even more in love with Horu. He just drank his wine and looked at Horu smiling. It was nice seeing his wife finally had his appetite back, and even looked so happy eating his food. "I dont know, I just miss seeing you. I hadnt seen you properly this whole day being trapped at work...." he said sincerely, but he also took up his fork and knife to start on his share of dinner.

(Hehe, I know that ;) but let's see, as I said James is a salaryman although he has a quite high position now, hmm do you think can he afford for twins? ;))

Horu smiled at his husband said that. He knew that James would work even harder when he knew about Horu's pregnancy. He might tell him after the dinner. "Hmm, it's fine, James, I understand that. Our little ones listen to their mommy now, and I just mention to h=their strict daddy when they start paying too much" He teased his husband, smiling softly. He knew that James loved their children so much, but daddy needed to be strict sometimes, especially when they had twins, but luckily, Henry never played too harsh with Johan, but always protected his little brother form everything. They had a wonderful meal until they had finished it and James had brought a dessert from the fridge. A little cake which had Horu's name on it. A little wife couldn't even stop smiling now. "Hmm, you're always too good for me, James."

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(I guess.. maybe he would have less nice shirts for the new pair of twins ;))

"You are my wife, i should treat you well... who else am I going to treat well.other than you? You have all the attention from me now since our babies are gone." He smiled and placed a deep kiss oj Horu. "Now we ahve come to dessert.... do you think.you could let me feed you?" He said lifting Horu off the chair so he could assume his favourite posture: place Horu on his lap and hold his wife around his waist. He hesitated to akd when he found that his wife seemed to have put on a little weight: make it even better feeling.holding him.

Horu hadn't even answered yet when James lifted him up and placed him on his laps. "Hmm, careful, daddy, we don't wanna hurt them" He teased his husband, but hadn't told about his pregnancy yet. James seemed to be confused with his words and made Horu laugh out loud. Horu leaned his back on his husband before grabbed James' hand and placed in on his belly. "Hey, James, you can feed me, but will you feed our little one as well?" Horu still teased his husband, but that was enough for James to know that his wife wanted to tell. It was fit perfectly with why Horu was so tired although he didn't need to take care of theor children, and in fact, James was the one having the hard work to take care of their children and his pregnant wife.

(Hehe, naughty!!, yeah two, ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

When John heard Horu saying "hurt them", he was confused, but with how his wife placed his hand on his belly, and how he said the "little ones", he knew. He quickly searched in his memory and found all the symptoms: in the mornign he often didn't see Horu too much because he had to go to work, but when he returned, he could see how tired Horu was even with only housechores to do. he would also sometimes look like he wanted to throw up, and the weight gain... it all made sense now and John couldn't believe how happy he was. His heart was pounding so fast it was lik ei twould leap out of his chest. "Little ones!! Horu!!" He exclaimed happily, and this time hugged his wife so tight. "And... you used hte plural... so, twins again?" He said with wide eyes.

(Hehe, John?)

Horu smiled widely as his husband said that. James still mentioned how he was still guilty of his last months of the previous pregnancy, and he promised with Horu that he wouldn't let that happen again. "Hmm, hold on daddy, I don't know, but I have the same feeling with last time. Will you go for the checkup with me, James? hmm, it'll be so sad if I need to go alone." He didn't stop teasing his husband. Heru got a spoon of cake and fed himself while James was still so happy and sometimes confused with how he would respond with this. Horu was so happy now, it was one of the greatest birthdays ever. He laughed when James seemed to notice how his wife was laughing at him and placed a soft kiss on him.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Oops sorry)

"Of.course I would to with you, i promised never to leave you alone again..." james was nervous trying to explain himself, but then saw his wife so happily starting on the cake he realised Horu was just teasing. "Ahh my wife is getting so mean.... teasing your husband already?" James put his hands on Horu's waist and started ticlling until his wife was laughing hard. Horu almost couldnt breath from how much he was laughing. If he hadnt begged James to stop, he wouldnt have that break. "So, my dearest wife, when would be the checkup? I would take that day off."

"Hmm, maybe next Monday, I don't wanna take our children to the hospital, you know how Johan doesn't like it," He said, smiling as he mentioned about their children. Johan didn't like the hospital, and Henry would do everything to calm his little brother. He was interrupted by a kiss from his husband, reminding that they were having the private time together now. James had already rubbed Horu's belly now, and it was the same as his last pregnancy when his husband seemed to be addicted to it. "Hmm, don't you say that you wanna feed me, James?" He teased his husband again then James grabbed his spoon and got the cake for his wife.while his another hand was still on Horu's belly.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"I am not feeding you...." james said with a frown, then hi stern face cracked into a huge smile. "I am feeding our new babies." He laughed and give the spoonful of cake to Horu, theb anotehr one for himself. It was fun by the end of the night, maybe it was just James imagining too much, but it frlt like Horu's belly was already quite swelled. When his wife was deep asleep, James still stayed awake, jjst watching Horu sleep and stared at his belly, dancing his fingers on it, again imagining how it would swell up as their babies grow.

It was Monday, and James had been following Horu everywhere like he was made of glass. He was also glancing at his watch every 5 minutes . James couldnt waiy for the first vidit to the clinic.

(Hehe didn't we want to make sex scene after the birthday scene? it's fine we can do next time, I love how you're excited with the checkup scene ;))

Horu could see how his husband was so excited, and sometimes he looked like he was panic with something. He had fed their children and got them dress for the school. They would send their children before going to the clinic that Horu had got an appointment. "ready now, honey?" Horu said with his children before placing the kisses on both Henry and Johan. They children had asked sometimes why their father didn't go to work today, but they told them only they had some to do something. Horu picked his stuff, and let James carried their children to the car. James was so strong since he could still lift both Henry and Johan on each arm. They hadn't talked anything much in the car, and got the the school in just 15 minutes

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(I just thought i should reserve the sexy scene for after Horu's belly got bigger... pregnant sex seemed hotter ;) Sorry for not asking you before the skip though!)

Soemtimes James would carry Henry, who was bigger and heavier, and Horu would carry Johan to the car. But after konwing Horu was pregnant, of course James wouldn't allow his pregnant wife to carry anything too heavy - and that included their children. With their children constantly asking their father to carry them and raise them up high playing "flying", James had kept up with his muscular frame. He hoped when Horu got bigger, he would still be able to carry him around the house, and it owuld be so fun hearing his wife yelp when gettin glifted up unexpectedly, then laugh and wrap his hands around his shoulder to steady himself....

James was lost in his daydream as he drove away from teh school to get to the clinic. They walked inside the clinic hand in hand, looking so sweet together, he spotted some other pregnant men adn women (who came alone) staring at them with slight envy in their eyes.

(Hehe, you're always so naughty. but it'll be quite long from here, especially when you're this busy)

Horu pulled his husband to the reception since they had already got an appointment. "Hmm, I hope you'll be able to come with me every time, but anyways I can come alone as well" He teased his lover when the nursed told them to wait in front of the doctor's room. It took just 15 minutes till they nursed called them to see the doctor. Horu grabbed James' hand tightly as they were walking inside. This was the first checkup, they still needed to confirm the pregnancy again, and Horu wasn't even sure if the doctor would be able to tell that they were having twins(the doctor can already see two hears this time hehe) the nurse took Horu's blood and piss to confirm the pregnancy, and they finally got the untrasound.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Sigh... yes indeed. So frustrating to not have the time to be here often....)

(And yea I am naught... even when i read piss in your reply, I started getting thoughrs on how Horu would blush when James was right outside wiaiting for him - and hearing him piss... LOL)

James followed Horu closely, he was getting nervous as well. It was when he felt Horu's hand clutching his hand tight thay he finally relaxed and calmed down - when he knee his wife was also nervous, he knre he should stay cool and strong for his wife, to be his anchor and be the one more in charge of the situation.

The nurse told them to get ready on the bed, and Horu could lift up his shirt. The doctor would be joining them soon. James caressed Horu's belly and kissed him befre lifting it up slowly. He smiled when he frlt the curve of his belly - their baby, or babies, definitely is growing inside of his wife.

(Hehe, you're so bad ;))

The doctor entered the room just a moment after Horu got on the bed. His shirt was lifted, showing his little bump. The doctor was quite old and kind, and that was good for James since he didn't willingly prefer anyone to see Horu's belly even the doctor himself, especially when his wife got big. The doctor tld them that Horu was 3 months now, and his body was more than ready to have these babies. he had prepared the wand for the ultrasound while James was waiting on the Horu's side. The cold was applied to Horu belly and the doctor started moving the wand around. It was hard to see anything clearly since Horu was only 3 months but he finally pointed something for the pairs to see. Two little hearts were on the monitor, and Horu couldn't even hold his tears when he saw that.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

The doctor's words were reassuring. James had always been secretly worried about Horu's health, because of the stress and sadness he had gone through during the last phase of his previous pregnancy. James was relieved whrn th3 doctor sajd Hlru was more than ready to have babies. Hearing the doctor announcing it's twins again, James was stunned. He was so shocked he couldnt think of what to speak for a few minutes, then the happiness overwhelmed him and he was clutching Horu's hand tight, looking at him eith equally teary eyes. "Two sets of twins.... we are really the most blessed." He laughed and stood up. He cupped Horu's face and gave him a deep and loving kiss, forgetting 5hat the doctor wss still there.

Horu instantly pushed his husband off when he realized how the doctor was there. The doctor smiled and let them have the private time after checking for a bit more. Horu needed to take lots of nutrient medicine since he was having twins again. He pulled his shirt down after the doctor wiped the cold gel away. It was like a dream again to have twins inside his belly now. "Hmm, we may need a bigger house soon, keep your work hard, daddy." He teased his lover, smiling softly. They had left the doctor room and James told his wife to sit and wait when he left to get the medicine for him. Horu needed lots of checkups now although his body was good, the twins needed more care than a single baby, especially in the early stage. He would need to come here again next weekend and it would be him alone when his husband needed to take care of their children, maybe bring them to the parks near the clinic, waiting for their mommy.

(how about your work? have you moved already?)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(I would to to the new place on Monday... wish me luck in the new office!)

(So... since you mention it specifically, is there something that would happen on the next checkup when Horu go alone?)

James nodded and really started cosniderring the possibility of moving to a bigger house. There woulf be a lot of arrangement. It wiuld also mean he had to work even harder, just like what his wife had said, but for his wife there was nothing thst was too difficult t achieve.

He took the medicine and came back to join his wife. "So.. how would you want to celebrate? Anything you want to eat? A dinner out, or you prefer for us to go back and cook ourselves?" He smiled, obviously still very excited by the news that he would become a father again, just 6 months later.

(no haha, just mention how James needs to take care their little children.)

Horu smiled as his husband said that. He took a bit time thinking about it while they were walking to the car. "Hmm, we still have this afternoon, maybe we can go to the mall, and eat some ice cream before buying the ingredient for the dinner." He said, smiling softly. He should also cook for their children as well, and luckily Henry loved something just like his mommy, and he also knew how to treat with James and Johan. Horu shook his head with how James was taking care of him. It was too much sometimes and he couldn't hold his smile. It might be because of the last months of his last pregnancy that made his husband more caring this time. He almost led the way and placed his wife in the car seat before Horu had stopped him. They drove back to the way hime and stopped at the big mall before their house.

(I hope you have a good boss, and more free time lol)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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